Eye of the Beast: The True Story of Serial Killer James Wood
In the summer of 1993, James Wood brought terror to the unassuming town of Pocatello, Idaho. Little did the friendly community realize it had opened its arms to serial killer. Wood, the stranger in town, was polite and soft-spoken. He looked quite ordinary—he was a master at appearing normal. In late June, Wood abducted and murdered Jeralee Underwood, the eleven-year-old daughter of a devout Mormon family. The entire region was shocked and outraged. Now, author Terry Adams teams with lead investigator Scott Shaw and forensic psychologist Mary Brooks-Mueller to bring readers a unique perspective on this case. Shaw takes us into the heart of an exhaustive investigation, while Brooks-Mueller shows us the mind of a true sexual psychopath. Having spent years researching this case, the authors are skillful in recreating this true story about James Woods—one of the nation's most unusual serial killers. The case that rocked the Mormon Church.
Eye of the Beast: The True Story of Serial Killer James Wood
In the summer of 1993, James Wood brought terror to the unassuming town of Pocatello, Idaho. Little did the friendly community realize it had opened its arms to serial killer. Wood, the stranger in town, was polite and soft-spoken. He looked quite ordinary—he was a master at appearing normal. In late June, Wood abducted and murdered Jeralee Underwood, the eleven-year-old daughter of a devout Mormon family. The entire region was shocked and outraged. Now, author Terry Adams teams with lead investigator Scott Shaw and forensic psychologist Mary Brooks-Mueller to bring readers a unique perspective on this case. Shaw takes us into the heart of an exhaustive investigation, while Brooks-Mueller shows us the mind of a true sexual psychopath. Having spent years researching this case, the authors are skillful in recreating this true story about James Woods—one of the nation's most unusual serial killers. The case that rocked the Mormon Church.
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Eye of the Beast: The True Story of Serial Killer James Wood

Eye of the Beast: The True Story of Serial Killer James Wood

Eye of the Beast: The True Story of Serial Killer James Wood

Eye of the Beast: The True Story of Serial Killer James Wood


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In the summer of 1993, James Wood brought terror to the unassuming town of Pocatello, Idaho. Little did the friendly community realize it had opened its arms to serial killer. Wood, the stranger in town, was polite and soft-spoken. He looked quite ordinary—he was a master at appearing normal. In late June, Wood abducted and murdered Jeralee Underwood, the eleven-year-old daughter of a devout Mormon family. The entire region was shocked and outraged. Now, author Terry Adams teams with lead investigator Scott Shaw and forensic psychologist Mary Brooks-Mueller to bring readers a unique perspective on this case. Shaw takes us into the heart of an exhaustive investigation, while Brooks-Mueller shows us the mind of a true sexual psychopath. Having spent years researching this case, the authors are skillful in recreating this true story about James Woods—one of the nation's most unusual serial killers. The case that rocked the Mormon Church.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781938803505
Publisher: Addicus Books
Publication date: 09/01/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 300
File size: 2 MB

About the Author

Terry Adams is a regular contributor to the Review and Comment section of theBirmingham News. He lives in the San Francisco Bay area. Mary Brooks-Mueller, Ph.D., is a board-certified forensic examiner and the managing partner of Forensic Consultants LLP in Montana. She lives in Montana. Scott Shaw is the chief of police in Preston, Idaho. He lives in Idaho.

Read an Excerpt

Eye of the Beast

The True Story of Serial Killer James Wood

By Terry Adams, Mary Brooks-Mueller, Scott Shaw

Addicus Books, Inc.

Copyright © 1998 Terry Adams, Scott Shaw, and Virtu Studio Corporation
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-938803-50-5


Sunday, October 25, 1992. Near Alton, Illinois. James Edward Wood was on the run. This time, his fourteen-year-old stepdaughter had "caused" the problem. It was her own fault, dammit! She shouldn't have been wearin' them skimpy clothes around the house. I told her to change, but she wouldn't mind! It was her own fault!

Wood took his eyes off the road long enough to look over at his sullen passenger. She was leaning against the door, her head swaying lazily with the movement of the truck, the wind from the open windows swirling her disheveled hair around her face.

As the dark-brown pickup slipped along the empty highway, the night before came back into hazy focus. Started drinking pretty early in the morning with that ol' boy I spent the night with at the Holiday Inn in St. Louis. Later that afternoon, after he passed out, I drove over the river to Illinois. Met the gal in a biker bar in Alton. Had a few beers, then we went bar-hopping. Let her drive my truck for a while, but she kept popping the clutch. Then we got to that last bar. Must've had close to eighty dollars in my pocket when we went in. Ordered a round for everybody at the bar, but when it came time to pay, I couldn't find my money. The bitch must've taken it! She'd been talking about travelin' out west with me, too. Told me she had a court appearance next week, and said they was probably gonna lock her up, asked if she could travel with me. By God, she had to be the one that took my money. Nobody else got close enough to get it! Her dirty little trick almost caused some serious trouble, too.

Those two bikers followed us out of the bar after I couldn't pay. But they backed off pretty quickly when I told them, "If you ever want to see the inside of that bar again, just turn around and go right back in." Meant what I said, too, every word of it. Had my finger on the trigger. Didn't even have to show it. Just kept it in my pocket. "Don't crowd me, man, I mean it, don't crowd me!"

Then what? Passed out in the truck, right there on the main street of Alton, Illinois. Slept there in the truck all night. I know the bitch took my money! But I made her pay this morning, by God. Just turned off on that little road and stopped the truck right there in the middle of some farmer's field. "I want my money," I say, and she says she ain't got my money. So I just say, "Well then, if you ain't going to give it up, by God, I'm gonna take it out in screw. You mess with me, bitch, and I'm gonna mess with you." She wanted to hold off, kept asking why we didn't wait 'til we got to a motel room, it's better there in a bed. But I say, "Hell, no, I ain't waiting." And I didn't wait, either, by God. I did it right there on the seat!

They sped along the highway, the sun, now a little higher, filtered through the leaves of the big oak trees lining the road. The woman, hard-looking for her late twenties, had one long tattoo on her arm.

Wood couldn't stop thinking about the eighty dollars. "I want my fucking money, bitch!" Wood shouted, grabbing the woman's arm.

"I already told you, man," she said, snatching her arm away. "I didn't take your fucking money!"

"I had close to eighty dollars in my pocket when we got to that last place," Wood said, gearing down as they came to a traffic signal. "I didn't spend it, and you're the only one who had a chance to take it."

"Look, dude," she said angrily. "I don't know what your problem is, but for the last time, I ain't got your friggin' money!"

James Wood brought the truck to a stop at the traffic light. They were now near downtown Alton, and there were several cars at the intersection.

"If you don't believe me," she screamed, "just drive me to the police station, and we'll go inside and let 'em shake me down!"

"I ain't driving you nowhere, bitch!" he snapped, leaning across and throwing her door open. "I'm cuttin' you loose. Just get the fuck outta my truck!"

The woman stepped into the street and slammed the truck door behind her.

"You're crazy, man! You know that? You're fuckin' crazy!" she screamed at Wood through the open window. "I'm gonna get your license number and turn your ass in for rape!" she shouted, running toward the back of the truck.

Wood was seething. He scrambled out of the cab and rushed to the rear of the truck, blocking the woman's view of his license plate. In full view of the stunned drivers behind them, Wood shoved the woman backward. The two of them stood in the middle of the street, shouting obscenities at each other. Suddenly Wood moved toward her, rage showing in his eyes. The woman backed away. Wood glared at her. Then he got back in the cab and gunned the pickup through the intersection.

Bitches like her are always causing me trouble. For the first time in my life, I had it made! I was teaching art classes, I was painting, I had a future with Yvonne, I had a new life! I was the man of the house, and my own stepdaughter wouldn't mind me! She got what she deserved, by God! She should've changed out of those clothes like I told her! But then she has to run and tell Yvonne I did it with her! She betrayed me to Yvonne, and now I've lost everything! Yvonne should just forgive and forget. If that girl had minded me in the first place, nothing would've happened! And Yvonne, damn her soul, she had to go tell the law. And then some bitch comes along and rolls me for the last bit of money I had! Now I've lost everything, dammit, every single thing I had!

A few minutes after he tossed out the biker girl, James Wood drove across the Clark Bridge, heading back into Missouri. The Sunday morning traffic was light as the Ford Ranger pickup sped across the gleaming steel and concrete structure that spanned the Mississippi River.

But James Wood was in no mood to enjoy the view from high above the mighty river on that crisp, clear fall morning. Even after finding the money in his shirt pocket — the biker gal hadn't rolled him after all — he was burning with anger, as he had been for most of his life. His anger was directed toward women. Now his mind raged over the latest disobedience of his fourteen -year old stepdaughter. It was her fault that he'd lost his home and his two-and-a-half-year-old son. Up 'til now, life for Wood had been relatively good for the past five years. He had met and married Yvonne not long after his release from Louisiana's infamous Angola State Penitentiary. It had been his second stay at Angola, where he had served six years of a ten-year sentence for robbery and rape. Ironically, he was released early for good behavior.

A mutual friend had introduced Wood to Yvonne, the woman who would become his third wife. They had hit it off almost immediately, Yvonne knew the man who was soon to be her husband had been in prison at Angola, although Wood never told her that he had been there for rape. But Yvonne had been accepting, understanding, saying that everyone makes mistakes in life. Yvonne bore him a son, his third child from three marriages. Together, he and Yvonne built a modest house on several acres in the lush, green countryside outside Shreveport, Louisiana.

Damn! If only Yvonne's daughter would have obeyed him and changed out of those sexy, revealing clothes! He had made her pay for not minding, made her pay the same way he had made women pay all his adult life. He raped her. As far as he was concerned, she had gotten exactly what she deserved. Wood simply could not understand why she told Yvonne what he had done. How could she have told on him when he was only disciplining her, like any good father?

Yvonne had confronted him, asked him to leave, and said she was going to call the law. He then decided to leave his house, leave his son, leave everything. But before he left, there were things he needed. He grabbed his wife's Montgomery Ward credit card and her little Jennings .22 semiautomatic she kept in the glove compartment of her car. He threw a few other things in the back of his truck — art supplies, the set of tattoo needles he had made at Angola — and left, not even taking the time to pack clothes. Wood knew what another rape charge would mean for someone who had already been imprisoned twice. He had to get as far away from Louisiana as he could. He would go back to Idaho.

On the way out of town, he stopped at the Montgomery Ward auto center and had his truck tuned up, the oil changed, and new tires put on, getting it ready for the long drive. While he was waiting, he went inside the main store and bought socks, underwear, and several changes of clothes. He also bought a blue nylon duffel bag to put them in, charging everything to Yvonne's credit card.

Instead of heading west toward Idaho, Wood took a detour, driving north to St. Louis, several hundred miles out of his way. Wood himself was not sure why he had decided to go through St. Louis. True, his first wife Terry and his daughter and granddaughter lived in suburban St. Louis, but they were of no value to him. Wood liked to use people. He didn't care about anyone but could mimic caring if it worked to his advantage.


Hazelwood, Missouri. Sunday, October 25, 1992. Jeanne Faser hadn't noticed James Wood watching her from the shadows. She released the nozzle of the gas hose just as the digital readout on the pump stopped at exactly ten dollars. She replaced the gas cap and started toward the food mart to pay.

As she walked across the asphalt parking lot, her eyes met those of a man in the shadows. He was sitting in the cab of a small pickup with the door open. He was middle aged and wore a dark cap. Jeanne forced a polite smile, then averted her eyes. She opened the glass door and stepped up to the counter.

"Hi. Ten dollars for the Camaro on pump four," she said, placing a twenty-dollar bill on the counter. "May I have a ticket for the car wash, too?"

The young clerk counted back her change and handed her a receipt.

Jeanne tucked the change into her billfold and headed across the concrete apron. Just as she started to open the car door, she noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye. As she turned to look, the man who had been staring at her stepped from behind the gas pumps. In an instant he pressed against her, trapping her against the open car door.

"Get in the car," he said calmly, pulling his jacket open to reveal the butt of a pistol tucked into the waistband of his jeans.

Her eyes wide with disbelief, Jeanne looked at the silver gun, then back at the man's face. "Oh, my God!" she screamed. Before she could scream again, the man took her arms and pulled them tight behind her back.

"Shut up, or I'll kill you!" he said, the chilling tone in his voice stunning the teenager into silence. He pulled the pistol from his waistband and jammed the muzzle into her rib cage. "Get in the car!"

Jeanne slumped into the driver's seat. Oh, God, this can't be happening! This can't be happening to me, she thought.

"Move over!" the stranger ordered, sliding into the seat with her, forcing her to scramble over the console to the passenger's seat. He locked the passenger's door and cranked up the car.

Jeanne stared blankly at the key in the ignition, her house keys dangling as if in slow motion. Why did she leave the keys in the car? On North Lundberg, cars moved by on the busy four-lane highway. In a dreamlike haze, Jeanne looked back toward the food mart. Surely the cashier inside would see! Inside the brightly lit store she could see the young clerk. But he was facing away from her.

Suddenly the Camaro moved forward. The man checked for oncoming traffic, then darted onto the busy four-lane highway. Now they were alone in the car. He paced their speed so that every traffic light was green as they approached. The Camaro never stopped.

Wood looked over at the terrified young woman, her blue eyes wild with fear. "Don't worry," he said in a calm voice, looking back at the road. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to borrow your car for a while. I just shot somebody at a jewelry store over at a shopping center, and I've got some mechanical problems with my truck." Wood paused for a moment to let the words I just shot somebody sink in. He could almost see the teenager's will to resist fade from her eyes.

"Look," he said, "I'm sorry about taking your car. I'll just borrow it long enough to get away from here. When I do, you'll get it back. So you just relax and do what I say. If you do, I promise nothing's gonna happen."

As he talked, Jeanne caught the stale odor of beer on the man's breath. He's been drinking! He's been drinking, and he shot somebody! Why, God, why is this happening to me? she wondered.

"Please! Just take the car," she said, her voice breaking. "You can have the car, but please, just let me go!"

Wood eased off the accelerator and braked. As the Camaro slowed, he steered into the turn lane and crossed over into the parking lot of a car wash. A deep sense of longing knotted the pit of Jeanne's stomach as she recognized the car wash. It was owned by a friend of her stepfather. Without stopping, the man circled back onto the highway. They were going back in the direction of the food mart.

Again, Wood looked over at the terrified young girl in the passenger seat. Now, he studied her thick, dark hair and the curve of her slender neck. She had the beautiful, soft skin of a teenage girl. Look at her. She's got class, not some trashy bitch. I'll bet she's got nice things on under them clothes, things I like. I'm gonna have her. She's got all the stuff I like.

"You're really pretty, you know that?" he said. "Sure you do ... you know you're pretty."

Jeanne didn't respond. The stranger drove on, continuing to talk as if conversing with a date. "I used to come here a lot," he said, nodding his head as they passed through a heavily developed intersection. "Things sure have changed."

"Please," Jeanne begged, desperately searching for some sign of pity in the driver's unforgiving face, "I've got to hurry home. My parents are waiting for me. They're expecting me to get gas and come right back!"

He gave her a hard look, but said nothing. Instead, he patted the butt of the gun in his belt. He reached into the pocket of his jacket and brought out what was left of his money. "See this?" he asked, holding the money out to her. "I got it from the jewelry store. You want some of it? Go ahead. Take some."

I don't take stolen money," she said defiantly.

"Suit yourself," he said, placing the money back in his pocket.

Now the gas station came back into view. For an instant, the teenager believed the man was taking her back. But the Camaro did not slow down, and Jeanne watched with resignation as the gas station slipped past. Her paralyzing despair returned. She closed her eyes and shook her head as if trying to awaken from a bad dream. This is not happening! This is not real. This cannot be happening to me, she thought to herself. But when she opened her eyes, her abductor was still there.

"Can I ask you something," she pleaded. "Why did you pick me? Why are you doing this to me?"

"I don't know," the driver answered, glancing over at her. "I guess you was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." And he drove on, following what seemed an aimless route before finally turning onto a busy divided highway leading to the nearby township of Florissant.

Jeanne tried to make mental notes of the streets and landmarks they passed. When they were going north on Interstate 170, she saw overhead expressway signs for the St. Louis International Airport. Later, on an exit ramp feeding onto McDonnell Way, they passed blue-and-white directional signs for the giant McDonnell-Douglas aircraft assembly plant. From there they drove west, following a two-lane asphalt road that took them deeper into the dismal gray countryside.


Excerpted from Eye of the Beast by Terry Adams, Mary Brooks-Mueller, Scott Shaw. Copyright © 1998 Terry Adams, Scott Shaw, and Virtu Studio Corporation. Excerpted by permission of Addicus Books, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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