"HOLD ON!": He Will See You Through

by Jacqueline Rodriguez

"HOLD ON!": He Will See You Through

by Jacqueline Rodriguez


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GIVING UP IS NOT AN OPTION OR THE ANSWER! When I felt like giving up, because nothing seemed to be going my way. When I felt alone, rejected, misunderstood and out of place in this world. A still small voice spoke to me louder than the situations surrounding me and said “HOLD ON, I will see you through”. God made a way where their seemed to be no way and he will do the same for you. So let the words of this book guide you to a safe and secure place where you are always accepted and loved. Hold on to daddy’s hand and do not let go for he is the only one that will see you through.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781467869768
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 11/08/2011
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 80
File size: 2 MB

Read an Excerpt


He Will See You Through
By Jacqueline Rodriguez


Copyright © 2011 Jacqueline Rodriguez
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4678-6975-1

Chapter One


When you look at me who do you see?

Do you see me laugh and think everything is ok?

Do you see me being silly and having a good time

and believe there is no pain?

Do you think that I am popular because I'm surrounded

by people and everyone knows my name?

Do you see me as someone who always fits in?

I ask you look closely and tell me who do you see ...

Do you really see ME?

I would prefer to be heard and not seen. I saw myself as ugly, too tall and that I was stupid. It was hard for me to accept that my God created me and that he created me perfectly for his use. Thoughts of suicide filled my mind during my adolescence and at times during adulthood. I figured it would be better to be out of this world because nobody would miss me. When I began to let God show me in his word who I really was and how he saw me I questioned him. I asked him a lot of "why" questions. Like, "why did you bring me into this world?" He would answer because I need you to help others and because I love you.

I believed that no one loved me because of the way I saw myself. I was hurt and rejected all of my life, so why should God see me any different. I had to learn that God is not looking at my appearance, but he is looking at my heart.

Jeremiah 1:5

I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.

Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my

Prophet to the nations.


God, when will I stop running from you and run to you?

When will I realize all you want is to love me?

He wants to show me the great things He has in store for me.

When will I stop running and let you heal, deliver, and make me the person you created me to be.

When will I just STOP and say, "here I am! I give up!

I'm tired, I'm lonely and I can't make it without you?"

When will I stop running from you and run to YOU?


All of my life I was running away, not physically but within myself. When I felt threatened I would shut down, put up walls and run into my secret hiding place, ME. I never felt like I belonged anywhere, not even in God's family. People made fun of me or tried to make me fit into their molds without asking me how I felt or what I thought. I always had a good imagination so I would run into my own little world in my mind. I had to learn to let God into my heart and stop trying to change myself without his help, because I couldn't do it. I was afraid to let go and let God show me how to love myself, because for so long I hated myself so why should God love me.

I had to stop and shut down my emotions and listen to my God and accept his love for me. So don't hide your heart from God just stop, let him in and accept his love.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Then if my people who are called by my name

Will humble themselves and pray and seek my face

And turn from their wicked ways,

I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins

And restore their land.


The center of attention?

The one everyone looks up to?

Are you the person they come to for advice,

Or the one everybody can trust.

Who are you?

The one behind the mask that pretends, so no

one can see your pain?

Will you do for others, be the shoulder they cry on and yet have no one that you can be real with?

Who are you?

Are you that child hiding within screaming for help, with no one

to hear?

Are you the one that says "Can anyone see me, hear me, feel me, HELP ME!"

Who are you?

I would be everything for everybody else and do what others expected of me, even if I was miserable. I believed that that was the Christian way to live, never say "no". The more I lived like this the more I lost myself. I associated who I was with what I did. I figured that I was pleasing God even though I was hurting and miserable. I thought if I said "no" I would be rejected, not just by man, but also by God. I had to learn that God is not a hard task master. I can talk to him freely and he won't push me away. I can be myself with God I don't have to pretend. Be yourself with God because he created you and he knows everything about you. He loves you.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,

says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster,

to give you a future and a hope.


When you are feeling lonely and misunderstood,

Remember, Jesus has been there and He knows what you are going through.

He came to love you, save you and heal you.

Don't be afraid to open your heart, let Him in,

He will not hurt you like some of your friends.

He will take the time to listen to every word you say.

He will even listen to the words you don't say,

the ones you keep bottled up inside.

Can you let go of the past and just hold on to His hand.

You are not alone you don't have to pretend.

Just let go and let God be your closest friend.

God loves me. Yes, there are things in my life that need to be changed, like negative thinking, but he loves ME. I will make mistakes and at times doubt that he will do what he said he will do for me, but one thing I have learned is that his love for me will never change. He loves me for me and not for the things I do for him. I am the apple of his eye. I can be myself with him and know that he won't push me away. I can be silly with him and he will join me. So let your guard down and be yourself with God, because he loves you just as you are.

I John 4:16

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God,

and God in Him.


When I was young and so naïve,

I trusted man and in him I believed.

But there came a time they used me,

Hurt me, and rejected me.

Then whom could I believe?

I hid myself in a cocoon,

like an immature butterfly without wings.

I was unable to fly they were snipped by the winds of life,

I tried to trust in man again,

but to no avail.

I opened my heart.

Only to find a knife was inside.

It wasn't until I chose to go back to the one who first loved me.

The one who saw me as I am,

with wings in my cocoon.

I would use my gifts and talents as a cocoon to hide inside of just to avoid being hurt by people. I would pick and choose who I would let into my cocoon. People that I thought would always be there for me. God would allow winds to blow my way that would shake my cocoon. And the people that I let in were the first ones to leave and no one was there to help me. I learned that I can only trust in God. He allowed the winds and storms in order to get rid of hindrances in my life, but he will never let me go. At the end of it all God just wants me to spread my wings and learn how to fly, because he will always be the wind that will help me to soar on high.

Colossians 3:3

For you died to this life,

And your real life is hidden with Christ in God.


Because of you I can rise in the morning,

You fill my lungs with air,

and I have a new song to sing.

Because of you I can see things in a new light,

and not just the black and white, or gray.

When friends, brothers, and loved ones

have stabbed me in the back,

I have a spring in my step,

because of you.

Because of you I have a rock to stand on,

it won't shake or move, because its foundation

is on very solid ground.

Because of you I have nothing to fear.

I can walk through the shadow of death your

light covers me, and your hand guides me,

until I can see that the end of the trial is near.

Because of you I can conquer what life and the enemy

throw at me, because you have given me

your authority, wisdom, knowledge, and strength.

Because of you my Mighty King I have all I need.

Salvation, healing, prosperity, and victory.

For you gave your all asking only for me to

love you, live for you, and follow you into


Because of you MY JESUS I know I can stand ...

Because of you.

This year I have gone through situations and I did not understand why God let these situations come into my life. I felt like everyone even God had turned their back on me. As the months went on I understood that God is still with me and that it's because of him that I can still wake up in the morning. And in the midst of every situation God wanted to see if I would still live for him or would I quit and turn my back on him. It wasn't easy but I chose to walk with God, because if it weren't for him I would not be here. So in the midst of whatever situation your facing, don't give up. Just put your trust in God.

Romans 8:37

Know, despite all these things overwhelming victory

is ours through Christ who loved us.


Your blood called to me when I was ready to let go and give up.


Washed me, saved me, healed me, and sealed me for my destiny.


Gives me power and authority to withstand the enemy's tactics and win.


Covers me and allows me to see in the spirit realm things that want to come against me to hinder me to stop me.


Is what flows through my veins for I got a blood transfusion when I said, "yes" and received your name.


Gave me new life and new wings to fly.

I am seated with you on high.

And Jesus, I know it is because of YOUR BLOOD.

I am a living testimony that the blood of Jesus is still flowing and protecting today. I have had several health issues this year and my God has been there to heal me from them all. The latest thing that my God has done was to spare mine and my mom's life. Jesus covered us with his blood as we were in a car accident. I was slightly injured on my left arm and going to therapy but, all praise be to God nothing happened to my mom. It could have been worse. We could have died if it weren't for his blood and his mercy. You might encounter different things in your life but, remember that his blood still flows and he will be there for you.

Mark 14:24

And he said to them, "This is my blood, which confirms the

covenant between God and his people.

It is poured out as a sacrifice for many.


You said I was dumb, an idiot, stupid.

You said I would amount to nothing.

The one that could not see.

You forgot the one who sent me, created me,

made me and believed in me.

He said I am the head and not the tail.

Above only and not beneath.

He said I am the apple of His eye and created in the image I am meant to be.

So you see I am not the words you said of me.

I was created by GOD ALMIGHTY and He lacks nothing and

He is the one who lives in me.

I can do all things through Christ because he is my strength. I finally understood that God is with me and for me. I might not have been a scholar in high school but, I have been able to obtain a 3.25 GPA in my college courses. All praise be to my God, for it is because of him that I am able to succeed. I will be getting my Bachelors Degree in May 2011 and I owe it all to my God. Without him I am nothing and I can do nothing. Let God be your guide in everything you do and he will help you achieve all the dreams he has placed inside of you.

1 Corinthians 2:16

For, "Who can know the Lord's thoughts?

who knows enough to teach him?"

But we understand these things for we have

the mind of Christ.


Many say they love you and that they'll never leave you.

When you turn your back,

they're the first ones to deceive you.

You thought they would be there for you with every step you took.

But you've come to realize that it's a lonely road.

No one really cares where you've been, where your going, and how you will get there.

So when God calls you don't you be surprised,

when you look around and find no one by your side.

Because it's a lonely road we're on.

When God called me to follow him I thought I would always have the attention of my brothers and sisters, especially during the hard times. I have realized that during those times is when God will let you see who is really with you. It's not that I don't love my brothers and sisters, but I had to learn to trust more in the Lord and less in man. There are times in our walk with God when we will have to go through certain situations. By going through these situations you will become stronger and more pliable in the Master's hands.

When we go through these situations, at times it will be a lonely road because nobody else but God will understand you. He is the one who is molding you. So don't look for man to help you out. Look for God and relax in his arms.

Psalm 23:4

Even when I walk through the

darkest valley,

I will not be afraid,

for you are close beside me.

Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.


Life's storms have come against you,

causing your ship to sway to and fro.

You think your boat is about to cave in,

because you don't know how to stay afloat.

Just when you believe all hope is gone and land you cannot see.

It's when Jesus, the Anointed One steps onto the scene,

and says, "just keep your eyes on me and don't be distracted by the winds.

For I am the author and finisher of your faith,

remember this storm too will end".

During the storms in my life I truly believed that God was nowhere to be found. I have since learned that he is in the storm with me but, he is not falling apart, anxious or fearful. He is in peace or like I choose to say, sleeping just waiting to see what my reaction will be to the storm. Will I be composed and in peace trusting in him and believing that the storm will end. Will I look for comfort and pity in man. During most of the storms in my life I have searched for the comfort of man while deep down inside of me I could hear God saying to me "you hoo", "I am here".


Excerpted from "HOLD ON!" by Jacqueline Rodriguez Copyright © 2011 by Jacqueline Rodriguez. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Who Do You See?....................1
Stop Running!....................4
Who Are You?....................8
His Love Is Real....................12
My Cocoon....................16
Because Of You....................20
Your Blood....................25
I'm Not Stupid....................29
It's A Lonely Road....................33
The Storm Will End....................37
I Fit In....................41
It Was Your Presence....................45
I Chose To Forgive....................49
The Son Will Shine Again....................53
Closing Prayer....................57
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