Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching / Edition 4

Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching / Edition 4

by Margaret D. Roblyer
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Prentice Hall
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Prentice Hall
Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching / Edition 4

Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching / Edition 4

by Margaret D. Roblyer


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For courses in Computers in Education and Educational Technology.

Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, 4th edition, by M.D. Roblyer, provides hands-on practice with technology tools to illustrate how to integrate technology into the curriculum to support and shape learning.  The author’s five-part Technology Integration Planning Model (TIP Model) shows teachers how to create an environment in which technology can effectively enhance learning.

For this 4th edition, the author has developed a cohesive, comprehensive technology integration framework that builds on the strong research, the TIP model, and the numerous integration strategies of previous editions, and includes powerful classroom video clips of effective use of technology to shape learning.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780131195721
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Publication date: 07/12/2005
Edition description: REV
Pages: 480
Product dimensions: 8.30(w) x 10.76(h) x 0.73(d)

Table of Contents

Part IIntroduction and Background on Integrating Technology in Education1
Chapter 1Educational Technology in Context: The Big Picture4
What Is "Educational Technology"?5
Looking Back: How Has the Past Influenced Today's Educational Technology?8
Looking Around, Looking Ahead: What Factors Shape the Current and Future Climate for Technology in Education?14
Chapter 2Planning and Implementation for Effective Technology Integration27
The Need for Two Levels of Planning: What the School and District Can Do Versus What the Teachers Can Do28
Technology Integration Planning Tasks at District and School Levels28
A Technology Integration Planning Model for Teachers37
Chapter 3Learning Theories and Integration Models51
An Overview of Directed and Constructivist Instructional Methods52
Theoretical Foundations of Directed Instruction56
Theoretical Foundations of Constructivism62
Technology Integration Strategies: Directed, Constructivist, and Combined Approaches72
Examples of Technology-Integrated Units77
Part IIIntegrating Software and Media Tutors and Tools: Principles and Strategies83
Chapter 4Integrating Instructional Software into Teaching and Learning86
Drill and Practice Activities89
Tutorial Activities91
Simulation Activities94
Instructional Games98
Problem-Solving Courseware100
Integrated Learning Systems103
Evaluating and Selecting Instructional Software106
Chapter 5Integrating Word Processing, Spreadsheet, and Database Software Tools into Teaching and Learning116
Introduction to Software Tools117
Using Word Processing Software in Teaching and Learning117
Using Spreadsheet Software in Teaching and Learning126
Using Database Software in Teaching and Learning132
Chapter 6Integrating Other Software Tools into Teaching and Learning143
Introduction to Other Software Support Tools144
Using Materials Generators144
Using Data Collection and Analysis Tools149
Using Graphics Tools151
Using Planning and Organizing Tools154
Using Research and Reference Tools156
Using Tools to Support Specific Content Areas156
Chapter 7Integrating Multimedia and Hypermedia into Teaching and Learning163
Introduction to Multimedia and Hypermedia164
Commercial Multimedia/Hypermedia Software Packages168
Commercial Interactive Videodisc Systems169
Three Kinds of Multimedia/Hypermedia Authoring Resources174
Evaluating Hypermedia Products180
Part IIILinking to Learn: Principles and Strategies187
Chapter 8Integrating the Internet and Other Distance Resources into the Curriculum189
Introduction: Reaching Out to a World of Resources190
Resources Available to Support Audio and Video Telelearning196
Resources Available to Support Web-Based Learning196
Integration Strategies for Distance Lessons: Web-Based Activities204
Offering Courses and Programs with Distance Technologies212
Chapter 9A Link to the Future--Emerging Developments in Technology Integration220
Introduction: Classrooms and Other Learning Environments of the Future221
Trend 1Emerging Developments in Networking222
Trend 2Emerging Developments in Visualization223
Trend 3Emerging Developments in Interfaces224
Trend 4Emerging Developments in Handheld Systems225
Impact of the Four Trends for Educational Methods227
Future Challenges for Teachers228
Part IVIntegrating Technology Across the Curriculum233
Chapter 10Technology in Language Arts and Foreign Language Instruction235
Technology Integration Example: English and Foreign Language Instruction236
Issues and Problems in Language Arts and Foreign Language Instruction238
Strategies for Integrating Technology into Language Arts and Foreign Language Instruction241
Chapter 11Technology in Mathematics and Science Instruction253
Technology Integration Example: Mathematics and Science Instruction255
Issues and Problems in Mathematics Education254
How Technology Is Integrated into Mathematics Teaching and Learning256
Issues and Problems in Science Education262
How Technology Is Integrated into Science Teaching and Learning262
Chapter 12Technology in Social Studies Instruction271
Technology Integration Example: Social Studies Instruction273
Issues and Problems in Social Studies Education272
How Technology Is Integrated into Social Studies Education276
Chapter 13Technology in Art and Music Instruction287
Technology Integration Example: Art and Music Instruction289
Issues and Problems Common to Art and Music Education: The Arts in the Information Age288
Issues and Problems in Music Education288
How Technology Is Integrated into Music Education291
Issues and Problems in Art Education296
How Technology Is Integrated into Art Education297
Chapter 14Technology in Physical Education and Health Education302
Technology Integration Example: Physical Education and Health Instruction303
Issues and Problems in Physical Education and Health Education304
Chapter 15Technology in Special Education315
Technology Integration Example: Technology for Students with Special Needs317
Issues and Problems in Special Education Technology316
How Technology Is Integrated into Special Education320
AppendixTechnology Assessment Instruments335
Name Index363
Subject Index365
CD-ROM User Manual1


. . .scientific knowledge will doubtless continue to improve our ability to get the things we value, (but) nothing in science can ever tell us what to value. . .we have to write the script ourselves.
— Steven Weinberg, in The Future of Science and the Universe, 2001

In his book Telecosm, a paean to the golden future that he predicts technology soon will make possible, George Gilder speaks of new technology that "makes men into bandwidth angels," capable of electronically enhanced flight "beyond the fuzzy electrons and frozen pathways of the microcosm to a boundless realm . . . ." Gilder is the acolyte for those who see unlimited access to technology as equivalent to heaven. But David Denby, writing in The New Yorker about the Evernet (the next incarnation of the Internet), sees the potential for something less celestial. "Are we truly standing on the edge of greater freedom and personal control?" he wonders. "Or are we unwittingly putting ourselves in thrall to a system that will dazzle us with choices yet dislocate us, pull us apart, even consume us?"

Weinberg seems to see clearly that both futures are possible and neither is inevitable. The difference, he says, depends on "the script," that is, a recognition and articulation of what we value about ourselves, our society, our civilization. These are the guideposts, he says, that will show us how to use well the products of our scientific knowledge. So inspired and guided, we can create a future in which technology is our ally rather than our undoing, our salvation rather than our damnation.

What are the values that should underlie our use of technology in education? The following aresuggested as essential elements:

  • Good teaching comes first. Recent innovations in bandwidth-enabled distance resources gave renewed hope to those who predicted, as did their predecessors in the 1960s, that technology would eliminate the personality of teachers from the instructional equation. Our experience with web-based learning in the past 5 years, however, has shown that interaction with teachers, flawed and variable as it may be, is more important than ever before. This textbook proposes that technology is, above all, a channel for helping teachers communicate better with students. It can make good teaching even better, but it cannot make bad teaching good. Consequently, technology-using teachers never can be a force for improved education unless they are first and foremost informed, knowledgeable shapers of their craft. Before integrating technology into their teaching, educators must know a great deal, for example, why there are different views on appropriate teaching strategies, how societal factors and learning theories have shaped these views, and how each strategy can address differing needs.
  • Technology is us. Rather than seeing technology as some foreign invader come to confuse and complicate the simple life of the past, we can recognize that technology is very much our own response to overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of a better, more productive way of life. As Walt Kelly's "profound 'possum" Pogo said, "We has met the enemy, and he is us." Technology is us—our tools, our methods, and our own creative attempts to solve problems in our environment. There will be turmoil as we go through periods of transition, adapting to the new environment we ourselves have created. But technology is, by definition, intended to be part of our path to a better life, rather than an obstacle in its way.
  • We control how technology is used in education. As a follow-up to our recognition that "technology is us," we must recognize the truth of Peter Drucker's statement: "The best way to predict the future is to create it." Both individual teachers and teaching organizations must see themselves as enlightened shapers of our future. Each teacher must take a position as a "script writer," helping to articulate the vision for what the future of education should look like; each should acquire skills to help work toward realizing that vision.

The purpose of this book is to show how we are challenged to shape the future of educational technology. How we respond to this challenge is guided by how we see it helping us accomplish our own informed vision of what teaching and learning should be. Our approach to accomplishing this purpose rests on three premises:

  • Integration methods should be based in both learning theory and teaching practice. There is no shortage of innovative ideas in the field of instructional technology; new and interesting methods come forward about as often as new and improved gadgets. Those who would build on the knowledge of the past should know why they do what they do, as well as how to do it. Thus, we have linked various technology-based integration strategies to well-researched theories of learning, and we have illustrated them with examples of successful practices based on these theories.
  • Integration should match specific teaching and learning needs. Technology has the power to improve teaching and learning, but it can also make a teacher's life more complicated. Therefore, each resource should be examined for its unique qualities and its potential benefits for teachers and students. Teachers should not use a tool simply because it is new and available—each integration strategy should be matched to a recognized need. We do not oppose experimentation, but we do advocate informed use.
  • Old integration strategies are not necessarily bad; new strategies are not necessarily good. As technology products change and evolve at lightning speed, there is a decided tendency toward throwing out older teaching methods with the older machines. Sometimes this is a good idea; sometimes it would be a shame. Each of the integration strategies recommended in this book is based on methods with proven usefulness to teachers and students. Some of the strategies are based on directed methods that have been used for some time; other strategies are based on the newer, constructivist learning models. Each is recommended on the basis of its usefulness rather than its age.

This edition differs in some structural ways from the first two, but its goal remains the same: to help teachers see their role in shaping the future of technology in education. This book can help them perceive that writing a script for the future requires some faith in ourselves, a belief that we can fly into the future with wings of our own making.

Who Will Find This Book Helpful?

This book is designed to help teach both theoretical and practical characteristics of technology integration strategies. It is useful in several different types of education settings.

  • As primary instructional material. It benefits instructional technology courses for preservice teachers and workshops and graduate courses for inservice teachers.
  • As supplemental instructional material. It supports research and content-area methods courses.
  • As a reference. It provides topical information in K-12 school libraries/media centers and university college of education libraries and media centers.

New to This Edition

This edition has added new information and reorganized some information from the first and second editions to help make sense of both new and emerging concepts. Readers will note the following changes and improvements:

  • A technology integration model for teachers. Chapter 2 offers a more detailed, step-by-step approach to guide teachers in integrating technology, linked to rubrics and checklists (in the Appendix) to assess the impact of their integration.
  • Additional learning theory and assessment information. Chapter 3 has additional Insight boxes: one summarizing John Dewey's contributions and another describing how to structure and use electronic portfolios. This edition also includes a variety of rubrics and checklists for assessing technology's impact on teaching and learning. These have been placed in the Appendix for easy reference.
  • A focus on relative advantages of technology tools. In light of teachers' key role as potential adopters of innovation, it is important to clarify even further the unique benefits offered by each educational technology resource. In this edition, these advantages are identified in terms of what diffusion of innovations expert Everett Rogers called their "relative advantage" to teachers and students.
  • Revised and updated multimedia/hypermedia chapter. Chapter 7, Integrating Multimedia and Hypermedia into Teaching and Learning, has been revised to reflect recent innovations in and integration strategies for authoring, presentation, and video editing software.
  • Expanded coverage of the Internet. In recognition of the growing importance of the Internet in communications and distance learning, Chapter 8 provides expanded coverage of distance learning with an even greater emphasis on web-based learning.
  • Expert authors for content area chapters. In this edition, Chapters 10 through 15 have been written by content-area experts who detail appropriate, up-to-date integration strategies for each of the subject areas.
  • Additional technology integration ideas and Internet links on a CD-ROM database. This textbook is packaged with a CD-ROM containing a searchable database of technology integration lesson ideas for many content areas. Spanning a variety of content areas and grade levels, these teacher-tested lessons are keyed to national content standards and ISTE technology standards. For this edition, 250 new ideas have been added, and most have links to Internet sites containing additional information. Users can modify existing lesson ideas or add new ones. Look for the CD-ROM icon throughout the text. A User Manual is printed after the index and is also contained on the CD-ROM.

Organization of the Text

This text is organized into four sections—one of background and three of resources and applications.

Part 1: Introduction and Background on Integrating Technology in Education.
Einstein is said to have observed that "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not more so." Using technology as a force for change becomes simpler when one understands the foundations on which integration strategies are based—but that is no small task in itself. This section provides a "big picture" background on technology's role in education, reviews a variety of planning issues to be addressed prior to and during integration, provides a technology integration model for teachers, and describes learning theories and teaching/learning models related to technology integration.

Part II: Using Software and Media Tutors and Tools: Principles and Strategies.
To paraphrase a popular jingle, "Software—it ain't just CAI anymore." This section describes more than 40 types of instructional software products ranging from drill and practice to integrated learning systems, from word processing to groupware. Multimedia and hypermedia are covered in this section, because they fit so well under the rubric of tools. Each software and media product description covers unique qualities, potential benefits, and sample integration strategies.

Part III: Linking to Learn: Principles and Strategies.
This section represents the most significant revision from the first edition. In light of the growing importance of connecting people and resources for a technology-permeated future, two chapters are devoted to the types and uses of distance technologies. As with Part II, example lesson plans or activities are given for each recommended integration strategy. Chapter 9 provides a "link to the future," courtesy of William R. Wiencke, in describing technologies that are changing the way members of our society live, work, and communicate.

Part IV: Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum.
The six chapters in this part describe and give updated examples of technology integration strategies and resources for several different content areas: language arts and foreign languages, math and science, social sciences, the arts, physical education and health education, and special education. Although these chapters separate the areas into topics, the chapters themselves recognize and incorporate the current trends toward thematic, interdisciplinary instruction. Many of the examples cross discipline boundaries and serve to illustrate how the concepts of several content areas can be merged into a single lesson or learning activity—and how technology can support the process.

Special Features

Each chapter has the following features to help both the instructor and the student.

  • A list of descriptive topics and objectives. This list appears at the beginning of each chapter.
  • Illustrative screens. Figures show screen displays from software and media resources whenever possible.
  • Summary tables of important information. These aid comprehension, recall, and analysis.
  • Sample, teacher-designed technology integration ideas. All from published sources, these materials match integration strategies. ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students are identified for each one, and links are given to additional information on the Prentice Hall Companion Website and on the integration idea CD-ROM, Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum.
  • Exercises. Improved end-of-chapter questions, many of them linked to the Companion Website and CDROM, call for students to analyze and apply what they have read to problems in education and in applying technology. The portfolio development and classroom collaboration exercises are linked to ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers.
  • A list of sample resources. References for further reading end each chapter.

Supplements to Accompany This Text

Instructors have access to the following resources:

  • A booklet to help support students' introduction to Internet use. Packaged with each copy of the text, the booklet Starting Out on the Internet: A Learning Journey for Teachers is a valuable resource as students begin exploring the Internet.
  • An interactive CD-ROM. This CD-ROM is packaged with the book and contains a searchable database of over 500 technology integration lesson ideas for many content areas.
  • A comprehensive Instructor's Manual. The manual contains content overviews, teaching strategies and activities, and additional resources (including a list of web sites).
  • A computerized Test Bank. Available for either Windows or Macintosh, the Test Bank includes a variety of question formats, such as true/false, multiple choice, short answer, and essay.
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