Lyrics of the French Renaissance: Marot, Du Bellay, Ronsard

Lyrics of the French Renaissance: Marot, Du Bellay, Ronsard

Lyrics of the French Renaissance: Marot, Du Bellay, Ronsard
Lyrics of the French Renaissance: Marot, Du Bellay, Ronsard

Lyrics of the French Renaissance: Marot, Du Bellay, Ronsard


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In this collection of rhymed, metrical translations of selected poems by three of France's and Western literature's most gifted and prolific poets, Norman R. Shapiro presents English versions of works by Clément Marot (1496-1544), considered by some to be the last of the medieval poets; Joachim Du Bellay (1525-1560); and Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585).

The original French poems-more than 150 in all-and their new English translations appear on facing pages. Some of the poems are very well known, while others will be a new pleasure for many readers. In these faithful translations of the poetry of the three most highly acclaimed French Renaissance poets, Shapiro maintains the rhyme and meter of the original works. He adheres to the message of each poem yet avoids a slavishly literal translation to offer creative and spirited equivalents.

For students and general readers of this volume, Hope Glidden's introduction, along with notes she and Shapiro provide on the specific poems, will enhance appreciation and illuminate historical and linguistic issues relating to this wealth of lyric poems.

Author Biography: Norman R. Shapiro is professor of Romance languages and literatures at Wesleyan University. He has devoted much of his career to literary translation, and his publications include highly praised volumes as diverse as the farces of Feydeau, French fables by La Fontaine and others, Baudelaire, and Verlaine. Hope Glidden is chair of the French and Italian department at Tulane University.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780300128680
Publisher: Yale University Press
Publication date: 06/01/2002
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
File size: 1 MB

About the Author

Norman R. Shapiro is professor of Romance languages and literatures at Wesleyan University. He has translated numerous collections of French poetry and theater, including Selected Poems from "Les Fleurs du mal" and One Hundred and One Poems by Paul Verlaine, both published by the University of Chicago Press.

Read an Excerpt

Lyrics of the French Renaissance

Marot, Du Bellay, Ronsard
By Norman R. Shapiro


Copyright © 2002 Yale University
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-300-08759-8

Chapter One

Clément Marot (1496-1544)

Ballades Rondeaux Chansons Elegies Epistres Chants divers Epigrammes

Note: Although different editions present and number Marot's works in a variety of ways-especially his voluminous Epigrammes, arranged idiosyncratically by modern editors-I have followed the ordering and numbering of his works as they appear in the authoritative edition of Gérard Defaux, OEuvres poétiques complètes, 2 vols. (Paris: Garnier, 1990), cited hereinafter as Defaux. (As for the Epigrammes, it should be noted that their arrangement into four books, not originally intended by Marot, is largely the editor's doing.) I follow that edition also in regard to titles, as well as in often divergent matters of sixteenth-centuryorthography, capitalization, punctuation, and line arrangement. [NRS]


D'ung qu'on appeloit frere Lubin

Pour courir en poste à la Ville Vingt fois, cent fois, ne sçay combien, Pour faire quelcque chose vile, Frere Lubin le fera bien. Mais d'avoir honneste entretien, Ou mener vie salutaire, C'est à faire à ung bon Chrestien. Frere Lubin ne le peult faire.

Pour mettre (comme ung homme habile) Le bien d'aultruy avec le sien, Et vous laissez sans croix, ne pile, Frere Lubin le fera bien. On a beau dire, je le tien, Et le presser de satisfaire,

Of Friar Lubin

To dash to town and have a spree- A score, a hundred times, or more- For some foul vice or villainy, Friar Lubin is there therefor; But for an honest, godly chore, A noble act, a just affair, Righteous and Christian to the core: Friar Lubin is never there.

To filch another's property And, shameless, add it to his store, Down to the last, I guarantee, Friar Lubin is there therefor; Ply him with threats, entreat, implore That he return your rightful share: Jamais ne vous en rendra rien. Frere Lubin ne le peult faire.

Pour desbaucher par ung doulx stile Quelcque fille de bon maintien, Point ne fault de Vieille subtile, Frere Lubin le fera bien. Il presche en Theologien, Mais pour boire de belle eau claire, Faictez la boire à vostre Chien, Frere Lubin ne le peult faire.

Envoy Pour faire plus tost mal, que bien, Frere Lubin le fera bien: Et si c'est quelcque bon affaire, Frere Lubin ne le peult faire. Save to deceive you-nay, ignore!- Friar Lubin is never there.

To turn a maid of high degree, With honeyed tongue, to lowly whore, You need no scheming crone; for he, Friar Lubin, is there therefor, Spouting, like churchly orator, False words, fit for your hound! For, where You would hear pure, clear words outpour, Friar Lubin is never there.

Envoi For naught but vice and sin galore, Friar Lubin is there therefor; But for deeds virtuous, best beware! Friar Lubin is never there.

Ballades, III


Du mal content d'Amours

D'estre amoureux n'ay plus intention, C'est maintenant ma moindre affection, Car celle là, de qui je cuydoye estre Le bien aymé, m'a bien faict apparoistre, Qu'au faict d'amour n'y a que fiction.

Je la pensoys sans imperfection, Mais d'aultre Amy a prins possession: Et pource plus ne me veulx entremettre D'estre amoureux.

Au temps present par toute nation Les Dames sont comme ung petit Syon, Qui tousjours ploye à dextre, & à senestre. Brief, les plus fins ne s'y sçavent congnoistre: Parquoy concludz, que c'est abusion D'estre amoureux.

Of One Unhappy with Love

To be in love I have no appetite; Nay, none whatever; none, however slight: For she whose beau was I-or so I thought- Has taught me well that love, though dearly sought, Is ever false and never goes aright.

I deemed her without flaw, nor dreamed she might Becharm another to her heart's delight! Wherefore I warrant that no more I ought To be in love.

Everywhere now we see the selfsame sight: Ladies, like reeds, sway, bend; and men, despite Whatever they may know, indeed know naught About their ladies' wiles and ways, ill taught: Whence I declare, it is sheer folly, quite, To be in love. Rondeaux, IX

De l'Amant doloreux

Avant mes jours mort me fault encourir Par un regard, dont m'as voulu ferir, Et ne te chault de ma griefve tristesse: Mais n'est ce pas à toy grande rudesse, Veu que tu peulx si bien me secourir?

Aupres de l'eau me fault de soif perir, Je me voy jeune, & en aage fleurir, Et si me monstre estre plein de vieillesse Avant mes jours.

Or si je meurs, je veulx Dieu requerir Prendre mon ame: & sans plus enquerir, Je donne aux vers mon Corps plein de foiblesse. Quant est du Cueur, du tout je le te laisse, Ce nonobstant que me fasses mourir Avant mes jours.

Of the Suering Lover

Before my time I bid this life good-bye, Pierced by a deadly glance shot from your eye. To my distress you offer not a thought; Why must you, who can cure my ill, do naught, And solace to my wretchedness deny? I die of thirst though by a stream I lie: Yet in the flower of youth, swift my days fly, And I grow old-far older than I ought!- Before my time.

Ah, if I perish, I pray God on high Possess my soul; and, with no "how" or "why," I give the worms my flesh, of weakness wrought; But, for my heart, I leave it, sorrow-fraught, To you, though 'tis because of you I die, Before my time. Rondeaux, XI

Du confict en douleurs

Si j'ay du mal, maulgré moy je le porte, Et s'ainsi est, qu'aulcun me reconforte, Son reconfort ma douleur poinct n'appaise: Voylà comment je languis en mal aise Sans nul espoir de liesse plus forte.

Et fault qu'ennuy jamais de moy ne sorte, Car mon estat fut faict de telle sorte, Des que fuz né. Pourtant ne vous desplaise, Si j'ay du mal.

Quand je mourray, ma douleur sera morte, Mais ce pendant mon pauvre cueur supporte Mes tristes jours en Fortune maulvaise: Dont force m'est que mon ennuy me plaise, Et ne fault plus que je me desconforte, Si j'ay du mal.

Of One Surfeited with Woe

If I fare ill, yet do I bear that bane Despite myself; though one would soothe my pain, His comfort can, alas, not comfort me: Thus do I languish in my misery And every hope of cheer or joy disdain.

Never must trouble quit me, never wane, For born was I to woe, and so remain; Wherefore I pray you not distempered be If I fare ill.

My grief will die when I in death have lain; Till then, I fear, my heavy heart would fain Suffer the sorrows of my destiny; Take pleasure, even, in my woe; sustain And nourish it, nor scorn its company If I fare ill. Rondeaux, XXVIII

Des Nonnes, qui sortirent du Couvent pour se aller recréer

Hors du Couvent l'autrehyer soubz la Couldrette Je rencontray mainte Nonne proprette Suyvant l'Abbesse en grand devotion: Si cours apres, & par aection Vins aborder la plus jeune, & tendrette.

Je l'arraisonne, elle plainct, & regrette, Dont je congneus (certes) que la pauvrette Eust bien voulu aultre vacation Hors du Couvent.

Toutes avoient soubz vesture secrette Ung tainct vermeil, une mine sarette, Sans point avoir d'Amour fruition. Ha (dis je lors) quelle perdition Se faict icy de ce, dont j'ay sourette Hors du Couvent.

Of Nuns, Who Went from the Convent to Go Frolic

Without the convent walls the other day, In hazel grove, I met, passing my way, A band of comely nuns, all piously Behind their abbess. I, quick to make free, Approached the tenderest and said my say.

I questioned her, and she, quick to betray Her heart, revealed that, dared she disobey, She would prefer a different destiny Without the convent walls.

Beneath the habits that concealed them, they Were ruddy-hued, each face winsome and gay, Though never had they known love's ecstasy. Thought I, "Ah, what a woe is this for me: Their loss is mine no less, mine the dismay, Without the convent walls." tiendray.

Qu'un chascun donc voise chercher son bien: Quant est de moy, je me trouve tresbien. J'ay Dame belle, exquise, et honnorable: Parquoy fussé je unze mil ans durable, Au dieu d'Amours ne demanderay rien: Là me tiendray.

Of the Man Happy in Love

Here shall I stay, and never shall I stir; A belle as fair as belles that ever were Loves me with heart so pure, filled with such grace, That one, indeed, might think me vile and base Were I to love another more than her. Even should noble Helen say: "Monsieur, Here, take my heart, 'tis yours!" I should demur: "I'll not be moved, madame! This is my place; Here shall I stay!"

Let others seek whatever riches spur Them on; myself, I have what I prefer: Milady, true of heart, winsome of face. Could I draw out my days, aeons apace, None could I ask of Cupid comelier. Here shall I stay! Rondeaux, XLVII

De celluy, qui ne pense qu'en s'Amye

Toutes les nuictz je ne pense qu'en celle, Qui a le Corps plus gent qu'une pucelle De quatorze ans, sur le poinct d'enrager, Et au dedans ung cueur (pour abreger) Autant joyeulx qu'eut oncque Damoyselle.

Elle a beau tainct, ung parler de bon zelle, Et le Tetin rond comme une Grozelle. N'ay je donc pas bien cause de songer Toutes les nuictz?

Touchant son cueur, je l'ay en ma cordelle, Et son Mary n'a sinon le Corps d'elle: Mais toutesfois, quand il vouldra changer, Prenne le Cueur: et pour le soulager J'auray pour moy le gent Corps de la belle Toutes les nuictz.

Of One Who Thinks But of His Wench

Night after night, unceasing have I lain, With thoughts of her alone haunting my brain. Her flesh: a virgin maid's, ready to sprout And heat to passion; and her heart: no doubt The happiest ever in all love's domain.

What? Do you think I muse on her in vain-Fair skin, voice full of fire, teats standing out Like berries, currants round, and taut, and stout-Night after night?

Though I possess her heart, another swain, Her husband (fie!) it is-need I explain?-Who has her body. Ah, if but the lout Would trade, how I would greet the turnabout: That body, mine beneath the counterpane, Night after night! Rondeaux, XLV


Je suis aymé de la plus belle, Qui soit vivant dessoubz les Cieulx: Encontre tous faulx Envieulx Je la soustiendray estre telle.

Si Cupido doulx, et rebelle Avoit desbendé ses deux yeux, Pour veoir son maintien gracieux, Je croy qu'amoureux seroit d'elle.

Venus la Deesse immortelle Tu as faict mon cueur bien heureux, De l'avoir faict estre amoureux D'une si noble Damoyselle.

The fairest of the fair loves me; Let jealous mortals mock my choice, I shall repeat with eager voice: Of all the fair, the fairest she.

Would knavish Cupid but untie The band about his eyes, and see Her graceful air, I think that he Would love her quite as much as I.

Venus, indeed you treat me well, For with divine, undying art You have inspired my happy heart With love of noble damosel. Chansons, X

Mauldicte soit la mondaine richesse, Qui m'a osté m'Amye, et ma Maistresse. Las par vertu j'ay son amytié quise, Mais par richesse ung aultre l'a conquise: Vertu n'a pas en amour grand prouesse.

Dieu gard de mal la Nymphe, et la Deesse: Mauldict soit l'Or, où elle a sa liesse, Mauldicte soit la fine Soye exquise, Le Dyamant, et la Perle requise Puis que par eulx il fault qu'elle me laisse.

A curse on wealth, for it has snatched from me Milady, mistress mine. Though honestly And loyally I wooed, yet welladay! Another's wealth has stolen her away: Love pays no high esteem to loyalty.

Goddess and nymph, I pray God spare the belle, But may He cast her riches into Hell: Cursed be the silks, the pearl, the diamond bright, Cursed be the gold, object of her delight; To them alone I owe her cruel farewell. Chansons, XIX

Qui veult entrer en grâce Des Dames bien avant, En cautelle, & fallace Fault estre bien sçavant. Car tout vray Poursuyvant, La loyaulté suyvant, Au jourd'huy est deceu: Et le plus decepvant Pour loyal est receu.

He who desires to dwell In lady's heart, and reign Therein, must learn full well To cozen and chicane: For true and loyal swain Pays court today in vain If loyal be his suit; Whilst he who learns to feign Is held in high repute. Chansons, XXII

D'Amours me va tout au rebours, Jà ne fault, que de cela mente, J'ay reus en lieu de secours: M'amye rit, & je lamente. C'est la cause pourquoy je chante, D'Amours me va tout au rebours, Tout au rebours me va d'Amours.

I say, love uses me awry, Nor speak I false when I complain; "Nay" is milady's cruel reply; No ease she proers for my pain. Naught but a laugh; hence my refrain: "I say, love uses me awry, Awry love uses me, say I." Chansons, XXVII


Excerpted from Lyrics of the French Renaissance by Norman R. Shapiro Copyright © 2002 by Yale University. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Clément Marot BALLADES D'ung qu'on appeloit frere Lubin....................22
Of Friar Lubin....................23
RONDEAUX Du mal content d'Amours....................26
Of One Unhappy with Love....................27
De l'Amant doloreux....................28
Of the Suering Lover....................29
Du confict en douleurs....................30
Of One Surfeited with Woe....................31
Des Nonnes, qui sortirent du Couvent pour se aller recréer....................32
Of Nuns, Who Went from the Convent to Go Frolic....................33
De sa grand Amye....................34
Of His Fine Damosel....................35
Du content en Amours....................36
Of the Man Happy in Love....................37
De celluy, qui ne pense qu'en s'Amye....................38
Of One Who Thinks But of His Wench....................39
CHANSONS Je suis aymé de la plus belle....................40
The fairest of the fair loves me....................41
Mauldicte soit la mondaine richesse....................42
A curse on wealth, for it has snatched from me....................43
Qui veult entrer en grâce....................44
He who desires to dwell....................45
D'Amours me va tout au rebours....................46
I say, love uses me awry....................47
J'ay grand desir....................48
Oh, how I yearn....................49
O Cruaulté logée en grand beaulté....................50
O beauty, where dwells cruel hard-heartedness....................51
La plus belle des troyssera....................52
She who must be the death of me....................53
Puis que de vous je n'ay aultre visage....................54
Since with your favor I may not be blessed....................55
Vous perdez temps de me dire mal d'elle....................56
You waste your time jabbering ill of her....................57
Ne sçay combien la hayne est dure....................58
I know not how hard hate may be....................59
Mon cueur se recommande à vous....................60
My heart commends itself to you....................61
ELEGIES La grand Amour, que mon las cueur vous porte....................62
The love that my heart, in its weariness....................63
Amour me feit escrire au Moys de May....................66
Love bade me write, in May, a springtime song....................67
EPISTRES Marot à Monseigneur Bouchart Docteur en Theologie....................68
Marot to Monseigneur Bouchart, Doctor of Theology....................69
Epistre à son amy Lyon....................72
Epistle to His Friend Lyon....................73
A mon Seigneur de Guise passant par Paris....................80
To Monseigneur de Guise, Passing Through Paris....................81
Au Roy, pour la Bazoche....................82
To the King, for "La Basoche"....................83
CHANTS DIVERS Cantique sur la maladie de s'Amie....................84
Hymn on the Illness of His Lady....................85
EPIGRAMMES A Maistre Grenoille, poëte ignorant....................88
For Master Grenoille, Ignorant Poet....................89
De la statue de Venus endormye....................90
Of the Statue of Sleeping Venus....................91
De l'Abbé, & de son valet....................92
Of the Abbé and His Varlet....................93
De frere Thibault....................94
Of Brother Thibault....................95
A ung quidem....................96
To a Certain Person....................97
Du beau Tetin....................98
Of the Fair Breast....................99
Du laid Tetin....................102
Of the Ugly Breast....................103
A Anne....................106
For Anne....................107
De la Royne de Navarre....................108
Of the Queen of Navarre....................109
De l'Amour chaste....................110
Of a Chaste Love....................111
Contre les Jaloux....................112
Against the Jealous Ones....................113
A une Amye....................114
To a Wench....................115
A la bouche de Diane....................116
To the Mouth of Diana....................117
A une, qui faisoit la longue....................118
To a Lady Too Long Delaying....................119
A une Dame eagée, & prudente....................120
To a Lady Agèd and Wise....................121
A Anne....................122
To Anne....................123
Du Baiser....................124
Of the Kiss....................125
Des Cerfz en rut, & des Amoureux....................126
Of Stags in Rut and Lovers....................127
De sa Dame, & de soymesme....................128
Of His Lady and Himself....................129
D'un gros Prieur....................130
Of a Fat Prior....................131
A ung jeune Escolier docte, griefvement malade....................134
To a Learned Young Scholar, Grievously Ill....................135
D'un Moyne & d'une vieille....................136
Of a Monk and a Crone....................137
Du tetin de Cataut....................138
Of Cataut's Breast....................139
D'un Cordelier....................140
Of a Franciscan....................141
A une Dame de Piemont ....................142
For a Lady from the Piedmont ....................143
D'un escolier, & d'une fillete....................144
Of a Schoolboy and a Damsel....................145
Rich am I not, most surely, I confess....................147
De Cathin et Jane....................148
Of Cathin and Jeanne....................149
De Pauline....................150
Of Pauline....................151
De la Formis enclose en de l'Ambre....................152
Of the Ant Enclosed in Amber....................153
Du Curé. Imitation....................154
Of the Priest (An Imitation)....................155
Baiser volé....................156
Stolen Kiss....................157
Joachim Du Bellay RECUEIL DE POÉSIE A sa lyre....................160
To His Lyre....................161
VERS LYRIQUES Du premier jour de l'an....................162
Of the First Day of the Year....................163
L'OLIVE Ce que je sen', la langue ne refuse....................168
My tongue, madame, would eagerly express....................169
O prison doulce, où captif je demeure....................170
Sweet prison mine, where I in bondage bide....................171
L'unic oiseau (miracle emerveillable)....................172
Unique, the fabled bird-O wonder rare!....................173
O foible esprit, chargé de tant de peines....................174
O spirit, weak, weighed down with woes therein....................175
Pour mettre en vous sa plus grande beauté....................176
Heaven bestowed its rich munificence....................177
Si nostre vie est moins qu'une journée....................178
If this, our life, be less than but a day....................179
XIII SONNETZ DE L'HONNESTE AMOUR Ce ne sont pas ces beaux cheveux dorez....................180
Neither is it that comely golden hair....................181
Ce Paradis, qui souspire le bâsme....................182
That Paradise, that with each sigh will strew....................183
LES ANTIQUITEZ DE ROME Nouveau venu, qui cherches Rome en Rome....................184
Stranger, who look for Rome in Rome, but find....................185
Sacrez costaux, & vous sainctes ruines....................188
You sacred ruins, soon to turn to dust....................189
Mars vergongneux d'avoir donné tant d'heur....................190
Ashamed that he had shown his progeny....................191
Tout le parfait dont le ciel nous honnore....................192
Everything perfect, heaven's gift to us....................193
Toy qui de Rome emerveillé contemples....................194
You who, beholding Rome with awestruck eye....................195
Esperez vous que la posterité....................196
Do you hope, O you verses mine, to be....................197
LES REGRETS A son livre....................198
To His Book....................199
Je ne veulx point fouiller au sein de la nature....................202
I do not wish to probe the stars' intent....................203
Las, ou est maintenant ce mespris de Fortune?....................204
Alas, where is that scorn I used to show....................205
France, mere des arts, des armes & des loix....................206
France, mother of arts, of laws, of soldiery....................207
Si celuy qui s'appreste à faire un long voyage....................208
If he who readies now to set sail for....................209
Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a fait un beau voyage....................210
Happy the man who, like Ulysses, went....................211
Je me feray sçavant en la philosophie....................214
In mathematics and philosophy....................215
Comme le marinier, que le cruel orage....................216
Like seaman caught up in the storm, pell-mell....................217
O qu'heureux est celuy qui peult passer son aage....................218
O happy he, whose latter years are spent....................219
Je n'escris point d'amour, n'estant point amoureux....................220
I sing not love, for I feel not a whit....................221
Marcher d'un grave pas & d'un grave sourci....................222
To walk with solemn step, frown solemnly....................223
Heureux celuy qui peult long temps suivre la guerre....................224
Happy the man who watches war at ease....................225
Comme un qui veult curer quelque Cloaque immunde....................226
Like one who would drain clean a Gutter vile....................227
Si tu veulx seurement en Court te maintenir....................228
Ronsard, if you would hold your own at Court....................229
Vous dictes (Courtisans) les Poëtes sont fouls....................230
Poets are mad: so, Courtiers, you declare....................231
Seigneur, je ne sçaurois regarder d'un bon oeil....................232
Lord, I cannot look less than loathingly....................233
DIVERS JEUX RUSTIQUES D'un Vanneur de blé, aux vents....................234
A Winnower of Wheat, to the Winds....................235
A Cerés, à Bacchus et à Palés....................238
For Ceres, Bacchus, and Pales....................239
D'un Berger, à Pan....................240
From a Shepherd, to Pan....................241
D'un Vigneron, à Bacchus....................242
From a Winegrower to Bacchus....................243
Epitaphe d'un chien....................244
Epitaph for a Dog....................245
A Venus....................248
To Venus....................249
Estrene d'un tableau....................250
Gift of a Portrait....................251
LES AMOURS Vous avez bien cest' angelicque face....................252
Yours is that angel's face, those heavenly eyes....................253
Voyez, Amants, comment ce petit Dieu....................254
See, Lovers, how capricious is that child....................255
SONNETS DIVERS En la fureur de sa fiévre....................256
In the Madness of His Fever....................257
A son luth....................258
To His Lute....................259
De la saignee qui luy osta la fiévre....................260
Of the Bleeding That Cured His Fever....................261
A Madame Marguerite....................262
To Madame Marguerite....................263
Sur la mort de la jeunesse françoise....................264
On the Death of French Youth....................265
Pierre de Ronsard LE PREMIER LIVRE DES AMOURS Qui voudra voir comme Amour me surmonte....................268
If one would see how Love has mastered me....................269
Puisse advenir qu'une fois je me vange....................270
Oh, that I might, but once, in my distress....................271
De ses cheveux la rousoyante Aurore....................272
Dawn, with her ruddy locks tousling throughout....................273
Puis que je n'ay pour faire ma retraite....................274
Since I no thread possess, like Theseus....................275
LE SECOND LIVRE DES AMOURS Je vous envoie un bouquet que ma main....................278
I send you this bouquet, these flowers that I....................279
Marie tout ainsi que vous m'avez tourné....................280
Marie, just as you have transformed my sense....................281
Chanson ("Je suis un demi-dieu quand assis vis-à-vis")....................282
Song ("A demigod am I when, sitting there")....................283
L'an se rajeunissoit en sa verde jouvence....................284
The year had, once again, turned young and green....................285
Rossignol mon mignon, qui par cette saulaye....................286
O Nightingale, my precious, who go flying....................287
Comme on voit sur la branche au mois de May la rose....................288
Just as, upon the branch, one sees the rose's....................289
Quand je pense à ce jour, où je la vey si belle....................290
When I think of that day, when she appeared....................291
SONNETS ET MADRIGALS POUR ASTREE À mon retour (hé! je m'en desespere)....................292
On my return (ah! what dismay I faced)....................293
LE PREMIER LIVRE DES SONNETS POUR HÉLÈNE Ce premier jour de May, Helene, je vous jure....................294
Hélène, on May's first day, here I declare....................295
Quoy? Me donner congé de servir toute femme....................296
What? You would give me leave to try my hand....................297
LE SECOND LIVRE DES SONNETS POUR HÉLÈNE Trois jours sont ja passez que je suis aamé....................298
Three days have I not seen your face, and I....................299
Quand vous serez bien vieille, au soir à la chandelle....................300
When you are very old, by candle's flame....................301
LES AMOURS DIVERSES Je voudrois bien n'avoir jamais tasté....................302
Oh, how I wish that I had never laid....................303
Ô de repos et d'amour toute pleine....................304
O happy little chamber, where repose....................305
Petit nombril, que mon penser adore....................306
O little navel, who my thoughts inflame....................307
Petite Nymphe folâtre....................308
O little Nymph, who frolic free....................309
GAYETEZ Voeu d'un Pescheur aux Naiades....................312
A Fisherman's Vow to the Naiads....................313
Si nourrir grand' barbe au menton....................314
If a well-whiskered chin can duly....................315
Si tu es viste à souper....................316
If in a trice your mouth sups, sips....................317
LIVRET DE FOLASTRIES De Nicarche....................318
The fart that holds its fetid breath....................319
O gold-tipped spear, you who both stick and prick....................321
Good-day to you, O tender-crimsoned slit....................323
LE PREMIER LIVRE DES ODES A sa maistresse....................324
To His Mistress....................325
LE SECOND LIVRE DES ODES Ode ("Fay refraischir mon vin de sorte")....................326
Ode ("Come here and chill my wine, my friend")....................327
Odelette ("Nature fist present de cornes aux toreaux")....................330
Odelet ("Nature gave horns to bulls for their defense")....................331
LE QUATRIESME LIVRE DES ODES Ode ("Quand je suis vingt ou trente mois")....................332
Ode ("When, for two years or three, I quit")....................333
Ode ("Ma douce jouvance est passée")....................336
Ode ("Gone is my strength, sweet youth is fled")....................337
Ode ("Pourquoy chetif laboureur")....................338
Ode ("Lowly ploughman, friend, wherefore")....................339
Ode ("Lors que Bacchus entre chez moy")....................340
Ode ("When Bacchus comes to visit me")....................341
Ode anacréontique ("La terre les eaux va boivant")....................342
Anacreontic Ode ("The earth drinks rain, and drinks its fill")....................343
Ode ("Je suis homme nay pour mourir")....................344
Ode ("Mortal am I, man born to die")....................345
LE CINQUIESME LIVRE DES ODES Ode ("Ma Maistresse, que j'aime mieux")....................346
Ode ("My Mistress, whom I idolize")....................347
Odelette ("Ce-pendant que ce beau mois dure")....................350
Odelet ("Whilst fair the season, let us not")....................351
Ode ("Tay toy babillarde Arondelle")....................352
Ode ("Hush, Swallow! Stop your jabbering")....................353
LES MASCARADES, COMBATS ET CARTELS Pour le Roy François....................354
For King François....................355
Pour la Royne d'Escosse....................356
For the Queen of Scotland....................357
LE BOCAGE Voeu d'un chemineur à une fontaine....................358
A Traveler's Vow to a Fountain....................359
D'un pasteur au dieu Pan....................360
From a Shepherd to the God Pan....................361
D'une courtizanne à Venus....................362
From a Courtesan to Venus....................363
LES POEMES Epigramme, à Julien....................364
Epigram, to Julien....................365
Responce de Julien....................366
Julien's Reply....................367
Imitation de Martial....................368
Imitation of Martial....................371
TRADUCTION DE QUELQUES EPIGRAMMES GRECZ De Palladas....................372
O Wealth, who flatterers beget....................373
De Lucil....................374
With those two nostrils in that hook....................375
EPITAPHES DE DIVERS SUJETS Epitaphe de Nicolas Vergece, grec....................376
Epitaph for Nicolas Vergèce, a Greek....................377
Epitaphe de Thomas....................378
Epitaph for Thomas....................379
Epitaphe de Jaques Mernable, joueur de farces....................380
Epitaph of Jaques Mernable, Player of Tricks....................381

What People are Saying About This

Anne Lake Prescott

The ingenuity, charm, and grace with which Shapiro's English versions capture the originals' wit and flavor are impressive. He is faithful but not rigidly so. I have read these translations with amusement, admiration, emotion, and pleasure.
(— Anne Lake Prescott, Barnard College)

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