Lightworker's Guide to the Astral Realm: Astral Projection for Empaths

Lightworker's Guide to the Astral Realm: Astral Projection for Empaths

by Sahvanna Arienta
Lightworker's Guide to the Astral Realm: Astral Projection for Empaths

Lightworker's Guide to the Astral Realm: Astral Projection for Empaths

by Sahvanna Arienta


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We are all energy, and energy creates consciousness. Right now, you are conscious energy manifested in physical form. You can learn how to release that energy from the physical body to venture into other realms. Lightworker's Guide to the Astral Realm will take you on an amazing journey through 7 of the astral realms of energetic worlds you never imagined existed. Chapter by chapter you will discover the limitless potential of the universe, and what lies beyond will be revealed. From the home of spirit guides to the masters of the multiverse—you will learn how to explore them all through soul travel.

This book will show you how to:

  • Cultivate a deeper connection to your spirit guides
  • Heal grief
  • Maintain an elevated vibration
  • Access and explore other realms to enhance your life
  • Find and follow your personal "God Grid"

Lightworker's Guide to the Astral Realm will not only reveal to you the knowledge of the celestial worlds, but it will also show you how to bring that same state of higher being into your own life and to the planet.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781578636501
Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
Publication date: 07/01/2019
Pages: 176
Sales rank: 513,695
Product dimensions: 5.25(w) x 8.50(h) x (d)

About the Author

Sahvanna Arienta is an internationally known psychic advisor and spiritual counselor. Her work helps others recognize their authentic selves and find purpose in living a heart-centered existence. Her unique style and connection to others are powerful healing tools that have been revolutionary forces for change in the lives of her worldwide clientele. She is the author of Lightworker and The Lightworker's Source. Her website is

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The very first thing we need to establish is that the universe is all energy. We are energy, energetic streams of consciousness that have chosen to manifest in physical form at this time. We travel through many lifetimes to achieve this development. It is all for the greater good and the continued expansion of the entire universe.

Reincarnation to earth is one way in which we learn and grow into the ascension process, coming back time and time again to the earth to learn lessons and be of service. We return to the material plane repeatedly to learn from human experience, but you can also ascend through work done in energetic worlds while still living the human experience. You can achieve this through the practice of soul travel — separating the energetic body from the physical body to experience reality on another level of energetic consciousness.

These energetic worlds share the same space as us here on the physical plane; they are all around us but reside on different vibrational frequencies. It is possible for you to experience these energetic worlds by adjusting your vibration. What if somehow you could detach your spirit body from your physical body and take a trip to other places or dimensions and experience things you never even thought existed? Sounds like you may have died, right? Astral, or soul, travel (also known as an out-of-body experience) allows you to do all this now instead of waiting until you have worn out your physical body and gone through the death process.

What value does soul travel hold for us in our current phase? The practice can be life changing! Not only for what it does for your spirit, but it can also make a wonderful impact on your life. It brings a profound understanding of the fact that we live in a very limited dimensional existence. Compared to higher dimensions, earth is somewhat flat. Traveling through other energetic worlds will open your perspective in ways you cannot imagine. You will begin to understand the bigger picture, and missing pieces to the mystery of your life will be put into their proper place.

As humans, we tend to adopt a bit of an attitude of greatness and power. This feeling of greatness will quickly diminish when you get a glimpse of the higher planes. This is not in a negative way, more like a humbling way — a way that shows you that there is so much more to experience. You will discover there is so much to the universe that you were unaware of. There is so much to learn and discover.

Soul travel helps alleviate so many of the human ego fear-based thoughts that plague your daily life. When you become proficient at soul travel, the fear of physical death is totally released, because you become aware that you are energetic and that energy never dies. When you realize how much of your essence is aligned with the nonphysical existence, fear of death is gone. You become acutely aware that death does not exist outside the physical plane. So understanding that your energetic self can move from place to place without fear of ceasing to exist totally alleviates the fear of death and dying.

You will also understand where you will go when you transition outside the physical world, because it is the same space that you have soul traveled into. For those who have lost a loved one, soul travel helps relieve grief, because you are now aware that your loved ones who have transitioned do not cease to exist, either; they just exist in a different energetic vibration outside the physical world.

Another wonderful benefit of soul travel is anxiety relief. Sensitive beings here on earth who suffer from anxiety due to human fear or reactions to harsh energies of the earth plane will find great comfort in soul traveling. This is not merely an escape from harsh realities; you'll be taken on journeys that will help heal trauma and allow you to put into perspective the fears that your human ego instills in you from the time you are born into this physical reality. Understanding that there is so much more than the material world frees us from material attachments that equate to the fear of loss.

Basically, the ego seeks to avoid its own mortality. In soul travel, you'll understand that spirit is immortal and that you are, for the most part, a spiritual being in a physical vessel — one that you have acquired to assist you in carrying out your mission for this incarnation. Therefore, human ego fear-based thoughts will have no purpose in your life anymore. Seeing your physical life with the perspective of a greater picture will help alleviate anxiety. You will understand that this physical incarnation is only a small piece in your internal journey and that the loss of something physical is inconsequential. This information is going to automatically put you in a spiritual frame of mind and will create an inner focus on the importance of developing your sense of spirituality. Other benefits include:

• A sense of inner peace

• An increase in extrasensory perceptions

• Enhanced memory and recall abilities

• Reduced polarity of emotions (mood swings)

• Alleviated fear of death

• Healing grief by meeting loved ones who have crossed over

• Transformational personal healing (both physical and emotional)

• The acquisition of a purpose-driven existence

• Release of suppressed toxic emotions or anger

• Resolution of past-life issues

• Greater love and compassion for all life

After you take your very first trip to the astral and beyond, you will not be able to go back to clinging to a material world. You will now be on a spiritual quest and be searching for more and more answers to the questions that you had forgotten you needed to ask. With each journey you take, you will absorb more spiritual information. You will use this information to enhance your life and the lives of others around you. The information you will take away from these experiences is going to be life altering, because you'll have seen a part of the spiritual experience from a unique perspective.

Seeing everything from the dense material perspective we are accustomed to here in the physical creates a distorted reality. Soul travel helps you to understand that reality is corresponding to your own energy. This will make you consciously aware of the fact and enable you to alter your reality in positive ways. The information given to you by visiting these higher vibrational realms or by the beings that reside there is going to directly impact your human experience — that is, your life. You will be able to resolve current or past-life issues with the information given to you on your journeys.

Another way soul travel will impact your life is by helping you consistently maintain a high vibration. The more you wish to soul travel, the more you will work at keeping your vibration elevated. An elevated vibration equates to a greater enlightenment, a greater sense of mindful awareness, and a clarity of your own energetic field. This type of energy allows you to manifest great things into your life. Expanding your spirituality will help you to understand others and have a nonjudgmental approach to viewing others. Having an open mind allows you to accept others for what they are and not seek to change people so that they adhere to your personal paradigms.

Many individuals soul travel frequently but remain in the dimensions closest to the physical world (the astral planes). Traveling the energetic realms closest to earth holds little benefit and spiritual edification. These dimensions are very similar to where we exist now and are somewhat energetic imprints of the life you're already living. But if you can elevate your vibration enough to begin rising above those planes closest to earth and into the higher realms that are considered celestial planes, you will discover wonderful things. These higher vibrational dimensions are where all the greater energetic shifts occur.

This may not be the easiest task to undertake, because it requires an elevation in your energetic vibration to align with these higher planes. Elevating your vibration must be a conscious endeavor and you must integrate that higher awareness into your life every day. So, in order to reap the benefits of soul travel, you must live a life that cultivates alignment with higher vibration. To maintain a practice of soul travel that will benefit you, you must work toward constantly elevating your own personal vibration. The more you practice this elevated vibration, the more it will become your natural state of being.

It's like working out a muscle; the more you work it, the more it expands and maintains that expansion. Of course, if you stop working the muscle, it's going to shrink back to its original size, just as your vibration will lower if you do not consistently practice elevating your vibration. Living a life at a higher vibrational frequency attracts a wealth of blessings. So aside from soul-travel experiences, your life when not traveling will be enhanced.

Soul travel is a much-overlooked key component to helping you understand the metaphysical aspects of the universe and the things that are not explained by logic or science. For centuries, there has been documentation of astral projection in almost every ancient culture on the planet that references out-of-body experiences. Now it is your time to experience this amazing ability!


You Are Here Now

Sometimes it can become difficult to grasp what it means to be human. When we become so consumed by our problems, our bills, our relationships, life in general, we become engulfed in the material world. Our humanity is totally separate from our spirituality, yet the two must work in harmony for our mission to be achieved.

Understanding that the physical or material plane (where your physical body is now) is nothing but an illusion is so important to your spiritual well-being. How is this an illusion? How is it that you are literally existing in an illusionary world? For one thing, all physical matter is temporary; eternity does not exist here on the earth plane. All people, places, and things are transient and simply just passing through. Our physical bodies have an expiration date. We "own" a home, we "own" a car, etc., but in the reality of the universe, we do not "own" anything, as it can be taken away from us in a split second. Even our physical bodies.

Seems a bit fruitless if you look at just a small piece of the puzzle. If you could raise up your consciousness a bit and wrap your human mind around the fact that there is so much more to "life" than what you see in the living world, you would breathe a huge sigh of relief. You will literally have infinity as your playground, and as we journey through the realms, you will understand. This is not to diminish the importance of life here in the material plane; it is essential to your journey and cannot be escaped or avoided in the bigger picture of your process.

Attachment Addicts

For now, we are here — the dense, heavy material world. Sometimes it can be painful to sustain our spirituality in this harsh environment, but we muddle through until it is our time to exit. We hope that we do not become mired in the illusion, and there are ways you can avoid this. The goal is to try not to become too attached here, or we will be bound to a place that isn't the kindest place in the universe to reside. Here is where all the attachments tend develop.

By attachments, I am referring to the unhealthy ones we as physical beings tend to hang on to as if our true happiness depended on them. Addictions, greed, insecurities, and even our pain are all side effects of unhealthy attachments. This is, again, all illusionary stuff we become attached to and which can become the downfall of life here on the earth plane. The key is to not lend ourselves to these types of unhealthy attachments.

Attachment addicts frequent psychics quite a bit. As a practicing psychic, I am asked every day, "What is going to happen?" This is an attachment to a desired outcome. As a psychic, I can show my client the path of least resistance and what direction the current situation in question is headed, but I warn them not to get too "attached" to the outcome, since directions can change like the wind. When my clients become too fixed on what they desire to "come true" (truth is subjective), they put themselves at risk of being crushed by disappointment.

I always offer this caveat with my predictions: Do not get too attached to what you think should happen. Attachments here on the physical plane are our biggest disappointments and our greatest defeat. We develop fixed attachments in a world that is transient. Naturally, we will always be let down. Whether it is an attachment to a job, a car, or a person, due to the nature of our illusionary existence, we are destined to become disillusioned.

Attachment addicts are so anchored in the material plane, they cannot see a multidimensional reality. They tend to have tunnel vision and only want to see things unfold one way, refusing to acknowledge that the energetic universe is always at the helm, and the outcome depends on energetic alignment, not human desire. Here in the material world, we must trust that the universe always delivers only what our energetic alignment dictates.

Take, for example, the notion of putting out a clear request to the universe, then receiving what you want. Those not aware of their energetic alignment think they are putting their "request" out into the universe, but they may be surprised at how it becomes lost in translation. They are putting out a request to an energetic force with their material mind. The two are totally out of sync.

This is not all that unfortunate, though, since these disappointments are supposed to help us understand what life here on the earth plane truly represents. It's not supposed to be easy. Life here on the earth plane is a mission — a mission to assist humanity, expand our spirits, and then exit. You have been sent here for a very profound reason: to shift the energy of the earth plane and provide light energy.

So, as we travel through this material plane (with our expiration date stamped on our foreheads), we must make the most of our time, since it is limited and so valuable. Time does exist here in the physical plane, and it can run out quickly.

Speaking of time, no need to stress over it; it does not exist once we get past the material realm. For now, however, we must use it wisely. This is essential to our own journey. We gain great reward in the higher realms if we live our human lives filled with good intention and free of unhealthy attachments.

You may wonder how to live in a physical world and not develop any attachments. This is the conflict. It is basically impossible to live here without attachments. We become attached to our loved ones, our pets, our home, our favorite sweater. These are all necessary to thrive in human form. These kinds of attachments create loving energy and the happiness we require to complete our mission here. So, in this sense, attachments can be beautiful things. They help us bond and experience the joy that human love can bring, but notice, even these beautiful, loving attachments end in human disappointment.

When the inevitable ending comes, we must remember that we are so much more than simply human; we are spirit, and spirit is eternal. Love is never-ending, and the attachment that comes from love lives for all eternity. We suffer attachment addiction as humans, and it translates into human grief when we lose a loved one. It is not without help from the higher realms that we suffer our pain. We get love, support, and many signs from those who have traveled on to help us cope.

Some of my favorite work is mediumship readings. Here I get to be a bridge for the those who are in grief to communicate with their loved ones who have left the physical plane. Here is a most unusual reading I did many years ago that perfectly demonstrates the attachment between two spirits and how it transcends the human experience. Many people don't fully understand the impact the spiritual world can have on the physical realm. It wasn't until a mother who had lost her seventeen-year-old son to a drug overdose came to me that I fully realized how the two worlds so easily overlap.

Janelle was in so much pain over the loss of her son, it seemed her entire world was falling apart. She suffered from chronic pain, depression, and isolation in the years following her son's death. One day, she got the courage to come in for a reading with the thought that maybe if she could get a message from Julian, it could relieve some of her pain. During the reading, Julian came through very clearly, and he was very sad for what he had put his mother through. He so wanted her to know that it was not her fault, and he needed her to forgive herself. He kept mentioning angels and how he had sent her angels in the mail! This sounded strange to me, yet as silly as I felt, I was urged by Julian to say the words, "He says he sends you angels in the mail."


Excerpted from "Lightworker's Guide to the Astral Realm"
by .
Copyright © 2019 Sahvanna Arienta.
Excerpted by permission of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Introduction vii

Part 1 The New Age Soul Traveler

Chapter 1 Tripping 3

Chapter 2 You Are Here Now 9

Chapter 3 Preparing to Soul Travel 19

Chapter 4 Visiting the Realms 27

Part 2 The Realms

Chapter 5 The Astral Plane: The Buffer Zone 39

Chapter 6 The Third Plane: The Turning Point 47

Chapter 7 The Fourth Plane: Leveling Up 53

Chapter 8 The Fifth Plane: Divine Intelligence 61

Chapter 9 The Sixth Plane: Accessing the Multiverse 69

Chapter 10 The Seventh Plane: The Power Generator 77

Part 3 Beings of the Realms

Chapter 11 Home of the Spirit Guides 81

Chapter 12 Conscious Creators of the Universe 89

Chapter 13 The Metatron Consciousness 97

Chapter 14 Masters of the Multiverse 101

Chapter 15 The God Grid 107

Part 4 The Lower Realms

Chapter 16 That Below Is Like That Above 115

Chapter 17 Doorways to the Lower Realms 123

Part 5 The Keys to the Multiverse

Chapter 18 Consciousness 131

Chapter 19 Intention 139

Chapter 20 Creation 147

Epilogue 153

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