Mastering Sustainable Health: Living in Harmony with the Physical Body

Mastering Sustainable Health: Living in Harmony with the Physical Body

by Fravarti
Mastering Sustainable Health: Living in Harmony with the Physical Body

Mastering Sustainable Health: Living in Harmony with the Physical Body

by Fravarti


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The mandate of the intelligence in the body is continuous non-stop healing. One can align with this healing that never stops and create sustainable health with natural therapies including diet, supplements, exercise and the development of conscious awareness through self-examination practices. This book is a holistic guide to creating and maintaining vibrant health and resilience both physically and psychologically.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781490783178
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Publication date: 07/10/2018
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 278
File size: 479 KB

About the Author

Influenced by Dr. Patch Adams, Dr. David Wember and attendance of midwifery school in the 1970s, Fravarti sought a knowledge of health and healing from a variety of different backgrounds and modalities. Training in spiritual practice and meditation for over 25 years with Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan taught Fravarti to find her center and follow her consciousness to a deeper lever allowing her to attune to the higher guidance that answers questions without personal influence. Thousands of questions and over 100,000 readings later, Fravarti is sharing her years of considerable knowledge and insight in these realms within the contents of this book. As a medical intuitive, Fravartis work orients around restoring healthy newborn physiology for all, including factors of hydration, pH, nutrition and nuturance. The mother of four children and a teacher and spiritual leader in her own right, Fravarti has worked with thousands of individuals and doctors from around the world. By releasing this book, it is her intention to make readily available her basic principals and guidelines for Mastering Sustainable Health.

Read an Excerpt



After consulting for thousands of clients as a homeopath, midwife and guide to natural, safe, effective therapies, I became increasingly aware of the patterns that were emerging from the body of information as a whole. The extensive collection of consultations revealed that certain physiological parameters of hydration, pH, toxic burden, stress and physical fitness would optimize each person's possibilities for safe, effective and permanent healing.

Anyone who succeeds at keeping certain of the body's physiological functions within optimal range will be providing for the body exactly what it needs to accomplish its prime objective: self repair, healing, strength and resilience. Each of the relevant topics of what optimizes and what inhibits the body's healing abilities is explored in a very concise way, short and to the point, so that the reader can learn to do what works with almost absolute certainty.

Each of the subjects introduced in this book could be (and has been) expanded into a full book (or many books) on just that subject. This is a condensed version that will allow readers to benefit from the broad base of expertise while highlighting the keynotes of the most significant and effective considerations. Discover exactly what you need to know about how to get the body's remarkable healing powers to support the accomplishment of your healing and health goals.

Live longer, better and for less, by applying these insights and avoid the common issues of our time that are contributing overwhelming consequences for all of humanity. Diet, hydration, physical fitness and stress reduction all need to be optimized to support the powerhouse of healing that naturally exists in the body. After establishing the guidelines for these most basic healing modalities, the book delves deeper into the healing process through all the major organs and systems of the body. Finally, the consciousness of healing and what supports it is exquisitely explored.

Happiness creates health and supports more rapid healing. Tools and insights for optimizing the healing power of consciousness are written into every page.


At birth, our bodies are approximately 72% water. That amount steadily decreases over time to about 50% at the time of death from old age or chronic disease. Water molecules are transported through the essential fatty acid cell membrane through protein channels called aqua-porins. The purer the water (less solutes), the higher the osmotic drive to move it into the cells. Hydration very quickly affects the brain, clarity of mental function, and levels of anxiety. Water is the delivery system for oxygen (& other nutrients) to the cells and increases the metabolic rate by supplying the needed base materials for metabolic functions. Increased hydration accelerates metabolism. Water filled foods such as natural fruits and vegetables (unprocessed) are metabolized or digested and assimilated and excreted more easily by the body than are the drying foods which require much more water than they contain in order to metabolize.

One of the most persistent vulnerabilities that I see in the thousands of readings that I do is chronic subclinical dehydration. This is dehydration such that simply drinking water does not resolve it and produce subsequent hydration in short order. In fact, it would be reasonable to call chronic dehydration the crisis of our age and one of the most important problems to solve. There are several causes at work behind this picture of dehydration and in most cases, more than one cause can be found. One of the most widely recognized emergent causes of dehydration is the food supply. Processed foods that are many months old when consumed and that contain rancid oils and are basically non-nutritive, non-life sustaining, dead foods as well as the issues presented by GMO foods which are now present in about 70% of the American food products available in the market place. GMO foods including corn, soy, wheat, rice, canola oil, soybean oil, and cottonseed oil all contain systemic herbicide (glyphosate) in every cell of the final product. BT potatoes are engineered to contain pesticide in every cell and their toxicity is not reduced by peeling or boiling. HFCS is also a product of GMO grain (corn) and has been shown to have debilitating effects on the liver and to block the brain /appetite hormone leptin. Industrial dairy now contains toxic additives of hormones and antibiotics and industrial meats are fed GMO grains full of these herbicides with which the crops were sprayed and they develop diseases that require widespread use of antibiotics. There are also carcinogenic growth hormones used to speed up the animals development for market.

These factors together have helped to create a Standard American Diet that reads -4.2 for us (which means that it harms us continuously) because it metabolizes as 30% sugar and 20% protein and produces an acid pH in the body which uses more hydration than an alkaline pH. For instance, a pH of 5.4 in the body requires about 5 cups more hydration per day than a pH of 6.8. Having a state of metabolic acidosis in the body puts a tremendous extra burden on the kidneys as well. Because it is the kidney's job to keep the blood pH between 7.364 and 7.365, the closer to 7 that we can keep the general body pH, the more we take the burden off the kidneys and help to maintain healthy hydration and support more efficient detoxing of the body. What is needed is a diet that will metabolize as 30% protein and less than 10% sugar because this will dramatically lower cortisol levels, improve hydration and support better cognitive function. Excess cortisol or cortisol flooding due to stress is one of the leading causes of dehydration today because it uses up 4 to 5 cups of additional hydration daily to protect the brain and neurons from cortisol flooding. Being anxious and stressed raises cortisol and burns up hydration. Between elevated cortisol and acidosis, the body may need as much as 9 additional cups of hydration daily added on to the traditional 8 cups of water a day needed to support the body's normal physiological functions. It's not really possible to drink 16 or more cups of water per day and a situation of water debt develops in the body. The fatty acid membrane covering each cell becomes sclerosed, hardened, and toughened and the osmotic processes are impeded and become more sluggish, less efficient. Nutrient assimilation and distribution is impaired and the cells become congested, unable to detox, to transport oxygen and maintain vitality. It can take many weeks to reverse a water debt, even months, and it takes more than just drinking water to reverse chronic dehydration.

A rehydration protocol usually includes raw juice (3 cups daily), high protein broth (2 to 3 cups daily), fresh ginger tea (3 cups daily) because it helps raise pH and structured water because it hydrates twice as efficiently as any other water. Rehydration also requires of us the discipline of an elimination diet. Avoiding drying and dehydrating foods is a wiser choice than trying to compensate for the detrimental effects of these ersatz foods. For the most part, the focus of what to eliminate can be summed up as grains, rancid oils, chocolate and processed convenience foods. It is possible to create with these guidelines a personal diet that reads or better and that is always healing you rather than submitting to the American diet of depleted, chemicalized processed foods that is hurting us with every bite.

Dehydrating Foods
Instead of these food substitutes that we have become culturally accustomed to that profoundly deplete us and do nothing to support our health and vitality, we need to be eating a more non-processed and more substantially raw food diet. A diet composed of 70% raw foods and about 30% protein is ideal for healing the human body in most cases. The young people of today are especially embracing the raw food movement and are largely responsible for it's ever increasing popularity. Eating a diet of very healthy food on a daily basis can take up to one third of our time, energy and resources to shop, plan and prepare, and it is for this reason that the insidious convenience foods have literally taken over. By sacrificing your health to the convenience food diet you can put your energy, time and resources into other goals, but at what cost, ultimately?

Rehydrating Foods
In 1828, Americans consumed an average of 12 pounds of sugar per year. In the 1890's the introduction of Cola's into the culture (which became immediately popular) and the abundance of refined white flour and processed foods became the foundation of the junk food industry which is to this day incredibly profitable. By 1928, statistics indicate that Americans were consuming twice as much sugar as 100 years before, averaging 24 pounds per person annually. By 1975, per person consumption of sugar and corn syrup sweeteners had risen to 124 pounds per year. By 1999, the statistic had risen to 158 pounds per person. That translates to roughly one third of consumed calories coming directly from sweeteners and another third of calories coming from refined carbohydrates which also metabolize as glucose.

Together this produces a very high level of insulin - the sugar metabolizing, fat producing hormone, and eventually it produces Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes. These are not real foods. They are fake foods, ersatz foods, and they comprise two thirds of our diet, sometimes more. These foods fill us and bloat us but leave us hungry even as the excess glucose is being converted to glycogen and stored as fat. Fat, but metabolically starving due to empty calories, we cannot eat enough to fill the emptiness inside. We become addicted to food and to over eating.

Choosing to drink only water is one of the best and simplest choices one can make to protect your health. Blessing the water you drink helps even more. If you choose to consume dehydrating foods and non-foods, you can help protect yourself to some degree by offsetting the negative effects by compensating with the best super saturating water (Penta) daily in liberal quantities.

Rehydration is also a spiritual challenge in that a critical outlook uses hydration, and learning to overcome judgmental tendencies keeps us better hydrated. Being unhappy uses more hydration than being happy. Being anxious and worried uses more hydration than being calm and relaxed. Staying habitually stressed as a lifestyle and outlook choice may support certain types of worldly accomplishments, pushing us in the direction of our goals, but that will always need to be tempered with some form of Sabbath (a form of calm repose that manifests being without efforting), if the body is to enjoy it's full potential of vitality and resilience. Resilience is a quality of water. My teacher, the sufi mystic Hazrat Inayat Khan, said that water performs the same function in this plane that love performs in the higher planes. I find that it is the water in the cells of the body that allow one to hold the resonance of their spiritual practice and be less reactive to circumstantial challenges. Water in the body, in every cell of the body, is holding the resonance of innocence, of purity, of childlike enthusiasm and of optimism.

The leading sign of dehydration, (the first to appear), is anxiety, concern, worry, fear, stress. In America, when we find ourselves overwhelmed by these challenges we are offered a prescription medication to help us cope. This medication also is a source of dehydration if used daily long term. Thus our medicine becomes our poison and our problem becomes worse by the very means we use to relieve it. Instead of an anxiety medication, most of us would do much better and get more relief if we choose just to have the glass of water and re-find our balance by observing our life carefully and doing what works, balancing activity with repose, and choosing more of what fills us with life, optimism and enthusiasm and less of what robs us and depletes us of those life affirming energies.

Causes Of Dehydration

Diet, highly refined, processed foods, convenience foods, rancid oils

Chemicals and food additives and pesticide residues

Medications, prescription and nonprescription including steroids, pain relievers, antidepressants, statins, anti-hypertensives, antibiotics, cold and flu medicines Inadequate Fluid intake, limited consumption of water - at especially high risk are the mentally disabled, autistics, brain injury, mentally ill or depressed, teenagers and the elderly, none of whom are fully capable of understanding their water needs.

Illness, Chronic and Acute including vomiting, fever, diarrhea, inflammation, Meningitis and Encephalitis, Diabetes

Renal/Adrenal Insufficiency, nephrosis, kidney diseases, adrenal exhaustion

Sodium retention/edema, congestive heart disease

Liver Diseases, Cirrhosis, hepatitis

Trauma, physical and psychological

Stress especially chronic high stress

Severe dehydration, including subclinical chronic dehydration is usually accompanied by acidosis. Metabolic acidosis eventually impairs brain functions by disrupting the acetyl choline cycle of the brain and reduces mental clarity, ultimately producing dementia or senility. To metabolize what we consume and adequately rehydrate the body often takes far more water than we think. The following list gives some guidelines for using water to offset other choices and produce a sustainable outcome.

pH - Potential Of Hydrogen, In Solution

On the pH scale the more hydrogen ions, the more acidic, the less hydrogen ions the more alkaline. The critical blood pH of the human body is 7.35 to 7.45, slightly alkaline. To maintain this alkalinity of the blood, the body adjusts the urine pH through the kidney function increasing urine acidity to preserve blood alkalinity. Acid pH means increased excretion of hydrogen ions by the kidneys. It also means increased excretion of potassium ions and increased ammonia in the urine. The excess acid also goes into the interstitial fluids, the fluid between the cells. Lymphatic functions which take place in the fluid between the cells are thereby disrupted. The pancreas, liver and gall bladder are overtaxed in the production of alkalizing enzymes and digestive and assimilation functions weaken. A chronic state of acidosis causes calcium to be leached from the bones to act as a buffering agent. Acidosis stimulates overproduction of insulin, the fat storage hormone, promoting weight gain.

Inadequate fluid intake further inhibits the body's alkalizing processes by preventing optimum kidney function and detoxing of the body's tissues.

An average urine pH below 6 is too acidic. Ideal is 6.5 to 7. A urine pH of 5.2 is a state of acidosis which will produce biochemical anomalies throughout the body, including disturbances in the acetylcholine cycle in the brain. This deficiency of neuro-nutrients is a factor in cognitive decline and dementia. Chronic subclinical dehydration also disrupts the GABA cycle in the brain producing panic attacks and chronic anxiety.

Prescriptions for mood altering drugs further dehydrate the body (or require increased fluid intake) and they contribute to the toxic burden in solution which further acidifies the body. Well known alkalizers include lots of pure fresh water, whole fresh raw foods and lemon juice in water.


Excerpted from "Mastering Sustainable Health"
by .
Copyright © 2018 Fravarti.
Excerpted by permission of Trafford Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement, xi,
Introduction, xiii,
Preface, xvii,
The First Steps, 1,
Hydration, 2,
Dehydrating Foods, 3,
Rehydrating Foods, 4,
Causes Of Dehydration, 6,
pH, 8,
Food Power, 10,
Therapeutic Diet Guidelines, 14,
Healthy Sweet, 15,
Dairy And Non-Dairy Substitutes, 19,
Wheat, Grains And Gluten - Free, 21,
Healthy Meat, 23,
Fake Food / Real Poison, 25,
Learning From Experience, 28,
Super Foods & Not So Super, 31,
Universal Protocol For Sustainable Health, 33,
12 Weeks To Sustainable Health, 35,
Raw Juice, 38,
Making Food That Heals, 40,
Raw Crackers, 40,
Barley Oat Sun Crisps, 40,
Raw Chips, 40,
Sweet Potato Chips, 40,
Salads', 40,
Tomato Cucumber Avocado Salad, 40,
Large Spinach Salad, 41,
Lively Luncheon Salad, 41,
Dressings, 42,
Cashew Lemon Dressing, 42,
Lemon & Oil Salad Dressing, 42,
Cilantro Lime Dressing, 42,
Refrigerator Pickles, 43,
Desserts, 44,
Almond Delight Fruit Pie, 44,
Raw Bliss Balls, 44,
Spice Cake Bites, 44,
Bhakti Bliss Bites, 45,
Fruit Cake Bites, 45,
Walnut Brownie Bites, 45,
Very Cherry Ensemble (raw pie), 46,
1st Birthday Cake, 47,
Almond Cream, 47,
Almond Milk, 47,
Pumpkin Fruit And Nut Cookies, 48,
Broths, 49,
Chicken Broth, 49,
Bone Broth, 50,
Nut Loaf, 50,
Beverages, 50,
Ginger Tea, 50,
Chai Tea, 51,
Agua Frescas, 51,
Healthy Spices, 52,
Vibration Frequencies In Food, 54,
What If You Are Vegetarian Or Vegan?, 57,
Natural Hormone Supplements, 62,
When Are Supplements Beneficial?, 64,
Top 8 Supplements, 65,
Top 8 Mistakes, 65,
Vitamin A, 66,
Vitamin B Complex, 66,
Vitamin C, 67,
Vitamin D, 68,
Vitamin E, 68,
CoQ10, 68,
Omega's, 69,
Magnesium, 69,
Calcium, 70,
Iron, 70,
Iodine, 71,
Zinc, 71,
Copper, 72,
Probiotics, 72,
Enzymes, 73,
GABA, 74,
L-tryptophan, 74,
5 - HTP, 74,
Melatonin, 74,
Lithium Orotate, 74,
Alpha lipoic acid, 74,
Oregano Oil, 74,
MSM, 74,
Flax Oil, 74,
Chinese Mushrooms, 74,
Colostrum, 75,
Elderberry, 75,
Essiac, 75,
Flor-Essence, 75,
Lysine, 75,
Hawthorne berry, 75,
Black Walnut Tincture, 75,
Dr. Miller's Holy Tea, 75,
Selenium, 75,
Maca, 76,
Frequencies Of Supplements, 77,
Not So Super Supplements, 78,
Sustainable Health Everyday,
First do no harm.,
Extra Support, 81,
Additional Supportive Measures for acute illness,
Detoxing The Body - When, Why, How, 83,
Methods Or Treatments For Detoxing, 86,
Targeting Specific Organs Or Systems, 87,
Targeting Specific Toxins, 87,
Stress And Cortisol, 89,
How To Lower Cortisol, 91,
Sleep, Rest, Relaxation, Repose, 93,
Exercise And Sustainable Health, 97,
Brain, 100,
Degenerative Brain Diseases, 101,
Stroke, 101,
Alzheimer's, 101,
Parkinson's, 104,
P.T.S.D, 104,
M.S., 104,
A.L.S, 105,
Treatments and Supplements, 105,
Mood Altering Drugs, 106,
Migraine Headaches, 110,
Vision Health, 111,
Cataracts, 112,
Macular Degeneration, 112,
Glaucoma, 112,
Conjunctivitis, 113,
Ears And Hearing Health, 113,
Hearing Loss, 113,
Dizzy Spells, 113,
Tinnitus, 113,
Ear Infections, 114,
Hearing Voices, 114,
Circulatory Health, 116,
Angina, 116,
Arrhythmia, 116,
Congestive Heart Failure, 117,
Atherosclerosis, 117,
High Blood Pressure, 117,
Anemia, 118,
Varicose Veins, 118,
Hypertension, 118,
Heart Disease, 120,
Respiratory Health, 122,
Asthma, 123,
Bronchitis, 123,
Pneumonia, 123,
Emphysema, 124,
Allergies, Sinus Infection, 125,
Life Threatening Allergies, 127,
Severely Allergic Child, 127,
Flu Prevention And Awareness, 131,
Digestive Health, 133,
Bowel Disease, 137,
Bone Health, 139,
Osteoporosis, 140,
Osteoarthritis, 141,
Rheumatoid Arthritis, 142,
Kidneys, 143,
Adrenals, 145,
Thyroid, 147,
Hypothyroid, 149,
Hyperthyroid, 149,
Liver, 151,
Poor Liver Function, 152,
Hepatitis, 152,
Oral And Dental Health, 155,
Cancer, 159,
Cancer Staging, 161,
Healthy Skin, 165,
Allergic, 166,
Non-Infectious Heat Rash, 167,
Infectious / Contagious, 168,
Cancers, 169,
Herpes / Shingles, 171,
Fibromyalgia, 173,
Womens, 176,
Healthy Birth Control, 177,
Fibroids, 178,
Preconception, Pregnancy, Birth and Recovery, 178,
Menopause, 180,
Mens Health, 183,
Impotence, 184,
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 186,
Recuperation, Rebuilding And Recovery, 189,
Led Light Therapy, 192,
Healing Touch And Body Work, 194,
Essential Oils, 196,
Anti - Aging, 199,
Economy And Health, 204,
The Economics Of Natural Healing, 206,
Happiness And The Psychology Of Health, 208,
Mastery In The Dark Nights, 214,
Self - Esteem, 217,
Boundary Styles, 220,
Narcissism, 220,
Co-Dependence, 221,
Hysteric, 221,
Developing Intuition, 223,
Personal Spiritual Retreats, 227,
Primary Roadblocks To Self-Realization, 230,
Guilt, 230,
Resentment, 231,
Self-Pity, 232,
Fulfillment, 234,
Be An Activist, 235,
Healthy Environment, 237,
Becoming A Medical Intuitive, 238,
Appendix A, 241,
Health Check Lists p. 1-4, 242,
Predispositions Checklist, 249,
Top Product Recommendations, 253,
Abbreviations, 255,
Resources And Supportive Measures, 257,

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