For the Record: A Documentary History of America
The best collection of primary sources—at the best price

For the Record features over 250 primary source selections, both textual and visual, drawn from a broad range of government documents, newspapers, speeches, letters, and novels. In the Eighth Edition, timely new selections on the Latino/a experience in American history expands the already inclusive collection of documents (covering gender, African American, Native American, immigration, and LGBTQ history) and allows students to better understand the issues of today. For the first time, For the Record is available as an ebook, making it an even more incredible value both as a stand-alone text and as the perfect companion reader for the America family of textbooks by coeditor David E. Shi.   
For the Record: A Documentary History of America
The best collection of primary sources—at the best price

For the Record features over 250 primary source selections, both textual and visual, drawn from a broad range of government documents, newspapers, speeches, letters, and novels. In the Eighth Edition, timely new selections on the Latino/a experience in American history expands the already inclusive collection of documents (covering gender, African American, Native American, immigration, and LGBTQ history) and allows students to better understand the issues of today. For the first time, For the Record is available as an ebook, making it an even more incredible value both as a stand-alone text and as the perfect companion reader for the America family of textbooks by coeditor David E. Shi.   
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For the Record: A Documentary History of America

For the Record: A Documentary History of America

For the Record: A Documentary History of America

For the Record: A Documentary History of America

Paperback(Eighth Edition)

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The best collection of primary sources—at the best price

For the Record features over 250 primary source selections, both textual and visual, drawn from a broad range of government documents, newspapers, speeches, letters, and novels. In the Eighth Edition, timely new selections on the Latino/a experience in American history expands the already inclusive collection of documents (covering gender, African American, Native American, immigration, and LGBTQ history) and allows students to better understand the issues of today. For the first time, For the Record is available as an ebook, making it an even more incredible value both as a stand-alone text and as the perfect companion reader for the America family of textbooks by coeditor David E. Shi.   

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780393878158
Publisher: Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc.
Publication date: 06/10/2022
Edition description: Eighth Edition
Pages: 456
Product dimensions: 7.50(w) x 9.30(h) x 1.00(d)

About the Author

David Emory Shi is president emeritus and professor emeritus at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. After receiving his PhD from the University of Virginia, he taught for seventeen years at Davidson College, where he won the Distinguished Teaching Award and served as History Department Chair. In addition to authoring the best-selling America: A Narrative History family of books, he is the author of several books focusing on American cultural history, including the award-winning?The Simple Life: Plain Living and High Thinking in American Culture and Facing Facts: Realism in American Thought and Culture, 1850–1920. While serving as a Trustee at several colleges, he remains highly engaged with students and instructors around the country with his many annual “author-in-residence” campus visits.

Holly Mayer is professor emeritus at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Holly’s PhD is from the College of William and Mary. Her research field is late-eighteenth-century America, and she is especially interested in civil-military relations during the War for Independence and the evolution of American character and culture. Her monograph, Belonging to the Army: Camp Followers and Community during the American Revolution (1996), is a path-breaking study of the Continental Army as a community. Her new book, Congress's Own: A Canadian Regiment, the Continental Army, and American Union (2021), chronicles Colonel Moses Hazen’s 2nd Canadian Regiment.

Table of Contents

Preface for Instructors xv

Where to Begin xix

Chapter 1 The Collision of Cultures 1

From In Defense of the Indians (c. 1550) Bartolomé De Las Casas 3

From A Briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia (1590) Thomas Harriot John White 6

From Discourse (1609) John Smith Powhatan 7

From The Jesuit Relations (1640) Paul Le Jeune Jerome Lalemant 9

Chapter 2 England's Colonies 14

From The Generall Historie (1624) Captain John Smith 16

From An Indentured Servant's Letter Home (1623) Richard Frethorne 18

From Bacon's Manifesto (1676) Nathaniel Bacon 20

From General Observations and Model of Christian Charity (1629-30) John Winthrop 23

From The Massachusetts Bay Colony Case against Anne Hutchinson (1637) 26

From The Frame of Government and Laws Agreed upon in England (1682) William Penn 29

Chapter 3 Colonial Ways of Life 38

From A Captivity Narrative (1676) Mary Rowlandson 40

From Accounts of the Salem Witchcraft Trials (1693) Cotton Mather 45

From Articles of Belief (1728) Benjamin Franklin 48

From Some Thoughts Concerning the Present Revival of Religion (1743) Jonathan Edwards 51

From Letters from South Carolina (1740-42, 1760-61) Eliza Lucas Pinckney 57

From The Way to Wealth (1757) Benjamin Franklin 64

From The Itinerarium (1774) Alexander Hamilton 67

Newspapers Ads for Runaway Servants and Slaves (1733-72) 70

Chapter 4 From Colonies to States 77

The Government of Charles II From The Navigation Act of 1660 79

From The Second Treatise of Civil Government (1689) John Locke 80

The Albany Congress From The Albany Plan of Union (1754) 86

Stamp Act Congress From Declaration of Rights and Grievances of the Colonies (1765) 89

From Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (1767-68) John Dickinson 91

About the Boston Massacre (1770) Samuel Adams 94

From Common Sense (1776) Thomas Paine 97

Draft of the Declaration of Independence (1776) Thomas Jefferson 104

Chapter 5 The American Revolution, 1776-1783 109

From The American Crisis, Number 1 (1776) Thomas Paine 111

On the Death of General Wooster (1778) Phillis Wheatley 113

Petition to the Assembly of Pennsylvania against the Slave Trade (March 1780) Pennsylvania Citizens 115

From Massachusetts Bill of Rights (1780) 116

From Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty (1786) 120

From The Articles of Confederation (Ratified 1781) 122

From Family Letters on Revolutionary Matters (1776-83) Abigail John Adams 126

Chapter 6 Strengthening the New Nation 134

From A Proclamation of Shaysite Grievances (1786) Daniel Gray 136

About Shays's Rebellion (1786) George Washington 137

Constitutional Convention Debates on Slavery (1787) 139

Constitution of the United States (1787) 143

FROM Arguments against Ratification at the Virginia Convention (1788) Patrick Henry George Mason 151

The Federalist Papers, No. 45 (1788) James Madison 158

From Notes on the State of Virginia (1785) Thomas Jefferson 162

From Farewell Address (1796) George Washington 163

From Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) 168

From Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (1798 and 1799) 173

Chapter 7 The Early Republic, 1800-1815 179

From First Inaugural Address (1801) Thomas Jefferson 181

From Marbury v. Madison (1803) 183

Reflections on the Cession of Louisiana to the United States (1803) 190

From Journals of Exploration (1804-05) Meriwether Levis William Clark 192

From Free and Impressed Sailor (1804-12) James Durand 199

From Letter to Freeholders (1812) John Randolph of Roanoke 203

Chapter 8 The Emergence of a Market Economy, 1815-1850 207

The Ohio (1830s) John James Audubon 209

From The Factory System of Yankeedoodledum (1845) William Schauler 212

From Letters Home to Germany (1849-50s) Anna Maria Klinger 217

From The Irish in America (1867) John Francis Maguire 219

From Imminent Dangers to the Free Institutions of the United States (1835) Samuel F. B. Morse 224

Chapter 9 Nationalism and Sectionalism, 1815-1828 231

From Report of Florida Expedition (1818) Andrew Jackson 233

From Observations on Jackson and the Spanish Florida

Situation (1818-19) John Quincy Adams 236

Reflections on the Missouri Question (1820 John Quincy Adams 240

From Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World (1829) David Walker 244

From McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) 249

From the Monroe Doctrine (1823) James Monroe 255

On the Election, the Court, and Improvements (1823) Henry Clay 261

Chapter 10 The Jacksonian Era, 1828-1840 265

An Address to the Citizens of New-York (1831) Samuel Ennals Philip Bell 267

From South Carolina's Ordinance of Nullification (1832) 270

From The President's Nullification Proclamation (1832) Andrew Jackson 272

From City of Washington… Indians (1830) Frances Trollope 278

From The Chiefs Annual Message (1831) John Ross 281

From Worcester v. Georgia (1832) 285

Interpreting Visual Sources: Picturing Development Versus Nature 290

Lockport-Erie Canal 292

View of the Railroad to Utica (taken at Little Falls) 293

Passenger Pigeon 294

American Bison 295

Progress 297

Chapter 11 The South, Slavery, and King Cotton, 1800-1860 299

From Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1345) Frederick Douglass 301

Trials of Girlhood (late 1820s) Harriet A. Jacobs 303

From Propositions Defining Slavery and Emancipation (1833) Lydia Maria Child 306

From Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Society (1833) William Lloyd Garrison 309

From The South Vindicated from the Treason and Fanaticism of the Northern Abolitionists (1836) H. Manly, Publisher 312

From Prejudices against People of Color (1836) Lydia Maria Child 318

Chapter 12 Religion, Romanticism, and reform, 1800-1860 322

From Lectures on Revivals of Religion (1835, with 1868 revisions) Charles Grandison Finney 325

From Walden (1854) Henry David Thoreau 328

From Moral and Religious Education (1848) Horace Mann 331

From Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845) Margaret Fuller 336

Woman's Rights From Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions (1848) 339

Convention, Seneca Falls Sojourner Truth From Address to the Woman's Rights Convention, Akron, Ohio (1851) 342

Chapter 13 Western Expansion, 1830-1848 344

New York Morning From Home Missionary Society (1840) 346

From A Pioneer Woman's Westward Journey (1849) Herald Catherine Haun 348

The Ohio Statesman FROM Oregon-Adjourned Meeting (1844) 353

From The President's War Message to Congress James K. Polk (1846) 358

From Speech about the Mexican War (1847) Henry Clay 362

Chapter 14 Te gathering Storm, 1848-1860 370

From The Fugitive Slave Law (1854) Ralph Waldo Emerson 373

The Democratic Party The Democratic Platform (1856) 378

The Republican Party The Republican Platform (1856) 382

From Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) 384

From The Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858) Abraham Lincoln Stephen Douglas 391

Hinton Rowan Helper From The Impending Crisis of the South (1857) 399

From South Carolina's Ordinance of Secession and Declaration of Independence (1860) 403

Speech upon Leaving the Senate (January 1861) Jefferson Davis 407

Chapter 15 The War of the Union, 1861-1865 411

From The Reasons for Our Troubles (1862) Frederick Douglass 413

From The Diary of a Union Soldier (1862) Elisa Hunt Rhodes 418

From Tracts for the Times. Courage! (1862) Mary Abigali Dodge 425

Gettysburg Address (1863) Abraham Lincoln 427

From Preface (1866) Jubal A. Early 428

Interpreting Visual Sources: Picturing the Civil War 433

Mathew Brady and Associates: Yorktown Fortifications (1862) 435

Antietam/Sharpsburg (1862) 436

Fredericksburg (1862-63) 438

Gettysburg (1863) 440

Freedman's Camp (1865) 442

Chapter 16 The ERA of Reconstruction, 1865-1877 443

The New York Times From The Late Convention of Colored Men (1865) 445

From Black Codes of Mississippi (1865) 446

From One Man Power Versus Congress (1866) Charles Sumner 450

From Organization and Principles of the Ku Klux Klan (1868) 451

Klan Terrorism in South Carolina (1872) 453

From Address to the First Annual Meeting of the American Equal Rights Association (1867) Sojourner Truth 457

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