God's Little Princess Devotional Bible: Bible Storybook

God's Little Princess Devotional Bible: Bible Storybook

God's Little Princess Devotional Bible: Bible Storybook

God's Little Princess Devotional Bible: Bible Storybook



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Help your little girl grow in the Lord with this bestselling devotional Bible from Sheila Walsh, author of the popular series Gigi, God's Little Princess and cohost of LIFE Today. A good dose of God's truth combined with lots of girly sparkle, God's Little Princess Devotional Bible will help your little girl blossom into the faithful princess she was created to be!

This fun Bible devotional for 4- to 7-year-olds includes:

  • International Children's Bible® selections
  • Short, engaging devotions that help kids relate to God's Word
  • Talking points to spark family discussions
  • Profiles of Bible women
  • Activities, including Bible skit scripts, memory verses, character-building quizzes, and worship songs
  • "True beauty tips" that focus on virtues such as compassion, generosity, and kindness

Girls are sure to love the cheerful illustrations, and the content speaks to every family's desire to raise daughters of the King. Complete with a presentation page, this girly God-focused book is a go-to gift for any gift-giving holiday and is especially meaningful to celebrate baptism, a decision of faith, and National Daughter's Day.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781400320134
Publisher: Nelson, Tommy
Publication date: 10/29/2006
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Format: eBook
Pages: 352
File size: 3 MB
Age Range: 4 - 7 Years

About the Author

Sheila Walsh is a powerful communicator, Bible teacher, and bestselling author with almost six million books sold. She is the author of the award-winning Gigi, God’s Little Princess series, It’s Okay Not to Be Okay, Praying Women, Holding On When You Want to Let Go, and more. She is cohost of the inspirational talk show Life Today with James and Betty Robison, which is seen worldwide by a potential audience of over 100 million viewers. Sheila lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband, Barry, and son, Christian, who is in graduate school.

Read an Excerpt

God's Little Princess Devotional Bible

By Sheila Walsh

Thomas Nelson

Copyright © 2006 Tommy Nelson, a Division of Thomas Nelson, Inc.
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4003-2013-4

Chapter One

Eve, Queen of God's World

Bible Princess

Imagine what it would be like to be the only girl in the world. Now picture you, God, and Adam—the only boy on the face of the earth. Together, you and Adam are told by God to rule over this incredible creation he has just made.

Eve didn't have to imagine. It really happened to her. She was God's first princess in the Garden of Eden.

It was her job to help Adam take care of the animals, plants, and children that God would one day give them.

Of course, Adam and Eve messed up royally when they listened to Satan instead of God. But God didn't give up on his kids. Instead, he sent his Son Jesus to pay the penalty for sin. Now God's children can reign with Jesus once again.

Now the snake was the most clever of all the wild animals the Lord God had made. One day the snake spoke to the woman. He said, "Did God really say that you must not eat fruit from any tree in the garden?"

... The woman saw that the tree was beautiful. She saw that its fruit was good to eat and that it would make her wise. So she took some of its fruit and ate it. She also gave some of the fruit to her husband who was with her, and he ate it.

Then, it was as if the man's and the woman's eyes were opened. They realized they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together and made something to cover themselves....

So the Lord God forced the man out of the garden of Eden. He had to work the ground he was taken from. God forced the man out of the garden. Then God put angels on the east side of the garden. He also put a sword of fire there. It flashed around in every direction. This kept people from getting to the tree of life.

GENESIS 3:1, 6-7, 23-24

Sin Sneaks In

Take a Bow

What you will need:

• basket of apples or some fruit

• white scarf/cape

• branch with leaves

• black scarf/cape

• coat

Directions: Mom will play both the roles of God and Satan. When speaking for God, mom wears the white scarf; when for the devil, the black scarf. The princess will be Adam and Eve.

* Before play begins, place basket of fruit in the center of the room.

Mom (with white scarf): "Adam and Eve, I have made you a beautiful garden. Everything in it is yours. Take care of it. Only do not eat from the tree in the center of the garden." (Point to the basket of fruit in the center of room.)

Princess: (Walk around the room. Come closer and closer to the basket.) "My, what lovely fruit grows here!"

Mom (with black scarf): (Hiss.) "Did God really say that you must not eat fruit from any tree in the garden?"

Princess: "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden except this one. God said that we shouldn't even touch it or we will die."

Mom (still wearing black scarf): "You will not die. God knows that if you eat the fruit from that tree, you will learn about good and evil. Then you will be like God!"

Princess: "Oh well, it does look very good." (Take a bite out of the fruit. Snake hisses and goes away.) "I'll give some to Adam, too. Oh, no! I've done something bad!" (Use branch with leaves to cover up.) "I'd better hide from God."

Mom (with white scarf): "Adam and Eve, where are you?"

Princess: "Hiding from you."

Mom (still with white scarf): "Did you eat from the tree I told you not to? Because you did this each of you must pay for your sin. Now, here are some better clothes for you to put on." (Hand princess the coat.) "You must now leave the garden." Take a Bow!!

Role Review

What did Eve do wrong? (She listened to Satan and disobeyed God.)

How did Satan trick her? (He told lies.)

What could she have done? (Run away; told the truth; not have been near the tree in the first place.)

What happened because they disobeyed? (All three were punished.)

Did God help them? (Yes; he promised to one day bring a Savior who would defeat Satan and free them from the curse.)

How did God show he still cared for Adam and Eve? (He clothed them and stayed with them.)

What should you do when you sin? (Go to God and repent.)

When Jared was 162 years old, he had a son named Enoch. After Enoch was born, Jared lived 800 years. During that time he had other sons and daughters. So Jared lived a total of 962 years. Then he died.

When Enoch was 65 years old, he had a son named Methuselah. After Methuselah was born, Enoch walked with God 300 more years. During that time he had other sons and daughters. So Enoch lived a total of 365 years. Enoch walked with God. One day Enoch could not be found, because God took him.

GENESIS 5:18-24

Royally Loyal

Royal Truths

Have you ever visited a nursing home? It's a special place where people who have grown too old to live by themselves go to live. Most of them love to see and visit with young children. It reminds them of when they were once young.

Older people help remind us of some important things, too. They remind us that we won't live on this earth forever. We will grow up, just like they did.

At God's right time, we will leave this earth to spend eternity with our King, Jesus. So what will you do with the time God gives you here? God wants us to be loyal to him our whole lives. He wants us to always be his friend and to always trust him to protect and save us.

We don't just belong to God as kids. We need to stay close to him our entire lives until we get to see his face.

Make It Yours

In the beginning of time, some people lived close to 1,000 years! Enoch lived 365 years. What's even better is that Enoch became such close friends with God that God took him straight to heaven. Do you want to be loyal to God your whole life like Enoch? Then ask Jesus right now to always keep you close to him. He is able to make it happen!

God said to Abraham, "I will change the name of Sarai, your wife. Her new name will be Sarah. I will bless her. I will give her a son, and you will be the father. She will be the mother of many nations. Kings of nations will come from her."

Abraham bowed facedown on the ground and laughed. He said to himself, "Can a man have a child when he is 100 years old? Can Sarah give birth to a child when she is 90?" Then Abraham said to God, "Please let Ishmael be the son you promised."

God said, "No. Sarah your wife will have a son, and you will name him Isaac. I will make my agreement with him. It will be an agreement that continues forever with all his descendants....

And Sarah said, "God has made me laugh. Everyone who hears about this will laugh with me. No one thought that I would be able to have Abraham's child. But I have given Abraham a son while he is old."

GENESIS 17:15-19; 21:6-7

(For more of this story, read Genesis 17:1-19; 21:1-12.)

Sarah's Crowning Glory

Bible Princesses

Sarah had a different name at first. She was called Sarai when she first met and married Abraham. But then God said he had different plans for both of them. God changed Sarai's name to Sarah, which means "princess." God made a promise to Abraham that he was going to bless him with more descendants than he could count. They were to become the parents of all the Israelites.

Sarah did have to wait for God, though. She had to wait a really, really long time. She was in her 90's before she had a son, Isaac. Sarah finally understood that God has the power to turn ordinary girls into princesses. She also discovered that God always keeps his promises.

The men asked Abraham, "Where is your wife Sarah?"

"There, in the tent," said Abraham.

Then the Lord said, "I will certainly return to you about this time a year from now. At that time your wife Sarah will have a son."

Sarah was listening at the entrance of the tent which was behind him. Abraham and Sarah were very old. Sarah was past the age when women normally have children. So she laughed to herself, "My husband and I are too old to have a baby."

Then the Lord said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh? Why did she say, 'I am too old to have a baby'? Is there anything too hard for the Lord? No! I will return to you at the right time a year from now. And Sarah will have a son."

GENESIS 18:9-14

Be full of joy in the Lord always. I will say again, be full of joy. PHILIPPIANS 4:4

Lovely Laugh Lines

Beauty Secrets

You can put on a beautiful dress. Color your cheeks with the prettiest pink. Decorate your hair with sparkles and glitter. But if your heart is sad, your real beauty just won't show up.

Sometimes we are sad because hurtful or hard times have come our way.

God promises to comfort us when we cry. But many times, we have a bad look on our face because we have a bad attitude in our heart. Did you not get your way? Did your sister or brother bother you? God says that we should always rejoice in him, no matter what. We can always find a reason to have joy when we remember that he loves and takes care of us.

Beauty Tips

Look in the mirror. Make a mad face. Now make a happy face. Which looks better? Which feels better? Ask God to help you always find joy in his friendship. Ask him to help his love put beautiful laugh lines on your face.

Abraham's oldest servant was in charge of everything Abraham owned. Abraham called that servant to him and said, "... Go back to my country, to the land of my relatives. Get a wife for my son Isaac from there."

... The servant said, "Lord, you are the God of my master Abraham. Allow me to find a wife for his son today. Please show this kindness to my master Abraham."

... Before the servant had finished praying, Rebekah came out of the city. She was the daughter of Bethuel. (Bethuel was the son of Milcah and Nahor, Abraham's brother.) Rebekah was carrying her water jar on her shoulder....

The servant bowed and worshiped the Lord. He said, "Blessed is the Lord, the God of my master Abraham. The Lord has been kind and truthful to him. He has led me to my master's relatives."

Then Rebekah ran and told her mother's family about all these things....

Laban and Bethuel answered, "This is clearly from the Lord. We cannot change what must happen. Rebekah is yours. Take her and go. Let her marry your master's son as the Lord has commanded."

GENESIS 24:2-4, 12, 15, 26-28, 50-51

(For more of this story, read all of Genesis 24.)

Rebekah, Chosen Royalty

Bible Princesses

Rebekah didn't know what was coming. She was just going out to the well to get water, like she did every day. She didn't know that God was watching. God was planning her future. By watering a stranger's camels, she was chosen for a new royal position. God picked her to become Isaac's princess bride. She would become the mother of Jacob. Jacob became the father of Israel, God's chosen people.

Do you like cleaning your room? Washing dishes? Doing chores around the house? It's easy to get bored and quit. But God is watching. He is training you for your special calling one day. God uses the ordinary things—like watering camels (or feeding your hamster) and serving others—to do mighty works. Like Rebekah, we need to be busy loving Jesus by serving others. God will move at just the right time to work out his amazing plan for your life.

Moses said to the people, "Don't be afraid. God has come to test you. He wants you to respect him so you will not sin."

The people stood far away from the mountain while Moses went near the dark cloud where God was. Then the Lord told Moses to say these things to the Israelites: "You yourselves have seen that I talked with you from heaven. You must not use gold or silver to make idols for yourselves. You must not worship these false gods in addition to me.

"Make an altar of dirt for me. Offer your whole burnt offerings and fellowship offerings on this altar as a sacrifice to me. Use your sheep and your cattle to do this. Worship me in every place that I choose. Then I will come and bless you."

EXODUS 20:20-24

On Your Honor

Royal Truths

If you had a chance to meet the President of the United States, what would you say? Would you be silly? Would you show him respect? Chances are, you would be thrilled! You would give him your complete attention and enjoy every moment.

How much more important than a person is God? We know in our heads that God deserves respect and honor. But in our daily actions we often forget. We might joke about God's Word.

We might think or do other things during family prayer time. We begin to treat God like he is just another person instead of the King of kings.

God does love us. He is our Father, and we can always come to him. But he is also very powerful and holy. He deserves all of our attention, respect, and praise.

Make It Yours

In Old Testament days, the Israelites understood God's holiness. His glory amazed them so much that they were afraid to come near the mountain where God spoke to them. Today, we don't need to be afraid of God. Jesus' work on the cross makes us friends and family with him. But we need to remember how important he is. We need to always honor his name. What are some ways you can better show him honor?

Moses cut two stone tablets like the first ones. Then early the next morning he went up to Mount Sinai. He did this just as the Lord had commanded him. Moses carried the two stone tablets with him. Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with Moses. And the Lord called out his name, the Lord.

The Lord passed in front of Moses and said, "I am the Lord. The Lord is a God who shows mercy and is kind. The Lord doesn't become angry quickly. The Lord has great love and faithfulness. The Lord is kind to thousands of people. The Lord forgives people for wrong and sin and turning against him."

EXODUS 34:4-7

The Gift That Keeps Giving

Worthy of Love

All year long you wait. Is anything more exciting than Christmas day? People all around the world celebrate by getting together, giving fun gifts, and eating good food. God's people enjoy it most because we know Jesus, God's greatest gift of all.

Have you ever wondered why such a great day happens only once a year? What keeps us from celebrating Jesus every single day?

Don't wait any longer. Look for ways that you can surprise your family with little gifts of love each day. Sneak a picture onto your mom's pillow at night. Play a special game with your little sister. Tell your older brother how much you love him. Tell your daddy "thank you" for working so hard for the family.

Gifts don't have to be big. They just need to come from your heart.

Each day is a new chance for you to celebrate God's love by showing it to others. It will remind your family that God's goodness lasts all year—and all of our lives!

There was a prophetess named Deborah. She was the wife of Lappidoth. She was judge of Israel at that time. Deborah would sit under the Palm Tree of Deborah. This was between the cities of Ramah and Bethel, in the mountains of Ephraim. And the people of Israel would come to her to settle their arguments.

Deborah sent a message to a man named Barak. He was the son of Abinoam. Barak lived in the city of Kedesh, which is in the area of Naphtali. Deborah said to Barak, "The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you: 'Go and gather 10,000 men of Naphtali and Zebulun. Lead them to Mount Tabor....'"

Then Barak said to Deborah, "I will go if you will go with me. But if you will not go with me, I won't go."

"Of course I will go with you," Deborah answered. "But you will not get credit for the victory. The Lord will let a woman defeat Sisera." So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh.

JUDGES 4:4-6, 8-9


Excerpted from God's Little Princess Devotional Bible by Sheila Walsh Copyright © 2006 by Tommy Nelson, a Division of Thomas Nelson, Inc.. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Eve, Queen of God's World....................2
Sin Sneaks In....................6
Royally Loyal....................10
Sarah's Crowning Glory....................14
Lovely Laugh Lines....................18
Rebekah, Chosen Royalty....................22
On Your Honor....................26
The Gift That Keeps Giving....................30
A Sticky Situation....................34
Ruth, a Secret Royalty....................38
Heaven Hears....................42
A Lesson in Listening....................46
Life Through God's Glasses....................50
My Daddy's Bigger....................54
Oil of Gladness....................58
From Rags to True Riches....................62
Esther, Beautiful on the Inside and Out....................66
The Perfect Excuse....................70
Rise and Shine....................74
Signs of Life....................78
Heavenly Help....................82
Heaven on Earth....................86
God's Hidden Treasure....................90
Fashioned and Fabulous....................94
Joyful Noise....................98
Women of Wisdom....................102
Crawling with Wisdom....................106
You Are a Jewel....................110
Hold Your Horses....................114
Fun With Friends....................118
The King's Beautiful Bride....................122
Promising Plans....................126
Ready, Set, Start Over....................130
Heavenly Hide and Seek....................134
Praying Like Jesus....................138
Teachable Hearts....................142
Why Worry?....................146
A Sweet Surprise....................150
Being (and Singing) the Blessing....................154
Ask and Receive....................158
Something Smells Sweet....................162
Easter Son-Rise....................166
No Small Miracle....................170
It's Your Serve....................174
My Kingdom for Kids....................178
Fancy Feet....................182
Elizabeth, God's Prime-Time Princess....................186
Heart Makeovers....................190
Mary, Mother of King Jesus....................194
Forgive and Forget....................198
Lost and Found....................202
Forgiving Family....................206
Return the Favor....................210
The Gift of Giving....................214
Beautiful Lips....................218
Charmed, I'm Sure....................222
God's Building Blueprint....................226
Only One Shepherd....................230
The Great Comeback....................234
The Great Connection....................238
Truth Be Told....................242
Care to Be Caring....................246
Lydia, the Leader of Light....................250
Safe and Sound....................254
A Good Ending....................258
Body Language....................262
Fit For a Princess....................266
Love from Above....................270
Eye to Eye....................274
God's Great Strength....................278
Adopted and Adored....................282
The Reason They Rule....................286
A Sweet Treat....................290
Beyond Hair to Beautiful Thoughts....................294
Attitude Alert....................298
Open-Door Policy....................302
A Royal To-Do....................306
Teacher Talk....................310
Facts of Faith....................314
No Shadow of Doubt....................318
First Things First....................322
Fairest of Them All....................326
Coming Clean....................330
Love Letters....................334
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