Job Ready Java

Job Ready Java

Job Ready Java

Job Ready Java


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Prepare yourself to take on new and exciting Java programming challenges with this one-stop resource 

Job Ready Java delivers a comprehensive and foundational approach to Java that is immediately applicable to real-world environments. Based on the highly regarded and effective Software Guild Java Bootcamp: Object Oriented Programming course, this book teaches you the basic and advanced Java concepts you will need at any entry-level Java position. 

With the “Pulling It Together” sections, you’ll combine and integrate the concepts and lessons taught by the book, while also benefiting from: 

  • A thorough introduction to getting set up with Java, including how to write, compile, and run Java programs with or without a Java IDE 
  • Practical discussions of the basics of the Java language, including syntax, program flow, and code organization 
  • A walk through the fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming including Classes, Objects, Interfaces, and Inheritance, and how to leverage OOP in Java to create elegant code.  
  • Explorations of intermediate and advanced Java concepts, including Maven , unit testing, Lambdas, Streams, and the Spring Framework  

Perfect for Java novices seeking to make a career transition, Job Ready Java will also earn a place in the libraries of Java developers wanting to brush up on the fundamentals of their craft with an accessible and up-to-date resource. 

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781119775645
Publisher: Wiley
Publication date: 03/23/2021
Pages: 768
Sales rank: 852,474
Product dimensions: 9.10(w) x 7.30(h) x 1.60(d)

About the Author

HAYTHEM BALTI, PhD, is Director of Curriculum at Wiley’s Software Guild and mthree. He has created courses used by thousands of Software Guild Students in Java, Python, Go, and other development and data science competencies. He earned his doctorate in Computer Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Louisville.

ALAN GALLOWAY is Director of Instruction at Wiley’s Software Guild and mthree. H:e supervises a team of instructors who deliver large-scale training programs in technology.

Table of Contents

About the Authors v

About the Technical Writer vii

About the Technical Editors vii

Acknowledgments ix

Introduction xxv

Part I: Getting Set Up 1

Lesson 1: Installing Java 2

The Java Universe 3

The Java Development Kit 3

The Java Virtual Machine 4

The Java Runtime Environment 5

Installing OpenJDK 5

Installing OpenJDK on Microsoft Windows 6

Checking for an Existing JDK on Windows 6

Installing OpenJDK 7

Verifying the Installation 10

Installing OpenJDK on macOS 13

Checking for an Existing JDK on macOS 13

Installing OpenJDK 13

Verifying the Installation 17

Creating Your First Java Program 17

Writing the Program 18

Compiling and Running the Program 19

Dealing with Syntax Errors 21

Using the Compiler and Java Virtual Machine 22

Summary 22

Lesson 2: Installing a Development Environment: NetBeans 24

Getting Started 25

Understanding the Value of an IDE 25

Using the Source Code Editor 25

Using the Build Automation Tools 26

Using the Debugger 26

Installing NetBeans 27

Using an Installer 27

Installing on Windows 28

Installing on macOS 32

Installing Binaries 37

Installing Binaries on Windows 40

Adding the JDK 42

Running NetBeans 44

Summary 45

Lesson 3: Using an Integrated Development Environment 46

Using an IDE 47

Creating a New Project 48

Coding the “Hello, World!” Program 53

Compiling the Code in NetBeans 57

Running the Program 59

Using the Debugging Tools 60

Compilation and Syntax Errors 61

Runtime and Logic Errors 63

Understanding Source Control 67

Summary 69

Part II: Basics of Object Oriented Programming 70

Lesson 4: Using Program Statements and Variables 71

Approach 72

Concepts 73

Computers 73

Data vs. Information 73

Programs and Programming 74

Models and Metaphors 74

Objects 74

Specifications 75

Syntax vs. Semantics 75

Language Building Blocks 75

Comments 75

Single-Line Comments 76

Multiline Comments 76

Doc Comments 77

Using Comments 78

Identifiers 79

Data Types 80

Statically Typed Languages 81

Type Conversion 81

Literals 82

Variables 82

Constants 84

Operators and Expressions 84

Three Flavors of Operators 85

Operator Precedence 88

Pulling It All Together: Mathematical Expressions and Operators 89

Summary 93

Exercises 93

Exercise 1: 94

Exercise 2: 95

Exercise 3: 97

Exercise 4: 98

Exercise 5: 100

Lesson 5: Collecting and Parsing Input from the User 103

Console Input and Output 104

Adder Version 1 104

Adder Version 2 106

Declaring and Initializing Our Variables 106

Setting Up a Scanner Object 106

Understanding the Command Line 107

Getting the Values from the User 108

Going from Strings to Integers 108

Adding the Numbers Together 109

Using Loops to Gather User Input 111

Parsing Data 112

Dealing with Bad Numbers: NumberFormatException 113

Scanner Problems 115

Summary 121

Exercises 121

Exercise 1: Quest for the User Input 121

Exercise 2: Don’t Forget to Store It 123

Exercise 3: Passing the Turing Test 124

Exercise 4: Healthy Hearts 125

Exercise 5: Mini Mad Libs 126

Lesson 6: Pulling It All Together: Building a Useful Program 127

Planning the Program 128

Identifying the Variables 128

Planning the Steps 128

Creating the Code 129

Declaring the Variables 129

Getting Input 130

Converting the Strings 131

Calculating the Area and Perimeter 132

Calculating the Cost 133

Displaying the Results 133

Running the Program 135

Summary 135

Exercises 136

Exercise 1: Mapping Instructions to Code 136

Exercise 2: Adding Prompts for Costs 136

Exercise 3: Adding Multiple Windows 136

Exercise 4: Adding Validation 137

Lesson 7: Controlling Program Flow 138

What Can Our Code Do? 139

Decisions and Boolean Expressions 139

if Statements 139

if-else Statements 142

Chaining if-else Statements 144

Evaluating Multiple Conditions 146

Conditional-And and Conditional-Or Operators 147

Exclusive-Or 149

Ternary or Conditional Operator 150

switch Statement 151

Falling Through with a switch Statement 153

Comparing for Equal Strings 155

Summary 158

Exercises 159

Exercise 1: What Month is It? 159

Exercise 2: Guess Me 159

Exercise 3: Birthstones 160

Exercise 4: Trivia Night 161

Exercise 5: Space Rustlers 162

Exercise 6: Picky Eater 163

Exercise 7: Field Day 165

Lesson 8: Looping Program Flow 167

Loops 167

Using while Loops 168

Initializing the while Loop 171

Incrementing the while Loop 171

Breaking a Loop 172

Using do-while Loops 174

Making do-while Shine 176

Using for Loops 179

Initializing the for Loop 181

Terminating the for Loop 181

Incrementing a for Loop 181

Summary 184

Exercises 184

Exercise 1: Surfacing in 185

Exercise 2: Do or Do Not 185

Exercise 3: Guess Me Finally 186

Exercise 4: for and Twenty Blackbirds 187

Exercise 5: Spring Forward, Fall Back 188

Exercise 6: for Times 189

Exercise 7: for Times for 189

Exercise 8: Nesting for Loops 190

Exercise 9: Traditional Fizz Buzz 191

Lesson 9: Understanding Flowcharts and Algorithms 193

Flowchart Basics 194

Sequences 194

Branches 195

Loops 196

Flowcharting 197

Flowchart Example 197

Summary 198

Exercises 200

Exercise 1: A Guessing Game 200

A Possible Flowcharting Solution 201

The Guessing Game Flowchart 201

The Guessing Game Code 203

Lesson 10: Adding Randomness to Your Programs 207

Initializing the Random Object 208

Including the Random Class 208

Seeding Random Numbers 208

Generating Random Integers 209

Generating Random Doubles 210

Revisiting the Number Guessing Game 212

Other Random Options 215

Summary 215

Exercises 215

Exercise 1: A Little Chaos 216

Exercise 2: Opinionator—Making Random Choices 217

Exercise 3: High Roller 219

Exercise 4: Coin Flipper 220

Exercise 5: Guess Me More 220

Exercise 6: Fortune Cookie 221

Lesson 11: Debugging 222

Creating a File to Debug 222

Setting Breakpoints 224

Stepping through Code 226

Running the Debugger 226

Examining Variables 229

The Console and the Debugger 232

Summary 234

Exercises 234

Exercise 1: Odd Odd Numbers 234

Exercise 2: A Simple Question of If 235

Lesson 12: Adding Methods 237

Why Methods? 238

Defining Methods 238

Method Signature 239

Method Naming Conventions 239

Return Values 240

Using Return Values 241

Input Parameters 242

Matching Number of Parameters 244

Matching Parameter Types 245

Passing Parameters 246

Method Forms 248

No Return Value, No Parameters 248

Return Value, No Parameters 248

No Return Value, One or More Parameters 249

Return Value, One or More Parameters 249

The staticKeyword 249

Pulling It All Together 250

Identifying the Similarities 252

Identifying the Differences 252

Creating the Method 252

Setting the Name 252

Determining Parameters 253

Setting a Return Type 253

Our Basic Definition 253

Our Method Body 254

Using the Method 255

Scope 257

Debugging and Step Into 259

Setting a Breakpoint in a Method 260

Stepping into Code 262

Debugging and Scope 265

Summary 265

Exercises 265

Exercise 1: Method to the Madness 266

Exercise 2: Return to Sender 267

Exercise 3: MatchWork 268

Exercise 4: Barely Controlled Chaos 269

Lesson 13: Organizing with Arrays 272

What is an Array? 273

Types of Arrays 274

Element vs. Index 275

Declaring Arrays 276

Single-Dimensional Arrays 276

Rectangular Arrays 276

Jagged Arrays 277

Initializing Arrays 277

Initializing a Single-Dimensional Array 278

Initializing a Rectangular Array 279

Initializing a Jagged Array 280

Accessing Array Elements 281

Accessing Elements in a Single-Dimensional Array 281

Accessing Elements in a Multidimensional Array 283

Accessing Elements in a Jagged Array 284

Iterating through Arrays 284

Iterating through Multidimensional and Jagged Arrays 286

Sum the Elements of an Array 288

Looping Back to Front, with a Twist 289

Printing Pairs of Elements 290

Changing the Size of an Array 291

Dealing with Errors 293

Summary 293

Exercises 294

Exercise 1: A Rainbow 294

Exercise 2: Still Positive 295

Exercise 3: Fruit Basket 296

Exercise 4: Simple Combination 297

Exercise 5: Hidden Nuts 297

Exercise 6: Summative Sums 298

Part III: Fundamentals of Classes and Objects 299

Lesson 14: Object-Oriented Concepts 300

Abstraction 301

Object Orientation 301

Types 302

Public Interface/Private Implementation 302

Encapsulation and Data Hiding 303

Single Responsibility Principle and Cohesion 303

Delegation 304

Summary 304

Lesson 15: Creating Classes and Types 305

Creating New Types 305

Classes vs. Objects 307

Properties, Accessors, and Mutators 307

Dot Operator 308

this Keyword 309

Methods/Behaviors 309

Constructors 309

Object Instantiation and Method Invocation 311

Static Keyword 312

Static and the Main Method 313

Static and Constant Values 313

Static and Utility Methods 314

Pulling It All Together 315

Creating a New Class 316

Going Static 320

When to Go Static 323

Existing Static Methods 325

Summary 325

Exercises 326

Exercise 1: Class Modeling 327

Exercise 2: Refactoring 328

Exercise 3: A Multiclass Problem 330

Lesson 16: Managing Storage and Memory 331

Programs and Memory 331

The Stack 332

The Heap 334

Garbage Collection 338

Reference and Null Values 339

Summary 341

Lesson 17: Exploring Interfaces, Composition, and Inheritance 342

How Do These Tools Help? 343

Interfaces 344

Composition and Inheritance 345

Composition 345

Inheritance 346

Using Interfaces, Composition, and Inheritance 346

Summary 347

Lesson 18: Diving into Interfaces 348

What is an Interface? 349

Declaring an Interface 349

Implementing an Interface 350

Interface Restrictions 352

Implementing Multiple Interfaces 352

Extending an Interface 354

Interfaces and Polymorphism 356

Summary 357

Lesson 19: Diving into Composition 358

What is Composition? 359

Book without Composition 359

Book with Composition 360

Summary 362

Exercises 362

Exercise 1: Classroom Composition 362

Exercise 2: Cookbook 363

Lesson 20: Diving into Inheritance 365

Everything Extends Object 366

Terminology 366

Access Control 367

Inheritance 368

Code Reuse through Inheritance 371

Method Overloading 371

Method Overriding 373

Constructors 375

Polymorphism 380

Calling Methods Polymorphically 382

Abstract Base Classes 383

Summary 383

Exercises 383

Exercise 1: Working with Shape 384

Lesson 21: Understanding Collections 385

Collections in Java 385

Javadoc 386

Collections Framework Structure 387

Interface vs. Implementation 389

Iterator 390

Commonly Used Interfaces in the Collections Framework 390

Quick Look at List 390

ArrayList 390

Stack 391

Quick Look at Set 391

HashSet 391

TreeSet 392

Quick Look at Map 392

HashMap 392

TreeMap 392

Summary 393

Lesson 22: Introduction to Lists 394

List 394

Types of Lists 395

ArrayList 395

LinkedList 395

Stack 397

Understanding Generics 397

Using Lists 398

Instantiating a List 398

Adding Items to a List 401

Accessing Items in a List 402

Inserting Items into a List 403

Removing Items from a List 403

Enhanced Approaches to Access List Items 405

The Enhanced for Loop and Lists 406

Visiting Each Element: Iterators 407

Creating an Iterator 407

Using the Iterator 408

Summary 410

Exercises 410

Exercise 1: Three Threes 410

Exercise 2: Mixed-Up Animals 411

Lesson 23: Exploring Maps 412

Map Interface 412

HashMap 413

Creating and Adding Entries to a Map 413

Instantiating a Map 413

Adding Data to a Map 414

Manipulating with Entries in a Map 415

Looking Up Values in a Map 415

Replacing Data in a Map 417

Removing Values from a Map 417

Getting Keys and Listing Mapped Values in a Map 417

Listing All the Keys 417

Listing All the Values Key by Key 420

Listing All the Values: Value Collection 421

Summary 423

Exercises 423

Exercise 1: State Capitals 423

Exercise 2: A Reusable User I/O Class 424

Exercise 3: Student Quiz Scores 427

Lesson 24: Using Simple File Input and Output 429

Data Storage and Representation 430

File Format, Marshaling, and Unmarshaling 431

Student Class 432

File Format Example 433

Marshaling and Unmarshaling Approach 433

Simple File I/O 434

Writing to a File 435

Exceptions 436

The OutFile.txt File 437

Reading from a File 438

Summary 440

Exercises 440

Exercise 1: Creating State Capitals 441

Exercise 2: Hashing the State Capitals 442

Exercise 3: A State Guessing Game 442

Exercise 4: Objectifying States 443

Lesson 25: Applying Application Design 446

CRUD Applications 447

Using a Tiered Design 448

The Basic Tiers 448

The Model-View-Controller Pattern 448

Packages 449

Software Development Lifecycle Overview 450

Waterfall 450

Iterative Development 451

Agile Development 451

Project Lifecycle 452

Phase 1: Inception 452

Phase 2: Elaboration 452

Phase 3: Construction 453

Phase 4: Transition 453

Iterations 453

Summary 454

Lesson 26: Handling Exceptions 455

Exception Handling 456

Catch or Specify Requirement 459

Exception Types 459

Handling (Catching) Exceptions 459

try Block 459

catch Block 461

finally Block 462

Specifying and Throwing Exceptions 464

Exception Translation and Encapsulation 465

Summary 466

Exercises 466

Exercise 1: Keep On Asking 466

Exercise 2: Arrays Gone Bad 466

Exercise 3: Exiting Gracefully 468

Lesson 27: Pulling It All Together: Building the Class Roster App 469

Application Requirements and Use Cases 470

Understanding the

Application Structure 470

Interface Relationships 471

Composition Relationships 472

Inheritance Relationships 472

Classes and Interfaces in Our Application 472

MVC Rules of the Game 473

Construction Approach 473

Setting Up the Class Roster Application Shell 474

Creating the Menu System 477

UserIO and UserIOConsoleImpl 478

ClassRosterController 482

App 483

ClassRosterView 484

ClassRosterController 485

Adding a Student Use Case 487

Student (DTO) 487

ClassRosterDao and ClassRoster-DaoFileImpl 488

ClassRosterDao 488

ClassRosterDaoFileImpl 490

ClassRosterView 491

ClassRosterController 493

Viewing All Students Use Case 494

ClassRosterDaoFileImpl 494

ClassRosterView 495

ClassRosterController 496

Getting a Student Use Case 497

ClassRosterDaoFileImpl 498

ClassRosterView 498

ClassRosterController 499

Removing a Student Use Case 501

ClassRosterDaoFileImpl 501

ClassRosterView 501

ClassRosterController 502

Handling Unknown Command and Exiting 504

ClassRosterView 504

ClassRosterController 504

Working with Dependency Injection 506

Implementation 507

ClassRosterController 507

ClassRosterView 508

App 508

Handling Application Exceptions 509

ClassRosterDaoException 509

Adding File Persistence 512

ClassRosterDaoFileImpl 512

Constants 512

unmarshalStudent 513

loadRoster 514

marshalStudent 516

writeRoster 517

addStudent 518

getAllStudents 519

getStudent 520

removeStudent 520

ClassRosterDao 521

ClassRosterView 522

ClassRosterController 522

Create roster.txt 525

Summary 527

Exercises 527

Exercise 1: DVD Library Update 527

Exercise 2: Electronic Address Book 528

Part IV: Intermediate Java 531

Lesson 28: Exploring the Service Layer 532

The Role of the Service Layer 532

Service Layer Exceptions 534

Service Layer API Design 534

New Business Rules 534

Create a Student 535

Define the Method Signature 535

Define the Return Type 535

Define the Errors That Might Occur in This Method 535

Service Layer Methods for Getting Students 536

Get All Students 536

Get a Single Student 537

Remove a Student 537

Summary 537

Lesson 29: Pulling It All Together: Coding the Class Roster Service Layer 538

Create a Service Layer Interface 539

Create New Exceptions 542

ClassRosterDuplicateIdException 542

ClassRosterDataValidation Exception 543

Refactor/Rename ClassRoster-DaoException 543

Create the Service Layer Implementation 546

Constructor and DAO Member 547

Validating Student Data 547

Create Student 548

Get All Students 549

Get One Student 549

Remove Student 550

Modify the Controller 550

Replace Member Field 551

Modify Constructor 551

Replace Calls to DAO Methods with Calls to the Service Layer Method 551

Modify the App 553

Add the Audit Log Feature 554

Audit DAO Interface and Implementation 554

Modify the Service Layer 556

Add Member Field 556

Modify the Constructor 556

Modify createStudent 556

Modify removeStudent 557

Modify App 558

Summary 559

Lesson 30: Doing Unit Testing 560

Unit Testing 561

Types of Unit Testing 561

Black-Box vs. Glass-Box Testing 562

Stateful vs. Stateless Components 562

Test-Driven Development and Red/Green/Refactor 562

Test Stubs 563

JUnit 563

Test Setup and Teardown 563

Annotations 564

Asserts 564

Given/When/Then 564

Stateless Unit Testing 565

What Makes a Good Unit Test? 565

Designing a Test Plan 565

Happy Llama Test Plan 567

Implementing Unit Tests 568

Creating the Test Class 568

Writing Happy Llama Tests 569

Running JUnit Tests 571

Summary 575

Lesson 31: Testing Stateful Code 577

Unit Testing Stateful Code 578

Separating Production and Test Data 579

Adding hashCode and equals to Student 580

Adding toString to Student 582

Creating the Test Class 583

The Set Up and Tear Down Methods 584

Arrange/Act/Assert for Stateful Code 585

Class Roster DAO Test Design 586

Add Student 586

Get Student 588

ClassRosterDaoTest: Adding and Getting a Student 589

Get All Students 590

ClassRosterDaoTest: Adding and Getting All Students 590

Remove Student 592

ClassRosterDaoTest: Adding and Removing Students 592

Unit Testing the Service Layer 594

Planning the Test Design 595

Creating the Test Class 595

Creating the DAO Stubs 596

ClassRosterAuditDaoStubImpl 597

ClassRosterDaoStubImpl 597

Test Setup 599

Test Implementation 600

testCreateValidStudent 600

testCreateStudentDuplicateId 601

testCreateStudentInvalidData 602

testGetAllStudents 603

testGetStudent 603

testRemoveStudent 604

Summary 605

Exercises 605

Exercise 1: Testing the Address Book App 605

Exercise 2: Testing the DVD Library 606

Lesson 32: Including Magic Numbers and Enums 607

Magic Numbers 608

Enums 608

Creating Enums for Fixed Constants 609

Using Enums 609

Getting Values from an Enum 611

Enum Members 612

Summary 616

Exercises 616

Exercise 1: How Many Days until Friday? 617

Exercise 2: Playing Cards 617

Lesson 33: Manipulating Dates and Times 618

ISO Calendar 619

Human Time and Machine Time 619

Local and Zoned Classes 619

Periods and Duration 620

Working with LocalDate Objects 620

Creating LocalDates 620

Converting Dates to and from Strings 622

Formatting Dates 623

Using Localization 625

Getting the Time with LocalDateTime 626

Working with Date Calculations 628

Calculating Dates in the Future and Past 628

Calculating the Time between Two Dates 630

Working with Legacy Dates 632

Converting Date Objects 632

Converting a GregorianCalendar Object 633

Summary 635

Exercises 635

Exercise 1: Birthday Calculator 635

Exercise 2: It’s The End of the World as We Know It 636

Exercise 3: Tracking Your Time 636

Lesson 34: Using the BigDecimal Class 638

Exploring BigDecimal 639

Constructing BigDecimals 639

Understanding Scale 641

Understanding Rounding Modes 641

Working with BigDecimal 642

Setting Scale 642

Setting Scale without Rounding Mode 643

Rounding BigDecimals 643

Doing Calculations with BigDecimals 645

Dividing BigDecimals 646

Summary 648

Exercises 648

Exercise 1: Interest Calculator 648

Exercise 2: Car Lot Service Layer 649

Lesson 35: Working with Lambdas and Streams 653

Using Aggregate Operations 654

Understanding Pipelines and Streams 654

Streams vs. Iteration 655

Exploring Lambdas 655

Working with Stream and Lambda Syntax 655

The forEach() Stream Method 656

The filter Stream Method 660

The map Stream Method 661

The collect Stream Method 663

Further Syntax 664

Summary 665

Exercises 665

Exercise 1: Only the Young 665

Exercise 2: DVD Library Update 666

Part V: Advanced Java 667

Lesson 36: Working with the Spring Framework 668

Dependency Injection and Programming to Interfaces 669

Why Spring? 670

Understanding the Spring Approach 670

Plain Old Java Objects 671

Templates 671

Pulling It All Together: Spring DI in Action 673

Spring DI with XML 674

XML Configuration File 675

Update the App Class 676

Spring DI with Annotations 677

Class Annotations 678

Summary 681

Lesson 37: Introducing Maven 682

What is Maven? 683

Project Object Model 683

Project Identification 685

Dependencies 685

Build Settings 686

Dependency Management 686

Maven Lifecycle 687

Summary 687

Lesson 38: Pulling It All Together: Building the Class Roster with Spring 689

Include the Spring Libraries 690

How Do I Know What My Dependency Entry Should Be? 691

Add Spring Configuration Files 692

Convert the App Class to Use Spring 693

Defining Beans 694

Modifying the App Class 696

Convert the Unit Tests to Use Spring 697

Defining Beans 698

Modifying the Test Class Constructor 699

Exception Conditions 700

Summary 701

Exercises 701

Exercise 1: DVD Library 701

Part VI: Appendices 702

Appendix A: Code Checklist 703

Functionality 703

Style 703

Appendix B: Java concepts Study List 705

Variables 705

Methods 705

Arrays 706

Making Decisions 706

Loops 706

Java/JVM 706

Objects 707

Interfaces 708

Inheritance 708

N-Tier Design 708

Collections 709

Exceptions 709

Lambdas/Streams 709

Spring Core 709

Appendix C: Agile Approach Checklist for Console CRUD Applications 710

Assumptions 710

Requirement Steps 711

Design Steps 711

Construction Steps 712

Index 714

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