Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference

Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference

Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference

Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference


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Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell is an indispensable quick reference for Java programmers who are writing applications that use graphics or graphical user interfaces. The author of the bestselling Java in a Nutshell has written fast-paced introductions to the Java APIs that comprise the Java Foundation Classes (JFC), such as the Swing GUI components and Java 2D, so that you can start using these exciting new technologies right away. This book also includes O'Reilly's classic-style, quick-reference material for all of the classes in the javax.swing and java.awt packages and their numerous subpackages. This reference material covers all of the new JFC classes in the Java 2 platform, as well as the existing Java 1.1 AWT classes. Once you've learned about the JFC, you'll keep this book next to your keyboard for handy reference while you program. Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell contains the following:
  • An overview of the architecture of graphical user interfaces built with both the new Swing API and the older AWT
  • An introduction to the important components and application services provided by the Swing API
  • An comprehensive explanation of the features of the new Java 2D graphics API
  • A complete quick reference for the graphics- and GUI-related classes in the Java 2 platform
This book is part of the two-volume set of quick references that every Java programmer needs. It is an essential companion to Java in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition, which covers the key nongraphical APIs in Java 1.2. A third volume, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell, focuses on the Java Enterprise APIs and is of interest to programmers working on server-side or enterprise Java applications.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781565924888
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
Publication date: 10/28/1999
Series: In a Nutshell (O'Reilly)
Pages: 748
Sales rank: 786,253
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.56(d)

About the Author

David Flanagan is a computer programmer who spends most of his time writing about JavaScript and Java. His books with O'Reilly include Java in a Nutshell, Java Examples in a Nutshell, Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, and JavaScript Pocket Reference. David has a degree in computer science and engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He lives with his wife and son in the U.S. Pacific Northwest bewteen the cities of Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia. David has a simple website at

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Symbols[ Top ]

A[ Top ]
Abstract Windowing Toolkit (see AWT)
AbstractAction class, 27, 401
AbstractBorder class, 519
AbstractButton class, 29, 31, 403
AbstractColorChooserPanel class, 527
AbstractDocument class, 579
AbstractElement class, 582
AbstractLayoutCache class, 666
AbstractListModel class, 406
AbstractTableModel class, 568
AbstractUndoableEdit class, 683
AbstractWriter class, 586
acceptDrop(), 116-117
   DropTargetContext class, 256
accept() (FileFilter), 43, 551
accessibility, 388-398
   Swing, 58-59, 62
Accessible interface, 58, 62, 388
AccessibleAction interface, 389
AccessibleBundle class, 390
AccessibleComponent interface, 390
AccessibleContext class, 391
AccessibleHyperlink class, 392
AccessibleHypertext interface, 393
AccessibleJComponent class, 436
AccessibleResourceBundle class, 393
AccessibleRole class, 394
AccessibleSelection interface, 395
AccessibleState class, 396
AccessibleStateSet class, 396
AccessibleText class, 397
AccessibleValue interface, 398
Action interface, 26-27, 406-407
ActionEvent class, 18, 265
ActionListener interface, 21, 26, 32, 266
actionPerformed(), 401
   Action interface, 407
   ActionEvent class, 18
   ActionListener interface, 18, 21, 26, 32
ActiveEvent interface, 154
   ComponentAdapter interface, 268
   ContainerAdapter class, 269
   event, 19
   FocusAdapter class, 271
   KeyAdapter class, 276
   MouseAdapter class, 281
   WindowAdapter class, 285
addActionForKeyStroke() (Keymap), 608
addActionListener() (Timer), 27
addAuxiliaryLookAndFeel(), 57
addChangeListener() (Style), 616
addChooseableFileFilter() (FileFilter), 552
addChooserPanel(), 45
addConsumer(), 351
   AbstractUndoableEdit class, 684
   CompoundEdit class, 685
   UndoableEdit interface, 687
   UndoManager class, 688
addImage(), 68
   MediaTracker class, 207
addItemListener() (ItemSelectable), 203
   Choice class, 170
   JComboBox class, 431
addKeymap(), 33
   Keymap interface, 608
addLayoutComponent() (LayoutManager), 204
addPoint() (Polygon), 214
addPropertyChangeListener(), 44
addRenderingHints(), 70
   RenderingHints class, 218
addSelectionPaths(), (DefaultTreeSelectionModel), 674
   JMenu class, 453
   JPopupMenu class, 462
   JToolBar class, 488
   Menu class, 208
   StyleContext class, 619
   StyledDocument interface, 622
addTableModelListener() (TableModel), 577
addTab() methods (JTabbedPane), 477
addUndoableEditListener() (UndoableEditSupport), 688
add(), 14, 17, 449
   AWTEventMulticaster class, 161
   BorderLayout, 15
   Container class, 178
   Dialog class, 181
   EventListenerList class, 536
   GridBagLayout class, 200
   JMenu class, 453
   JMenuBar class, 455
   JPopupMenu class, 462
   JToolBar class, 488
   Menu class, 208
   MenuBar class, 208
   PopupMenu class, 215
Adjustable interface, 157
AdjustmentEvent class, 267
AdjustmentListener interface, 21, 267
adjustmentValueChanged() (AdjustmentListener), 21
AffineTransform class, 73, 97-98, 302-304
   mathematics of, 98-100
AffineTransformOp class, 95, 332
ALIGN attribute, <APPLET> tag (HTML), 131
AlignmentAction class, 624
alpha channel, 80-81
AlphaComposite interface, 70, 80-81, 158, 177
ALT attribute, <APPLET> tag (HTML), 131
ancestorAdded() (AncestorListener), 22, 532
AncestorEvent class, 530
AncestorListener interface, 22, 532
ancestorMoved() (AncestorListener), 22, 532
ancestorRemoved() (AncestorListener), 22, 532
antialiasing, Java 2D, 88
appendText() (TextArea), 224
   Book class, 382
   GeneralPath class, 314
Applet class, 12, 123-125, 150-151
AppletContext interface, 152
applets, 3-4, 123
   Applet class, 12, 123-125, 150-151
   <APPLET> tag (HTML), 123, 129-131
   AppletContext interface, 152
   AppletStub interface, 152
   <EMBED> tag (HTML), 132
   example, 125-126
   images, loading from URLs, 68
   JAR files and, 131-132
   Java Plug-in, 5, 132-133
   <OBJECT> tag (HTML), 132
   <PARAM> tag (HTML), 131
   printing, 103
   security restrictions, 134-136
   signed, 136
   Swing, 13
   writing, 123-125
AppletStub interface, 152
applyResourceBundle() (ComponentOrientation), 177
Arc2D class, 305
   pluggable look-and-feel, 24, 55-58
   Swing, 23-24
ARCHIVE attribute, <APPLET> tag (HTML), 130-132
arcs, Java 2D, 74
Area class, 74, 308
AreaAveragingScaleFilter class, 334
ascent, 89
assistive technologies (see accessibility)
Attribute class, 635, 637
AttributeContext interface, 583
AttributeList class, 656
AttributeSet interface, 586
AttributeUndoableEdit class, 598
audio files, 151-152
AudioClip interface, 152
Autoscroll interface, 246
autoscroll(), 246
auxiliary look-and-feel, 57
AWT, 3, 5
   components, 7-8
   containers, 12-13
   event listeners, 21-22
   events, 17-23
   graphics capabilities, 64-68
   layout managers, 15
AWTError, 160
AWTEvent class, 17, 160
AWTEventListener interface, 268
AWTEventMulticaster class, 161
AWTException, 163
AWTPermission class, 164

B[ Top ]
BadLocationException class, 588
BandCombineOp class, 334-335
BandedSampleModel class, 335
BasicStroke class, 78, 164
beginUpdate() (UndoableEditSupport), 688
BevelBorder class, 34, 520
BevelBorderUIResource class, 556
Bias class, 613
BlockAction class, 643
BlockElement class, 642
Book class, 382
Border interface, 521
BorderFactory class, 407
BorderLayout class, 15, 165
borders, 15
   AWT, 165
   Swing, 29, 34, 519-526
BorderUIResources class, 554
BoundedRangeModel interface, 408-409
bounding boxes, Java 2D, 75
Box class, 13, 37-40, 409
BoxLayout class, 13, 16, 37, 410
BoxPainter class, 655
BoxView class, 588
BranchElement class, 583
breadthFirstEnumeration() (DefaultMutableTreeNode), 668
breaksFlow() (Tag), 639
brighter() (Color), 171
buffered images, Java 2D, 92-97
BufferedImage class, 92, 94, 332, 336
BufferedImageFilter class, 338
BufferedImageOp interface, 96, 332, 338
buildChooser() (AbstractColorChooserPanel), 528
Button class, 8, 167
ButtonModel interface, 411
ButtonPeer class, 373
buttons, 41
   Button class, 167
   Swing, 403, 411, 466, 487
   (see also by button name, such as push buttons)
ButtonUI class, 557
ByteLookupTable class, 339

C[ Top ]
cancelCellEditing() (CellEditor), 412
canDisplayUpTo(), 187
canDisplay(), 187
canEditImmediately(), 670
canFilterIndexColorModel, 363
CannotRedoException class, 684
CannotUndoException class, 684
canRedo() (UndoableEdit), 687
canUndo() (UndoableEdit), 687
Canvas class, 8, 167
CanvasPeer class, 373
CardLayout class, 15, 168
Caret interface, 589
CaretEvent class, 532
CaretListener interface, 22
CaretPolicy class, 300
caretPositionChanged() (InputMethodListener), 274
caretUpdate() (CaretListener), 22
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), 634
CellEditor interface, 412
CellEditorListener interface, 22, 533
CellRendererPane class, 413
ChangedCharSetException class, 590
ChangeEvent class, 60, 533
ChangeListener interface, 22, 534
CharacterAction class, 643
CharacterAttribute interface, 587
CharacterConstants class, 618
charWidth(), 67
Checkbox class, 8, 168
   AWT, 8, 168-169
   Swing, 9, 428
CheckboxGroup class, 169
CheckboxMenuItem class, 8, 169
CheckboxMenuItemPeer class, 373
CheckboxPeer class, 374
Choice class, 8, 170
ChoicePeer class, 374
circles, Java 2D, 74, 78
classes, 95
   inner, 19
   (see also individual classes)
clearSelection(), (DefaultTreeSelectionModel), 674
Clipboard class, 114, 239
ClipboardOwner interface, 114, 239-240
clipping region
   AWT, 65
   Java 2D, 69
clip(), 69
   Graphics2D class, 73
closePath() (GeneralPath), 314
CODE attribute, <APPLET> tag (HTML), 130, 132
CODEBASE attribute, <APPLET> tag (HTML), 130
color, 171, 192, 233-235, 237, 339
   AWT, 65-66, 158
   Java 2D, 69, 81-85, 95-96, 194
      composite, 177
      converting to grayscale, 96
      inverting, 96
      translucent, 81
      Transparency interface, 229
      transparent, 80-81
   Paint interface, 212
   RGBImageFilter class, 362
   Swing, 429, 527-529
      choosing, 9, 44-45
      converting to grayscale, 425
   SystemColor class, 223
   transferring, 117-122
Color class, 66, 79, 100-101, 154, 171
color spaces, Java 2D, 100-101
ColorChooserComponentFactory class, 528
ColorChooserUI class, 558
ColorConstants class, 618
ColorConvertOp class, 95, 339
ColorModel class, 340-341
ColorSelectionModel interface, 528
ColorSink class, 119
ColorSource class, 117
ColorSpace class, 100-101, 232-233
ColorUIResource class, 57, 558
combination boxes, Swing, 9, 431
ComboBoxEditor interface, 413
ComboBoxModel interface, 414
ComboBoxUI class, 558
Component class, 8, 12, 92, 154, 173
   applets, 124, 127
   event-processing methods of, 127
ComponentAdapter interface, 268
componentAdded() (ContainerListener), 21
ComponentColorModel class, 342
ComponentEvent class, 268
componentHidden() (ComponentListener), 21
ComponentListener interface, 21, 269
componentMoved() (ComponentListener), 21
ComponentOrientation class, 177
ComponentPeer class, 375
componentRemoved() (ContainerListener), 21
componentResized() (ComponentListener), 21
   AWT, 7-8
   ComponentAdapter interface, 268
   ComponentEvent class, 268
   ComponentListener interface, 269
   heavyweight/lightweight, 5
   properties (see properties)
   Swing, 8-11, 23-24
      custom, 59-63
      sizes of, 38
ComponentSampleModel class, 343
componentShown() (ComponentListener), 21
ComponentUI class, 558
ComponentView class, 590
compose(), 178
Composite interface, 69, 154, 177
CompositeContext interface, 178
CompositeView class, 591
compositing, 177
   AWT, 158-159
   Java 2D, 69, 80-85, 178
CompoundBorder class, 34, 521
CompoundBorderUIResource class, 556
CompoundEdit class, 685
constructors, 60
   InputEvent class, 272
   KeyEvent class, 277
Container class, 12, 154, 178
   AWT, 12
ContainerAdapter class, 269
ContainerEvent class, 270
ContainerListener interface, 21, 270
ContainerPeer class, 375
containers, 12
   AWT, 12-13
   ContainerAdapter class, 269
   ContainerEvent class, 270
   ContainerListener interface, 270
   Swing, 13-14, 30
contains(), 309, 321
Content interface, 584
ContentModel class, 657
contentsChanged() (ListDataListener), 22
ContextualRenderedImageFactory interface, 369
controlDown(), 128
controls (see components)
ConvolveOp class, 95, 97, 344
coordinate system, Java 2D, 71-73
copy() (ColorSource), 117
createCaret() (EditorKit), 601
createCompatibleImage() (GraphicsConfiguration), 197
createContext(), 178
   Composite interface, 177
createCustomCursor() (Toolkit), 36
createDefaultDragGestureRecognizer(), 251
createDialog(), 45
   JColorChooser class, 429
   JOptionPane class, 458
   GrayFilter class, 425
   ImageIcon class, 35
createGraphics() (BufferedImage), 92
createHorizontalBox(), 37
createHorizontalGlue(), 37
   Box class, 409
createHorizontalStrut(), 37
   Box class, 409
createImage() (Component), 68, 92, 173, 197
createInternalFrame() (JOptionPane), 458
createPosition() (Document), 600
createStrokedShape() (Stroke), 78
createToolTip() (JToolTip), 489
createTransformedShape() (AffineTransform), 98, 304
createValue() (UIDefaults), 514
createVerticalBox(), 37
createVerticalGlue(), 37
   Box class, 409
createVerticalStrut(), 37
   Box class, 409
   Graphics class, 192
   HTMLFactory class, 647
   ViewFactory interface, 631
CropImageFilter class, 345
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), 634
CSS class, 634
CubicCurve2D class, 309
currentDirectory, 43
currentSegment() (PathIterator), 318-319
Cursor class, 35-36, 180
cursors, 180
   Swing, 35-36
curves, 313
   Java 2D, 73-75
curve() (GeneralPath), 75
cut-and-paste, 4, 111, 114-115, 239-245

D[ Top ]
darker() (Color), 171
dashes, Java 2D, 77-78
data sink, 112, 119-122
data source, 112, 117-119
data transfer, 4
   cut-and-paste, 239-245
   drag-and-drop, 246-263
data types, 111
DataBuffer class, 345
DataBufferByte class, 346
DataBufferInt class, 347
DataBufferShort class, 347
DataBufferUShort class, 348
DataFlavor class, 111-112, 239, 241
DebugGraphics class, 414
decode(), 625
DefaultBoundedRangeModel class, 416
DefaultButtonModel class, 416
DefaultCaret class, 592
DefaultCellEditor class, 417-418
DefaultColorSelectionModel class, 529
DefaultComboBoxModel class, 419
DefaultDocumentEvent class, 584
DefaultEditorKit class, 593
DefaultFocusManager class, 420
DefaultHighlighter class, 596
DefaultHighlightPainter class, 597
DefaultKeyTypedAction class, 595
DefaultListCellRenderer class, 420
DefaultListModel class, 421
DefaultListSelectionModel class, 422
DefaultMetalTheme class, 56
DefaultMutableTreeNode class, 668
defaultPage() (PrinterJob), 387
DefaultSingleSelectionModel class, 423
DefaultStyledDocument class, 597
DefaultTableCellRenderer class, 570
DefaultTableColumnModel class, 570
DefaultTableModel class, 571
DefaultTextField class, 671
DefaultTreeCellEditor class, 670
DefaultTreeCellRenderer class, 672
DefaultTreeModel class, 47, 673
DefaultTreeSelectionModel class, 674
deltaTransform() (AffineTransform), 98, 304
depthFirstEnumeration() (DefaultMutableTreeNode), 668
   Font class, 88
   GraphicsEnvironment class, 198
descent, 89
DesktopIconUI class, 559
DesktopManager interface, 423
DesktopPanelUI class, 559
desktops, Swing, 13
destroy() (Applet), 124, 150
device space, 72
dialog boxes, 185
   AWT, 12
   Dialog class, 181
   Swing, 10, 13, 40-42, 438, 457
Dialog class, 12, 181
DialogPeer class, 376
die() (UndoableEdit), 687
Dimension class, 182
Dimension2D class, 311
DimensionalUIResource class, 559
DirectColorModel class, 348
disableSwingFocusManager() (FocusManager), 424
   Component class, 173
   MenuItem class, 210
dispose(), 103
   Dialog class, 181
   Frame class, 190
   Graphics class, 192
   PrintJob class, 216
   WindowEvent class, 286
DnDConstants interface, 247-248
Document interface, 579, 600
document type definition (DTD), 658
DocumentEvent class, 534
DocumentParser class, 658
double buffering, 9, 68
   PrintableComponent class, 106
   Swing, 37
Double class, 306, 310, 312, 317, 320, 322, 324, 327
doubleBuffered, 37
dragActionChanged() (DragSourceListener), 253
drag-and-drop, 4, 111, 115-117, 246-263
dragDropEnd(), 116
   DragSourceListener class, 254
dragEnter(), 116, 119
   DragSourceListener class, 254
   DropTargetListener class, 259
dragExit(), 116, 119
   DragSourceListener class, 253-254
   DropTargetListener class, 259
DragGestureEvent class, 115, 248
DragGestureListener class, 249
dragGestureRecognized(), 115
   DragGestureEvent class, 248
   TransferableColor class, 117
DragGestureRecognizer class, 249
dragOver(), 116
   DragSourceListener class, 253-254
   DropTargetListener class, 260
DragSource class, 250
DragSourceContext package, 252
DragSourceContextPeer interface, 262
DragSourceDragEvent class, 253
DragSourceDropEvent class, 253
DragSourceEvent class, 253
DragSourceListener class, 115, 254
drawGlyphVector(), 71, 90
drawImage() methods, 71
   Graphics, 67
   Graphics2D, 93-94
   Graphics2D class, 195
drawPolygon() (Polygon), 214
drawRenderableImage(), 71
drawRenderedImage(), 71
   Graphics2D class, 94
drawString(), 71, 107
   Graphics2D class, 90, 195
draw(), 70, 78, 292
   Graphics2D class, 73, 92, 195
   TextLayout class, 91, 298
   DragSourceListener class, 254
   DropTargetListener class, 260
dropComplete() (DropTargetEvent), 117
drop-down lists, 8-9, 170
DropTarget class, 255
DropTargetAutoScroller class, 256
DropTargetContext class, 256
DropTargetContextPeer interface, 263
DropTargetDragEvent class, 257
DropTargetDropEvent class, 258
DropTargetEvent class, 116, 259
DropTargetListener interface, 116, 259-260
DropTargetPeer interface, 263
drop(), 116, 119
   DropTargetListener class, 258, 260
DTD class, 658
DTD (document type definition), 656, 658
DTDConstants class, 659
DynamicUtilTreeNode class, 494

E[ Top ]
echoing text, 226
editingCanceled(), 22
editingStopped(), 22
editor panes, Swing, 9
EditorContainer class, 672
EditorKit class, 601
Element interface, 602, 660
ElementBuffer class, 599
ElementChange interface, 535
ElementEdit class, 585
ElementIterator class, 603
ElementSpec class, 599
Ellipse2D class, 312
ellipses, Java 2D, 74
EmptyBorder, 34
EmptyBorder class, 522
EmptyBorderUIResource class, 556
EmptySelectionModel class, 495
enableEvents(), 20, 61
   AWTEvent class, 160
   Component class, 173
   MenuItem class, 210
end caps, Java 2D, 76
endUpdate() (UndoableEditSupport), 688
end(), 103
   CompoundEdit class, 685
   PrintJob class, 216
   StateEdit class, 686
   UndoManager class, 689
Entity class, 661
EtchedBorder class, 34, 522
EtchedBorderUIResource class, 556
event adapters, 19
Event class, 127-128, 182
event dispatch thread, 28
event handling, 17-18
   applets, 127-129
   AWT, 264-287
      with inner classes, 19
      input events, 19-20
   Swing, 264-287
      custom components and, 61
      with inner classes, 19
      input events, 19-20
event listeners, 18
   ActionListener interface, 266
   AWT, 21-22, 264
   ComponentListener interface, 269
   ItemListener interface, 276
   KeyListener interface, 281
   MouseListener interface, 283
   MouseMotionListener interface, 283
   registering, 61
   Swing, 22-23, 27-28, 264, 536, 545
   TextListener interface, 285
   WindowListener, 287
event model
   Java 1.0, 127-129
   Java 1.1, 20
event sources, 18
EventListenerList class, 536
EventObject class, 17
EventQueue class, 184
   ActionEvent class, 265
   AdjustmentEvent class, 267
   AWTEvent class, 160
   AWTEventMulticaster class, 161
   ComponentEvent class, 268
   ContainerEvent class, 270
   custom components and, 60
   Event class, 127, 182
   EventQueue class, 184
   FocusEvent class, 271
   InputEvent class, 272
   InputMethodEvent class, 273
   ItemEvent class, 275
   keyboard, 226, 276
   MouseEvent class, 281
   naming conventions, 20
   PaintEvent class, 284
   Swing, 530-550
   target, 127
   TextEvent class, 284
   WindowEvent class, 286
EventType class, 535, 537
examples in this book, available from, xi

F[ Top ]
factory methods, 81
file chooser class, 9
FileChooserUI class, 560
FileDialog class, 8, 185
FileDialogPeer class, 376
FileFilter class, 43, 551
files, FileDialog class, 185
fileSelectionMode, 43
filesystem, 43
      AWT, 8
      Swing, 42-44
   displaying, Swing, 47, 552
FileSystemView class, 43, 552
FileView class, 43, 553
fill style, Java 2D, 69
Filler class, 37, 410
fillPolygon() (Polygon), 214
fills, Java 2D, 79-80
fill(), 70, 78
   Graphics2D class, 73, 195
FilteredImageSource class, 349
filterRGB(), 362
   AffineTransformOp class, 332
   BufferedImageOp interface, 96, 338
   ColorConvertOp class, 340
   ConvolveOp class, 344
   LookupOp class, 354
first() (CardLayout), 168
FixedHeightLayoutCache class, 676
FlatteningPathIterator class, 313
FlavorMap interface, 243
Float class, 307, 311, 313, 317, 321, 323, 328
FlowLayout class, 15, 186
focus management, 420, 424
   custom components and, 63
   Swing, 29-31
FocusAdapter class, 271
FocusEvent class, 271
focusGained(), 21
FocusListener interface, 21, 272
focusLost(), 21
FocusManager class, 424
Font class, 66, 87-89, 154, 187-189
font glyphs, Java 2D, 91
font metrics, AWT, 67
FontConstants class, 619
FontFamilyAction class, 624
FontMetrics class, 189
FontPeer class, 376
FontRenderContext class, 288
fonts, 187-189, 198, 209, 288-301
   AWT, 65-67
   Java 2D, 69, 87-90
FontSizeAction class, 624
FontUIResource class, 57, 560
ForegroundAction class, 625
FormAction class, 644
FormView class, 636
Frame class, 12, 190
FramePeer class, 376

G[ Top ]
GapContent class, 604
GeneralPath class, 75, 314
getAcceptAllFileFilter() (JFileChooser), 441
getAccessibleAction() (AccessibleAction), 389
getAccessibleComponent() (AccessibleComponent), 390
getAccessibleContext() (Accessible), 58, 62, 388
getAccessibleRole() (AccessibleRole), 394
getAccessibleSelection(), 395
getAccessibleValue(), 58
getActionCommand() (ActionEvent), 32, 266
getActions(), 593
   EditorKit class, 601
   Keymap interface, 608
   StyledEditorKit class, 625
getAdjustable(), 267
getAdjustmentType(), 267
getAdvance() (GlyphMetrics), 290
getAlignment(), 292
getAllFonts(), 87
   GraphicsEnvironment class, 198
getAllowsChildren() (DefaultTreeModel), 673
   Color class, 171
   ColorModel class, 340
getAncestorOfClass() (SwingUtilities), 510
getAncestorParent() (AncestorEvent), 530
getAncestor() (AncestorEvent), 530
getAppletContext(), 152
   Applet class, 125, 151
getAppletInfo(), 151
   Applet class, 124
getApplets(), 152
getApplet(), 152
getAscent(), 67
   LineMetrics class, 293
getAttributeKey() (HTML), 637
getAttributeNames() (AttributeSet), 587

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. The Java Foundation Classes

Chapter 2. Swing and AWT Architecture
   A Simple Graphical User Interface
   Containers and Containment
   Layout Management
   Event Handling
   Swing Component Architecture

Chapter 3. Swing Programming Topics
   Versions of Swing
   Labels and HTML
   The Event Dispatch Thread
   Client Properties
   Keyboard Shortcuts
   The Box Container
   Simple Dialogs
   JTree and TreeModel
   JTable and TableModel
   JTextComponent and HTML Text Display
   Pluggable Look-and-Feel
   Custom Components

Chapter 4. Graphics with AWT and Java 2D
   Graphics Before Java 2D
   Java 2D Graphics Attributes and Operations
   The Coordinate System
   Stroking Lines
   Blending Colors with AlphaComposite
   Rendering Hints
   Fonts and Text
   Buffered Images
   Transformations with AffineTransform
   Color Spaces

Chapter 5. Printing
   Printing in Java 1.1
   Printing in Java 1.2

Chapter 6. Data Transfer
   The Data Transfer Framework
   A Data Source
   A Data Sink

Chapter 7. Applets
   Writing Applets
   Including Applets in HTML Files
   Applet Security

PART 2: API Quick Reference .TC 0 "How To Use This Quick Reference" 139

Chapter 8. The java.applet Package

Chapter 9. The java.awt Package

Chapter 10. The java.awt.color Package

Chapter 11. The java.awt.datatransfer Package

Chapter 12. The java.awt.dnd Package

Chapter 13. The java.awt.dnd.peer Package

Chapter 14. The java.awt.event Package

Chapter 15. The java.awt.font Package

Chapter 16. The java.awt.geom Package

Chapter 17. The Package

Chapter 18. The java.awt.image Package

Chapter 19. The java.awt.image.renderable Package

Chapter 20. The java.awt.peer Package

Chapter 21. The java.awt.print Package

Chapter 22. The javax.accessibility Package

Chapter 23. The javax.swing Package

Chapter 24. The javax.swing.border Package

Chapter 25. The javax.swing.colorchooser Package

Chapter 26. The javax.swing.event Package

Chapter 27. The javax.swing.filechooser Package

Chapter 28. The javax.swing.plaf Package

Chapter 29. The javax.swing.table Package

Chapter 30. The javax.swing.text Package

Chapter 31. The javax.swing.text.html Package

Chapter 32. The javax.swing.text.html.parser Package

Chapter 33. The javax.swing.text.rtf Package

Chapter 34. The javax.swing.tree Package

Chapter 35. The javax.swing.undo Package

Chapter 36. Class Index


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