HEAD PEOPLE VS HEART PEOPLE: Short circuit the 18 inch Journey from Head to Heart

HEAD PEOPLE VS HEART PEOPLE: Short circuit the 18 inch Journey from Head to Heart

by Suzanne Adair Lindsay
HEAD PEOPLE VS HEART PEOPLE: Short circuit the 18 inch Journey from Head to Heart

HEAD PEOPLE VS HEART PEOPLE: Short circuit the 18 inch Journey from Head to Heart

by Suzanne Adair Lindsay


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A captivating spiritual journey emphasizing the difference between head thinking and heart feeling, clearly defined through the author’s life experiences. An intensely definitive portrayal of the spectrum between the two. An interesting account and lovely expose of the intricacies of the mind and heart.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781504367394
Publisher: Balboa Press
Publication date: 02/08/2017
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 148
File size: 977 KB

About the Author

Suzanne is a long time student of metaphysics including self-realization fellowship, then on to being a Louise Hay teacher. Completed workshops with Wayne Dyer, Colin Tipping, and many others. Careers in fashion modeling, and traveling extensively, currently Life Coach, and an author.

Read an Excerpt

Head People vs Heart People

Short Circuit The 18 Inch Journey From Head To Heart

By Suzanne Adair Lindsay

Balboa Press

Copyright © 2017 Suzanne Lindsay
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-5043-6738-7



THE LONGEST JOURNEY I ever made was from my head T to my heart, although technically it is only 18 inches.

Remembering, always it seemed growing up, you just listened and obeyed and followed. No matter what if "they" told you to do it or think it (you would validate it in your head). We all resonate with that memory "we are never good enough – you are not smart enough – you don't listen enough" etc.

So, your journey from innocence and joy and childhood magic transforms to repetitive stoic "head people" to a travesty – where no more princes and princesses and magical carriages carry you away (to "time out" and caustic reprimand and scolding and sometimes pain).

What is the lesson here?

We are born as love and purity and all good.

Where does that change? I believe it is very insidious and we have no idea that when we are very young we are victims of victims living in their environment.

It is constant and unconscious, and we just: "follow", "Don't Touch", "Don't Push", "Stop Crying", "Come Here" ... and it goes on and on.

In perspective – it is so immobilizing, so negative and so limiting.

How do we progress? (Through sheer determination and will at this age) is there any other answer? Yes. Divine intervention.

We remember the hideous parts and we try to expand on it.

Where do we start? From the time I was thrown down the stairs by my father because I cried when they told me there would be a sister ... Or the time there was no food and I climbed to a high cupboard and ate Crisco shortening and got caught.

Examining the HEAD people

that hurt our hearts and our beings, we understand that they had no reference. They were not capable of healing our hearts or our Heads.

Some little people do experience loving people who had some heart aspect.

Most rattle around in fear and constant panic to try to assuage "them" or we were invalidated completely.

This is a very long journey.

* * *

As a small child we come into life "pure and unadulterated".

Then slowly we become socialized (main stream style!) into the uniformed life.

It has to be trauma that is stamped if you look into a baby's eyes. They are able to see auras when they first come in and after a while most all lose the ability altogether.

Thinking back on your life what can you remember? And how far back? Surely isolated memories come back but not with their true feelings and emotions.

(I can remember standing in a crib so long and taking off dirty diapers and spreading them – which incurred much anger and wrath). So, this behavior keeps us stuck in the head. It becomes very clear why I equate the word Head with the word FEAR. Let me figure out how I can get out of this mess, or avoid it, or better yet not have it occur at all?!

So, the little person in the carriage who gets gloating attention from many people, figures it out (HEAD): "if I smile a lot they will coo at me, then they may love me, they may also give me a prize (a bottle, a biscuit etc.)". As pure as the heart is at this time, it does not render itself because of the incessant chatter and expectancy to perform.

And so we move from the carriage to the playpen and are "caged" in with various toys and new expectations, "she is trying to stand up" – with much coercion and direction – "let her do it herself" – "don't help her", along with many pointers on the toys; " Do not throw it" – "don't bite it". And the coup de grace "Play Nicely" whatever that means!!

So once again we use our mental tactics to figure out how:

1. To get out of the cage!

2. Play nicely (maybe it means don't cry!!)

3. By golly pull yourself up even if it hurts!!

If there was no adult behavior such as described, perhaps we would sit as long as we choose; bang the toys to hear the noise, and try to climb out over the rails – all led by our heart's intention – but the truth is it is almost always modified by an adult. Then, to keep you truly in your head, the best of all is "be a good girl or boy". Being a good girl or boy means you smile when directed, by looks or words, you "kiss Granma Jean" when instructed and you never cry or whine!!

So we "come in" as pure little heart people and are forced to take the journey from there to the head and ultimately back to the heart.

Perhaps it cannot be done in all cases in one lifetime but the Beauty and the Purity in a baby's eyes tell all and the difference a few years make tells a different story (sometimes not even a few years -I see pictures of little people with tragedy etched all over their faces).

They never have had "parenting schools". How divine that would be!! If only there were parenting schools with conscious teachers, not only aware but loving and kind.

That would make the earth plane existence a more magical place – so that is a dream! Such a divine one!

And a few blessed souls have the grace to have parents such as these and it would help with their journey to an extraordinary degree.

The absence of yelling and punishing (verbally or physically) has to grant a small child a safety net – a composed place, to ponder and to dream and nurture heart work.

As I mentioned before we are all victims of victims and considering that it opens the door to forgiveness ("to give for" – to release for our growth). For some, that is impossible and they carry a burden of anger and hatred never understanding that point.

(In my childhood there was abuse – locked in rooms, mercilessly screamed at, abandoned -physically and emotionally, punishment for menial reasons, and favoritism with my other sibling). Now, with my mother dead, I see only the best part of her: Mothering, her Irish humor, her wounded heart, and her pain – and I put her in my band of Angels (with her twin sister). They watch over me all day and my heart is filled with gratitude and forgiveness.

She was doing the best that she could with the understanding, knowledge, and awareness that she had at the time.

The problem with not choosing the higher road to consciousness is that we transfer it to our parenting and to our children, and you experience the cause and effect of it, and the transfer to carry venom in your bloodline.

If you are blessed to take the Heart way – you save yourself and generations from suffering.

Remember when you went to the market with your mother or care person you had to sit in the cart and stay still, or you went to the department store and all you wanted to do was to run and hide in the clothing racks. As an adult, did you ever experience what seems like eternity when you could not find your child, or one you were in charge of? And you dart and yell in panic until the loudspeaker calls: "Mrs. Lindsay, Ty is in the office waiting for you". Or, someone finds this little person inside a huge rack of clothes, and asks: "Is this your son?"

Big lesson for the Heart: "Please God help me find him and I will never yell, hit again".

As we remember the memory from our perspective, the child has a totally different memory. It may be gentle or it may be caustic, but it is theirs. It also stays with us as we see it – and plays at our heartstrings helping us to become more aware or more in fear.

Also, when you remember your memory your way, the adult may tell you "that is ridiculous – that never happened at all like that". WOW! That is a big one!

"You can't invalidate my clear memory of what happened – I can, it is absurd". What do you do? How do you respond? We are not usually fortunate enough to be in a family where pure and intimate conversations exist. In that space there is a tremendous opportunity for growth. As Marianne Williamson says it is the "art of the angels" to be able to be intimate. And it is.

"Please dear God put me into a heart space that allows me to open my heart to others and be coached by you"! This is a good little prayer as you venture in.

So we continue remembering; your first day of kindergarten, how scared you were and confused, and your little heart was saying "Please don't abandon me". And the adult with the head philosophy tells you "don't cry", "be good", "I will be back to get you soon". But how does that affect your Heart? It makes you simulate bravery, false bravery. And you are assuaged for a short time while you give time for joy and play time. It becomes more intense through school. In the early years you may have teachers who are very righteous – very strict or very kind. I am sure you remember the kind ones. (I so much remember Miss Rosser – a kind and chubby, loving person who made me feel special). Who comes to mind for you?

If all the teachers were like Miss Rosser – there would be so much more creativity, more smiles and happier school days and you would unconsciously be doing work to open your heart.

It is so difficult to focus on being loving with competition and sometimes bullying. The biggest message from the head people is "I want to see good grades".

In some countries, time is taken to serve the elders with compassion, or to take time to meditate or pray.

And it does present an argument for home schooling if time is taken to nurture those spiritual and contemplative parts of the student, the parts that creates poets and painters and artists. At this time on the planet, I would choose home schooling. The argument against it is the child does not integrate with his peers. So it does present a concerted effort for the parent or the caregiver to socialize the child.

However, if the parent is connected in some way to a spiritual source – it can be transferred to the child.

If not – an immediate by pass or allocation If the parent does not have such spiritual resources, or he/she does not know how to impart them to the child, some other arrangements should be made to give the child access to such resources.

The parent being one on one with the child affords the child to internalize the process of the home education. Some children may be a slight shift from the "home" and have some fragmented bases with which to identify So it is an endeavor to home school as I see it. If "our" understanding is affirmations, gratitude and loving spirit, then we practice that in our schooling. If our endeavor is self – absorbed, narcissistic, or ill-intentioned – then we will undoubtedly castigate or encompass those we are interviewing into our belief system.

So it is a challenging decision for parents to make with valid points on one side or the other. I would choose home schooling at this juncture because I would give purity and clarity to what I would teach a little person at this point.

The next age bracket to think about is the four years between 12-16 – very disparate ages. So much occurs during these years. At 12 we are still little people, in between adults and peers. Both waving flags of complacency and attraction: The adults luring us to side with them and that is attractive. Our peers expect us to be cool and popular. Their little heads are consumed with "being the best", being "the most popular, the most liked by everyone". It is no wonder that it is described as such a "difficult age", 12 -16. We are trying to be 12 (which is now called Tween to being a major "horse" of 16). Say no more!

16 is the age when you know everything about it all; sex, politics, parenting, girls, guys, socializing, cars, education, and love!!! It is also trying to interpret and amalgamate any external knowledge or information to a human at this point.

If you speak it "you are a moron", if you write it "you are an idiot", if you sanction their behavior "you are an easy mark", and if you ignore it you truly are a "fool", alias a--!! Few humans at this age (perhaps in other countries) are well mannered, polite and eager to listen.

I was one of those "other" humans who was bold and flamboyant and did cause some heart ache to my Mom. My father left us when I was a small child and we moved in with my mom's twin sister and her husband. It was very lonely and desolate emotionally and spiritually. But I did abide all the abuse and neglect.

Now I try not to nurture that part of my past, as Bishop Jakes says, "when you hold on to your history, you do it at the expense of your destiny". "You cannot be a big person with a small HEART."

"The gift is in knowing that your past has been your spiritual schoolroom", Paul Williams and Tracy Jackson.

Wherever we are in this time and we glance back at our history, we can hold on to it as a spiritual schoolroom. How much easier to observe! How all the mud puddles we still walk through to the other side and continue on.

Considering we are born with a pure lake for our mind, pure of any bacteria, any algae, – any muddy waters. It is unimaginable what social media, parents, and teachers are capable of (to dirty up the intuition -to fragment the sweet mind and to emulsify thought processes and belief systems that belong to another individual. How hideous is this?!

So we are left with a 13-15 year old individual who does not know where to go, what to truly believe, and no understanding of where to go from here. How could anyone? So aimlessly this little person is on his way and usually inculcated by the "Head people" once again.

Where is our sense of source, our absolute being? "So lost in the sauce", so nowhere, unless an angel guards us or steps in.

Unfortunately, we almost always do not recognize our angels after a morbid atrocity and honor them. Nor can we see the way towards which they are directing us.

It is so easy, when you are unconscious, NOT to see, or appreciate, or honor any angelic help. Mostly taking it for granted or not believing anything offered.

It was so many years before I named my Guardian angel. It came to me in an instant. His name is Samuel (he is blond with long hair and is about 12 years old earth time. He has been with me for a lifetime and he is beautiful). My respect came with his recognition and I speak to him throughout the day along with my daughters – entire "band of Angels" my mom, her twin sister and my grandma and grandpa and my son in law and father. "Thank you, thank you for guiding me this day. There could be no other way".

This put living into a whole new fresh perspective. I am truly not alone. I am truly guided and I am open to all guidance that is available to me.

But we all mostly pass this up and take it for granted, as we do the sun, the moon, and the stars, and as I did for so long.

Now my emphasis daily is being grateful for all my guardian angels and guides and giving thanks to them.

"No man is an island" and all are truly guarded and guided (thank you or not) All the time – if we but give the courtesy to listen and know that countless angels are guiding us as I write – countless angels!! For me it is my Band of Angels with Samuel my forever always present angel.

The beginning of the journey up and out of the "Head World" is a connection (however small) with Source – call it God, Universe, Energy, Creator, Supreme Love.

The start can be a small whisper of "there has to be something more ..." or the glimpse of a bold pink and blue sky as the sun sets, or a cacophony of sounds from the morning birds saying "wake up lazy human and pay attention" – it is all such a gift; the sounds, the visuals, the serendipitous encounters.

What comes to mind is that common statement: "take time to smell the roses", when most of us don't even see them, let alone smell them, (where God is in every petal).

As we progress time-wise the very teen age years become, as someone wrote, "all teen agers should be put away until they are 20 and released!" That would save us a lot of life lessons!!! For so many, lessons are taught and so many are learned in this short time span of life. On both sides, both parts equally troublesome and lovely!!

The young person is so caught up with his/her peers, social media, and the input from parents and teachers.

No wonder most are confused and side-tracked in some way. When I remember my teen years – it is so chaotic and jumbled with no string attached to Source. It seems hard to realize we did "make it through". No semblance of peace or quiet or awareness anywhere unless you come from a family of that consciousness and awareness (how blessed you were!).

Because those years embrace the "Head People" – what you look like – what you wear, who you associate with – where you live – where you go ...


Excerpted from Head People vs Heart People by Suzanne Adair Lindsay. Copyright © 2017 Suzanne Lindsay. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
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Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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