Immortal Secrets: The Tales of Dungard

Immortal Secrets: The Tales of Dungard

by Ashley Hengy
Immortal Secrets: The Tales of Dungard

Immortal Secrets: The Tales of Dungard

by Ashley Hengy



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Lacey has been awake for four hundred and twentynine years. Created by an immortal father and human mother, Lacey and her brother, Damien, are outcasts who do not belong to either world. Although Damien has easily adjusted to his ever-changing life, Lacey wants nothing more than to break free from her immortal ways. Little does she know that all of that is about to change.

After years of alternating between countries, Lacey and Damien now live in Michigan, where for three years they have been in hiding. Just as Damien reveals to Lacey that they are both extraordinarily powerful and never should have been born, Lacey meets Scarlett Jenxon, a seemingly normal girl who is about to help her discover the true meaning of being an immortal descendantto be a guardian of gifted humans. Scarlett is on the run from the Bortilo, living bodies of the damned who steal souls. Unable to turn to the immortals for help, Lacey, Damien, and a band of friends embark on a dangerous quest to destroy the Bortilo before the balance for good is extinguished forever.

In this gripping fantasy tale, secrets are revealed and sacrifices made as Lacey and Damien soon discover that doing the right thing sometimes means rebelling against what they once desired most of all.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781475964240
Publisher: iUniverse, Incorporated
Publication date: 12/05/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 234
File size: 592 KB
Age Range: 13 - 17 Years

About the Author

Ashley Hengy grew up the second of seven children in Southeast Michigan. After graduating from high school in 2008, she began writing her first series. Ashley currently lives a quiet life with her Labrador retrievers, Liberty Belle and Krash Nebula. This is her debut novel.

Read an Excerpt

Immortal Secrets

The Tales of Dungard

iUniverse, Inc.

Copyright © 2012 Ashley Hengy
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4759-6423-3

Chapter One

I had been awake for four hundred and twenty-nine years. As I watched the thick snowflakes fall from the sky, I felt tired. It was an odd feeling but after all these years, I actually felt something.

A soft clinking in the next room interrupted my thoughts. The sound was familiar. I knew my brother was pacing in the library stopping occasionally to drink some brandy. A small smile found its place on my lips. Damien had picked up his habit in the early 1900's and continued it to this day.

Had I been born lazy by nature this life would be simple. On second thought, if I had been born mortal I would be equally unhappy. How annoying it was to have mixed feelings.

A yawn escaped me as I slouched against the window, my forehead resting against the cool glass. The snow had begun to stick on every surface but the concrete. This was somewhat of a secret blessing.

Every winter the roars and sputters of snow blowers invaded the mansion. If it were not for the sounds it would all be quite amusing to watch. The neighbors all seemed to leave their houses in unison, a joint force ready to battle Mother Nature.

"What are you smiling about over there Lacey?" Damien had abandoned his pacing at last.

"The world," I turned to him. "It is constantly changing and we remain the same."

"I know." He came and rested a hand on my shoulder. "We are perfect. I could not ask for anything more."

"Do you not ever wish you were imperfect? It all gets quite old after a while."

"Have I ever wished to be imperfect?" My brother frowned as if I had spit in his direction. "Why would you want to be imperfect? It makes you so-"

"Human?" I asked him. "I only wish I had more human qualities, and then everyone would not envy me so."

"What is wrong with being envied?" He grinned at himself in the nearby mirror. "What is wrong with it I say? Let them envy and bow to our every will."

A loud sigh emitted from me. "You do not understand. Being human is what we are trying to do. Getting away from the immortal ways is what we are trying to accomplish as well."

"I know that. I was just trying to make you laugh." He grinned again.

"You are so witty." I teased, "So very, very witty."

He went to walk away from me. Damien easily tired of my complaints of being a half-breed. It was easy for him to adjust to the ever-changing life. I, however, did not enjoy it at all.

"Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to be clumsy?" I asked to his retreating back.

"Clumsy!" He paused, laughing loudly. "Why, people who are clumsy are embarrassed."

"Yes, we have never had an embarrassing moment in our lives!"

"Well that is because we are confident and of course not clumsy." He winked at his reflection.

"Yes, but don't you ever wonder what it would be like?"

"No." He shook his head sternly. "You know people like that are not perfect. They are not like us."

"Will you stop saying that?We are only perfect to the humans. The eyes of the immortals see as abominations."

"Oh, what do they matter anyways?"

I sighed in resignation. "Forget I said anything Damien. I don't know what I was thinking assuming you would understand."

On the turn of my heel I walked swiftly out of the room. By no means was I angry with my brother; he was as content with life as I was bored.

About halfway up the grand staircase I froze. My hand gripped the railing in a slight panic. There was someone on the property, walking right towards the front door.

Damien stood at the end of the stairs. The look on his face told me he sensed it as well. "Go upstairs and stay there until he leaves."

I quickly ascended the rest of the way to the second level. Rather than going to my room, I walked the length of the hallway to my study. This room was more of a physical timeline of my life. Along the walls were paintings of myself as a child. After that time, however, paintings turned to black-and-white photos to more recent colored snapshots.

Over the increasing centuries it has become easier to blend in with the humans. When Damien and I had first realized we had inherited immortality from our father it was a difficult life. There was not as many populated places in the world for us to live. As we both stopped aging in our twentieth year of life, we could not stay in one area for more than a few years at a time.

Once America had been discovered we fled Europe. We sought the safety of the new land during the massive witch hunts of Ireland and England. For years we had been alternating between the two countries. Our fear of being burned or hung was enough to convince us to leave.

Now we lived in an upscale area of the southeast side of Michigan's Lower Peninsula. Most of the houses in the gated community were brand new. During the construction stage Damien had paid a pretty price for three lots. The mansion stood in the middle of the land, twice as large as the other homes, and with grand landscaping.

Every step taken was to ensure our privacy. The neighbors on either side of us could not peer out of their windows and into the mansion's because of the space. We did not get many callers but when we did we were cautious. It was no secret we rarely left our home, ignoring the door would be suspicious.

I laid myself across the burgundy lounge beneath the largest window in the room. My mind began to wander aimlessly. For three years we had been hiding within the confines of these walls. It would be a shame if we could not stay here very long. A small shudder ran up my spine. Just six months ago I nearly exposed our family secret.

Sitting up quickly I pushed the memory from my thoughts. There was nothing that could be done about my past mistakes now. All there was to do was forget and move on. My loyalty to her brother was more important.

Damien came to retrieve me once the stranger had left. I was always to stay out of sight when men were near. Though we are only half immortal we inherited the flawless beauty that could bring the humans of the opposite sex to obsession. Of course, our caller had been a man.

My brother told me the man was new to our street and had been introducing himself. "I swear why do they feel the need to make themselves known to us?"

"To be polite, Damien. It is not as if we were ever the type to bring a pie as a gesture of welcome." I smiled at him. "I do suppose we could send one."

"Why do you insist on being acquainted with people? You are only going to cause trouble we do not need."

"I am lonely in this place all day and night. Plus the boredom will surely drive me mad soon."

"So get a pet, Lacey."

I could almost feel my face light up. "Honest Damien? Do you really mean it?"

"Of course I do. Go down to the shelter and rescue a few. I know you will not be able to get just one." He said knowingly.

I threw my arms around him. "Oh thank you! This is so exciting. You should come with me and rescue a poor animal yourself."

He stepped away from me. Hesitating, he slowly nodded his head. "Just as long as it is not a rodent. I have a feeling I am going to regret this."

"Could you ever regret bringing your sister happiness?" I grabbed his hand and led him out of the house.

"Disgusting," he made a face as we stepped out into the chilly air. Snow freckled his pale cheeks. "I despise the snow."

I laughed. If it were not for our identical dark hair and serious blue eyes it would be a wonder if we were really related at all. "Well I adore the snow!"

Our voices carried out in the open. Damien shook his head at me. There were parted curtains in a few of the windows around us. I did not mind the curious neighbors nearly as much as my brother.

Just for fun, I twirled around in the thick falling flakes before following Damien to the garage. "Oh calm down will you? It is courteous of us to let them know we are alive."

He did not answer. Rather than to argue my behavior he got into his favorite vehicle. The sleek black Chevy Camaro rumbled to life.

I slid into the passenger seat and inhaled deeply. The smell of leather and armor-all drew me in. My brother had owned the car for a year and it still looked as if it had just been driven off of the lot.

The tint on the car's glass was so dark our outlines could not be seen from the outside. Those who were anxious for another glimpse of Damien and I abandoned their quests. I did not doubt they would be back when we returned.

There was a disadvantage to being immortal. Since the only person I talk to is Damien, conversations have long run out. I love my brother dearly but I know everything about him and his views are impossible to change. There was desperation within me to have a long talk with a stranger.

"I am no mind reader, dear sister, but I can guess what you are thinking about." My brother slowed the car to stop at a light. "Please do not take advantage of this outing to try and make friends."

"You give this speech every time we leave the mansion. Should it not be assumed I would be remembering by now?"

"I do not consider myself foolish enough to assume anything with you."

My lower lip jutted out, "I am insulted you would say such a thing. Besides, I see nothing wrong with making a friend when we are going to leave eventually anyways."

"That is not the point." He stomped on the gas as the light turned. "Humans will not like you for the reasons you want. They will love you for what you are; dogs or cats will love you for who you are."

I did not reply; there was nothing to be said. Damien was right, however, there was a part of me that felt not all humans could be bound to adore my immortal side. If there was one person who could find a flaw within me I was determined to find them.

The Humane Society was a relief when I saw it. Damien and I had been silent during the remaining journey to the secluded building. I could sympathize with the animals. They were tucked away from sight and society just as I was forced to be.

Before the building was a small pen where a horse, two ponies and a gray donkey paced. I looked back down the path to the road. Trees surrounded this place except for that small path. How could people leave an animal in such a lonely place as this?

"May I help you two?"

We turned to see a frail looking woman leaning against the side of the pen. She seemed to fit in with the surroundings compared to the shiny Camaro and designer clothes my brother and I were clad in. Though she was plain I could sense she had a good heart.

It was a comforting feeling knowing she cared for these animals. I secretly hoped it would not cause the woman any torment by taking some of the creatures for my own. Damien was right about one thing: I had way too much emotion for people I had no business knowing or caring for. To be honest, I would most likely never see this woman again in her lifetime and she would remain a memory to me for decades.

The frail mortal politely invited us in and introduced herself. Her name was Dorthea. Being an older woman with a ring on her finger she paid no mind to Damien's beauty.

"Now what can I do for you two?" Her sharp eyes read our faces as if looking for some hidden answer to an unasked question.

Damien flashed his business grin at the woman. "My dear sister here needs a pet."

"What type of critter are you interested in? We have all kinds." Dorthea's voice was sweet and gentle.

I could hear heavy panting in the back of the building and the fast beating hearts of an excited bunch of young pups.

"Do you happen to have any young dogs?" I smiled kindly at Dorthea. "I believe they would make the perfect pet."

"You know, it's funny you would ask me about puppies." The woman gestured for us to follow her. "We found a small litter about a week back of the most beautiful Alaskan Malamutes I have ever seen. The mother must have run off or died because these poor things were half starved, all alone in the woods."

I nudged my brother, "Damien, they sound like exactly what we are looking for."

"They do?" He cocked his brow. "Those half dead unwanted mutts? Sounds like a burden to me, dear sister."

Dorthea glared at Damien. "I certainly hope you don't intend on treating these animals with anything less than the utmost respect."

"Not to worry, ma'am. These will not be my pets by any means." He threw a wink in my direction. "My sister already appointed herself as the primary caregiver in our home."

I ignored my brother's unnecessary comment. Before me was a kennel which contained four adorable puppies. They had bright brown eyes and cotton candy pink tongues. From that moment on I knew that they would have to be a part of my life.

"These are the ones." Dorthea stuck her fingers in the cage to be licked. "Now they're about two months old by my reckoning so they are set to be adopted. Unfortunately, half of them are already reserved. Now these two here are still available if you'd like. The only problem is they are completely inseparable."

"Oh, it is no problem at all!" I smiled widely at the woman. "We will take both of them with us."

"You're sure?" She seemed mildly surprised. "Well, if that's what you have your mind set on I won't be arguing with you."

"Lacey, you do not wish to see any of the other dogs?" Damien had an unpleasant look on his face.

* * *

Scarlett despised high school, especially history class. Learning about the mistakes of old men from years ago bored her. Absentmindedly, she doodled in her notebook. Engrossed she did not hear the bell signaling freedom.

"Miss Jenxon class is over. I know you're in a hurry to finish the paper that is due tomorrow but I would like to go home."

"Oh, uh, sorry Mrs. Goller I was just really into what I was writing."

"Yes, well, finish your work at home." She glanced at Scarlett over the rim of her red-framed glasses.

"I already did, remember? I turned in my paper the day after you assigned it."

Mrs. Goller did not answer the girl, just shuffled through her desk drawers. Taking the hint Scarlett, quickly gathered her things and took leave. The hallways still had some students in it. None of her friends had waited for her, not that she had many at all. That was the way she liked it, the less drama in her life the better.

Parker High School was a fairly new school. The lockers were not dented and the walls still looked freshly painted. Silver tile covered the floors of classroom and corridors alike. It was the perfect, clean school by staff means. However, to a student it was a neat looking school that was their Alcatraz until graduation.


Scarlett did not even flinch when the giant penguin jumped in front of her. He waved his flippers and danced around. Inside the suit was her best friend, the shameless Jaycen Jenxley. Their last names were so similar they always were sat together in class, add ten years of that and you have a friendship.

"Scarlett Jenxon!" He said in his goofiest voice, which was muffled by the huge beaked head. "Are you going to support the fighting penguins at the football game tonight?"

"Oh gee. I don't know, Jaycen, I am only on the cheerleading squad."

Jaycen took off the penguin head. "Where is your costume? "Uniform." She corrected him, "and I hate wearing skirts to school just so guys can look up it when I'm on the stairs."

"You don't have to worry about that. Your ass isn't even that nice anyways."

"Thanks!" She replied sarcastically.

"I mean, like, gosh," he mimicked her, "You are like so fat Scarlett. What are you roughly 115 pounds? Gross!"

"It would be if I really weighed that much! Try twenty pounds higher." Her face went serious. "Being really skinny is overrated."

"Yeah, you're tall too so I guess it takes some blubber off your ass."

"Shut up!"

"You shut up!" He slapped her softly with his flipper.

"You're such a girl. Coming to my house before the game?"

"Can I wear the penguin?"

"Please don't." Scarlett groaned at the thought of walking home with the school mascot.

They walked to the guy's locker room so Jaycen could change before they left. She had no fear of walking in on a guy changing. Having babysat toddler boys in the past gave her this courage. You see one naked male you have seen them all in Scarlett's book.

"Ooh, don't touch me there." Jaycen said loudly.

"Shut up Jaycen." She rolled her eyes as she unzipped the back of the get-up.

Somehow she should have realized how hot it got inside the penguin. A little embarrassed, she turned away from the half naked body to find a mirror. It would seem guys have no use for their reflection, so her attempt to be distracted by fixing her hair was demolished.

Jaycen was only wearing boxers and socks. It wasn't that he did not have a nice body; in fact he had an amazing body. To look at him would be torture. She had known him for so long that to admit that she wanted to be with him would do more harm than good.

"I'll wait in the hall, okay?" Scarlett didn't wait for an answer.

Once back out in the deserted halls she took a deep breath. Her heart was thumping harder than usual and her stomach had twisted uncomfortably. Okay, she would admit she had deep feelings for Jaycen but the fear of damaging the friendship scared her more.


Excerpted from Immortal Secrets by ASHLEY HENGY Copyright © 2012 by Ashley Hengy. Excerpted by permission of iUniverse, Inc.. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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