Magickal Unicorns: Harness the Power of the Unicorns to Create an Enchanted Life

Magickal Unicorns: Harness the Power of the Unicorns to Create an Enchanted Life

by Flavia Kate Peters
Magickal Unicorns: Harness the Power of the Unicorns to Create an Enchanted Life

Magickal Unicorns: Harness the Power of the Unicorns to Create an Enchanted Life

by Flavia Kate Peters


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Discover the path of ancient magic and lore with Supercharge with Unicorn Magic. Learn to awaken, connect and heal with these magical creatures as you shift your personal energy to a different realm. Wishes, invocations, meditations and easy to learn spell-work all feature in this book, enhancing our natural magical abilities to bring about healing and balance into our lives.

A new and magical page has turned, as you are invited to awaken to the healing power of unicorn magic

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781925682441
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing
Publication date: 03/01/2020
Pages: 152
Sales rank: 1,103,290
Product dimensions: 6.10(w) x 7.60(h) x 0.70(d)

About the Author

Flavia Kate Peters, who is known as the Faery Seer, is a hereditary witch and high priestess of Arnemetia and of the Morrighan. Recognised as the UK's leading elemental and ancient magic expert, Flavia teaches her professional certification 'magickal' courses at the College of Psychic Studies, London and is a regular presenter on the mind, body, spirit and pagan circuits. Flavia is a best-selling author, working medium and clairvoyant and has appeared on TV and BBC Radio. She regularly graces the pages of Spirit & Destiny magazine and is a columnist for FAE and Witchcraft & Wicca magazines. Her authentic approach makes her a most sought-after wisdom keeper, and her mission is to keep the magic of the old ways alive!

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Your soul doth stir from deepest sleep Old life fades, it's not to keep Dreams are healed, that once were taken A promise sealed, time to awaken New life waits upon the dawn Rise up to greet your unicorn.

* * *

Most of us have been brought up on the mythical notion of unicorns, of magickal horses with luminous spiralling horns that captured our imagination when we were young. Maybe you could see them through the eyes of your innocence as a child, or had a unicorn as an imaginary horse that you rode wherever you went. For most adults this is where unicorns seemed to fit in, in their imagination. There, in the inner sanctum of fantasy, they had their place along with other magickal imaginary beings, such as Father Christmas and the tooth fairy.

But what if they were really real? What if everything you imagined was true? What if these pure horned horses actually exist?

Unicorns have fascinated mankind down the centuries, through stories of mythology and reported sightings. They are fantastical beasts steeped in myth and mystery, and the tales of their chivalry and super-charged magick dominated the Middle Ages.

The truth of their existence has long been disputed, but many now believe they did indeed once walk the earth. The grace and dignity of the unicorn has been honoured by nobility, royalty and the Kingdom of Scotland, until joining with England's lion to represent the United Kingdom as a national emblem. Cave paintings all over the world depict horse-like creatures with a horn protruding from the front of their forehead, which indicates the veracity of their existence.

History of the unicorn

The unicorn has always been an especially mysterious beast, and can be traced back to Mesopotamian artwork as well as Ancient Greek writings of natural history. In Roman art, the goddess Diana was often depicted as riding a chariot that was being pulled by unicorns, and they are mentioned in Old Testament pages in the Bible. The unicorn is also included in other traditions, both Eastern and Western, and actual recorded sightings were made by Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan, among others.

In ancient times when the energies were much higher here on earth, particularly during the golden age of Atlantis, unicorn sightings were frequent as many had incarnated into physical beings of themselves. Their role was to bring in and hold the energies of myth and magick, as well as the great divine qualities they radiate, so that humankind could be influenced by them, albeit unconsciously. Unicorns can be solitary creatures, and they generally kept a distant from humans unless contact was necessary for healing purposes, otherwise they sent healing energies from afar.

As time went on the energies on earth became heavier, due to humankind's loss of belief in and connection with the magickal realms. Many unicorns began to withdraw from their physical incarnation as they could not cope with such low vibrations. As they are unable to remain on the planet they chose to spread their healing magick from the fourth dimension, in which they reside.

The last official reported unicorn sightings were in the late Middle Ages. At that time Europe was obsessed with unicorns, and secret orders gathered to uncover their mysterious doctrines; the sacred truth of the unicorns was much sought after. The spiralling horn of the unicorn was the main cause of fascination, and sadly unicorns were hunted for its magickal properties. It was firmly believed that a unicorn could bring something back to life with just one touch of its horn and could heal diseases, dissolve bad karma and break curses. In the great royal houses of Europe, a servant would use a unicorn horn to touch all the food and drink on a banqueting table to test for poison. One touch of the horn would act as an immediate antidote.

Powdered horn was an exquisite luxury, and huge amounts of money were spent on acquiring them for their healing and alchemical powers, particularly by kings and popes, who wanted the magick for themselves. Elizabeth I of England is said to have paid £10,000 for a unicorn horn, which was enough money at that time to buy a large castle. The tragedy doesn't stop with the hunting for horns, because nobody realised that cut horns lose all their magick. Only horns that are thrown off due to a seasonal renewal retain their magick properties.

According to folklore, a popular trick to capture a unicorn was to lull it to sleep on the lap of a virgin maiden and then trap it in a net. The series of seven tapestries known as The Hunt of the Unicorn, most likely made between 1495 and 1505, depict a group of noblemen in pursuit of a unicorn, with the final picture showing the unicorn in captivity. However, if the hunters touched the unicorn without invitation, which was highly likely, the unicorn would have lost all its magick power.

As the field of science slowly developed, the collective conscious belief in magick waned. In the minds of humankind the unicorn became a mythical creature, and eventually all unicorns manifested into etheric form so that only the pure of heart could see and connect with them.

It's time to allow the magick to shower you again, and to remember that it's not just for children. However, because children hold many of the qualities of a unicorn, such as purity and innocence, see instead through their eyes with joy, wonder and awe. Connect again with the child within, so you can awaken to the mystical world that you once believed in. Unicorns are magickal beings that are pure of heart, and cut through the illusion of disbelief with their glowing horn. As you welcome these beautiful beings of light into your life, they will help you to see the truth in all situations and ignite the flame of magick within your heart.

Divine feminine

Having been in hiding for over 500 years, unicorns are now returning to this planet to assist in ushering in the energies of the divine feminine. For over two millennia the world has been governed by patriarchal worship, along with a masculine mindset. Before then, goddess worship and a belief in magick ruled. This was a time when nature was revered and the gods and goddesses of the old ways were honoured. Since then the balance of nature has been tipped, as well as the hearts and minds of humankind. Now is the time to bring back the natural balance of all things, and to understand that honouring an equilibrium of male and female energies in all things as well as within ourselves will enable us to embrace this new great age and to open up to our full potential.

As we move into this new era of the divine feminine, you need to move forward spiritually and open your heart in order to progress. Unicorns are able to assist you with this, and once your heart is open and you are flowing in love it will make it much easier for them to work with you.

Try this opening your heart to the unicorns exercise: Sit in a quiet place, preferably in nature, and hold a rose quartz crystal. Bring your focus to your heart centre.

Breathe deeply in and out three times. On your in breath, breathe in love. On your exhale, breathe out love.

As you continue to breathe love in and out, imagine a unicorn appearing before you. Take notice of every detail of what it looks like. Breathe love towards the unicorn. As you inhale the unicorn breathes love back to you, so inhale its love. Breathe your love back, and as it receives your love it breathes love back to you.

Continue this heart breath back and forth until you feel your heart chakra open up to the unicorn in front of you and to the unicorn realm.

When you have finished thank the unicorn, knowing that your heartfelt presence as a gift of love have been readily accepted.

Unicorns do exist but they live in a different dimension to us, one with a much higher frequency. They can automatically access the earth plane so you can receive their healing energies and can connect with them through your imagination and your heart chakra, both of which serve as a portal to gain access to higher dimensions.

Unicorns are beautiful ethereal horses that glow brightly and look for those who naturally radiate light. They are drawn to anyone who has a positive outlook on life and who shines. The whole essence of their being is to radiate love, so they seek out those who are pure of heart. Through the universal law of attraction, in which like attracts like, unicorns will naturally flock around those who aspire to help others and to make the world a better place.

Unicorns are gentle and pure and can only work with those who have the same qualities as they have, such as:

• purity

• compassion

• dignity

• innocence

• clarity

• grace

• honour

• peace

• love

Having any or all of these qualities is like a bright beacon to unicorns, which will immediately be drawn to you. These are the pure energies of the divine feminine that the unicorns resonate with, and they are flowing in at this time. It's impossible for unicorns to commune with anyone of lower energies, for they are unable to literally sink lower than their natural frequency. This is why they seek those who have a higher energy level through positivity and an open heart.

If you have any of the above qualities unicorns will seek you out to help you hold your highest vision and goals and give you courage and faith to be the best you can be, especially in the face of challenges. They will give you the strength to have the dignity to fight for your beliefs and will reconnect you with the higher qualities of the unicorns, to enable you to become the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. Unicorns are calling everybody to rise up and harness these loving traits so that we can all unite. They are working hard in the background to remind humankind of their existence and wish to be invited back into our hearts, for that is where the magick resides.

Always be yourself – unless you can be a unicorn!

Have you noticed that unicorns seem to be everywhere, and not just ethereally? They seem to be finding their way into all walks of life. From taking over the fashion world to food, hair and make-up, the magickal horn of the unicorn seems to have touched a majority of the retail world in one way or another. This is unicorns' way of getting into the hearts and minds of the people, for unicorns wish wholeheartedly, as part of their important mission at this critical time, to be acknowledged and accepted. Each time somebody thinks 'unicorn' they light up, which will assist them by giving them a higher energy to draw from. Think how often they are helped in this way every time you go shopping: all those sparkling, glittering and colourful unicorn bags, shirts and headbands are contributing to the magick! The world is falling in love with unicorns, and it's easy to see why:

• Unicorns don't judge. * • They're full of unconditional love and just want you to be happy.

• Despite being rarely seen for centuries, they still keep their poise and remain majestic.

• They once walked this land, but now come to people in their dreams and assist from a higher dimension.

• They are presumed to poop rainbow sherbet.

• They use their horn mostly to heal others.

• They smell like sunshine and friendship and they open up your imagination.

• They can manipulate the power of rainbows and will often exert this power to rescue those in need.

• All they desire is for everyone to find true happiness and true love.

• They help you understand the power of dreaming and believing in yourself.

Can you imagine what a magickal world it would be if everyone believed in unicorns? If everyone's heart was open to the magick and mystery of the unicorn realm, the world would be a very different place.

Here are some ways to keep unicorn vibes here, high and out there:

• Authenticity: unicorns don't like fakery, so always be true to who you are and to your beliefs.

• Creativity: unicorns love to express themselves, so go draw, paint or do whatever it takes to express the artist within.

• Playfulness: fun and play is the unicorns' way to raise vibration and have a jolly good laugh.

• Compliments: be nice to others and pay compliments, where they are deserved, to lift the mood.

• Positivity: having an optimistic attitude will attract all the good things in life to you.

• Meditation: will assist in achieving mental clarity and connection with the unicorn realm.

• Wishes: making wishes keeps your energy elated while waiting for the desired outcome.

• Dressing up: dress like a unicorn to really attract unicorn energy and cheer up those around you as you spread some unicorn magick. Dressing as a unicorn will certainly raise the vibrations wherever you go, as well as a few eyebrows! You'll need:

* Onesie: to get the full unicorn look in one. Made of soft fabrics complete with hood, horn and hooves, this really is the easiest and most comfortable way to rock your unicorn look. From sparkling white to rainbow, purples and baby pink, there are colours to suit every unicorn out there.

* Glitter: give yourself a mythical glow with glitter make-up and soft baby hues for your brows, eyes, cheeks and lips. There are lots of stunning unicorn looks out there as well as online tutorials. There's no excuse not to get glitter bombed in the name of unicorns.

* Tail: there are plenty of colourful synthetic tails out there to wear and swish.

* Horn: from floral horned hairbands to stunningly gorgeous handcrafted unihorns that literally stick on your forehead, it's never been easier to look horny.

And if you're lucky enough to own your own horse, why not transform it into its uni-self with accessories especially for horses, such as horse-friendly glitter paint for hooves and clip-on horns.

Unicorns are beautiful ethereal beings of light that look like horses apart from one very obvious and famous feature: the horn. Unicorns are well known for their spiralling horn of light, which shines from their brow chakra; it has fascinated mankind for centuries. The horn holds pure divine energy, and can be used very much like a magickal wand. Whenever a unicorn nods its head the spiralled horn creates a vortex of energy that can be directed towards or placed upon anything that requires healing or blessings.

A unicorn's horn has the ability to unlock any blockages, and whenever a unicorn directs it healing takes place for whatever's required, whether it's on a physical, emotional or soul level. A unicorn's horn has the ability to dissolve and heal the deepest soul wounds, and can help clear karma from many lifetimes. Never underestimate the gentle power of unicorns, for these really are kick-arse horses of supernatural status with a mission to raise the roof on this planet and make sure we all ascend!

Unicorns naturally gravitate towards those who have a higher perspective on life, and just love to hang around those who are upbeat and positive. Unlike your guardian angels, who are assigned to accompany you wherever you go, unicorns can only reside within energy that is light and bright. So if you were to go into a dark and dingy bar, for instance, where the energy is lower and more basic, the unicorns would not be able join you for a quick one.

It is impossible for unicorns to lower their energy in order to fit in with what you are doing. They can only cope with energy that is as near to theirs as it possibly can be, which is why they seek those who have similar qualities to their own. Unicorns remind you that whenever your vibrations are high you cannot help but attract positivity into your life, and they will assist and work with anyone who aims at being the best they can possibly be.

Unicorns could never work with anyone who acts as a victim. They cannot abide anyone feeling sorry for themselves for they know how a pity party can have a downward spiral effect, ending in despair. Even though unicorns radiate compassion, they look for those who have the determination to dig themselves out of their self-made hole, rather than feeling sorry for those who would prefer to lick their own wounds in self-pity.

Sometimes it is extremely hard to not play the role of victim. When things have not gone your way, how many times have you blamed another for your misfortunes? If things go wrong do you immediately point the finger and say it is someone else's fault? It is so easy to do.

Before you can walk in the light you have to face the darkness, but it is unicorns that will spill the light on what is hidden – and they do not favour victims! Victimhood does you no favours either, for it keeps your focus on the negative, and a 'woe is me' attitude will keep you in a place of deep despair. You are what you create, and it is impossible to gain a sense of power in your life if your identity becomes that of a victim.

Unicorns urge you to be responsible to yourself and for your reactions, as they know how emotional upheaval and inner trauma can lead to self-pity. When you repeat over and over stories of your dramas to fuel attention, you are in fact denying yourself a happy and fulfilled life. Sob stories not only invite negativity, they can also be a bore for others to endure. They reaffirm all of the distress that needs to be dissolved, thus creating more of the same. It is time to change your story!


Excerpted from "Magickal Unicorns"
by .
Copyright © 2019 Flavia Kate Peters.
Excerpted by permission of Rockpool Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

1. Unicorn awakening magick,
2. Unicorn connection magick,
3. Unicorn dream magick,
4. Unicorn healing magick,
5. Unicorn service magick,
6. Spreading the magick,
Image credits,
About the author,

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