Laws that Changed America
Jules Archer begins with laws that opened up America—public lands and homesteading—and continues with banking, the Bill of Rights, subversion and sedition, foreign policy. Natural resources, labor, business, education and welfare, farming, Prohibition, the New Deal, the draft and G. I. Bills, slavery and civil rights. Archer chronicles the history of laws in America.

Each chapter opens with a dramatic incident, and then develops the laws relating to it. Brisk up-to-date, authoritative, informative—this volume will be valuable a supplementary reading in the classroom, as well as a welcome addition to libraries across the country. Readers of all ages will find this an exciting approach to what is usually considered difficult material.
Laws that Changed America
Jules Archer begins with laws that opened up America—public lands and homesteading—and continues with banking, the Bill of Rights, subversion and sedition, foreign policy. Natural resources, labor, business, education and welfare, farming, Prohibition, the New Deal, the draft and G. I. Bills, slavery and civil rights. Archer chronicles the history of laws in America.

Each chapter opens with a dramatic incident, and then develops the laws relating to it. Brisk up-to-date, authoritative, informative—this volume will be valuable a supplementary reading in the classroom, as well as a welcome addition to libraries across the country. Readers of all ages will find this an exciting approach to what is usually considered difficult material.
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Laws that Changed America

Laws that Changed America

Laws that Changed America

Laws that Changed America


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Jules Archer begins with laws that opened up America—public lands and homesteading—and continues with banking, the Bill of Rights, subversion and sedition, foreign policy. Natural resources, labor, business, education and welfare, farming, Prohibition, the New Deal, the draft and G. I. Bills, slavery and civil rights. Archer chronicles the history of laws in America.

Each chapter opens with a dramatic incident, and then develops the laws relating to it. Brisk up-to-date, authoritative, informative—this volume will be valuable a supplementary reading in the classroom, as well as a welcome addition to libraries across the country. Readers of all ages will find this an exciting approach to what is usually considered difficult material.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781634501767
Publisher: Sky Pony
Publication date: 06/27/2017
Pages: 160
Product dimensions: 5.80(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.90(d)
Age Range: 12 - 18 Years

About the Author

Brianna DuMont is author of the Changed History series, which makes history come alive by exposing its murky underbelly. The first book in the series, Famous Phonies: Legends, Fakes, and Frauds Who Changed History, includes gems about “I-must-not-tell-a-lie” George Washington and schoolless Shakespeare. When she’s not writing quirky books, Brianna travels the world in search of great museums and historical sites. When she’s at home, she is a full-time writer and researcher who is quickly becoming best friends with her local librarian. She and her family live in Chicago, Illinois.

Table of Contents

Foreword xv

1 Laws that Opened Up America 1

First Fight in Congress

1787 Northwest Ordinance

1862 Homestead Act

1862 Pacific Railroad Act

1959 Alaska and Hawaii Statehood Acts

2 Laws that Made Us Prosperous 9

Run on the Banks

1791 Federal Bank bill

1913 Sixteenth Amendment (income tax)

1913 Federal Reserve Act

1933 Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act

3 Laws that Protected Our Freedoms 16

The Shocking Test

1791 First Amendment (free speech)

1791 Fourth Amendment (personal security)

1791 Fifth Amendment (no self-incrimination)

1791 Sixth, Seventh, Eighth Amendments (rights accused)

1870 Amendments (right to vote)

4 The Red-White-and-Blue Laws 25

The McCarthy Reign of Terror

1798 Alien and Sedition Acts

1819 Act regulating immigration

1864 Immigration Act

1883 Chinese Exclusion Act

1894 Act creating Bureau of Immigration

1907 Immigration Act excluding 'Undesirables"

1916 Immigration Act requiring literacy test

1917 Jones Act

1917 Espionage Act

1918 Sedition Act

1921 Emergency Quota Act

1924 Immigration Act

1939 Hatch Act

1940 Smith Act

1950 McCarran Internal Security Act

1950 Subversive Activities Control Act

1952 McCarran-Walter Act

1953 Refugee Relief Act

1965 Immigration Act liberalizing quotas

5 Laws that Shaped Our Foreign Policy 37

Humiliation of the U.S. Chesapeake

1807 Embargo Act

1809 Non-Intercourse Act

1816 Tariff Act

1913 Underwood Tariff

1922 Fordney-McCumber Tariff

1890 Naval Act

1917 Congressional resolution of war

1934 Trade Agreements Act

1935-37 Neutrality Acts

1941 Lend-Lease Act

1945 UN Participation Act

1947 Greek-Turkish Aid Act

1948 Economic Cooperation Act (Marshall Plan)

1949 NATO Act

1949 International Development Fund Act (Point Four)

1954 SEATO and Formosan treaties

1957 Eisenhower Doctrine resolution

6 Laws that Developed Our Resources 48

Flood That Threatened the War Effort

1891 Forest Reserves Act

1902 Newlands Reclamation Act

1918 Muscle Shoals bill

1928 Boulder Dam Project Act

1928 Flood Control Act

1933 Tennessee Valley Authority Act (TVA)

1933 Civilian Conservation Reforestation Relief Act

1935 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (WPA)

1936 Soil Conservation Act

1937 St. Lawrence Seaway Act

1938 Highway Act

7 Laws for the Worker 56

Massacre in South Chicago

1914 Clayton Anti-Trust Act

1915 La Follette Seaman's Act

1916 Adamson Act

1932 Norris-La Guardia Act

1933 National Industrial Recovery Act (NTRA)

1935 Wagner National Labor Relations Act

1936 Walsh-Healy Government Contracts Act

1937 Black-Connery Fair Labor Standards Act

1943 Smith-Connally War Labor Dispute Act

1947 Taft-Hartley Act

8 Laws Regulating Business 65

The Little Man Fights the Railroads

1887 Interstate Commerce Act

1906 Hepburn Act

1910 Mann-Elkins Act

1890 Sherman Anti-Trust Act

1914 Federal Trade Commission Act

1914 Clayton Anti-Trust Act

9 Health, Education and Welfare Laws 72

The Deformed Baby Epidemic

1798 Marine Hospital Services Act (Public Health Service)

1906 Pure Food and Drug Act

1906 Meat Inspection Act

1912 Act creating Children's Bureau

1916 Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

1921 Sheppard-Towner Act

1938 Fair Labor Standards Act

1933 Federal Emergency Relief Act

1935 Social Security Act

1937 Wagner-Steagall Act

1950 Housing Act

1964 National Defense Education Act

1964 Housing Act

1964 Economic Opportunity Act

1965 Appalachia Act

1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act

1965 Cigarette labeling bill

1965 Social Security Law (Medicare)

10 Laws for the Farmer 82

Tragedy Strikes the Dust Bowl

1862 Homestead Act

1862 Morrill Act

1862 Act creating Department of Agriculture

1914 Smith-Lever Act

1916 Federal Farm Loan Act

1929 Agricultural Marketing Act

1930 Drought Relief Act

1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act

1934 Frazier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act

1935 Rural Electrification Administration bill

1937 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act

1938 Second Agricultural Adjustment Act

1949 Agricultural Act

1956 Agricultural Act (Soil Bank)

1962 Agricultural Act

11 Laws Regulating Morality 90

Lady with a Hatchet

1919 Wartime Prohibition Act

1920 Eighteenth Amendment (Volstead Act)

1933 Twenty-First Amendment (Repeal)

12 Our Depression Laws 99

To Kill a President

1932 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act

1932 Emergency Relief and Construction Act

1933 Emergency Banking Act

1933 Civilian Conservation Reforestation Relief Act

1933 Federal Emergency Relief Act

1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act

1933 Tennessee Valley Authority Act

1933 Federal Securities Act

1933 Securities and Exchange Commission Act

1933 Home Owners Financing Act

1933 National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

1933 Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act

1935 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (WPA)

13 Laws for Soldiers and Scholars 110

Draft Riots In New York

1863 Conscription Act

1867 Act creating Department of Education

1917 Smith-Hughes Act

1917 Selective Service Act

1921 Veterans' Bureau Act

1924 Soldiers' Bonus Bill

1940 Burke-Wadsworth Selective Training and Service Act

1941 Draft Act

1944 Servicemen's Readjustment Act (GI Bill)

1946 Veterans' Emergency Housing Act

1946 Fulbright Act

1948 Selective Service Act

1950 Act creating National Science Foundation

1951 Selective Service Act

1953 Act extending GI Bill benefits to Korean veterans

1958 National Defense Education Act

1961 Act creating Peace Corps

1963 College construction program bill

1964 Economic Opportunity Act (Anti-Poverty Act)

1965 Act providing federal scholarships

14 Laws on Slavery and Civil Rights 122

Explosion in Watts

1820 Missouri Compromise

1836 House of Representatives "gag resolution"

1850 Compromise of 1850

1850 Fugitive Slave Act

1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act

1865 Thirteenth Amendment (slavery abolished)

1865 Freedmen's Bureau Act

1866 Civil Rights Act

1867 14th Amendment (equal protection of laws)

1875 Civil Rights Act

1957-60 Civil Rights Acts

1964 Twenty-Fourth Amendment (anti-poll tax)

1965 Voting Rights Act

15 Your Laws-Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 137

Bibliography 140

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