Exploring American Histories, Combined Volume: A Survey with Sources / Edition 3

Exploring American Histories, Combined Volume: A Survey with Sources / Edition 3

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Bedford/St. Martin's
Exploring American Histories, Combined Volume: A Survey with Sources / Edition 3

Exploring American Histories, Combined Volume: A Survey with Sources / Edition 3

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With both written and visual primary sources, Exploring American Histories, Combined Volume brings the many histories of this nation to life while teaching you how to think crtically about the sources which lay the groundwork for historical narratives.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781319106379
Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin's
Publication date: 01/04/2019
Edition description: Third Edition
Pages: 1224
Product dimensions: 7.52(w) x 9.35(h) x 1.69(d)

About the Author

Nancy A. Hewitt (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania) is Professor Emerita of History and of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University. Her publications include Southern Discomfort: Women’s Activism in Tampa, Florida, 1880s-1920s, for which she received the Julia Cherry Spruill Prize from the Southern Association of Women Historians; Women’s Activism and Social Change: Rochester, New York, 1822-1872; the edited volume No Permanent Waves: Recasting Histories of U.S. Feminism; and the co-edited volume, Lucretia Mott Speaks. She is currently working on a biography of the nineteenth-century radical activist Amy Kirby Post.

Steven F. Lawson (Ph.D., Columbia University) is Professor Emeritus of History at Rutgers University. His research interests include U.S. politics since 1945 and the history of the civil rights movement, with a particular focus on black politics and the interplay between civil rights and political culture in the mid-twentieth century. He is the author of many works including Running for Freedom: Civil Rights and Black Politics in America since 1941; Black Ballots: Voting Rights in the South, 1944-1969; and In Pursuit of Power: Southern Blacks and Electoral Politics, 1965-1982.

Table of Contents

The Combined Volume includes all chapters.

Volume 1 includes Chapters 1-14.

Volume 2 includes Chapters 14-29.

[[*Indicates new to this edition]]

NOTE: LaunchPad material that does not appear in the print book - including guided reading exercises, source feature quizzes, LearningCurve adaptive quizzes, summative quizzes, all of the documents from the companion reader Thinking through Sources for Exploring American Histories, and the activities built for projects in the reader - has been labeled on this table of contents as shown. Each chapter in the LaunchPad also comes with a wealth of additional documents, videos, key terms flashcards, map quizzes, timeline activities, and much more, all of which can be easily integrated and assigned.


Guide to Analyzing Primary Sources


Versions and Supplements

Maps, Figures, and Tables

How to Use This Book

1 Mapping Global Frontiers

to 1590 

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Malintzin and Martin Waldseemüller 

Native Peoples in the Americas

Native Peoples Develop Diverse Cultures 

The Aztecs, the Maya, and the Incas 

Native Cultures to the North 

Europe Expands Its Reach

The Mediterranean World 

Portugal Pursues Long-Distance Trade 

European Encounters with West Africa 


Source 1.1 Martin Waldseemüller and Mathias Ringmann, Universalis Cosmographia, 1507 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Worlds Collide

Europeans Cross the Atlantic 


Who Are These Native People?

Source 1.2 Christopher Columbus, Description of His First Encounter with Indians, 1492 | Source 1.3 Antonio Pigafetta Journal, 1521 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Europeans Explore the Americas 

Mapmaking and Printing 

The Columbian Exchange 

Europeans Make Claims to North America

Spaniards Conquer Indian Empires 

Spanish Adventurers Head North 

Europeans Compete in North America 

Spain Seeks Dominion in Europe and the Americas 


Indians in the New Spanish Empire
Source 1.4
 Camilla Townsend, An Indian Woman Aids in the Conquest of Mexico, 2006 | Source 1.5 Jane E. Mangan, Indians Seek to Benefit from Spanish Conquest, 2005

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: A Transformed America 

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Indian and Spanish Encounters in the Americas, 1519–1530

Source 1.6 Hernán Cortés, Letter to King Charles I, 1520 | Source 1.7 Aztec Priests Respond to the Spanish, 1524 | Source 1.8 Hernán Cortés and Malintzin Meet Montezuma at Tenochtitlán, 1519 | Source 1.9 Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La Relación, c. 1528
Quizzes for Primary Source Project 1 LaunchPad
1. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 1: Mapping America LaunchPad

Source 1.1 Christopher and Bartolomeo Columbus, Map of Europe and North Africa, c. 1490

Quiz for Source 1.1 LaunchPad

Source 1.2 Piri Reis Map, 1513

Quiz for Source 1.2 LaunchPad

Source 1.3 Dauphin Map of Canada, c. 1543

Quiz for Source 1.3 LaunchPad

Source 1.4 Map of Cuauhtinchan, 1550

Quiz for Source 1.4 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 1 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 1 LaunchPad

2 Colonization and Conflicts


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


John Smith and Anne Hutchinson 

Religious and Imperial Transformations

The Protestant Reformation 

Spain’s Global Empire Declines 

France Enters the Race for Empire 


Source 2.1 A French Nun Reports a Huron Woman’s View of the Jesuits, 1640 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

The Dutch Expand into North America 

The English Seek an Empire

The English Establish Jamestown 

Tobacco Fuels Growth in Virginia 

Expansion, Rebellion, and the Emergence of Slavery 


Indentured Servants In the Chesapeake

Source 2.2 Sarah Tailer Charges Captain and Mrs. Thomas Bradnox with Abuse, 1659 | *Source 2.3 Report of a Committee of the Assembly Concerning the Freedom of Elizabeth Key, 1656  

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

The English Compete for West Indies Possessions 

Pilgrims and Puritans Settle New England

Pilgrims Arrive in Massachusetts 

The Puritan Migration 

The Puritan Worldview 


Colonial Models of and for English Society
Source 2.4
 Jack P. Greene, The Chesapeake as a Model of and for English Society , 1988 |Source 2.5 Alan Taylor, New England Puritans Develop Anglo-American Ideals, 2001

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Dissenters Challenge Puritan Authority 

Wars in Old and New England 

Conclusion: European Empires in North America

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Metacom’s War

Source 2.6 William Nahaton, Petition to Free an Indian Slave, 1675 | Source 2.7 Benjamin Church, A Visit with Awashonks, Sachem of the Sakonnet,1716 | Source 2.8 John Easton, A Relation of the Indian War, | Source 2.9 Edward Randolph, Report on the War, 1676 | Source 2.10 Mary Rowlandson, Narrative of Captivity, 1682

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 2 LaunchPad

2. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 2: Comparing Virginia and Massachusetts Bay Colonies LaunchPad

Source 2.1 John Smith, The Commodities in Virginia, c. 1612

Quiz for Source 2.1 LaunchPad

Source 2.2 Powhatan’s Viewpoint, as reported by John Smith, 1608

Quiz for Source 2.2 LaunchPad

Source 2.3 Richard Frethorne, Letter Home from Virginia, 1623

Quiz for Source 2.3 LaunchPad

Source 2.4 John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity, 1630

Quiz for Source 2.4 LaunchPad

Source 2.5 Capt. John Underhill, Attack at Mystic Connecticut, 1638

Quiz for Source 2.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 2 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 2 LaunchPad

3 Colonial America amid Global Change


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


William Moraley Jr. and Eliza Lucas 

Europeans Expand Their Claims

English Colonies Grow and Multiply 

The Pueblo Revolt and Spain’s Fragile Empire 

France Seeks Land and Control 

European Wars and American Consequences

Colonial Conflicts and Indian Alliances 

Indians Resist European Encroachment 


Source 3.1 The Tuscarora Appeal to the Pennsylvania Government, 1710 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Conflicts on the Southern Frontier 

The Benefits and Costs of Empire

Colonial Traders Join Global Networks 

Imperial Policies Focus on Profits 

The Atlantic Slave Trade 

Seaport Cities and Consumer Cultures


The Middle Passage

Source 3.2 Plan of a Slave Ship, 1794 | Source 3.3The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, 1789 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Labor in North America

Finding Work in the Colonies 

Coping with Economic Distress 

Rural Americans Face Changing Conditions 


Individualism and Community in Colonial North America
Source 3.4
 James T. Lemon, Individualism Flourishes in Pennsvylvania , 1972 |  Source 3.5 James A. Henretta, Ethnic and Religious Bonds Foster Community, 1978

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Slavery Takes Hold in the South 

Africans Resist Their Enslavement 

Conclusion: Changing Fortunes in British North America

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Tobacco and Slaves

Source 3.6 Virginia Slave Laws, 1662 and 1667 | Source 3.7 Joseph Ball Instructs His Nephew on Managing Enslaved Workers, 1743 | Source 3.8 Enslaved Blacks Working on a Tobacco Plantation, c. 1750 | Source 3.9 Richard Corbin Describes How to Become a Successful Planter, 1759 | Source 3.10 Lieutenant Governor William Gooch to the Board of Trade, London, 1729
Quizzes for Primary Source Project 3 LaunchPad

3. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 3: The Atlantic Slave Trade LaunchPad

Source 3.1 Venture Smith, A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Venture, a Native of Africa, 1798

Quiz for Source 3.1 LaunchPad

Source 3.2 Thomas Phillips, Voyage of the Hannibal, 1694

Quiz for Source 3.2 LaunchPad

Source 3.3 Willem Bosman, A New and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea, 1703

Quiz for Source 3.3 LaunchPad

Source 3.4 Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, 1789

Quiz for Source 3.4 LaunchPad

Source 3.5 Peter Blake, An Account of the Mortality of the Slaves Aboard the Ship James, 1675-1676

Quiz for Source 3.4 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 3 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 3 LaunchPad

4 Religious Strife and Social Upheavals


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Gilbert Tennent and Sarah Grosvenor 

An Ungodly Society?

The Rise of Religious Anxieties 

Cries of Witchcraft 

Family and Household Dynamics

Women’s Changing Status 


Source 4.1 Abigail Faulkner Appeals Her Conviction for Witchcraft, 1692 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Working Families 


Elite Women’s Lives in the North American Colonies

Source 4.2 Isaac Royall and His Family, 1741 | Source 4.3 Eliza Lucas, Letter to Miss Bartlett, London, c. 1742 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Reproduction and Women’s Roles 

The Limits of Patriarchal Order 

Diversity and Competition in Colonial Society

Population Growth and Economic Competition 

Increasing Diversity 

Expansion and Conflict 


Finding a Middle Ground in New France
Source 4.4
 Richard White, Cultural Accommodation on the Middle Ground, 1991 | Source 4.5 Brett Rushforth, Indian Slavery and Accommodation , 2014

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Religious Awakenings

The Roots of the Great Awakening 

An Outburst of Revivals 

Religious Dissension 

Political Awakenings

Changing Political Relations 

Dissent and Protest 

Transforming Urban Politics 

Conclusion: A Divided Society

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Awakening Religious Tensions

Source 4.6 Nathan Cole, On George Whitefield Coming to Connecticut, 1740 | Source 4.7 Benjamin Franklin, On George Whitefield, the Great Revivalist, 1739 | Source 4.8 Jonathan Edwards, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, 1741 | Source 4.9 Newspaper Report on James Davenport, 1743 | Source 4.10 George Whitefield Preaching, c. 1760
Quizzes for Primary Source Project 4 LaunchPad

4. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 4: A New Commercial Culture in Boston LaunchPad

Source 4.1 Ship Arrivals and Departures at Boston, 1707

Quiz for Source 4.1 LaunchPad

Source 4.2 Goods for Sale, 1720

Quiz for Source 4.2 LaunchPad

Source 4.3 Advertisement for Musical Instruments, 1716

Quiz for Source 4.3 LaunchPad

Source 4.4 Chest of Drawers, c. 1735–1739

Quiz for Source 4.4 LaunchPad

Source 4.5 Advertisement for Runaway Slave, 1744

Quiz for Source 4.5 LaunchPad

Source 4.6 Letter from a Boston Protester, 1737

Quiz for Source 4.6 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 4 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 4 LaunchPad

5 Wars and Empires


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


George Washington and Hermon Husband 

Imperial Conflicts and Indian Wars, 1754–1763

The Opening Battles 

A Shift to Global War 

The Costs of Victory 

Battles and Boundaries on the Frontier 

Conflicts over Land and Labor Escalate 


Source 5.1 Hermon Husband, Causes of Armed Resistance in North Carolina, 1770 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Postwar British Policies and Colonial Unity

Common Grievances 

Forging Ties across the Colonies 

Great Britain Seeks Greater Control 

Resistance to Britain Intensifies

The Stamp Act Inspires Coordinated Resistance 

The Townshend Act
The Boston Massacre 


Protesting the Stamp Act

Source 5.2 London Merchants Petition to Repeal the Stamp Act, 1766 | Source 5.3 The Repeal, 1766 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Continuing Conflicts at Home 

Tea and Widening Resistance 

The Continental Congress and Colonial Unity 


Colonial Identities in Eighteenth Century British North America
Source 5.4 Gordon Wood, Britain’s Influence on Colonial Identities, 1993 | Source 5.5 John Butler, American Influences on Colonial Identities , 2000

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: Liberty within Empire

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


The Boston Massacre

Source 5.6 Deposition of William Wyatt, March 7, 1770 | Source 5.7 Account of Boston Massacre Funeral Procession, March 12, 1770 | Source 5.8 Paul Revere, Etching of the Boston Massacre, 1770 | Source 5.9 Account of Captain Thomas Preston, June 25, 1770 | Source 5.10 John Adams, Defense of the British Soldiers at Trial, October 1770

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 5 LaunchPad
5. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 5: Defining Liberty, Defining America LaunchPad

Source 5.1 The Albany Plan of Union, 1754

Quiz for Source 5.1 LaunchPad

Source 5.2 Boycott Agreement of Women in Boston, 1770

Quiz for Source 5.2 LaunchPad

Source 5.3 Peter Bestes and Massachusetts Slaves, Letter to Local Representatives, 1773

Quiz for Source 5.3 LaunchPad

Source 5.4 Paul Revere, "The Able Doctor, or the American Swallowing the Bitter Draught," 1774

Quiz for Source 5.4 LaunchPad

Source 5.5 J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, Letters from an American Farmer, 1782

Quiz for Source 5.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 5 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 5 LaunchPad

6 The American Revolution


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Thomas Paine and Deborah Sampson 

The Question of Independence

Armed Conflict Erupts 

Building a Continental Army

Reasons for Caution and for Action 

Declaring Independence 


Source 6.1 Thomas Paine, Common Sense, January 1776 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Choosing Sides

Recruiting Supporters 

Choosing Neutrality 


African Americans in New York City Amid the Upheavals of 1776

Source 6.2 Slaves Destroy Statue of King George III in New York City, 1776 | Source 6.3 A Fire Burns British-Occupied New York City, September 1776 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Committing to Independence 


Americans Decide to Revolt against British Rule
Source 6.4
 Bernard Bailyn, The Importance of Ideas, 1967 | Source 6.5 Timothy H. Breen, Insurgents Mobilize, 2010

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Fighting for Independence, 1776–1777

British Troops Gain Early Victories 

Patriots Prevail in New Jersey 

A Critical Year of Warfare 

Patriots Gain Critical Assistance 

Surviving on the Home Front 

Governing in Revolutionary Times

Colonies Become States 

Patriots Divide over Slavery 

France Allies with the Patriots 

Raising Armies and Funds 

Indian Affairs and Land Claims 

Winning the War and the Peace, 1778–1781

Fighting in the West 

War Rages in the South 

An Uncertain Peace 

A Surprising Victory 

Conclusion: Legacies of the Revolution

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Women in the Revolution

Source 6.6 Christian Barnes, Letter to Elizabeth Inman, April 29, 1775 | Source 6.7 Deborah Champion, Letter to Patience, October 2, 1775 | Source 6.8 Abigail Adams, Letter to John Adams, March 31, 1776 | Source 6.9 Esther De Berdt Reed, The Sentiments of an American Woman, 1780 | Source 6.10 Elizabeth "Mum Bett" Freeman, 1811

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 6 LaunchPad

6. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 6: Loyalists in the American Revolution LaunchPad

Source 6.1 Joseph Galloway, Speech to Continental Congress, 1774

Quiz for Source 6.1 LaunchPad

Source 6.2 Charles Inglis, The True Interest of America, Impartially Stated, 1776

Quiz for Source 6.2 LaunchPad

Source 6.3 Hannah Griffits, Response to Thomas Paine, 1777

Quiz for Source 6.3 LaunchPad

Source 6.4 Joseph Brant (Mohawk) Expresses Loyalty to the Crown (1776)

Quiz for Source 6.4 LaunchPad

Source 6.5 Boston King, Memoirs of the Life of Boston King, 1798

Quiz for Source 6.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 6 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 6 LaunchPad

7 Forging a New Nation


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Daniel Shays and Alexander Hamilton 

Financial, Frontier, and Foreign Problems

Continental Officers Threaten Confederation 

Indians, Land, and the Northwest Ordinance 


Source 7.1 United Indian Nations Council, Message to Congress, 1786 
Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Depression and Debt 

On the Political Margins

Separating Church and State 

African Americans Struggle for Rights 

Women Seek Wider Roles 


Women and Free Blacks Claim Rights in the Nation

Source 7.2 Judith Sargent Murray, On the Equality of the Sexes, 1790 | Source 7.3 Petition from Free Blacks of Charleston, 1791 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Indebted Farmers Fuel Political Crises 

Reframing the American Government

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 

Americans Battle over Ratification 

Organizing the Federal Government 

Hamilton Forges an Economic Agenda 

Years of Crisis, 1792–1796

Foreign Trade and Foreign Wars 

The Whiskey Rebellion 

Further Conflicts on the Frontier 

The First Party System

The Adams Presidency 

The Election of 1800 

The Election of 1800 Initiates Partisan Campaigning
Source 7.4 Eric Burns, Federalists Attack Thomas Jefferson, 2006 | Source 7.5

John Ferling, Democratic-Republicans Attack John Adams, 2013

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: A Young Nation Comes of Age

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Debating the Constitution in New York State

Source 7.6 James Madison, Federalist 10, The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection, November 1787 | Source 7.7 Melancton Smith, Antifederalist Argument at the New York State Convention, June 1788 | Source 7.9 Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Argument at the New York State Convention, June 1788 | Source 7.9 John Williams, Antifederalist Argument at the New York State Convention, June 1788 | Source 7.10 The Eleventh Pillar of the Great National Dome, 1788

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 7 LaunchPad

7. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 7: The Whiskey Rebellion LaunchPad

Source 7.1 Resolution to the Pennsylvania Legislature, 1791

Quiz for Source 7.1 LaunchPad

Source 7.2 "An Exciseman," c. 1791

Quiz for Source 7.2 LaunchPad

Source 7.3 George Washington, Proclamation Against the Rebels, 1794

Quiz for Source 7.3 LaunchPad

Source 7.4 Alexander Hamilton, Letter to George Washington, August 5, 1794

Quiz for Source 7.4 LaunchPad

Source 7.5 James Madison, Letter to James Monroe, December 4, 1794

Quiz for Source 7.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 6 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 6 LaunchPad

8 The Early Republic


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Parker Cleaveland and Sacagawea 

The Dilemmas of National Identity

Education for a New Nation

Literary and Cultural Developments 

*Religious Renewal 

The Racial Limits of an American Culture


Source 8.1 Samuel Jennings, Liberty Displaying the Arts and Sciences, 1792 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

A New Capital for a New Nation

Extending Federal Power

A New Administration Faces Challenges 


White Responses to Black Rebellion

Source 8.2 Thomas Jefferson, Letter to U.S. Minister to Great Britain Rufus King, July 1802 | Source 8.3 Leonora Sansay, Letter to Aaron Burr, November 1802 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Acquiring the Louisiana Territory 

The Supreme Court Extends Its Reach 


Religion and Politics in the Early Republic

Source 8.4 Nathan O. Hatch, Religion as a Democratizing Force, 1989 |

Source 8.5 Amanda Porterfield, Religion Sows Doubt and Nurtures Partisanship, 2012

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Democratic-Republicans Expand Federal Powers 

Remaking America’s Economic Character

The U.S. Population Grows and Migrates 

Technology Reshapes Agriculture and Industry 

Transforming Household Production 

Technology, Cotton, and Slaves 

Conclusion: New Identities and New Challenges

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


The Corps of Discovery: Paeans to Peace and Instruments of War

Source 8.6 William Clark, Journal, October 12, 1804 | Source 8.7 Charles McKenzie, Narrative of a Fur Trader, November 1804 | Source 8.8 William Clark, Journal, November 18, 1804 | Source 8.9 William Clark, Journal, January 28, 1805, and Meriwether Lewis, February 1, 1805 | Source 8.10 Meriwether Lewis, Journal, August 20, 1805

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 8 LaunchPad

8. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 8: Race Relations in the Early Republic LaunchPad

Source 8.1 Andrew Jackson, Runaway Slave Advertisement, 1804

Quiz for Source 8.1 LaunchPad

Source 8.2 Robert Sutcliff, Travels in Some Parts of North America, 1812

Quiz for Source 8.2 LaunchPad

Source 8.3 Richard Allen, Excerpt from The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labours of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen, 1833

Quiz for Source 8.3 LaunchPad

Source 8.4 Free Blacks in Philadelphia Oppose Colonization, 1817

Quiz for Source 8.4 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 8 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 8 LaunchPad

9 Defending and Redefining the Nation


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Dolley Madison and John Ross

Conflicts at Home and Abroad

Tensions at Sea and on the Frontier 

War Erupts with Britain 


Source 9.1 Tecumseh, Speech to William Henry Harrison, 1810 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

National Expansion and Regional Economies

Governments Fuel Economic Growth 

Americans Expand the Nation’s Borders 

Regional Economic Development 

Economic and Political Crises

The Panic of 1819

Slavery in Missouri 

The Expansion and Limits of American Democracy

Expanding Voting Rights 


Protesting the Missouri Compromise

Source 9.2 Timothy Claimright, Maine Not to be Coupled with the Missouri Question, 1820 | Source 9.3 Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Holmes, 1820 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Racial Restrictions and Antiblack Violence 

Political Realignments 

The Presidential Election of 1828 

Jacksonian Politics in Action

A Democratic Spirit? 


Expanding American Democracy for Whom?

Source 9.4 Alexander Keyssar, Broadening the Franchise, 2000

| Source 9.5 James Oliver Horton and Lois E. Horton, The Limits of Democratic Expansion, 1997

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Confrontations over Tariffs and the Bank 

Contesting Indian Removal

Conclusion: The Nation Faces New Challenges

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


The Election of 1828

Source 9.6 Proceedings of the Anti-Jackson Convention in Richmond, 1828 | Source 9.7 John Binns, Monumental Inscriptions, 1828 | Source 9.8 New Jersey Pro-Jackson Convention, 1828 | Source 9.9 Resolution of the Albany County Republican Convention, 1828 | Source 9.10 President Andrew Jackson’s First Inauguration, 1829

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 9 LaunchPad

9. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 9: The Panic of 1819 LaunchPad

Source 9.1 Auction in Chatham Square Street, 1820

Quiz for Source 9.1 LaunchPad

Source 9.2 James Flint, Account of the Panic, 1820

Quiz for Source 9.2 LaunchPad

Source 9.3 Virginia Agricultural Society, Antitariff Petition, 1820

Quiz for Source 9.3 LaunchPad

Source 9.4 James Kent, Arguments against Expanding Male Voting Rights, 1821

Quiz for Source 9.4 LaunchPad

Source 9.5 Nathan Sanford, Arguments for Expanding Male Voting Rights, 1821

Quiz for Source 9.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 9  LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 9 LaunchPad

10 Social and Cultural Ferment in the North


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Charles Grandison Finney and Amy Kirby Post 

*The Market Revolution

*Creating an Urban Landscape 

The Lure of Urban Life
Roots of Urban Disorder

The New Middle Class 


Source 10.1 1850 U.S Census of the Isaac and Amy Post Household

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

The Rise of Industry

Factory Towns and Women Workers 

The Decline of Craft Work and Workingmen’s Responses 

The Panic of 1837  

Saving the Nation from Sin

The Second Great Awakening 

New Visions of Faith and Reform 


Organizing for Change

Varieties of Reform 

The Problem of Poverty 


How Can We Help the Poor?

Source 10.2 Matthew Carey, Appeal to the Wealthy of the Land, 1833 | Source 10.3 Emily G. Kempshall, Letter to Rochester Female Charitable Society, 1838 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

The Temperance Movement 

Utopian Communities 

Abolitionism Expands and Divides

The Beginnings of the Antislavery Movement 

Abolition Gains Ground and Enemies

Abolitionism and Women’s Rights 


Religion, Race, and the Call to End Slavery

Source 10.4 Lawrence J. Friedman, The Religious Roots of Immediate Abolition, (1982) | Source 10.5 Manisha Sinha, The Black Roots of Immediate Abolition, (2016)

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

The Rise of Antislavery Parties 

Conclusion: From the North to the Nation

Learning Curve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz  LaunchPad


Religious Faith and Women’s Activism

Source 10.6 Charles G. Finney, An Influential Woman Converts, 1830 | Source 10.7 Elizabeth Emery and Mary P. Abbott, Founding a Female Anti-Slavery Society, 1836 | Source 10.8 Maria Stewart, On Religion and the Pure Principles of Morality, 1831 | Source 10.9 Congregational Pastoral Letter, 1837 | Source 10.10 Sarah Grimké, Response to the Pastoral Letter, 1837

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 10 LaunchPad

10. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 10: Debating Abolition LaunchPad

Source 10.1 William Lloyd Garrison, On the Constitution and the Union, 1832

Quiz for Source 10.1 LaunchPad

Source 10.2 Angelina Grimké, Appeal to the Christian Women of the South, 1836

Quiz for Source 10.2 LaunchPad

Source 10.3 Stephen Symonds Foster, The Brotherhood of Thieves, 1843

Quiz for Source 10.3 LaunchPad

Source 10.4 Liberty Party Platform, 1844

Quiz for Source 10.4 LaunchPad

Source 10.5 Frederick Douglass, Abolitionism and the Constitution, 1851

Quiz for Source 10.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 10 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 10 LaunchPad

11 Slavery Expands South and West


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


James Henry Hammond and Solomon Northup 

Planters Expand the Slave System

A Plantation Society Develops in the South 

Urban Life in the Slave South 

The Consequences of Slavery’s Expansion 

Slave Society and Culture

Slaves Fuel the Southern Economy 


Source 11.1 Edward Strutt Abdy, Description of Washington D.C., Slave Pen, 1833 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Developing an African American Culture 

Resistance and Rebellion 

Planters Tighten Control

Harsher Treatment for Southern Blacks

White Southerners without Slaves 

Planters Seek to Unify Southern Whites

Democrats Face Political and Economic Crises

The Battle for Texas

Indians Resist Removal


Two Views on Texas Independence

Source 11.2 Colonel William Travis, Appeal for Reinforcements, March 3, 1836 | Source 11.3 Benjamin Lundy, The War in Texas, 1836 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Van Buren and the Panic of 1837 

The Whigs Win the White House 

The National Government Looks to the West

Expanding to Oregon and Texas

Pursuing War with Mexico

Debates over Slavery Intensify


Families in Slavery

Source 11.4 Robert William Fogelman and Stanley L. Engerman, Fogel and Engerman, Planters Shape Slave Families, (1974) | Source 11.5 Deborah Gray White, The Roles of Enslaved Women, (1985)

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: Geographical Expansion and Political Division

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Lives in Slavery

Source 11.6 William Wells Brown, Memories of Childhood | Source 11.7 Harriet Jacobs, A Girl Threatened by Sexual Exploitation | Source 11.8 Solomon Northup, Endless Labor and Constant Fear | Source 11.9 Friedrich Shulz, The Slave Market | Source 11.10 Mary Reynolds, Recalling Work, Punishment, and Faith c. 1850s

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 11 LaunchPad

11. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 11: The Cherokee Removal LaunchPad

Source 11.1 Andrew Jackson, Second Annual Message, 1831

Quiz for Source 11.1 LaunchPad

Source 11.2 Petition of the Women’s Councils to the Cherokee National Council, 1831

Quiz for Source 11.2 LaunchPad

Source 11.3 John Marshall, Majority Opinion, Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, 1831

Quiz for Source 11.3 LaunchPad

Source 11.4 Andrew Jackson as the Great Father, c. 1835

Quiz for Source 11.4 LaunchPad

Source 11.5 John Ross, On the Treaty of New Echota, 1836

Quiz for Source 11.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 11

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 11 LaunchPad

12 Imperial Ambitions and Sectional Crises


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


John C. Frémont and Dred Scott 

Claiming the West

Traveling the Overland Trail 


Source 12.1 Elizabeth Smith Geer, Oregon Trail Diary, 1847 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

The Gold Rush 

A Crowded Land

Expansion and the Politics of Slavery

California and the Compromise of 1850

The Fugitive Slave Act Inspires Northern Protest 

Pierce Encourages U.S. Expansion 


The Fugitive Slave Law Contested

Source 12.2 William C. Nell, Meeting of Colored Citizens of Boston, September 30, 1850 | Source 12.3 President Millard Fillmore, Proclamation 56 Calling on Citizens to Assist in the Recapture of a Fugitive Slave, February 18, 1851 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Sectional Crises Intensify

Popularizing Antislavery Sentiment

The Kansas-Nebraska Act Stirs Dissent

Bleeding Kansas and the Election of 1856

The Dred Scott Decision 

From Sectional Crisis to Southern Secession

John Brown’s Raid 

The Election of 1860 

The Lower South Secedes 

White Southerners Decide To Secede

Source 12.4 Michael P. Johnson, Georgians Choose Secession, 1977 | Source 12.5

J. Mills Thorton, Alabamans Move toward Secession, 1978

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: A Nation Divided

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Visions of John Brown

Source 12.6State Register (Springfield, Illinois), The Irrepressible Conflict, 1859 | Source 12.7 Henry David Thoreau, A Plea for Captain John Brown, 1859 | Source 12.8 Reverend J. Sella Martin, Day of Mourning Speech, December 2, 1859 | Source 12.9 A Southern Paper Reacts to Brown’s Execution, December 3, 1859 | Source 12.10 Currier and Ives, John Brown on His Way to Execution, 1863

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 12 LaunchPad

12. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 12: Sectional Politics and the Rise of the Republican Party LaunchPad

Source 12.1 Abraham Lincoln, On Slavery, 1854

Quiz for Source 12.1 LaunchPad

Source 12.2 Republican Party Platform, 1856

Quiz for Source 12.2 LaunchPad

Source 12.3 Charles Sumner, The Crime against Kansas, 1856

Quiz for Source 12.3 LaunchPad

Source 12.4 Lydia Maria Child, Letter to Mrs. S.B. Shaw and Miss Lucy Osgood, 1856

Quiz for Source 12.4 LaunchPad

Source 12.5 The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 1858

Quiz for Source 12.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 12 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 12 LaunchPad 

13 Civil War


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Frederick Douglass and Rose O’Neal Greenhow 

The Nation Goes to War, 1861

The South Embraces Secession 

Both Sides Prepare for War 


Source 13.1 Robert Toombs, Supporting Secession in Georgia, 1860 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Military Conflict and Political Strife, 1861–1862

The Wartime Roles of African Americans and Indians 

Union Politicians Consider Emancipation 

War Transforms the North and the South

Life and Death on the Battlefield 


Photographers Bring the War Home

Source 13.2 Union Soldiers in Camp, c. 1863 | Source 13.3 Battlefield Dead at Antietam, 1862

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

The Northern Economy Expands 

Urbanization and Industrialization in the South 

Women Aid the War Effort

Dissent and Protest in the Midst of War

The Tide of War Turns, 1863–1865

Key Victories for the Union 

African Americans Contribute to Victory 

The Final Battles of a Hard War 

Why Union Soldiers Fought the Civil War

Source 13.4 Chandra Manning, The Fight Against Slavery (2007) | Source 13.5

Gary Gallagher, The Fight to Save the Union (2011)

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

The War Comes to an End 

Conclusion: An Uncertain Future

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Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


First-hand Accounts of the Civil War Letters and Journals

Source 13.6 Frederick Spooner, Letter to His Brother Henry, April 30, 1861 | Source 13.7 John Hines, Letter to His Parents, April 22, 1862 | Source 13.8 Suzy King Taylor, Caring for the Thirty-third U.S. Colored Troops, 1863 | Source 13.9 Thomas Freeman, Letter to His Brother-in-Law, March 26, 1864 | Source 13.10 Eliza Frances Andrews, On Union Prisoners of War, 1865

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 13 LaunchPad

13. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 13: Home-Front Protest during the Civil War LaunchPad

Source 13.1 "Sowing and Reaping," 1863

Quiz for Source 13.1 LaunchPad

Source 13.2 Testimony of New York City Draft Riot Victim Mrs. Statts, Collected by the Committee of Merchants for the Relief of Colored People, Suffering from the Late Riots, 1863

Quiz for Source 13.2 LaunchPad

Source 13.3 Clement L. Vallandigham, The Civil War in America, 1863

Quiz for Source 13.3 LaunchPad

Source 13.4 Calls for Peace in North Carolina, 1863

Quiz for Source 13.4 LaunchPad

Source 13.5 Ella Gertrude Clanton Thomas, Diary, 1864

Quiz for Source 13.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 13 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 13 LaunchPad

14 Emancipation and Reconstruction


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Jefferson Long and Andrew Johnson 


African Americans Embrace Freedom 

Reuniting Families Torn Apart by Slavery 


Source 14.1 Freedpeople Petition for Land, 1865 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Freedom to Learn 

Freedom to Worship and the Leadership Role of Black Churches 

National Reconstruction

Abraham Lincoln Plans for Reunification

Andrew Johnson and Presidential Reconstruction

Johnson and Congressional Resistance 

Congressional Reconstruction 


Debating the Freedmen’s Bureau

Source 14.2 Colonel Eliphalet Whittlesey, Report on the Freedman’s Bureau, 1865 | Source 14.3 Democratic Flier Opposing the Freedman’s Bureau Bill, 1866 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

The Struggle for Universal Suffrage 

Remaking the South

Whites Reconstruct the South 

Black Political Participation and Economic Opportunities 

Race and Reconstruction

Source 14.4 William A. Dunning, Radical Reconstruction (1907) | Source 14.5

John Hope Franklin, The South’s New Leaders (1961)

Sharecropping Agreement, 1870 

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

White Resistance to Congressional Reconstruction 

The Unraveling of Reconstruction

The Republican Retreat 

Congressional and Judicial Retreat 

The Presidential Compromise of 1876

Conclusion: The Legacies of Reconstruction

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Testing and Contesting Freedom

Source 14.6 Mississippi Black Code, 1865 | Source 14.7 Richard H. Cain, Federal Aid for Land Purchase, 1868 | *Source 14.8 Willis B. Bocock and Black Laborers, Sharecropping Agreement, 1870 | Source 14.9 Ellen Parton, Testimony on Klan Violence, 1871 | Source 14.10 Thomas Nast, Colored Rule in a Reconstructed (?) State, 1874

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 14 LaunchPad

14. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 14: Reconstruction in South Carolina LaunchPad

Source 14.1 Colored People’s Convention of South Carolina, Memorial to Congress, 1865

Quiz for Source 14.1 LaunchPad

Source 14.2 Lottie Rollin, Address on Universal Suffrage, 1870

Quiz for Source 14.2 LaunchPad

Source 14.3 Robert Brown Elliott, In Defense of the Civil Rights Bill, 1874

Quiz for Source 14.3 LaunchPad

Source 14.4 James Shepherd Pike, The Prostrate State, 1874

Quiz for Source 14.4 LaunchPad

Source 14.5 Harper’s Weekly, "Worse than Slavery" Political Cartoon, 1874

Quiz for Source 14.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 14 LaunchPadEssay Questions for Thinking through Sources 14 LaunchPad

15 The West


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Annie Oakley and Geronimo 

Opening the West

The Great Plains 

Federal Policy and Foreign Investment 

Indians and Resistance to Expansion

Indian Civilizations

Changing Federal Policy toward Indians 


Source 15.1 Buffalo Hunting, c. 1875 

Quiz for Guided Analysis  LaunchPad

Indian Defeat 

Reforming Indian Policy 

Indian Assimilation and Resistance 

The Mining and Lumber Industries

The Business of Mining 

Life in the Mining Towns 

The Lumber Boom 

The Cattle Industry and Commercial Farming

The Life of the Cowboy 

The Rise of Commercial Ranching 

Commercial Farming


Cowboy Myths and Realities

Source 15.2 Poster Advertising Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, 1893 | Source 15.3 George C. Duffield, Diary of a Real Cowboy, 1866 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis  LaunchPad

Women Homesteaders 

Farming on the Great Plains 

Diversity in the Far West



The Chinese 


The Significance of the Frontier
Source 15.4
 Frederick Jackson Turner, The Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893 | Source 15.5 Patricia Nelson Limerick, Deemphasizing the Concept of the Frontier, 1987

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: The Ambiguous Legacy of the West

LearningCurve  LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz  LaunchPad


American Indians and Whites in the West000

Source 15.6 James Michael Cavanaugh, Support for Indian Extermination, 1868 | Source 15.7 Helen Hunt Jackson, Challenges to Indian Policy, 1881 | Source 15.8 Thomas Nast, "Patience until the Indian Is Civilized—So to Speak," 1878 | Source 15.9 Zitkala-Ša, Life at an Indian Boarding School, 1921 | Source 15.10 Chief Joseph, Views on Indian Affairs, 1879
Quiz for Primary Source Project 15 LaunchPad

15. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 15: Women in the West LaunchPad

Source 15.1 Martha Jane Cannary Burk, The Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane, 1896

Quiz for Source 15.1 LaunchPad

Source 15.2 Black Migrants to Kansas, 1880

Quiz for Source 15.2 LaunchPad

Source 15.3 Zitkala-Ŝa (Gertrude Bonnin), "Impressions of an Indian Childhood," 1921

Quiz for Source 15.3 LaunchPad

Source 15.4 Abigail Scott Duniway, Speaking Out for the Right to Vote, 1914

Quiz for Source 15.4 LaunchPad

Source 15.5 Caroline Nichols Churchill, Fighting for Woman Suffrage in Colorado, 1909

Quiz for Source 15.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 15 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 15 LaunchPad

16 Industrial America


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Andrew Carnegie and John Sherman

America Industrializes

The New Industrial Economy

Innovation and Inventions

Building a New South

Industrial Consolidation

The Growth of Corporations


Source 16.1 Horace Taylor, What a Funny Little Government, 1900 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Laissez-Faire, Social Darwinism, and Their Critics

The Doctrines of Success 

Challenges to Laissez-Faire

Society and Culture in the Gilded Age

Wealthy and Middle-Class Leisure-Time Pursuits


Leisure-Class Women

Source 16.2The Delineator, 1900 | Source 16.3 Alice Austen and Trude Eccleston, 1891 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Changing Gender Roles

Black America and Jim Crow 

National Politics in the Era of Industrialization

The Weak Presidency 

Congressional Inefficiency

The Business of Politics

An Energized and Entertained Electorate


Robber Baron or Captain of Industry?
Source 16.4
 Matthew Josephson, The Robber Barons, 1934 | Source 16.5 Ron Chernow, John D. Rockefeller, Industrial Statesman, 1998

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: Industrial America
LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review
Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Debates about Laissez-Faire

Source 16.6 William Graham Sumner, A Defense of Laissez-Faire, 1883 | Source 16.7 Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward, 2000–1887, 1888 | Source 16.8 Andrew Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth, 1889 | Source 16.9 Henry Demarest Lloyd, Critique of Wealth, 1894

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 16 LaunchPad

16. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 16: Labor and Race in the New South LaunchPad

Source 16.1 Henry Grady, The New South, 1890

Quiz for Source 16.1 LaunchPad

Source 16.2 Testimony of North Carolina Industrial Workers, 1887

Quiz for Source 16.2 LaunchPad

Source 16.3 Sharecropper’s Contract, 1882

Quiz for Source 16.3 LaunchPad

Source 16.4 Mississippi Constitution, 1890

Quiz for Source 16.4 LaunchPad

Source 16.5 Justice Henry Billings Brown, Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896

Quiz for Source 16.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 16 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 16 LaunchPad 

17 Workers and Farmers in the Age of Organization


Guided Reading Exercises LaunchPad


John McLuckie and Mary Elizabeth Lease 

Working People Organize

The Industrialization of Labor 


Source 17.1 John Morrison, Testimony on the Impact of Mechanization, 1883 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Organizing Unions 

Clashes between Workers and Owners 

Working-Class Leisure in Industrial America 

Farmers Organize

Farmers Unite 

Populists Rise Up 


Farmers and Workers Organize: Two Views

Source 17.2 Walter Huston, Here Lies Prosperity, 1895 | Source 17.3 Populist Party Platform, 1892 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

The Depression of the 1890s

Depression Politics 

Political Realignment in the Election of 1896 

The Decline of the Populists 


The Agrarian Myth and Populism
Source 17.4
  Richard Hofstadter, The Agrarian Myth, 1955 | Source 17.5 Charles Postel, The Populist Vision, 2007 

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: A Passion for Organization

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz  LaunchPad


The Pullman Strike of 1894

Source 17.6 George Pullman, Testimony before the U.S. Strike Commission, 1894 | Source 17.7 Eugene V. Debs, On Radicalism, 1902 | Source 17.8 Jennie Curtis, Testimony before the U.S. Strike Commission, 1894 | Source 17.9 Report from the Commission to Investigate the Chicago Strike, 1895
Quizzes for Primary Source Project 17 LaunchPad

17. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 17: The Meanings of Populism LaunchPad

Source 17.1 Frank Doster, Labor Day Speech, 1894

Quiz for Source 17.1 LaunchPad

Source 17.2 Thomas E. Watson, The Negro Question in the South, 1892

Quiz for Source 17.2 LaunchPad

Source 17.3 "Smith Wants Fair Division of Pie!" Political Cartoon, 1900?

Quiz for Source 17.3 LaunchPad

Source 17.4 The People’s Party Tree, 1895

Quiz for Source 17.4 LaunchPad

Source 17.5 William Jennings Bryan, Cross of Gold Speech, 1896

Quiz for Source 17.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 17 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 17 LaunchPad

18 Cities, Immigrants, and the Nation


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Beryl Lassin and Maria Vik Takacs

A New Wave of Immigrants

Immigrants Arrive from Many Lands 

Creating Immigrant Communities 

Hostility toward Recent Immigrants 


Source 18.1 Anzia Yerzierska, Immigrant Fathers and Daughters, 1925

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

The Assimilation Dilemma 


The Chinese in America

Source 18.2 Saum Song Bo, "A Chinese View of the Statue of Liberty"1885 | Source 18.3Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 1886

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Becoming an Urban Nation

The New Industrial City 
Cities Expand Upward and Outward 

How the Other Half Lived 

Urban Politics at the Turn of the Century

Political Machines and City Bosses 

Urban Reformers 


Immigration, Nativism, and Whiteness
Source 18.4
 John Higham, Nativism and Race, 1955 |  Source 18.5 Katherine Benton-Cohen, Nativism, Mexicans, and Whitness, 2009

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: A Nation of Cities

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Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad 


"Melting Pot" or "Vegetable Soup"?

Source 18.6 Israel Zangwill, The Melting-Pot, 1908 | Source 18.7 "The Mortar of Assimilation—And the One Element That Won’t Mix," 1889 | Source 18.8 "Be Just—Even to John Chinaman," 1893 | Source 18.9 Alfred P. Schultz, The Mongrelization of America, 1908 | Source 18.10 Randolph S. Bourne, Trans-national America, 1916

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 18 LaunchPad

18. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 18: Class and Leisure in the American City LaunchPad

Source 18.1 Elephant Ride at Coney Island, 1911

Quiz for Source 18.1 LaunchPad

Source 18.2 International Contest for the Heavyweight Championship, 1907

Quiz for Source 18.2 LaunchPad

Source 18.3 Joseph Rumshinsky, The Living Orphan, 1914

Quiz for Source 18.3 LaunchPad

Source 18.4 Hutchins Hapgood, Types from City Streets, 1910

Quiz for Source 18.4 LaunchPad

Source 18.5 Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class, 1899

Quiz for Source 18.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 18 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 18 LaunchPad
19 Progressivism and the Search for Order


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Gifford Pinchot and Gene Stratton-Porter 

The Roots of Progressivism

Progressive Origins 


Source 19.1 Walter Rauschenbusch, Christianity and the Social Crisis, 1907 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad


Humanitarian and Social Justice Reform

Female Progressives and the Poor 

Fighting for Women’s Suffrage 

Progressivism and African Americans


Addressing Racial Inequality

Source 19.2 Booker T. Washington, The Atlanta Compromise, 1895 | Source 19.3 Ida B. Wells, A Critique of Booker T. Washington, 1904 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Progressivism and Indians 

Morality and Social Control


Prostitution, Narcotics, and Juvenile Delinquency 

Birth Control 

Immigration Restriction 

Good Government Progressivism

Municipal and State Reform 

Conservation and Preservation of the Environment 


Progressivism in White and Black
Source 19.4
 C. Van Woodward, Progressivism for Whites Only, 1951 | Source 19.5 Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore, Southern Black Women and Progressivism, 1996  

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Presidential Progressivism

Theodore Roosevelt and the Square Deal

Taft Retreats from Progressivism 

The Election of 1912 

Woodrow Wilson and the New Freedom Agenda 

Conclusion: The Progressive Legacy

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad 


Muller v. Oregon, 1908

Source 19.6 Theodore Roosevelt, "On American Motherhood," 1905 | Source 19.7 William D. Fenton and Henry H. Gilfry, Brief for Plaintiff in Error, Muller v. Oregon, 1907 | Source 19.8 Louis D. Brandeis, Brief for Defendant in Error, Muller v. Oregon, 1908 | Source 19.9 David J. Brewer, Opinion in Muller v. Oregon, 1908 | Source 19.10 Louisa Dana Haring, Letter, "Equality before the Law," 1908

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 19 LaunchPad

19. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 19: Progressivism and Social Control LaunchPad

Source 19.1 Frances Willard, On Behalf of Home Protection, 1884

Quiz for Source 19.1 LaunchPad

Source 19.2 Abstinence Poster, 1919

Quiz for Source 19.2 LaunchPad

Source 19.3 Indiana Sterilization Law, 1907

Quiz for Source 19.3 LaunchPad

Source 19.4 The Immigration Act of 1917

Quiz for Source 19.4 LaunchPad

Source 19.5 Sanitary Precaution, c. 1914

Quiz for Source 19.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 19 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 19 LaunchPad

20 Empire and Wars


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Alfred Thayer Mahan and José Martí 

The Awakening of Imperialism

The Economics of Expansion 

Cultural Justifications for Imperialism 

Gender and Empire 


Source 20.1 Rudyard Kipling, "The White Man’s Burden," 1899 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

The War with Spain

Revolution in Cuba

The War of 1898

The Pacification of Cuba 

The Philippine War

Extending U.S. Imperialism, 1899–1913

Theodore Roosevelt and "Big Stick" Diplomacy 

Opening the Door in China 


Fighting in the Philippines

Source 20.2 President McKinley Defends His Decision | Source 20.3 William Carson, "A Bigger Job Than He Thought For," 1899

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Wilson and American Foreign Policy, 1912–1917

Diplomacy and War 


The U.S. Chooses to Enter World War I
Source 20.4
 Arthur S. Link, Woodrow Wilson and Neutrality, 1963   | Source 20.5 John Whiteclay Chambers II, Woodrow Wilson’s Unneutral Neutrality, 2000

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Making the World Safe for Democracy 

Fighting the War at Home

Government by Commission 

Winning Hearts and Minds 

Waging Peace 

The Failure of Ratification 

Conclusion: A U.S. Empire

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Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Imperialism versus Anti-Imperialism

Source 20.6 The Hawaiian Memorial, 1897 | Source 20.7 Albert Beveridge, The March of the Flag, 1898 | Source 20.8 "There’s Plenty of Room at the Table," 1906 | Source 20.9 Anti-Imperialism Letter, 1899

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 20 LaunchPad

20. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 20: The Committee on Public Information and Wartime Propaganda LaunchPad

Source 20.1 Peom Read by Four-Minute Men, "It’s Duty Boy," c. 1918

Quiz for Source 20.1 LaunchPad

Source 20.2 "Halt the Hun!" c. 1918

Quiz for Source 20.2 LaunchPad

Source 20.3 Advertisement in History Teacher’s Magazine, 1917

Quiz for Source 20.3 LaunchPad

Source 20.4 "He Will Come Back a Better Man!" 1918

Quiz for Source 20.4 LaunchPad

Source 20.5 George Creel, "The ‘Censorship’ Bugbear," 1920

Quiz for Source 20.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 20 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 20 LaunchPad 

21 The Twenties


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


D. C. Stephenson and Ossian Sweet 

Social Turmoil

The Red Scare, 1919–1920


Source 21.1 A. Mitchell Palmer, The Case against the Reds, 1920 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Racial Violence in the Postwar Era 

Prosperity, Consumption, and Growth

Government Promotion of the Economy 

Americans Become Consumers 


Perilous Prosperity 

Challenges to Social Conventions

Breaking with the Old Morality

The Harlem Renaissance 

Marcus Garvey and Black Nationalism 

Culture Wars


Nativists versus Immigrants 

Resurrection of the Ku Klux Klan 

Fundamentalism versus Modernism 


Men and Women of the KKK

Source 21.2 Gerald W. Johnson, The Ku Kluxer, 1924 | Source 21.3 Women of the Ku Klux Klan, 1927 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Politics and the Fading of Prosperity

The Battle for the Soul of the Democratic Party

Lingering Progressivism

Financial Crash 


The Impact of Prohibition

Source 21.4 Andrew Sinclair, The Excesses of Prohibition, 1962 |

Source 21.5 Lisa McGirr, The National State and Crime Control, 2016

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: The Transitional Twenties

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


The New Negro and the Harlem Renaissance

Source 21.6 A. Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen, "The New Negro—What Is He?" 1919 | Source 21.7 Claude McKay, If We Must Die, 1919 | Source 21.8 Langston Hughes, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers," 1921 | Source 21.9 Aaron Douglas, Illustration, The New Negro, 1925 | Source 21.10 Bessie Smith, "Down-Hearted Blues," 1923

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 21 LaunchPad

21. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 21: The Scopes "Monkey Trial" LaunchPad

Source 21.1 The Butler Act, 1925

Quiz for Source 21.1 LaunchPad

Source 21.2 Clarence Darrow, Trial Speech, 13 July 1925

Quiz for Source 21.2 LaunchPad

Source 21.3 William Jennings Bryan, Trial Speech, 16 July 1925

Quiz for Source 21.3 LaunchPad

Source 21.4 Cartoon from the Chicago Defender, 20 June 1925

Quiz for Source 21.4 LaunchPad

Source 21.5 Poem by Mrs. E.P. Blair, Nashville Tennessean, 29 June 1925

Quiz for Source 21.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 21 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 21 LaunchPad

22 Depression, Dissent, and the New Deal


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Eleanor Roosevelt and Luisa Moreno 

The Great Depression

Hoover Faces the Depression 

Hoovervilles and Dust Storms 

Challenges for Minorities 


Source 22.1 Plea from the Scottsboro Prisoners, 1932 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Families under Strain 

Organized Protest

The New Deal

Roosevelt Restores Confidence 

Steps toward Recovery 

Direct Assistance and Relief 

New Deal Critics 


Letters to Eleanor Roosevelt

Source 22.2 Mildred Isbell to Mrs. Roosevelt, January 1, 1936 | Source 22.3 Minnie Harden to Mrs. Roosevelt, December 14, 1937 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

The New Deal Moves to the Left

Expanding Relief Measures 

Establishing Social Security 

Organized Labor Strikes Back 

A Half Deal for Minorities

Decline of the New Deal 

New Deal or Raw Deal

Source 22.4 William E. Leuchtenburg, The Roosevelt Reconstruction, 1963 | Source 22.5 Barton J. Bernstein, The Conservative Achievements of Liberal Reform, 1969

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: New Deal Liberalism

LearningCurve  LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


The Depression in Rural America

Source 22.6 Ann Marie Low, Dust Bowl Diary, 1934 | Source 22.7 John P. Davis, A Black Inventory of the New Deal, 1935 | Source 22.8 A Sharecropper’s Family in Washington County, Arkansas, 1935 | Source 22.9 Martin Torres, Protest Against Maltreatment of Mexican Laborers in California, 1934 | Source 22.10 Otis Nation, Testimony to the Great Plains Committee, 1937

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 22 LaunchPad

22. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 22: Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and its Critics LaunchPad

Source 22.1 Franklin Roosevelt, Fireside Chat transcript, May 7, 1933

Quiz for Source 22.1 LaunchPad

Source 22.2 "Give a Man a Job!" transcript 1933

Quiz for Source 22.2 LaunchPad

Source 22.3 Packing the Supreme Court: Two Views, Political Cartoons, 1937

Quiz for Source 22.3 LaunchPad

Source 22.4 Republican Party National Platform, 1936

Quiz for Source 22.4 LaunchPad

Source 22.5 Huey P. Long, Criticism of Franklin Roosevelt, 1935

Quiz for Source 22.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 22 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 22 LaunchPad 

23 World War II


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


J. Robert Oppenheimer and Fred Korematsu

The Road toward War

The Growing Crisis in Europe 

The Challenge to Isolationism 

The United States Enters the War 


Source 23.1 Monica Sone, Memories of Pearl Harbor 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

The Home-Front Economy

Managing the Wartime Economy

New Opportunities for Women

Everyday Life on the Home Front

Fighting for Equality at Home

The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement

Struggles for Mexican Americans

American Indians

The Ordeal of Japanese Americans


Japanese American Internment

Source 23.2 Charles Kikuchi, Internment Diary, 1942 | Source 23.3 Justice Hugo Black, Korematsu v. United States, 1944

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Global War

War in Europe 

War in the Pacific 

Ending the War

Evidence of the Holocaust 


The Roosevelt Administration and the Holocaust

Source 23.4 David S. Wyman, FDR Abandoned the Jews, 1984

Source 23.5 Richard Breitman and Allan J. Lichtman, FDR Did Not Abandon the Jews, 2013

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: The Impact of World War II

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb

Source 23.6 Petition to the President of the United States, July 17, 1945 | Source 23.7 President Harry S. Truman, Press Release on the Atomic Bomb, August 6, 1945 | Source 23.8 Hiroshima, August 6, 1945 | Source 23.9 U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, 1946 | Source 23.10 Father Johannes Siemes, Eyewitness Account of the Hiroshima Bombing, 1945

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 23  LaunchPad

23. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 23: Anti-Japanese Prejudice during World War II  LaunchPad

Source 23.1 Monica Sone Remembers Pearl Harbor, 1953

Quiz for Source 23.1 LaunchPad

Source 23.2 Poster to All Persons of Japanese Ancestry, 1942

Quiz for Source 23.2 LaunchPad

Source 23.3 Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone, Hirabayashi v. United States Decision, 1943

Quiz for Source 23.3 LaunchPad

Source 23.4 Justice Frank Murphy, Dissent in Korematsu v. United States, 1944

Quiz for Source 23.4 LaunchPad

Source 23.5 Jishiro Miyauchi, Heart Mountain, Wyoming Internee Camp, 1943

Quiz for Source 23.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 23 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 23 LaunchPad

24 The Opening of the Cold War


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


George Kennan and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

The Origins of the Cold War, 1945–1947

Mutual Misunderstandings

The Truman Doctrine 


Source 24.1 Henry Wallace, The Way to Peace, 1946 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

The Marshall Plan and Economic Containment 

The Cold War Hardens, 1948–1953

Military Containment 


The Marshall Plan and the Soviet Union

Source 24.2 George C. Marshall, The Marshall Plan, 1947 | Source 24.3 Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet Objections to the Marshall Plan, 1947 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

The Korean War 

The Korean War and the Imperial Presidency 

Combating Communism at Home, 1945–1954

Loyalty and the Second Red Scare 


The Cold War Expands, 1953 –1961

Nuclear Weapons and Containment 

Interventions in the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa 

Early Intervention in Vietnam, 1954–1960 


Causes of the Cold War

Source 24.4 William Appleman Williams, Expanding the Economic Open Door, 1959
Source 24.5 John Lewis Gaddis, Competing Ideologies, 1972

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: The Cold War and Anticommunism

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


McCarthyism and the Hollywood Ten

Source 24.6 Ronald Reagan, Testimony before HUAC, 1947 | Source 24.7 John Howard Lawson, Testimony before HUAC, 1947 | Source 24.8 The Waldorf Statement and the Introduction of the Blacklist, 1947 | Source 24.9 Herblock, "Fire!" 1949 | Source 24.10 Lillian Hellman, Letter to HUAC, 1952

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 24 LaunchPad

24. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 24: The Korean War LaunchPad

Source 24.1 Sidney W. Souers, NSC 48, December 1949

Quiz for Source 24.1 LaunchPad

Source 24.2 Terenti Shtykov, Telegram, January 19, 1950

Quiz for Source 24.2 LaunchPad

Source 24.3 Harry Truman, Radio Address on Korea, April 11, 1951

Quiz for Source 24.3 LaunchPad

Source 24.4 Douglas MacArthur, Speech before Congress, April 19, 1951

Quiz for Source 24.4 LaunchPad

Source 24.5 Herbert Block, "We've Been Using More of a Roundish One," Washington Post, May 1951

Quiz for Source 24.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 24 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 24 LaunchPad

25 Troubled Innocence


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Alan Freed and Grace Metalious 

Peacetime Transition and the Boom Years

Peacetime Challenges, 1945–1948 

Economic Conversion and Labor Discontent 

Truman, the New Deal Coalition, and the Election of 1948 

Economic Boom 

Baby Boom 


Source 25.1 Adlai E. Stevenson, "A Purpose for Modern Woman,"1955 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Changes in Living Patterns

The Culture of the 1950s

The Rise of Television 

Wild Ones on the Big Screen

The Influence of Teenage Culture 

The Lives of Women 

Religious Revival 

Beats and Other Nonconformists 

The Growth of the Civil Rights Movement

The Rise of the Southern Civil Rights Movement 

School Segregation and the Supreme Court 

The Montgomery Bus Boycott 

White Resistance to Desegregation 

The Sit-Ins 

The Civil Rights Movement and Minority Struggles in the West 


The Civil Rights Movement and Its Opponents

Source 25.2 The Southern Manifesto, 1956 | Source 25.3 Ella Baker, "Bigger Than a Hamburger,"1960 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

Domestic Politics in the Eisenhower Era

Modern Republicanism 

The Election of 1960 


When Did the Civil Rights Movement Begin?

Source 25.4 Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, The Long Civil Rights Movement, 2005
Source 25.5 Steven F. Lawson, The Short Civil Rights Movement, 2011

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: Postwar Politics and Culture

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summartive Quiz LaunchPad


Teenagers in Postwar America

Source 25.6 Dick Clark,Your Happiest Years, 1959 | Source 25.7 Charlotte Jones, Letter on Elvis, 1957 | Source 25.8 The Desegregation of Central High School, 1957 | Source 25.9 Gloria Lopez-Stafford, A Mexican-American Childhood in El Paso, Texas, 1949 | Source 25.10 "Why No Chinese American Delinquents?" 1955

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 25  LaunchPad

25. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 25: The Postwar Suburbs LaunchPad

Source 25.1 Metropolitan Highway Construction: Boston transcript, 1955

Quiz for Source 25.1 LaunchPad

Source 25.2 In the Suburbs transcript, 1957

Quiz for Source 25.2 LaunchPad

Source 25.3 Harry Henderson, "The Mass-Produced Suburbs," 1953

Quiz for Source 25.3 LaunchPad

Source 25.4 Malvina Reynolds, "Little Boxes," 1962

Quiz for Source 25.4 LaunchPad

Source 25.5 Jackie Robinson, Testimony before the United States Commission on Civil Rights, 1959

Quiz for Source 24.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 25 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 25 LaunchPad 

26 Liberalism and Its Challengers


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Earl Warren and Bayard Rustin 

The Politics of Liberalism

Kennedy’s New Frontier 

Kennedy, the Cold War, and Cuba 


Source 26.1 Edmund Valtman, The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

The Civil Rights Movement Intensifies, 1961–1968

Freedom Rides 

Kennedy Supports Civil Rights 

Freedom Summer and Voting Rights 

From Civil Rights to Black Power 

Federal Efforts toward Social Reform, 1964–1968

The Great Society 

The Warren Court 

The Vietnam War, 1961–1969

Kennedy’s Intervention in South Vietnam 

Johnson Escalates the War in Vietnam 

Challenges to the Liberal Establishment

The New Left 

The Counterculture 

Liberation Movements 


Chicano and Native American Freedom Movements

Source 26.2 Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán, 1969 | Source 26.3 The Alcatraz Proclamation, 1969

Quiz for Comparative Analysis  LaunchPad

The Revival of Conservatism

Race and Class in Second Wave Feminism

Source 26.4  Anne Valk, Feminist Interactions, 2008
Source 26.5 Linda Gordon, Race, Class, and Feminism, 2014

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: Liberalism and Its Discontents

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


Freedom Summer

Source 26.6 Prospectus for Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964 | Source 26.7 Nancy Ellin, Letter Describing Freedom Summer, 1964 | Source 26.8 White Southerners Respond to Freedom Summer, 1964 | Source 26.9 Fannie Lou Hamer, Address to the Democratic National Convention Credentials Committee, 1964 | Source 26.10 Lyndon B. Johnson, Monitoring the MFDP Challenge, 1964

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 26 LaunchPad

26. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 26: Debating the Vietnam War LaunchPad

Source 26.1 Telephone Conversations Between Lyndon Johnson and Senator Richard Russell, May 27, 1964

Quiz for Source 26.1 LaunchPad

Source 26.2 Lyndon Johnson, "Peace Without Conquest," Speech at Johns Hopkins University, April 7, 1965

Quiz for Source 26.2 LaunchPad

Source 26.3 Herbert Block, "Our Position Hasn't Changed At All," Washington Post, June 17, 1965

Quiz for Source 26.3 LaunchPad

Source 26.4 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, "Statement on Vietnam," January 6, 1966

Quiz for Source 26.4 LaunchPad

Source 26.5 Robert F. Kennedy, "Vietnam Illusions," Feburary 8, 1968

Quiz for Source 26.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 26 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 26 LaunchPad

27 The Swing toward Conservatism


Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


*Allan Bakke and Louise Day Hicks

Nixon: War and Diplomacy, 1969–1974

The Election of 1968 

The Failure of Vietnamization 


Source 27.1 Richard Nixon, Speech Accepting the Republican Nomination for President, August 8, 1968 

Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

The Cold War Thaws

Crisis in the Middle East and at Home
Nixon and Politics

Pragmatic Conservatism 

The Nixon Landslide and Watergate Scandal, 1972–1974 

*The Presidency of Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter and the Limits of Affluence 

The Perils of Détente

Challenges in the Middle East
The Persistence of Liberalism in the 1970s

*Popular Culture

*Women’s Movement


Racial Struggles Continue 


Women of Color and Feminism

Source 27.2 Workshop Resolutions, First National Chicana Conference, 1971 | Source 27.3 Combahee River Collective, A Black Feminist Statement, 1977 

Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

*The New Right Rises

*Tax Revolt

*Neo Conservatism

*Christian Conservatism
The Rise of the New Right
Source 27.4 Dan T. Carter, George Wallace, Race, and the New Right, 1996
Source 27.5 Daniel K. Williams, The Christian Right, 2010

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Conclusion: The Swing toward Conservatism

LearningCurve Quiz LaunchPad

Chapter Review

Summative Quiz LaunchPad


The New Right and Its Critics

Source 27.6 Proposition 13, California, 1978 | Source 27.7 Phyllis Schlafly, "What’s Wrong with ‘Equal Rights’ for Women?" 1972 | *Source 27.8 Gloria Steinem, Testimony on the Equal Rights Amendment, May 6, 1970 | Source 27.9 Paul Weyrich, Building the Moral Majority, 1979 | Source 27.10 A. Bartlett Giamatti, The Moral Majority Threatens Freedom, 1981

Quizzes for Primary Source Project 27 LaunchPad

27. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 27: Women’s Liberation LaunchPad

Source 27.1 No More Miss America! 1968

Quiz for Source 27.1 LaunchPad

Source 27.2 Ms. Magazine Cover, 1972

Quiz for Source 27.2 LaunchPad

Source 27.3 National Black Feminist Organization, Statement of Purpose, 1973

Quiz for Source 27.3 LaunchPad

Source 27.4 Pat Mainardi, "The Politics of Housework," 1970

Quiz for Source 27.4 LaunchPad

Source 27.5 Phyllis Schlafly, "What’s Wrong with ‘Equal Rights’ for Women?" 1972

Quiz for Source 27.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 27 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 27 LaunchPad 

28 The Triumph of Conservatism, the End of the Cold War, and the Rise of the New World Order, 1980-1992
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


George Shultz and Barbara Deming 

*The Reagan Revolution

Reagan and Reaganomics 

The Implementation of Social Conservatism 

Reagan and the End of the Cold War, 1981–1988

"The Evil Empire"

Human Rights and the Fight against Communism 

Fighting International Terrorism 


Source 28.1 Robert Ode, Iran Hostage Diary, 1979–1980 
Quiz for Guided Reading Analysis LaunchPad

The Nuclear Freeze Movement

The Road to Nuclear De-escalation


The Nuclear Freeze Movement

Source 28.2 New Jersey Referendum on Nuclear Freeze, 1982 | Source 28.3 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Pastoral Letter on War and Peace, 1983 
Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

The Presidency of George H. W. Bush

*"Kinder and Gentler" Conservatism

The Breakup of the Soviet Union

The End of the Cold War

Source 28.4  John Spanier, Gorbachev Needed to End the Cold War, 1992
Source 28.5 Beth Fischer, Reagan Ends the Cold War, 1997

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Globalization and the New World Order 

Managing Conflict after the Cold War 

*The 1992 Election

Conclusion: Conservative Ascendancy and the End of the Cold War
LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review
Summative Quiz LaunchPad


The Iran-Contra Affair

Source 28.6 The Boland Amendments, 1982 and 1984 | Source 28.7 CIA Freedom Fighter’s Manual, 1983 | Source 28.8 Ronald Reagan, Speech on the Iran-Contra Affair, 1987 | Source 28.9 Oliver North, Testimony to Congress, July 1987 | Source 28.10 George Mitchell, Response to Oliver North, 1987
Quizzes for Primary Source Project 28 LaunchPad

28. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 28: Ronald Reagan and the End of the Cold War LaunchPad

Source 28.1 Ronald Reagan, Remarks at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals, 1983

Quiz for Source 28.1 LaunchPad

Source 28.2 Geraldine Ferraro, Vice Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address, 1984

Quiz for Source 28.2 LaunchPad

Source 28.3 Tony Auth, Cartoon, Philadelphia Inquirer, [[Date]]

Quiz for Source 28.3 LaunchPad

Source 28.4 Ronald Reagan, Address at Moscow State University, 1988

Quiz for Source 28.4 LaunchPad

Source 28.5 Mikhail Gorbachev, Speech Before the Central Committee, January 27, 1987

Quiz for Source 28.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 28 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 28 LaunchPad 

29 The Challenges of a Globalized World

1993 to the present 

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad


Bill Gates and Kristen Breitweiser 

Transforming American Business and Society

The Computer Revolution 

Business Consolidation 

The Changing American Population 

Political Divisions and Globalization in the Clinton Years

Domestic and Economic Policy during the Clinton Administration 


Source 29.1 Bo Yee, The New American Sweatshop, 1994 
Quiz for Guided Analysis LaunchPad

Global Challenges 

The Presidency of George W. Bush

Bush and Compassionate Conservatism 

The Iraq War 

Bush’s Second Term 


The War in Iraq

Source 29.2 George W. Bush, Declaration of Victory in Iraq, May 1, 2003 | Source 29.3 Farnaz Fassihi, Report from Baghdad, 2004 
Quiz for Comparative Analysis LaunchPad

The Challenges Faced by President Barack Obama

The Great Recession 

Obama and Domestic Politics 
*Obama and the World


The Presidency of Barack Obama

Source 29.4 Frederick C. Harris, Decline of Black Politics, 2012 | Source 29.5 Randall Kennedy, The Importance of Symbolism, 2011

Quiz for Secondary Source Analysis LaunchPad

*The Presidency of Donald Trump
*The 2016 Election

*The Trump Presidency

*Women Reshape the Political Culture

Conclusion: Technology and Terror in a Global Society
LearningCurve LaunchPad

Chapter Review
Summative Quiz LaunchPad


The Uses of September 11

Source 29.6 Diana Hoffman, "The Power of Freedom," 2002 | Source 29.7 Khaled Abou El Fadl, Response to September 11, 2001 | Source 29.8 Anti-Muslim Discrimination, 2011 | Source 29.9 Edward Snowden, Interview, 2014 | Source 29.10 Alice M. Greenwald, Message from the Director of the 9/11 Memorial Museum
Quizzes for Primary Source Project 29 LaunchPad

29. Primary Source Projects for Exploring American Histories, Primary Source Project 29: The Environment and Federal Policy in the Twenty-First Century LaunchPad

Source 29.1 George W. Bush, Press Release on Global Climate Change, 2001

Quiz for Source 29.1 LaunchPad

Source 29.2 Lester Brown, Outgrowing the Earth, 2004

Quiz for Source 29.2 LaunchPad

Source 29.3 Barack Obama, State of the Union Address, 2012

Quiz for Source 29.3 LaunchPad

Source 29.4 Donald Trump Withdraws from the Paris Climate Accord, 2017

Quiz for Source 29.4 LaunchPad

Source 29.5 Connor Maxwell and Cathleen Kelly, Hurricane Maria and the Need for Environmental Justice in Puerto Rico, 2017

Quiz for Source 29.5 LaunchPad

Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 29 LaunchPad

Essay Questions for Thinking through Sources 29 LaunchPad


The Declaration of Independence 

The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union 

The Constitution of the United States (including six unratified amendments) 

Admission of the States to the Union 

Presidents of the United States 

Glossary of Key Terms



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