Finding Harmony with Horses: Connecting to The Spirit Within

Finding Harmony with Horses: Connecting to The Spirit Within

by Kylie Maree Dearden
Finding Harmony with Horses: Connecting to The Spirit Within

Finding Harmony with Horses: Connecting to The Spirit Within

by Kylie Maree Dearden


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Finding harmony with horses is an inspiring book of Kylie Dearden’s own personal and spiritual journey on how she found harmony with her horse and other horses by connecting to the Spirit Within. Kylie Dearden is a qualified Equestrian Australia Coach and Instructor. In her horse instructing business ‘Finding Harmony with Horses’ Kylie trains horse and rider through the levels of dressage. She has helped many horses and riders develop a deeper connection and relationship. In her inspirational book she inspires people to lift consciousness level enabling them to ride their horses with a feeling of joy, peace and inspiration.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452502151
Publisher: Balboa Press AU
Publication date: 10/31/2011
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 128
File size: 2 MB

Read an Excerpt

Finding Harmony with Horses By Connecting to The Spirit Within

By Kylie Maree Dearden


Copyright © 2011 Kylie Maree Dearden
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4525-0214-4

Chapter One

A Spiritual journey, How I Found My Beautiful Horse

I connected to my soul's love again, thanks to my Beautiful horse Jess. I always knew as I was growing up I had something special to share with the world, no matter how bad things became, I always knew I would find a way to heal, which allowed me to feel love, compassion and understanding for myself and others. God gifted me with this ability, however as I grew older I started to move away from people and felt uncomfortable with them. I felt so different and felt that nobody understood me or noticed my beautiful soul. I started to become confused and numb as though I didn't know myself anymore. I had lost connection to my soul's love, the spirit within. The words I used to hear from my spirit, 'you are so special Kylie and you are dearly loved, were gone.' I couldn't hear them anymore. Then in May 1994, my life made a complete turn around and finally I found what I had been looking for all my life – unconditional love and my spiritual journey began.

I prayed to God for a miracle, to be able to share my deep feelings of love with another, one who would just love me, one that I felt safe with, who also understood my deep feelings of love. God then led me to Jess, my beautiful horse. I always loved horses and animals in general. I felt so at peace with them, like an inner contentment.

I had been looking for a horse for about six months before I found my beautiful Jess. Where I lived, I used to take a walk around the estate and pass a herd of horses in this five acre paddock not far from my home. I used to love watching them gallop as I walked past; they seemed so graceful and free, expressing themselves freely with total acceptance. One day as I was watching the herd graze in the paddock, one horse noticed me and came over to me. It was love at first sight, a love story you only read or dream of. I had put out prayers to God, of what I wished for in a horse and to my surprise in God's ability to deliver my request, she was everything I ever dreamed of and more.

As I was in awe at her beauty, I held out my hand to connect with her. As her nose touched my hand and I smelt her beautiful scent – the beautiful smell horses have (horsey people will understand what I mean) – for others who have not yet smelt a horses scent, I highly recommend a trip to the country to experience it, it's well worth it. I was in love and had finally found what I had been looking for, to share my soul's deepest love with another who also understood and could see my soul as I did hers.

As I looked into her eyes and she into mine, I knew she could see me and feel the deep feelings of love I felt. She could see my need to share these feelings with her and that I trusted her and had not been able to share my soul's deepest love until now. People had always made fun of my deep feelings; I was always told 'you are so sensitive Kylie.'

Now I know that my sensitivity is a gift, without my sensitivity God has gifted me with, I would not be able to understand and communicate with horses as I do. What I once saw as a burden, I was now grateful for the gift and embraced it.

Every day I could not wait to go and see Jess again and connect with her. I felt so at peace with her, a peace and warmth I had never experienced or felt before.

I would feed her some oats over the fence and we developed a bond. One day as I was with her all my prayers were answered. The lady who lived across from the paddock called out to me "she's a nice mare that one." I said in awe, "she is so beautiful, who owns her." The lady replied "my brother, he had just broken her in and turned her out here to be rested." "I think she is for sale." I was so excited; I said "really, she must be worth a lot," thinking I wouldn't be able to afford her. The lady said, "I'm not sure, but I could find out for you." I said "yes please". I was so excited, but didn't want to get my hopes up as I thought she would be too expensive. I prayed to God that she would be mine and if it was God's will, we would be together.

I went down the following day to see the lady and to my great surprise Jess was for sale at a price I could afford. I had been saving for a horse and had this amount of money saved away. I was shocked that such a beautiful horse was so cheap. The lady said she was this price because she came without papers.

Her brother, a horse trainer, had received her for payment for breaking in another horse for his client who bred her. I asked, "Well when can I speak to your brother." She said, "Right now".

Later in life I had experienced that if something is meant to be and it's for your highest good, everything flows and you have an inner knowing that it feels right. This did feel right, so right – I knew Jess and I had something special to give each other, like all relationships do. I was ready for this relationship, with this beautiful animal God had sent me to. It made my heart sing to be with her. I never questioned it and as time went on our relationship grew.

I would learn later why I chose this very rewarding experience and journey of finding my beautiful horse, my true self, my soul and my divine purpose for being here.

I went to meet the lady's brother who had a horse property just down the road from where I lived. He was a horse trainer and specialized in western riding. He travelled all over the world, entering western competitions and did quite well. As his sister introduced us, he seemed quite charming and business like. He said, "This mare you are interested in has very good blood lines, she is a warmblood." I have always been a kind and honest person, who is a little reserved. I always want to do the best for myself and others, so I said "I haven't been riding for long and I don't know if I'm experienced enough for her."

I loved her so much, I started to feel maybe I wouldn't be able to offer her the best riding experience, allowing her to feel comfortable and enjoy our time together.

He quickly assured me that she was a quiet horse and that he had already had beginners on her and she went quite well. He said "you look like a kind person and I want her to go to a good home." Even though I thought this could have been a bit of a sales pitch, I realised he did seem genuine and he could have sold her very easily. I said confidently "I can have riding lessons to become a good rider for her." He smiled and said "yes of course". It was meant to be. I think that if something is meant to be, it will be.

I brought her and it was the happiest day of my life. I was overwhelmed with feelings of joy, tears swelled up in my eyes due to happy feelings of emotion. I thought if she gets sick how I am going to take care of her? It was then I decided to do a horse course on horse management with the University Of Melbourne, Australia. I also started having riding lessons. Where I rode Jess, they had a 20 metre round yard that was partly covered. The arena had high walls surrounding it and I felt very secure riding her there as we got to know each other. It was like taking baby steps until we felt more comfortable with each other.

Like all relationships at the start there is an adjusting and familiarising process that needs to be taken.

I quickly noticed something was wrong when I asked Jess to move forward from my leg. I wasn't wearing spurs at this stage, they didn't seem necessary and I didn't feel comfortable using them on her. I soon found out that Jess had always been ridden with the rider wearing spurs, therefore wasn't used to a rider not wearing spurs.

After she finally moved forward, she dragged my leg along the side of the round yard and I knew something was dreadfully wrong. I was confused at her doing this, as it seemed like she wanted to hurt me. Later when I got home and removed my pants, the skin on my knees was broken and bleeding. I had scars there for months.

As time went on I realised that Jess was hurting emotionally inside and was trying to tell me and get my attention. She was in drastic need of healing and to be loved and from what I could see; she had been mistreated like many horses. People had taken and demanded from her and never said 'Thank You'. One day when I was watching this person riding and training Jess just before I had purchased her, I noticed when Jess didn't do what the rider wanted her to do; he would turn his spur inward and dig her in the ribs. She knew he was in the wrong, with that she threw herself and him against the wall of the arena. He saw she was upset and she meant business, so he backed off. It makes me question when I see people who think they have control over the horse when they use an aggressive manner, if the horse doesn't like the rider or their manner and the way they are been treated, they will let the rider know. So I question again, who is the one in control?

I believe in this case the horse is and it is up to us to gain the horse's trust and respect. We need to have the horse disciplined and control of the horse through love, compassion and understanding. We need to have the horse listening to us at all times and to respect us as their leader and guide. Horses can be dangerous, so it's important for them to let us be their leader and guide.

The horse is happy for this if they feel safe, secure, loved and protected by us. If we try to control the horse through demand and aggression, they will feel frightened, insecure and unsafe and therefore feel a need to protect themselves, developing behavioural problems. They never want to hurt us, but they may be hurting themselves emotionally or physically and are trying to tell us. We need to listen to them and watch their body language for their signals. We expect them to listen to us and do what we want to experience with them; they deserve the same in return. It's God's will that we all be treated with respect and that the horse's kindness never be taken for granted. I ask you, would you stay in a relationship where you were being bullied and kicked? If you did choose to stay, at least you have a choice.

Unfortunately the horse doesn't, all horses have is their body language to communicate with us and let us know how they are feeling emotionally or physically. Because they don't have a choice, I ask that they be respected and loved the way they deserve to be, to be treated with kindness, understanding and compassion.

Doesn't that go for all relationships, what we put in we get back. If we love and nurture our relationships with compassion and understanding we will get this back, it's up to us.

I am the light I am the love I see my inner beauty I see my horse's beauty Love is all around me My soul knows it My soul feels it I become it I am it And so shall it be by Kylie Maree Dearden

Chapter Two

How My Horse Helped Me Find My Soul, My Divine Purpose

Ever since I was a little girl, I always felt a connection with animals, horses in particular. I had so many feelings of love for them. When I was with them, I was so at peace. I looked into their eyes, their soul and we both knew the love of God ever so embedded into our being. Every time I saw animals, horses in particular, I just wanted to touch them, love and connect with them, with their soul. It was so pure and innocent like mine.

As I grew older I realised I had a gift. Then my journey began as I was led to books on spirituality and self help, which helped me understand my gift and what I was here to do. What I had to give to humanity and mostly the animal world.

I quickly learnt that I felt understood by horses. I started to question why and was shown by my spirit within that the unconditional love I feel within my heart and soul, the horses also felt and accepted. I could totally be myself with them and felt a special bond and connection with horses in particular.

Then I developed a special connection with my horse Jess. Finally I was able to share my love with another. She totally understood as she felt the same love in her heart and soul. Then our journey together began. Jess offered me unconditional love, a love I could not find anywhere else or with anyone at that time.

It has been 13 years of pure delight and joy; I can honestly say my horse has helped me find more of the love within myself, the love of God. I will always be so grateful to her for that. I also thank Louise LHay, as through Louise's books, you can heal your life. I began to release the negative patterns of the past that I was holding onto and was unaware of the effect it was having on my life. It was Louise's books that made me aware that I can create a loving fulfilled life. I spent several years studying spirituality and attending spiritual development classes, meditation and yoga. I learnt how to connect with my soul's love and was guided to my life's purpose.

I am now a qualified Reiki II practitioner in natural healing. A qualified EA NCAS coach and horse instructor, helping horse and rider become one in harmony. Healing comes so naturally to me. I have given several healing treatments to horses and found the responses so rewarding. To see the peace on the horse's faces and to receive the beautiful words, I channel through from spirit to the horse has been such an inspirational experience for me.

I take any opportunity to bring healing and peace to horses, for my spirit within tells me how much they need to be healed for giving so much to us without sometimes getting back the love they need. Not only what they give to humanity, but also the healing they bring to the planet.

As time went on I discovered every horse responded to me in the same way my horse did, kissing me with their muzzle and (nuzzling me). They wanted to connect with me, my soul and my loving energy.

Then I started receiving information from my spirit within. I started to tune into the horses, feelings and emotions. I was tuning into their energy field. I felt their pain, their cries and their sadness. They were all so misunderstood.

Some people were unaware of how horses are such emotional, sensitive animals and I needed to let people know this. The horse also mirrors our thoughts and feelings back to us via their body language. The horse communicates their feelings and emotions this way to get our attention. When I think back to when I was a little girl, I always knew how they felt.

As I developed my spiritual gifts and studied horses more, I began to realise why I have such a strong understanding of them. I noticed how at peace their natural state was, how they just accepted everything and how they don't like fearful situations or negativity. I noticed how graceful and beautiful they were just being and who were so contented with this fact. They ask for little and give so much.

All they want is to be loved, to love, connect and bond with us. They enjoyed been peaceful. This is when I understood their innocence, like mine, they never wanted to hurt anyone, just love them.

We are what we think All that we are arises with our thoughts With our thoughts we make the world by Dhammapada


Excerpted from Finding Harmony with Horses By Connecting to The Spirit Within by Kylie Maree Dearden Copyright © 2011 by Kylie Maree Dearden. Excerpted by permission of BALBOA PRESS. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


About the Author....................i
Chapter 1: A Spiritual journey, How I Found My Beautiful Horse....................1
Chapter 2: How My Horse Helped Me Find My Soul, My Divine Purpose....................11
Chapter 3: Thoughts, How They Create Negative and Positive Experiences with our Horses....................17
Chapter 4: Developing the Relationship with Yourself....................25
Chapter 5: Connecting to Our Soul's Love, The Spirit Within....................31
Chapter 6: Understanding Your Horse Emotionally and Spiritually....................39
Chapter 7: Developing the Relationship & Bond with My Horse....................47
Chapter 8: Connecting with Your Horse Spiritually....................55
Chapter 9: Training Your Horse Spiritually....................63
Chapter 10: Riding Your Horse Spiritually....................73
Chapter 11: Communicating with Horses....................81
Chapter 12: Why Horses Develop Behavioural Problems....................89
Chapter 13: Healing Horses....................95
Chapter 14: Positive Affirmations I Say to My Horse....................107
Chapter 15: Horses Heal Us....................113
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