Exploring American Histories, Combined Volume: A Brief Survey with Sources / Edition 1

Exploring American Histories, Combined Volume: A Brief Survey with Sources / Edition 1

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Exploring American Histories, Combined Volume: A Brief Survey with Sources / Edition 1

Exploring American Histories, Combined Volume: A Brief Survey with Sources / Edition 1

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Exploring American Histories offers an entirely new approach to teaching the U.S. survey that puts investigating sources and thinking about the many stories of American history right at the center of your course. The distinctive format integrates primary documents and a brief narrative into one cost-effective and easy-to-use volume. Exploring American Histories features Bedford/St. Martin's new digital history tools, including LearningCurve, an adaptive quizzing engine that garners over a 90% student satisfaction rate, and LaunchPad, the all new interactive e-book and course space that puts high quality easy-to-use assessment at your fingertips. Easy to integrate into your campus LMS, and featuring video, additional primary sources, a wealth of adaptive and summative quizzing, and more, LaunchPad cements student understanding of the text while helping them make progress toward learning outcomes. It's the best content joined up with the best technology. Available in combined and split volumes and in a number of affordable print and digital formats.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780312409982
Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin's
Publication date: 12/21/2012
Edition description: First Edition
Pages: 1184
Product dimensions: 8.50(w) x 11.00(h) x 1.50(d)

About the Author

Nancy A. Hewitt (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania) is Professor of History and of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University. Her publications include Southern Discomfort: Women’s Activism in Tampa, Florida, 1880s-1920s, for which she received the Julia Cherry Spruill Prize from the Southern Association of Women Historians, Women’s Activism and Social Change: Rochester, New York, 1822-1872, and the edited volume No Permanent Waves: Recasting Histories of U.S. Feminism. She is currently working on a biography of the nineteenth-century radical activist Amy Post and a book that recasts the U.S. woman suffrage movement.

Steven F. Lawson (Ph.D., Columbia University) is Professor Emeritus of History at Rutgers University. His research interests include U.S. politics since 1945 and the history of the civil rights movement, with a particular focus on black politics and the interplay between civil rights and political culture in the mid-twentieth century. He is the author of many works including Running for Freedom: Civil Rights and Black Politics in America since 1941, Black Ballots: Voting Rights in the South, 1944-1969, and In Pursuit of Power: Southern Blacks and Electoral Politics, 1965-1982.


Table of Contents

1 Mapping Global Frontiers, to 1585

American Histories: Malintzin and Martin Waldseemüller

  Native Peoples in the Americas

    Native Peoples Develop Diverse Cultures

    The Aztecs, the Maya, and the Incas

    Native Cultures to the North

  Europe Expands Its Reach

    The Mediterranean World

    Portugal Pursues Long-Distance Trade

    European Encounters with West Africa

Document 1.1 John Lok, The Second Voyage to Guinea, 1554

  Worlds Collide

    Europeans Cross the Atlantic

Document 1.2 Christopher Columbus, Reaching the West Indies, 1492

    Europeans Explore the Americas

    Mapmaking and Printing

    The Columbian Exchange

  Europeans Make Claims to North America

    Spaniards Conquer Indian Empires

Document 1.3 Aztec Smallpox Victim, 1540

    Spanish Adventurers Head North

    Europeans Compete in North America

    Spain Seeks Dominion in the Americas

Documents 1.4 and 1.5 European Depictions of the Americas: Two Views

  Conclusion: A New America

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Document Project 1 Mapping America

Document 1.6 Christopher and Bartolomeo Columbus, Map of Europe and North Africa, c. 1490

Document 1.7 Martin Waldseemüller and Mathias Ringmann, Universalis Cosmographia, 1507

Document 1.8 Piri Reis Map, 1513

Document 1.9 Dauphin Map of Canada, c. 1543

Document 1.10 Map of Cuauhtinchan, 1550

2 Colonization and Conflicts, 1550–1680

American Histories: Captain John Smith and Anne Hutchinson

  Religious and Imperial Transformations

    The Protestant Reformation

    Spain’s Global Empire Declines

    France Enters the Race for Empire

Documents 2.1 and 2.2 Indians and Jesuit Missionaries in New France: Two Views

    The Dutch Expand into North America

  The English Seek an Empire

    The English Establish Jamestown

    Tobacco Fuels Growth in Virginia

Document 2.3 Simon van de Passe, Engraving of Pocahontas, 1616

   Expansion, Rebellion, and the Emergence of Slavery

Document 2.4 Virginia Slave Law, 1662

    The English Compete for West Indies Possessions

  Pilgrims and Puritans Settle New England

    Pilgrims Arrive in Massachusetts

    The Puritan Migration

    The Puritan Worldview

   Dissenters Challenge Puritan Authority

    Wars in Old and New England

Document 2.5 Captain John Underhill, Attack at Mystic, Connecticut, 1638

  Conclusion: European Empires in North America

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Document Project 2 King Philip’s War

Document 2.6 John Easton, A Relation of the Indian War, 1675

Document 2.7 Benjamin Church, Passages Relating to Philip’s War, 1716

Document 2.8 Edward Randolph, Report on the War, 1676

Document 2.9 William Nahaton, Petition to Free an Indian Slave, 1675

Document 2.10 Mary Rowlandson, Narrative of Captivity, 1682

3 Global Changes Reshape Colonial America, 1680–1750

American Histories: William Moraley Jr. and Eliza Lucas

  Europeans Expand Their Claims

    English Colonies Grow and Multiply

Document 3.1 John Locke, On the State of Nature, 1690

    France Seeks Land and Control

    The Pueblo Revolt and Spain’s Fragile Empire

  European Wars and American Consequences  

    Colonial Conflicts and Indian Alliances

    Indians Resist European Encroachment

Document 3.2 The Tuscarora Appeal to the Pennsylvania Government, 1710

    Global Conflicts on the Southern Frontier

  The Benefits and Costs of Empire

    Colonial Traders Join Global Networks

    Imperial Policies Focus on Profits

    The Atlantic Slave Trade

Document 3.3 Plan of a Slave Ship, 1789

    Seaport Cities and Consumer Cultures

  Labor in North America

    Finding Work in the Northern Colonies

Documents 3.4 and 3.5 Pennsylvania: The Promised Land?: Two Views

    Coping with Economic Distress

    Rural Americans Face Changing Conditions

    Slavery Takes Hold in the South

    Africans Resist Their Enslavement

  Conclusion: Changing Fortunes in British North America

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Document Project 3 The Production of Indigo

Document 3.6 Eliza Lucas Pinckney, Letter to Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, 1785

Document 3.7 George Milligen-Johnston, A Description of South Carolina, 1770

Document 3.8 Pamphlet on Cultivating Indigo, 1746

Document 3.9 Laboring for Indigo, 1773

Document 3.10 James Habersham, Letter to Benjamin Martyn, June 13, 1751

4 Religious Strife and Social Upheavals, 1680–1750

American Histories: Gilbert Tennent and Sarah Grosvenor

  An Ungodly Society?

    The Rise of Religious Anxieties

    Cries of Witchcraft

Documents 4.1 and 4.2 The Devil’s Work: Two Views

  Family and Household Dynamics

    Women’s Changing Status

Document 4.3 Will of Edmund Titus, Oyster Bay, New York, 1754

    Working Families

    Reproduction and Women’s Roles

    The Limits of Patriarchal Order

  Diversity and Competition in Colonial Society

    Population Growth and Economic Competition

    Increasing Diversity

    Expansion and Conflict

  Religious Awakenings

    The Roots of the Great Awakening

    An Outburst of Revivals

Document 4.4 Nathan Cole, On George Whitefield Coming to Connecticut, 1740

    Religious Dissension

  Political Awakenings

    Changing Political Relations

    Dissent and Protest

    Transforming Urban Politics

Document 4.5 The Trial of John Peter Zenger, 1736

  Conclusion: A Divided Society

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Document Project 4 Awakening Religious Tensions

Document 4.6 George Whitefield, Marks of a True Conversion, 1739

Document 4.7 Gilbert Tennent, The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry, 1739

Document 4.8 Newspaper Report on James Davenport, 1743

Document 4.9 Charles Chauncy, Letter to Scottish Minister George Wishart, 1742

Document 4.10 Dr. Squintum’s Exaltation or the Reformation, 1763

5 Wars and Empires, 1750–1774

American Histories: George Washington and Herman Husband

  A War for Empire, 1754–1763

    The Opening Battles

    A Shift to Global War

    The Costs of Victory

    Battles and Boundaries on the Frontier

Document 5.1 Pontiac, Speech to Ottawa, Potawatomi, and Huron Leaders, 1763

    Conflicts over Land and Labor Escalate

  Postwar British Policies and Colonial Unity

    Common Grievances

    Forging Ties across the Colonies

    Great Britain Seeks Greater Control

  Resistance to Britain Intensifies

    The Stamp Act Inspires Coordinated Resistance

Documents 5.2 and 5.3 Protesting the Stamp Act: Two Views

    The Townshend Act and the Boston Massacre

Document 5.4 John Dickinson, Letter from a Farmer, 1768

    Continuing Conflicts at Home

    Tea and Widening Resistance

Document 5.5 The Edenton Proclamation, 1774

    The Continental Congress and Colonial Unity

  Conclusion: Liberty within Empire

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Document Project 5 The Boston Massacre

Document 5.6 Deposition of William Wyatt, March 7, 1770

Document 5.7 Account of Boston Massacre Funeral Procession, March 12, 1770

Document 5.8 Paul Revere, Etching of the Boston Massacre, 1770

Document 5.9 Account of Captain Thomas Preston, June 25, 1770

Document 5.10 John Hancock, Oration on the Boston Massacre, 1774

6 Revolutions, 1775–1783

American Histories: Thomas Paine and Deborah Sampson

  The Question of Independence

    Armed Conflict Erupts

    Building a Continental Army

    Reasons for Caution and for Action

Documents 6.1 and 6.2 Debating Independence: Two Views

    Declaring Independence

  Choosing Sides

    Recruiting Supporters

Document 6.3 Oneida Address to Connecticut Governor Jonathan Trumbull, June 1775

    Choosing Neutrality

    Committing to Independence

  Fighting for Independence

    British Troops Gain Early Victories

    Patriots Prevail in New Jersey

    A Critical Year of Warfare

    Patriots Gain Critical Assistance

    Surviving on the Home Front

  Governing in Revolutionary Times

    Colonies Become States

    Patriots Divide over Slavery

    France Allies with the Patriots

    Raising Armies and Funds

Document 6.4 Chevalier de Pontgibaud, A French Volunteer at Valley Forge, 1828

    Indian Affairs and Land Claims

  Winning the War and the Peace

    Fighting in the West

    War Rages in the South

    An Uncertain Peace

Document 6.5 Thomas Peters, Petition to British Cabinet, 1790

    A Surprising Victory

  Conclusion: Legacies of the Revolution

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Document Project 6 Women in the Revolution

Document 6.6 Christian Barnes, Letter to Elizabeth Inman, April 29, 1775

Document 6.7 Deborah Champion, Letter to Patience, October 2, 1775

Document 6.8 Abigail Adams, Letter to John Adams, July 13, 1777

Document 6.9 Esther De Berdt Reed, The Sentiments of an American Woman, 1780

Document 6.10 Mary Jemison, The War’s Impact on Native Americans, 1823

7 Political Cultures, 1783–1800

American Histories: Daniel Shays and Alexander Hamilton

  Postwar Problems

    Officers Threaten Mutiny

Documents 7.1 and 7.2 Conflicts over Western Lands: Two Views

    Indians, Land, and the Northwest Ordinance

    Depression and Debt

  On the Political Margins

    Separating Church and State

    African Americans Struggle for Rights

Document 7.3 Petition from Free Blacks of Charleston, 1791

    Women Seek Wider Roles

    Indebted Farmers Fuel Political Crises

  Reframing the American Government

    The Philadelphia Convention of 1787

    Americans Battle over Ratification

Document 7.4 Amos Singletary, Speech to the Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

    Organizing the Federal Government

    Hamilton Forges an Economic Agenda

  Years of Crisis, 1792–1796

    Foreign Trade and Foreign Wars

    The Whiskey Rebellion

    Further Conflicts on the Frontier

  The First Party System

    The Adams Presidency

    The Election of 1800

  Conclusion: A Young Nation Comes of Age

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Document Project 7 The Whiskey Rebellion

Document 7.5 Resolution to the Pennsylvania Legislature, 1791

Document 7.6 The Pittsburgh Resolution, 1794

Document 7.7 George Washington, Proclamation against the Rebels, 1794

Document 7.8 Alexander Hamilton, Letter to George Washington, August 5, 1794

Document 7.9 Alexander Hamilton, Tully’s Pamphlet, 1794

Document 7.10 Francis Kemmelmeyer, George Washington Reviewing Army Troops, 1794

8 New Frontiers, 1790–1820

American Histories: Parker Cleaveland and Sacagawea

  Creating an American Identity

    Education for a New Nation

    Literary and Cultural Developments

Document 8.1 Susanna Rowson, Charlotte Temple, 1791

    The Racial Limits of American Culture

    Emigration and Colonization

    Building a National Capital

  Extending U.S. Borders

    A New Administration Faces Challenges

Document 8.2 Mary Hassal, Secret History, 1808

    Incorporating the Louisiana Territory

   The Supreme Court Extends Its Reach

    Democratic-Republicans Expand Federal Powers

  Remaking the U.S. Economy

    The U.S. Population Grows and Migrates

    Technology Reshapes Agriculture and Industry

    Transforming Household Production

Documents 8.3 and 8.4 Industrial Beginnings in Massachusetts: Two Views

    Technology, Cotton, and Slaves

  Conclusion: New Frontiers and New Challenges

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Document Project 8 Race Relations in the Early Republic

Document 8.5 Thomas Jefferson, Letter to the Marquis de Chastellux, 1785

Document 8.6 Meriwether Lewis, Journal Entry, 1805

Document 8.7 Confession of Solomon, September 1800

Document 8.8 Andrew Jackson, Runaway Slave Advertisement, 1804

Document 8.9 Robert Sutcliff, Travels in Some Parts of North America, 1812

Document 8.10 Free Blacks in Philadelphia Oppose Colonization, 1817

9 Defending and Redefining the Nation, 1809–1832

American Histories: Dolley Madison and John Ross

  Conflicts at Home and Abroad

    Tensions at Sea and on the Frontier

Document 9.1 Tecumseh, Speech to William Henry Harrison, 1810

    War Erupts with Britain

  Expanding the Economy and the Nation

    Governments Fuel Economic Growth

    Americans Expand the Nation’s Borders

    Regional Economic Development

  Economic and Political Crises

    The Panic of 1819

    Slavery in Missouri

Documents 9.2 and 9.3 Protesting the Missouri Compromise: Two Views

  Redefining American Democracy

    Expanding Voting Rights

    Racial Restrictions and Antiblack Violence

    Political Realignments

    The Presidential Election of 1828

  Jacksonian Democracy in Action

    A Democratic Spirit?

    Confrontations over Tariffs and the Bank

Document 9.4 General Jackson Slaying the Many Headed Monster, 1836

    Contesting Indian Removal

  Conclusion: The Nation Faces New Challenges

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Document Project 9 The Panic of 1819

Document 9.5 Auction in Chatham Square Street, 1820

Document 9.6 James Flint, Account of the Panic, 1820

Document 9.7 Virginia Agricultural Society, Antitariff Petition, 1820

Document 9.8 James Kent, Arguments against Expanding Male Voting Rights, 1821

Document 9.9 Nathan Sanford, Arguments for Expanding Male Voting Rights, 1821

10 Slavery Expands South and West, 1830–1850

American Histories: James Henry Hammond and Solomon Northrup

  Planters Expand the Slave System

    A Plantation Society Develops in the South

    Urban Life in the Slave South

    The Consequences of Slavery’s Expansion

Document 10.1 Edward Strutt Abdy, Description of Washington D.C., Slave Pen, 1833

    Slave Society and Culture

    Slaves Fuel the Southern Economy

    Developing an African American Culture

    Resistance and Rebellion

  Planters Tighten Control

   Harsher Treatment for Southern Blacks

Documents 10.2 and 10.3 Debating Slavery: Two Views

    White Southerners without Slaves

    Planters Seek to Unify Southern Whites

  Democrats Face Political and Economic Crises

    Continued Conflicts over Indian Lands

Document 10.4 Petition of the Women’s Councils to the Cherokee National Council, 1831

    The Battle for Texas

    Van Buren and the Panic of 1837

    The Whigs Gain the White House

Document 10.5 William Henry Harrison Campaign Poster, 1840

  The National Government Looks to the West

    Expanding to Oregon and Texas

    Pursuing War with Mexico

    Debates over Slavery Intensify

  Conclusion: Geographical Expansion and Political Division

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Document Project 10 Claiming Texas

Document 10.6 Mary Austin Holley, Letter to Charles Austin, 1831

Document 10.7 Colonel Gregorio Gomez, Call to Arms against the Texans, 1835

Document 10.8 Colonel William Travis, Appeal for Reinforcements, March 3, 1836

Document 10.9 Benjamin Lundy, The War in Texas, 1836

Document 10.10 Southerners Support Texas Settlers, 1837

Document 10.11 Treaty of Tehuacana Creek, October 9, 1844

11 Social and Cultural Ferment in the North, 1820–1850

American Histories: Charles Grandison Finney and Amy Post

  The Growth of Cities

    The Lure of Urban Life

    The Roots of Urban Disorder

    The New Middle Class

  The Rise of Industry

    Factory Towns and Women Workers

Documents 11.1 and 11.2 Life in the Mills: Two Views

    Deskilling and the Response of Working Men

    The Panic of 1837 in the North

    Rising Class and Cultural Tensions

Document 11.3 Samuel F. B. Morse, The Dangers of Foreign Immigration, 1835

  Saving the Nation from Sin

    The Second Great Awakening

    New Spirits Rising


  Organizing for Change

    Varieties of Reform

    The Temperance Movement

Document 11.4 Drunkard’s Home, 1850

    Utopian Communities

Document 11.5 George Ripley, Letter to Ralph Waldo Emerson, November 9, 1840

  Abolitionism Expands and Divides

    The Beginnings of the Antislavery Movement

    Abolition Gains Ground and Enemies

    Abolitionism and Women’s Rights

    The Rise of Antislavery Parties

  Conclusion: From the North to the Nation

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Document Project 11 The Second Great Awakening and Women’s Activism

Document 11.6 Charles Grandison Finney, What Revival Is, 1835

Document 11.7 Frances Trollope, Description of a Revival Meeting, 1832

Document 11.8 Elizabeth Emery and Mary P. Abbott, Letter to the Liberator, 1836

Document 11.9 Pastoral Letter to the Liberator, 1837

Document 11.10 Sarah Grimké, Response to the Pastoral Letter, 1837

12 Imperial Ambitions and Sectional Crises, 1848–1861

American Histories: John C. Frémont and Dred Scott

  Claiming the West

    Traveling the Overland Trail

Document 12.1 Elizabeth Smith Geer, Oregon Trail Diary, 1847

    The Gold Rush

    A Crowded Land

  Expansion and the Politics of Slavery

    California and the Compromise of 1850

Document 12.2 John C. Calhoun, On the Compromise of 1850, 1850

    The Fugitive Slave Act Inspires Northern Protest

    Pierce Encourages U.S. Expansion

  Sectional Crises Intensify

    Popularizing Antislavery Sentiment

Documents 12.3 and 12.4 Slavery in Literature: Two Views

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act Stirs Up Dissent

Document 12.5 John Magee, Forcing Slavery down the Throat of a Freesoiler, 1856

    Bleeding Kansas and the Election of 1856

    The Dred Scott Decision

  From Sectional Crisis to War

    John Brown’s Raid

    The Election of 1860

    The Lower South Secedes

  Conclusion: The Coming of the Civil War

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Document Project 12 Visions of John Brown

Document 12.6 State Register (Springfield, Illinois), The Irrepressible Conflict, 1859

Document 12.7 Henry David Thoreau, A Plea for Captain John Brown, 1859

Document 12.8 John Brown, Letter to E.B. from Jail, November 1, 1859

Document 12.9 Reverend J. Sella Martin, Day of Mourning Speech, December 2, 1859

Document 12.10 A Southern Paper Reacts to Brown’s Execution, December 3, 1859

Document 12.11 Currier and Ives, John Brown on His Way to Execution, 1863

13 Civil War, 1861–1865

American Histories: Frederick Douglass and Rose O’Neal Greenhow

  The Nation Goes to War

    The South Embraces Secession

Documents 13.1 and 13.2 Debating Secession in Georgia: Two Views

    Both Sides Prepare for War

  Fighting for Union or against Slavery?

    Debating the Role of African Americans

Document 13.3 Charlotte Forten, Life on the Sea Islands, 1864

   Fighting for the Right to Fight

    Union Politicians Consider Emancipation

  War Transforms the North and the South

    Life and Death on the Battlefield

Document 13.4 Timothy H. O’Sullivan, Burial of Federal Dead, Fredericksburg, Virginia, May 1864

    The Northern Economy Booms

    Urbanization and Industrialization in the South

    Women Aid the War Effort

    Dissent and Protest in the Midst of War

The Tide of War Turns

    Key Victories for the Union

    African Americans Contribute to Victory

    The Final Battles and the Promise of Peace

Document 13.5 Eleanor Cohen Seixas, Journal Entry, February 1865

  Conclusion: An Uncertain Future

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Document Project 13 Civil War Letters

Document 13.6 Fred Spooner, Letter to His Brother Henry, April 30, 1861

Document 13.7 John Hines, Letter to His Parents, April 22, 1862

Document 13.8 Ginnie Ott, Letter to Enos Ott, November 21, 1864

Document 13.9 Katharine Prescott Wormeley, Letter to Her Mother, May 26, 1862

Document 13.10 Thomas Freeman, Letter to His Brother-in-Law, March 26, 1864

14 Emancipations and Reconstructions, 1863–1877

American Histories: Jefferson Long and Andrew Johnson

  Prelude to Reconstruction

    African Americans Embrace Emancipation

    Reuniting Families Torn Apart by Slavery

    Free to Learn

    Black Churches Take a Leadership Role

  National Reconstructions

    Abraham Lincoln Plans for Reunion

   Andrew Johnson and Presidential Reconstruction

   Johnson and Congressional Resistance

Documents 14.1 and 14.2 Debating the Freedmen’s Bureau: Two Views

    Congressional Reconstruction

    The Struggle for Universal Suffrage

Document 14.3 Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, On Suffrage, 1869

  Remaking the South

    Whites Reconstruct the South

    Black Political Participation and Economic Opportunities

Document 14.4 Sharecropping Agreement, 1870

    White Resistance to Congressional Reconstruction

  The Unmaking of Reconstruction

    The Republican Retreat

    Congressional and Judicial Retreat

    The Presidential Compromise of 1876

  Conclusion: The Legacies of Reconstruction

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Document Project 14 Testing and Contesting Freedom

Document 14.5 Mississippi Black Code, 1865

Document 14.6 Richard H. Cain, Federal Aid for Land Purchase, 1868

Document 14.7 Ellen Parton, Testimony on Klan Violence, 1871

Document 14.8 The Force Act, 1871

Document 14.9, Thomas Nast, Colored Rule in a Reconstructed (?) State, 1874

Document 14.10 What the Centennial Ought to Accomplish, 1875

15 Frontier Encounters, 1865–1896

American Histories: Annie Oakley and Geronimo

  Opening the West

    The Great Plains

    Federal Policy and Foreign Investment

  Conquest of the Frontier

    Indian Civilizations

    Changing Federal Policy toward Indians

    Indian Defeat

    Reforming Indian Policy

    Indian Assimilation and Resistance

  The Mining Frontier

    The Business of Mining

Document 15.1 Granville Stuart, Gold Rush Days, 1925

    Life in the Mining Towns

  Ranching and Farming Frontiers

    The Life of the Cowboy

Documents 15.2 and 15.3 Cowboy Myths and Realities: Two Views

    Farmers Head West

    Women Homesteaders

Document 15.4 Gro Svendson, Letter from a Homesteader, 1863

    The Economy of Farming on the Great Plains

  Pushing Farther West

    Mormons Head West


Document 15.5 White Caps Flier, 1890

    The Chinese in the Far West

  Conclusion: The Ambiguous Legacy of the Frontier

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Document Project 15 American Indians and Whites on the Frontier

Document 15.6 James Michael Cavanaugh, Support for Indian Extermination, 1868

Document 15.7 Thomas Nast, "Patience until the Indian Is Civilized—So to Speak," 1878

Document 15.8 Helen Hunt Jackson, Challenges to Indian Policy, 1881

Document 15.9 Zitkala-Ša, Life at an Indian Boarding School, 1921

Document 15.10 Chief Joseph, Views on Indian Affairs, 1879

16 American Industry in the Age of Organization, 1877–1900

American Histories: Andrew Carnegie and John Sherman

  America Industrializes

    The New Industrial Economy

    Innovation and Inventions

    Building a New South

    Industrial Consolidation

    The Growth of Corporations

Document 16.1 Horace Taylor, What a Funny Little Government, 1900

  Free Markets and Rugged Individuals

    The Doctrine of Success

    Challenges to Laissez-Faire

  Society and Culture in the Gilded Age

    Wealthy and Middle-Class Pleasures

Document 16.2 The Delineator, 1900

    Changing Gender Roles

    Black America and Jim Crow

  National Politics in the Era of Industrialization

    Why Great Men Did Not Become President

Documents 16.3 and 16.4 The Making of a Great President: Two Views

    Congressional Inaction

    An Energized and Entertained Electorate

  Conclusion: Industry in the Age of Organization

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Document Project 16 Debates about Laissez-Faire

Document 16.5 William Graham Sumner, A Defense of Laissez-Faire, 1883

Document 16.6 Edward Bellamy Looking Backward, 2000–1887, 1887

Document 16.7 Andrew Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth, 1889

Document 16.8 Henry Demarest Lloyd, Critique of Wealth, 1894

17 Workers and Farmers in the Age of Organization, 1877–1900

American Histories: John McLuckie and Mary Elizabeth Lease

  Working People Organize

    The Industrialization of Labor

Document 17.1 John Morrison, Testimony on the Impact of Mechanization, 1883

    Organizing Unions

    Clashes between Workers and Owners

Document 17.2 Emma Goldman, Reflections on the Homestead Strike, 1931

    Working-Class Leisure in Industrial America

  Farmers Organize

    Farmers Unite

    Populists Rise Up

Documents 17.3 and 17.4 Farmers and Workers Organize: Two Views

  The Depression of the 1890s

    Depression Politics

Document 17.5 Walter Huston, "Here Lies Prosperity," 1895

    Political Realignment in the Election of 1896

    The Decline of the Populists

  Conclusion: A Passion for Organization

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Document Project 17 The Pullman Strike of 1894

Document 17.6 George Pullman, Testimony before the U.S. Strike Commission, 1894

Document 17.7 Eugene V. Debs, On Radicalism, 1902

Document 17.8 Jennie Curtis, Testimony before the U.S. Strike Commission, 1894

Document 17.9 Report from the Commission to Investigate the Chicago Strike, 1895

Document 17.10 Grover Cleveland, Reflections on the Pullman Strike, 1904

18 Cities, Immigrants, and the Nation, 1880–1914

American Histories: Beryl Lassin and Maria Vik

  A New Wave of Immigrants

    Immigrants Arrive from Many Lands

    Creating Immigrant Communities

Document 18.1 Anzia Yerzierska, Immigrant Fathers and Daughters, 1925

    Hostility toward Recent Immigrants

Document 18.2 The Stranger at Our Gate, 1899

    The Assimilation Dilemma

  Becoming an Urban Nation

    The New Industrial City

    Cities Expand Outward and Upward

    How the Other Half Lived

Document 18.3 Rose Schneiderman, The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 1911

  Urban Politics at the Turn of the Century

    Political Machines and City Bosses

Documents 18.4 and 18.5 Muckrakers and Political Machines: Two Views

    Urban Reformers

  Conclusion: A Nation of Cities

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Document Project 18 "Melting Pot" or "Vegetable Soup"?

Document 18.6 Israel Zangwill, The Melting Pot, 1908

Document 18.7 "Be Just—Even to John Chinaman," 1893

Document 18.8 Alfred P. Schultz, The Mongrelization of America, 1908

Document 18.9 Randolph S. Bourne, Trans-national America, 1916

Document 18.10 Jacob Riis, The Color Line in New York, 1891

19 Progressivism and the Search for Order, 1900–1917

American Histories: Gifford Pinchot and Gene Stratton-Porter

  The Roots of Progressivism

    Progressive Origins


  Humanitarian Reform

    Female Progressives and the Poor

Document 19.1 Jane Addams, Civic Housekeeping, 1910

    Fighting for Women’s Suffrage

Document 19.2 Nannie Helen Burroughs, Suffrage for Black Women, 1915

    Progressivism and African Americans

Documents 19.3 and 19.4 Addressing Inequality: Two Views

  Morality and Social Control


    The Crusade against Vice

    Immigration Restriction

  Good Government Progressivism

    Municipal and State Reform

    Conservation and Preservation of the Environment

  Presidential Progressivism

    Theodore Roosevelt and the Square Deal

    Taft Retreats from Progressivism

    The Election of 1912 and the Progressive Mandate

    Woodrow Wilson and the New Freedom Agenda

  Conclusion: The Progressive Legacy

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Document Project 19 Progressivism and Social Control

Document 19.5 Frances Willard, On Behalf of Home Protection, 1884

Document 19.6 Abstinence Poster, 1919

Document 19.7 Indiana Sterilization Law, 1907

Document 19.8 The Immigration Act of 1917

Document 19.9 "Sanitary Precaution," c. 1914

20 Empire and Wars, 1898–1918

American Histories: Alfred Thayer Mahan and José Martí

  The Awakening of Imperialism

    The Economics of Expansion

    Cultural Justifications for Imperialism

    Gender and Empire

Document 20.1 Rudyard Kipling, "The White Man’s Burden," 1899

  The War with Spain

    Cuba Libre

    The War of 1898

    A Not-So-Free Cuba

    The Philippine War

  Extending U.S. Imperialism, 1899–1913

    Theodore Roosevelt and "Big Stick" Diplomacy

Document 20.2 Theodore Roosevelt, The Strenuous Life, 1899

    Opening the Door in China

  Wilson and American Foreign Policy, 1912–1917

    Diplomacy and War

    Making the World Safe for Democracy

Document 20.3 Robert La Follette, Antiwar Speech, 1917

  Fighting the War at Home

    Government by Commission

    Winning Hearts and Minds

Documents 20.4 and 20.5 African Americans and the War: Two Views

    Waging Peace

    The Failure of Ratification

  Conclusion: An American Empire

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Document Project 20 Imperialism versus Anti-Imperialism

Document 20.6 The Hawaiian Memorial, 1897

Document 20.7 Albert Beveridge, The March of the Flag, 1898

Document 20.8 "There’s Plenty of Room at the Table," 1906

Document 20.9 Anti-Imperialism Letter, 1899

Document 20.10 "Civilization Begins at Home," 1898

21 An Anxious Affluence, 1919–1929

American Histories: D. C. Stephenson and Ossian Sweet

  Postwar Turmoil

    The Supreme Court and Civil Liberties

    The Red Scare, 1919–1920

    Racial Violence in the Postwar Era

  People of Plenty

    Government Promotion of the Economy

    Americans Become Consumers

Document 21.1 General Electric Refrigerator Advertisement, 1928

    Perilous Prosperity

  Challenges to Social Conventions

    Breaking with the Old Morality

    The African American Renaissance

Document 21.2 Claude McKay, If We Must Die, 1919

    Marcus Garvey and Black Nationalism

  Culture Wars

    Nativists versus Immigrants

    Resurrection of the Ku Klux Klan

Documents 21.3 and 21.4 Men and Women of the KKK: Two Views

    Fundamentalism versus Modernism

  Politics and the Fading of Prosperity

    The Battle for the Soul of the Democratic Party

    Where Have All the Progressives Gone?

    Financial Crash

  Conclusion: The Roaring Twenties

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Document Project 21 The Abrams Case and the Red Scare

Document 21.5 Mollie Steimer, Trial Testimony, 1918

Document 21.6 "Workers—Wake Up!!," 1917

Document 21.7 Oliver Wendell Holmes, Abrams v. United States Dissent, 1919

Document 21.8 Zechariah Chafee Jr., Freedom of Speech in Wartime, 1919

Document 21.9 Billy Ireland, "We Can’t Digest the Scum," 1919

Document 21.10 A. Mitchell Palmer, The Case against the Reds, 1920

22 Depression, Dissent, and the New Deal, 1929–1940

American Histories: Eleanor Roosevelt and Luisa Moreno

  The Great Depression

    Hoover Faces the Depression

    Hoovervilles and Dust Storms

    Challenges for Minorities

Document 21.1 Andy Wright, Plea from One of the Scottsboro Nine, 1937

    Families under Strain

    The Season of Discontent

  The New Deal

    Roosevelt Restores Confidence

    Steps toward Recovery

    Direct Assistance and Relief

Document 22.2 Minnie Hardin, Letter to Eleanor Roosevelt, 1937

    New Deal Critics

  The New Deal Moves to the Left

    Expanding Relief Measures

    Establishing Social Security

    Organized Labor Strikes Back

    A Half Deal for Minorities

    Twilight of the New Deal

Documents 22.3 and 22.4 Packing the Supreme Court: Two Views

  Conclusion: New Deal Liberalism

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Document Project 22 The Depression in Rural America

Document 22.5 Ann Marie Low, Dust Bowl Diary, 1934

Document 22.6 The Life of a White Sharecropper, 1938

Document 22.7 Sharecropping Family in Washington County, Arkansas, 1935

Document 22.8 John Steinbeck, The Harvest Gypsies, 1936

Document 22.9 Frank Stokes, Let the Mexicans Organize, 1936

Document 22.10 Report of the Great Plains Committee, 1937

23 World War II, 1933–1945

American Histories: J. Robert Oppenheimer and Fred Korematsu

  The Road toward War

    The Growing Crisis in Europe

    The Challenge to Isolationism

    The United States Enters the War

Documents 23.1 and 23.2 American Reactions to Pearl Harbor: Two Views

  Global War

    War in Europe

    War in the Pacific

    Ending the War

    Evidence of the Holocaust

  The Home-Front Economy

    Managing the Wartime Economy

    New Opportunities for Women

Documents 23.3 and 23.4 Women Workers during Wartime: Two Views

    Everyday Life on the Home Front

  Fighting for Equality at Home

    The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement

Document 23.5 Letter from Black Soldiers, 1943

    Struggles for Mexican Americans

    The Ordeal of Japanese Americans

  Conclusion: The Impact of World War II

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Document Project 23 The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb

Document 23.6 Recommendations on the Immediate Use of Nuclear Weapons, June 16, 1945

Document 23.7 Petition to the President of the United States, July 17, 1945

Document 23.8 President Harry S. Truman, Press Release on the Atomic Bomb, August 6, 1945

Document 23.9 Hiroshima, August 6, 1945

Document 23.10 U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, 1946

Document 23.11 Father Johannes Siemes, Eyewitness Account of the Hiroshima Bombing, 1945

24 The Opening of the Cold War, 1945–1954

American Histories: George Kennan and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

  The Origins of the Cold War, 1945–1947

   Mutual Misunderstandings

Documents 24.1 and 24.2 Reactions to Soviet Policy in Europe: Two Views

    The Truman Doctrine

    The Marshall Plan and Economic Containment

Document 24.3 Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet Objections to the Marshall Plan, 1947

  The Cold War Hardens, 1948–1952

    Military Containment

    The Korean War

Document 24.4 Helen Stevenson, Letter from Korea, 1951

    The War and the Imperial Presidency

  Peacetime Challenges, 1945–1948

    Coming Home

    Economic Conversion and Labor Discontent

    The Postwar Civil Rights Struggle

Document 24.5 To Secure These Rights, 1947

    The Election of 1948

  The Anti-Communist Consensus, 1945–1954

    Loyalty and Americanism


  Conclusion: The Cold War and Anticommunism

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Document Project 24 McCarthyism and the Hollywood Ten

Document 24.6 Ronald Reagan, Testimony before HUAC, 1947

Document 24.7 John Howard Lawson, Testimony before HUAC, 1947

Document 24.8 Herblock, "Fire!," 1949

Document 24.9 Lillian Hellman, Letter to HUAC, 1952

Document 24.10 Arthur Miller, Reflections on HUAC, 2000

25 Troubled Innocence, 1950–1961

American Histories: Alan Freed and Grace Metalious

  The Boom Years

    Economic Boom

    Baby Boom

    Suburban Boom

Documents 25.1 and 25.2 Living the Suburban Dream: Two Views

  The Culture of the 1950s

    The Rise of Television

    Wild Ones on the Big Screen

    The Influence of Teenage Culture

    The Lives of Women

    Religious Revival

Document 25.3 Billy Graham, What’s Wrong with Our World?, 1958

    Beats and Other Nonconformists

  The Civil Rights Movement

    School Segregation and the Supreme Court

    The Montgomery Bus Boycott

    White Resistance to Desegregation

    The Sit-Ins

Document 25.4 Ella Baker, Bigger than a Hamburger, 1960

  The Eisenhower Era

    Modern Republicanism

    Eisenhower and the Cold War

    Cold War Interventions

    Early U.S. Intervention in Vietnam

    The Election of 1960

  Conclusion: Cold War Politics and Culture

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Document Project 25 Teenagers in Postwar America

Document 25.5 Dick Clark, Your Happiest Years, 1959

Document 25.6 Richard Gehman, The Nine Billion Dollars in Hot Little Hands, 1957

Document 25.7 Chevrolet Advertisement, 1954

Document 25.8 Charlotte Jones, Letter on Elvis, 1957

Document 25.9 Todd Gitlin, Reflections on the 1950s, 1987

Document 25.10 The Desegregation of Central High School, 1957

26 The Liberal Consensus and Its Challengers, 1960–1973

American Histories: Earl Warren and Bayard Rustin

  The Politics of Liberalism

    Kennedy’s New Frontier

Document 26.1 Edmund Valtman, The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962

    Containment in Southeast Asia

   Johnson Escalates the War in Vietnam

Document 26.2 George Olsen, Letter Home from Vietnam, 1969

  Civil Rights

    Freedom Rides

    The Government Responds on Civil Rights

    Freedom Summer and Voting Rights

  Reforming the Social Order

    The Great Society

    The Warren Court

  Challenges to the Liberal Center

    Movements on the Left

    Women’s Liberation

    Power to the People

Document 26.3 Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán, 1969

    The Revival of Conservatism

Documents 26.4 and 26.5 Liberalism and Conservatism: Two Views

  Conclusion: Liberalism and Its Discontents

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Document Project 26 Freedom Summer

Document 26.6 Prospectus for Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964

Document 26.7 Nancy Ellin, Letter Describing Freedom Summer, 1964

Document 26.8 Letter from a Freedom Summer Volunteer, 1964

Document 26.9 White Southerners Respond to Freedom Summer, 1964

Document 26.10 Fannie Lou Hamer, Address to the Democratic National Convention Credentials Committee, 1964

Document 26.11 Lyndon B. Johnson, Monitoring the MFDP Challenge, 1964

27 The Conservative Ascendancy, 1968–1992

American Histories: Allan Bakke and Anita Hill

  Richard M. Nixon, War, and Politics, 1969–1974

    The Election of President Nixon

    The Failure of Vietnamization

    Cold War Realism and Détente

    Pragmatic Conservatism at Home

    The Nixon Landslide and Disgrace, 1972–1974

  The Challenges of the 1970s

    Jimmy Carter and the Limits of Affluence

    The Persistence of Liberalism

Document 27.1 Combahee River Collective, Black Feminist Statement, 1977

    Racial Struggles Continue

  The Conservative Political Ascendancy

    The New Right Revival

Document 27.2 Jerry Falwell, We Must Return to Traditional Religious Values, 1980

    The Triumph of Ronald Reagan

Documents 27.3 and 27.4 Morning in America: Two Views

    The Implementation of Social Conservatism

    The George H.W. Bush Presidency

  Conclusion: The Conservative Legacy

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Document Project 27 The Affirmative Action Debate

Document 27.5 Lyndon B. Johnson, Freedom Is Not Enough, 1965

Document 27.6 Title IX of the Education Amendments Regulations, 1975

Document 27.7 Nathan Glazer, Affirmative Discrimination, 1975

Document 27.8 Lewis Powell, Opinion in Bakke Case, 1978

Document 27.9 Nell Irvin Painter, Whites Say I Must Be on Easy Street, 1981

Document 27.10 Bob Dole, Call to End Affirmative Action, 1995

28 Ending the Cold War, 1977–1991

American Histories: George Shultz and Barbara Deming

  Carter’s Diplomacy, 1977–1980

    The Perils of Détente

    Challenges in the Middle East

Document 28.1 Robert Ode, Iran Hostage Diary, 1979–1980

  Reagan’s Cold War Policy, 1981–1988

    "The Evil Empire"

    Human Rights and the Fight against Communism

    Fighting International Terrorism

    The Nuclear Freeze Movement

Documents 28.2 and 28.3 The Nuclear Freeze Movement: Two Views

    The Road to Nuclear De-escalation

  The Fall of the Iron Curtain

    The Breakup of the Soviet Union

Document 28.4 Mikhail Gorbachev, Speech to the United Nations, 1988

    Globalization and the New World Order

    Managing Conflict after the Cold War

  Conclusion: Farewell to the Cold War

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Document Project 28 The Iran-Contra Scandal

Document 28.5 The Boland Amendment, 1982

Document 28.6 CIA Freedom Fighters’ Manual, 1983

Document 28.7 Tower Commission Report, 1987

Document 28.8 Ronald Reagan, Speech on Iran-Contra, 1987

Document 28.9 Oliver North, Testimony to Congress, July 1987

Document 28.10 George Mitchell, Response to Oliver North, 1987

29 The Challenges of a New Century, 1993 to the present

American Histories: Bill Gates and Kristen Breitweiser

  Transforming American Society

    The Computer Revolution

    Business Consolidation

Document 29.1 Bo Yee, The New American Sweatshop, 1994

    The Changing American Population

  Politics at the End of the Twentieth Century

    The Clinton Presidency

    Global Challenges and Economic Renewal

  The New Millennium

    George W. Bush and Compassionate Conservatism

    The United States at War

Document 29.2 Farnaz Fassihi, Report from Baghdad, 2004

    The Decline of the Bush Presidency

  Challenges Ahead

    The Great Recession

    The Rise of Barack Obama

Documents 29.3 and Documents 29.4 The Great Recession: Two Views

    An Unfinished Agenda

  Conclusion: Technology and Terror in a Global Society

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Document Project 29 The Uses of September 11

Document 29.5 George W. Bush, The Axis of Evil, 2002

Document 29.6 Diana Hoffman, "The Power of Freedom," 2002

Document 29.7 Daniel Harris, The Kitschification of September 11, 2002

Document 29.8 Khaled Abou El Fadl, Response to September 11, 2001

Document 29.9 Anti-Muslim Discrimination, 2011

Document 29.10 Brian Gallagher, Hundred-Mile Marine, 2012


Glossary of Key Terms



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