Infinite Possibility: How to Use the Ideas of Neville Goddard to Create the Life You Want

Infinite Possibility: How to Use the Ideas of Neville Goddard to Create the Life You Want

by Katherine Jegede
Infinite Possibility: How to Use the Ideas of Neville Goddard to Create the Life You Want

Infinite Possibility: How to Use the Ideas of Neville Goddard to Create the Life You Want

by Katherine Jegede



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An immensely practical, hands-on journey through the techniques of the most radical mystical figure of the last century, Neville Goddard, who taught that your mind is God. This fresh take from a powerful new voice appeals to the growing audience around Neville.

"According to Neville, there is only one power in the universe out of which all things emanate. Not a 'good' source and a separate 'evil' one, but one universal source bending in obedience to the creative will of men and women everywhere. The how remains a mystery; but this eternal fact is nonetheless true. As soon as I was able to feel and accept this to be true, I was free." --Katherine Jegede

Growing up in London, Katherine Jegede was always searching for a philosophy to make sense of life. When she found the mind-as-creator philosophy of Neville Goddard, she thought she had found it. Falling victim to a terrible crime, however, caused Jegede to rethink everything she thought she knew. Rather than abandoning Neville's ideas, however, she discovered within them a new source of strength and fortitude. She not only rebounded from her crisis, but also used Neville's creative-mind principles to become a television presenter, something she had never before imagined possible.

In this primer and introduction to Neville's methods, Jegede powerfully guides the reader through his techniques--and explains how to apply them, now, in your life.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780525504436
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Publication date: 06/05/2018
Sold by: Penguin Group
Format: eBook
Pages: 160
File size: 710 KB

About the Author

Katherine Jegede is a British television presenter and author with a background in science. She was first introduced to metaphysics as a teenager by her mother, a former yoga teacher and education specialist. She developed a penetrating and enduring fondness for the self-empowering teachings of Neville Goddard, and remains just as steadfastly devoted to spreading his message today. After completing her studies, Katherine moved to Switzerland to work at the World Health Organization, developing educational resources for rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to her academic science career, Katherine has worked with the BBC Science Unit and BBC Radio Oxford, and served as news editor of the international journal Africa Health, for whom she has conducted research trips, helping set up a learning resources and study center at one of Nigeria's forefront teaching hospitals. She has been published in the internationally acclaimed science journal, Nature. Katherine has also presented two science series aimed at young adults for Channel 4 in the UK, earning a BAFTA nomination. She lives in London.

Read an Excerpt

Chapter 1


Metaphysics is all of the underlying theoretical principles of creation. It is not merely concerned with the world you inhabit, but with everything that exists: that which is seen and known to you and that which is unseen and not known to you. It underpins every atom, it is absolute causation, and its true purpose is to bring about the rebirth of the soul of man-in other words, a radical psychological change in every individual.

This change, demonstrated by a sequence of spiritual and physical events, builds and builds, culminating in an exceptional empyreal event.

Unlike religious dogma open to interpretation, the principles of Metaphysics are singular, constant, and unmodifiable. They don't require any special knowledge or character trait, they are totally dependable, they are for your absolute good, but they are also only truly known through experience.

Anyone who wishes to know Metaphysics' theories and benefit from them must first be willing to put the principles of Metaphysics most rigorously to the test. Without personal experience, practical application, and physical evidence, these principles have no value.


Let us begin, then, with a summary of the three main ideas of Metaphysics. These ideas are ancient but they are highly practical in nature and serve as a guide for garnering a trenchant understanding of this enormous subject.

1. SELF-OBSERVATION. Before we can undergo a psychological change, we must become aware of the one to be changed, and we do this by keenly and uncritically observing our reactions to life. Many people are as yet unaware that there exists an inextricable link between our reactions and the conditions of our lives. This is because our reactions form the body of one's true self, which is our state of consciousness. It is our state of consciousness that is responsible for the circumstances of our lives, and once we are aware of our reactions, we are in a position to change them.

It is vital to note that only through self-observation can one of the most crucial discoveries of self be made-specifically, that we are the cause of that which displeases us. We are all quite accustomed to blaming others, blaming the circumstances and conditions of life for our unhappiness, and we are shocked when we discover that it was nothing more than-in Metaphysical-speak-our own deceitfulness that made us "suspicious of others."

This trait of deceitfulness is a condition of our nature that tends to look outward for explanations and must be accepted before any transformation can occur.

Man surrounds himself with the true image of himself . . . what we are, that only can we see.




Relax in whichever way you choose, as long as you are still and in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, and breathe deeply and evenly. Once you feel calm and undisturbed, simply begin to notice your thoughts. What are the predominant ideas in your mind? How do you feel about what you are thinking? Notice what you think about on a daily basis and your feelings and reactions. These are the feelings that you most easily and often identify with. You may want to write down some of your thoughts. Repeat this exercise as often as necessary until you feel you are aware of your present state of consciousness.

2. CLARITY OF THOUGHT (DEFINITION OF AIM). Knowing exactly what it is you want-to be, do, or possess-is the crucial next step on the path to the attainment of your aims. Always think in terms of clarity of form. The clearer the image, the easier it becomes to physicalize, because your feelings toward it become stronger. Intensity of feeling is a magic ingredient. The stronger the feeling, the greater the internal commitment to make it your preeminent thought.

Even if you are entirely new to this ideology, I urge you not to put a limit on your aim. Creation is finished; you could not imagine something if it did not already exist. Rather than creating for ourselves out of "thin air," we come into contact with different aspects of creation that we go on to express. If you doubt me, then try to think of something that does not already exist in consciousness.

Logic and reason are the enemies of success in the world of the Metaphysical, so don't concern yourself with how your aim will become a reality; simply put the theory to the test. It will not fail you.



Now knowing-having observed yourself-who you are, you must formulate a clear aim. Know exactly who it is you desire to be. While in a relaxed frame of mind, define the person that would exist in place of who you presently are. Then spend the day observing your reactions relative to this aim. By maintaining a clear aim, you are creating for yourself a potential new state of consciousness having its own reactions.

If your aim is to be respected, valued, wealthy, generous, or in excellent health, your reactions to the day's events will tell you whether you are walking in this state of consciousness or not. For example, a person conscious of good health isn't anxious or concerned about being ill. A person conscious of wealth does not get anxious over bills. "Assume" you are the person you desire to be by imagining what your reactions would be were your desire already a fact.

Your commitment to your aim will in time confirm your state of consciousness to you with an adjustment of the circumstances and conditions of your life. Your external environment always reflects the internal.

3. DETACHMENT. Detachment is both a willingness and an ability to separate oneself from the present state of consciousness in order to appropriate another. Having clearly defined your aim, you must detach from your present state of consciousness in order to take on the new consciousness contained within your aim.

This may seem strange at first, and you may feel powerless to stem the tide of negative thinking. This is because our reactions, our moods, our thoughts have felt like the most natural, spontaneous thing in the world. In reality we have simply become accustomed to them through habit. Have you ever considered why life seems so cyclical, why you seem unable to rid yourself of familiar problems and issues despite your best efforts? You have become identified with a particular state of consciousness wherein these things have their natural life. We must therefore practice detachment daily in order to break free.



If you find yourself reacting to things that are not in accordance with your aim, stop it at once. Occupy your mind with other thoughts. Let nothing disturb the perfect image you have placed there.

Remain vigilant, observe your reactions constantly, and eliminate unwanted reactions by taking your attention away from any thought or feeling that does not conform to your ideal.


Metaphysics, its true purpose, and the road to mastery are rooted in these core ideas: self-observation, clarity of thought, and detachment.

Know who you are, then ask yourself what it is you want. Lastly, practice daily the art of detachment, which, once habitual in you, can be used repeatedly to bring about an inner separation between yourself and any undesirable state. Repeat this process, and sooner or later you will move into a deeper and more expansive reading of the Law of Consciousness. It is far more useful if you develop your own inner awareness through experience rather than through study. Remember, as within, so without.

We cannot expect life to be different as long as we persist in reacting to the same things. The practice of separating yourself from negative ideas, thoughts, and emotions in the midst of the turbulence of life will in short order produce a new set of conditions and circumstances.

Get ready to rise!

Chapter 2

Magic Mirror

When you look in the mirror, if you are dissatisfied with the image reflected back, don't accept it, change it. If you look in the mirror and, unhappy with what you see reflected there you walk away and do nothing, you are sure to be confronted with the same thing later.

The same applies to the psychological state. In the practice of Metaphysics, however, we are not restricted to external adjustments, which are temporary and incapable of bringing about lasting change; rather, we are invited to change the internal image and watch as the world around us molds itself in accordance with our desires.

Whether you realize it or not, the face you see in the mirror is the mask of God. You may find this hard to believe, since you can only see the mortal and not the immortal. But the being unseen by human eyes is the one doing the work. Have confidence in the fact that there is much more to you than you know, and as such the true scope of your capabilities is far in excess of what you presently believe it to be.

If the word God offends you, use another, perhaps mind, subconscious, or love. Name your immortal aspect whatever you wish; the most important thing at this point is proving this theory through testing. I use the word God because I understand its meaning.



Imagine you are looking into a mirror and seeing yourself; notice how you feel. If you find it difficult to see clear mental images, do not worry, simply relax and imagine that you are seeing clearly. There is no point in getting frustrated if what you are trying to do seems difficult at first. Most skills take time to develop, but they do develop with practice.

After spending a few moments looking at yourself, close your mental eyes and open them again, this time seeing the one you wish to see reflected there. Notice how you feel. Relax by breathing deeply and evenly. You are attempting to hold the image without effort, which requires letting go of resistance. If your mind wanders, bring it back. Spend only a few minutes doing this exercise, trying your best not to make it an effort of will. When you repeat the exercise, do not imagine your present self right away, but go straight to the image of your destined being. In time, you will become used to seeing your ideal, which will replace the person you are presently aware of being.


Make a habit of looking into the mirror of the mind and seeing the one you wish to see reflected back. The image may not feel natural at first, and you may be inclined to dismiss it, but if you are double-minded you will not succeed. To be double-minded means to act as one who, seeing his face in a physical mirror, walks away and instantly forgets what he looks like. Grow steadfast by bringing the image to mind over and over again until it takes on the sense of reality.

Chapter 3

Inverse Transformations

The art of prayer is a key component of the practice of Metaphysics, and, as with the other skills to be acquired, it needs practice.

Prayer has nothing to do with uttering words into the air or murmuring to some divine being separated from you. All of the pageantry, ritual, and ceremony associated with prayer have been invented to give it an air of importance, but there is no physical requirement pertinent to success.

Prayer can mean different things to different people. To many it is the making of petitions to God or some other object of worship, asking for what they want or what they feel they need. To others it is an act of spiritual communion with God or an object of worship for the purpose of devotion, thanksgiving, or supplication. I am sure that there are yet further definitions of prayer. If you are already accustomed to some form of prayer you may have practiced this most valuable exercise completely ignorant of the laws that govern it-and, having achieved the psychological attitude necessary for results, you might have misattributed the outcomes to your actions.

In essence, prayer is faith permeated with understanding, and is thus imbued with that quality of motion that faith alone does not ordinarily possess.

Understanding prayer, then, we move on to the Law of Inverse Transformations (or the Law of Reversibility), which is the bedrock upon which the claims made pertaining to prayer stand.

The Law of Inverse Transformations is universal and is repeated constantly throughout Metaphysical teaching. It states that all transformations of force are reversible. In simplest terms-and, for example, the relationships between heat and motion, motion and sound, electricity and magnetism are reversible-one can produce the other.

This law is of utmost importance, in that it enables an inverse transformation of a verified direct transformation.

For evidence of this, one need only look into the discoveries of speech-recording apparatus or friction as a source of electricity.

How, then, does the Law of Inverse Transformations help the Metaphysical student?

An answered prayer produces an unmistakable feeling (a psychological state of consciousness) of the desire fulfilled. In other words, the feeling you have once something you desired has become real and is now in your possession.

On that basis, the Law of Inverse Transformations allows that, by evoking within the self the feeling that would be yours were your desire realized, that which you desire must become real.

Biblical text stipulates that we pray believing we have already received, which is in fact the esoteric interpretation of the text.

If possession produces a specific feeling, the feeling must produce the possession as long as the feeling is evoked and sustained.



In a happy, relaxed state of mind, ask yourself, "How would I feel if _____ were now real?" Wait and notice what you feel in response. The sensation may be subtle at first, but if you keep your attention on it, it will intensify. Hold the feeling with your attention until it feels quite natural to you.

You may also bring to mind that which you wish to express, and experience its possession in imagination. I will revisit later the proper technique for doing this (Chapter 9, "The Human Body and Metaphysics"), but for now I invite you to hear, feel, and see the most likely natural outcomes associated with the successful realization of your desire. If a new job is your goal, sit at the desk, or perform some activity that confirms you are now in the role. Hear the voices of your colleagues or the voice of some loved one congratulating you on your success. Persist in this state until it takes on the definite notes of reality.


The Law of Inverse Transformations requires only that you evoke and sustain the feeling of your realized desire until your desire is realized.

Chapter 4

Motor Element Thoughts

An idea which is only an idea does nothing and produces nothing; it only acts if it is felt, if it is accompanied by an effective state, if it awakens tendencies, that is to say motor elements.

Table of Contents

Foreword Mitch Horowitz xi

Preface xv

Introduction xvii

Chapter 1 Metaphysics 1

Chapter 2 Magic Mirror 9

Chapter 3 Inverse Transformations 13

Chapter 4 Motor Element Thoughts 17

Chapter 5 Changing the Past 21

Chapter 6 An End to Suffering 27

Chapter 7 The Psychic Sexual Act 35

Chapter 8 Subjective Control 39

Chapter 9 The Human Body and Metaphysics 47

Chapter 10 Metanoia 51

Chapter 11 Impressions and Expressions 55

Chapter 12 Fantasize with Focus 61

Chapter 13 Success 67

Chapter 14 Failure 71

Chapter 15 Believing the Unbelievable 75

Chapter 16 The Invisible World You Live in 84

Chapter 17 Forging Your Social Status 85

Chapter 18 Fearlessness 93

Chapter 19 Perfect Self-Expression 99

Chapter 20 Perfect Health 105

Chapter 21 If in Doubt, Do the Loving Thing 113

Chapter 22 You Are I Am 119

About the Author 121

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