"Our Promise"

by Helena Allard

"Our Promise"

by Helena Allard


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Julie and Erik meet literally by accident on a dark, snowy, mountain road. He was her port in the storm and she accepted his invitation apprehensively. She could never have imagined this blue eyed hunk would have swept them both off their feet in the days that followed., emotions and lust they had long forgotten. A sizzling remance returned to both after their past with others had left them heartbroken. Honest and genuine was their love with a future as bright as the hills, but, her ex. had other plans. The love between them was strong and they belived it would hold and they could meet their promise.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781477204634
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 05/23/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 240
File size: 300 KB

Read an Excerpt

"Our Promise"

By Helena Allard


Copyright © 2012 Helena Allard
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4772-0465-8

Chapter One


Had I known, crashing on as now covered, isolated, mountain road, and being left stranded would have brought such results, I'd have been here sooner.

My drive north had been long and exhausting and I shivered with fatigue, it had snowed all day and now it was accumulating. It was easy to be distracted by the skiers coming down the slopes so much so that it ended for me in this ditch. I hadn't even noticed dusk was quickly approaching. Stunned, with my car almost on it's side, I just sat there trying not to panic. I knew I wasn't hurt so I needed to figure my next move.

I remember seeing a sign a couple of miles back, 'Highway Patrol Passes This Area Every Hour', maybe the hour is close. I'll sit and wait. Nothing to do but wait. I hadn't taken my cell phone or laptop, no need for it on vacation. I see now it wasn't such a good idea. Forty minutes had gone by, now it was getting cold and dark, I couldn't stay in here. I opened the door and jumped down about two feet into the snow.

I wasn't dressed for this, heels and a skirt not so good, "yep", the car is stuck good. I looked around, no-one, just more skiers coming down the slopes with lit torches it was a beautiful sight but I was starting to panic. I'll need a tow truck, there must have been a problem or the patrol would have come by here by now, not another car in sight either.

I could see a chalet across the street a little way maybe they had a phone and if I'm lucky they'll be home. So I decided to take a few things out of the car. I was too engrossed in what I was doing or I would have noticed someone walking toward me.

"Can I help you?"

I turned as I spoke and answered, "yes," very eagerly, then I finally looked up. There before me was this tall, blond, blue eyed, handsome, gorgeous hunk, if I had been in the desert I would have thought him a mirage. He looked like he had stepped out of some alpine magazine ad. I was hoping he hadn't noticed how long it took me to answer him.

"Yes, could I use your phone?"

"Sure, I just live here across the street," he said as he pointed to the chalet.

That alpine magazine I thought about, well this two story chalet must have been in there with him. The front was all windows facing the mountain. Could it be my car knew where to go off the road?

He put his hand out to take mine, I didn't have to think twice, he then escorted me to his chalet.

As we walked I was secretly hoping a woman wouldn't be opening the door. I noticed as we walked how slippery the road surface was a good reason why I went off the road.

We went up the driveway to the side of the chalet. I could see flickering lights coming from the window in the door, it looked like an inviting dance. With the advancing darkness of the night the light shown very brightly.

He opened the door. I stepped in and in awe I stopped to take in this beautiful scene unfolding before me. Across the living room on the far wall was a large fieldstone fireplace it took up most of the wall. No wonder the light it threw was so inviting, it lit most of this chalet, or at least what I could see. To my left was a wall of windows, looking out toward the mountain, the opposite wall had a loft that looked like it took up most of the upper floor. Cathedral ceilings and thick white scatter rugs throughout the room, what a sight.

I didn't realize how long I had been standing there.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, everything is so right." I began taking off my shoes, snow was melting off them.

"Oh please don't worry, these floors are quite used to snow, and I'm glad you enjoy what you see, here let me take your coat."

As he helped me remove my coat, I gave him another glance, he caught my eye and gave me the warmest smile. He then removed his jacket as I watched, clean, well groomed and tan, he must be out in the sun all day.

"I'll be back in a second why don't you make yourself comfortable. I'll put some water on for tea, sit enjoy the view."

He lead me to the sofa in front of the wall of windows, the scene was spectacular, I could see many ski trails on the slopes. The sky now was a dark velvet blue and the starts, too many to count, they shone like diamonds. The moon was beginning to show and it case rays across the glistening snow, like you see on a Christmas card. It's amazing what you can see in two minutes.

"You like what you see?", he asked.

Oh I thought, don't answer too quickly you might say what your really thinking, too easy, be cool you have problems with your car remember. But before I could answer, he said.

"That's why I bought this chalet, the view couldn't be better."

I noticed as he said that he was looking straight into my eyes. I turned, and looking up at him, I said, "I very much like what I see, and I'm awe struck by this whole scene, but I have to call for a tow truck and be on my way."

"You won't need one. My neighbor has already gotten your car and moved it into my driveway. While you were enjoying the view he came to the door with your keys. We patrolmen are pretty smart that way."

"I was way to mesmerized, I'm sorry, again. I've inconvenienced you. I just need to use your phone. It's getting late I need to be getting on my way. You've been more than generous and I really to appreciate everything."

I had already finished the cup of tea he had made me and I thought I best leave soon or I won't find a room in Stowe.

"Of course, I understand, the phone is here on the counter, please make all the calls you have to, let me know if I can help?"

"Thanks I will."

I called a few places up and around Stowe, no availability is what they all said, seems there's a festival going on and all is booked. I was a little upset, I knew he couldn't hear my conversations, so I didn't let him know my results. I'll just go on my way. I'll find something somewhere.

"Well, I guess I'll be on my way. Thank you again. I'll get my coat."

I walked over to the counter and began putting my coat on and as I reached over to pick up my shoes, he spoke.

"Look, please don't take this the wrong way, but I've got a large place here. I'll let you use this beautiful room in the loft with the view of all the slopes. I noticed you enjoyed that view. You could get an early start in the morning. Be my guest."

I didn't want to step on any toes and I must have looked perplexed cause I didn't answer right away. Then he suggested.

"What if I make us some coffee, we'll sit here and you can decide. I'll even drive you into town if you like and you won't have to get into a cold car, in the dark, all by yourself."

"Well, the coffee sounds great, by the way what do I call you?"

"I'm Erik Anderson, and you are?"

"Julie Mitchell, guess we should have gotten that out there before now, but I had things to sort out."

"Being stuck in the snow tends to upset the routine doesn't it?", he commented.

He went into the kitchen giving me time to think over my situation, my very comfortable situation.

Chapter Two


Who was I kidding? I was fully enjoying the whole scene but still my head was spinning, should I, shouldn't I. I need a time out. I couldn't answer too quickly. When I set out this morning this isn't what I had expected, none of this. For the last couple of years I was in charge of my situations, now not so sure of what to do?

I wasn't exactly being left out in the cold, but I was out of my comfort zone, too easy to answer. I don't know him not that I wouldn't want to. I could keep this just what it is a port in the storm. I've got more in my life now than I can handle, my freedom wasn't all that far away, and I am looking forward to it.

He was easy to look at, O.K., more than easy he was a hunk. I could see coffee in the morning with him. If I kept talking to my-self I could see me saying yes to him. I gave glance into the kitchen to watch him, yes, coffee in the morning could be nice.

It's late, the roads would be freezing by now. His offer sounds like a good one.

We are adults, guess I could stay the night, I don't want to seem to vulnerable when I say yes. Well, I'm on vacation, not in a hurry. I do owe myself some relaxation. I'm not expected anywhere at any time. I've decided I couldn't be in a better place had I planned this.

"Here you are, it's my own blend. I put my favorite brandy in it, hope you like it?"

"Thanks, it's very good." I answered.

"Now let's talk about you, what brings you up here alone in all this snow, do you ski?"

"No, I don't ski, but I wish I did. I love the snow and all that goes with winter sports. I felt I needed time out of the rat race a change of pace. I find snow very soothing and calming. I saw sign for Stowe and thought I'd head up there for a few days."

"You'll be disappointed, we have more during our festivals here, unless your just on your way to the Trapp Lodge, there you can really relax it's really nice and quiet."

"I wasn't really going up that way, just in the area, and spend some time in front of a big lodge fireplace."

"You've come to the right place, even though by accident and at the right time. We have a winterfest here every year this week-end will be the first day of this years fest. We have many winter related sports, on and off the hills, as well as many activities in the village. I know I sound like an ad for the area, but, thought you'ld like to know what's happening around here."

He continued, "no need to drive to a more advertised area. What do you think? Have I convinced you to take my offer?"

"Well, I must admit, it sounds like alot of fun."

"When your car went off the road, I thought there was a group of snow-bunnies in there till you got out. Snow-bunnies have been known to pull stunts like that to get attention, so I didn't move right away. But I did keep watching, till I saw you, of course then I was hoping you would need my help. You think we can call this fate?"

"Could be", I answered quickly. I was beginning to feel more comfortable, the light from the fireplace was the only light in the room and it was radiant. The soft glow, warmth from the fire, I didn't want to move.

We sat on his white velvet sofa in front of the window with our coffee and watched the torch run, as he called it. It was quite a sight. As we talked the light from the fireplace danced in his eyes and made them sparkle with every word he spoke. I couldn't leave all this tonight.

"Erik, you're a perfect host, I think I'll accept your invitation to spend the night."

"Great, now I must tell you. I have selfish reasons for wanting you to stay. I wouldn't have been comfortable knowing you were spending the night in town with all those friends of mine, not that there's anything wrong with them, but. Not much goes un-noticed around here, and the less they know, the better for me."

"And your different?"

"Yes, I think so."

He spoke those words with warmth and concern in his voice, his tone so gentle. We must have sat and talked till two a.m. or close to it. I felt at ease and safe with him, my anxiety over my situation began to subside. I was amazed that I had become so content in his company.

"Erik, if you show me to my room I think I'll turn in, It was a long drive and I can get an early start in the morning"

"Hang on a minute Julie, I'll get your luggage."

"Luggage. I didn't even think about it how about that, thanks Erik, guess I will need some of it."

He went out to the car to retrieve it and I thought when my head hits the pillow I'll be out like a light. He returned in a flash, with all three bags, it must have been real cold out there.

"O.K. Julie, I'll take them up, follow me."

I couldn't help looking around as I followed him, the railings were made of tree branches and the chandelier hanging over his living room was made from antlers with small lanterns on them, what a beautiful room. I took my time going up the stairs, he wasn't going too fast either, with all three bags. How nice was that, I thought. When I got to the top of the stairs I had to remark on the decorations in his living room.

"Erik, you've got a great decorator, your living room is the best."

"Oh thanks, that would be me and a few friends. You'll also like this room," he said with a wink.

"It's over my room so if you need anything, anything at all, please call."

"Thanks, I will, but I think I'll be just fine here. Goodnight."

As he closed the door, he said, "Good-night. I'll see you in the morning."

This room was just as nice as his living room, he had good taste, he and his friends. Wall to wall white carpeting thick and luxurious and the same little lanterns hung on the wall as well as in the bathroom. The railing along the loft was also made of treebranches and floor to ceiling sheers that could be closed along the rail. This was far nicer than any hotel I could have chosen. I spent the next five minutes just looking around, checking things out. I turned on the shower to warm up the bathroom a bit, before I got in it.

I only needed my robe and slippers at this time, there would be time in the morning to get a fresh change of clothes. I stepped into the shower and melted into the warmth of the cascading water washing away my exhaustion. I had made a wise choice, to stay the night.

I finally stepped out of the shower, hoping I hadn't used all the hot water, this was no five minute quick shower. I needed to wash away weeks of stress and it worked. I dried off put my robe on and sat on the bench in front of the rail to towel dry my hair, the room was warmed by the fireplace below. It was snowing again. I shut off the lights in the room to watch.

The sky was so dark, all I could see were the stars making a sparkling site of themselves, beautiful. What a fabulous site.

But, mores now, just what I needed for the drive in the morning. I wished I hadn't seen it snowing, I felt a little apprehensive now. I hope the nervousness wouldn't keep me awake.

I didn't want to bother Erik. I didn't think he'd mind if I went downstairs and poured myself a glass of wine. I had noticed some in the kitchen when he made coffee.

I slowly and quietly walked down taking in all the décor, skis on the wall with flower boxes on the railings, very Austrian very nice. I found the wine and poured myself a small glass, instead of returning upstairs I sat on the sofa facing the slopes. When would I ever have a view like this again so I took advantage.

I had been sitting there about ten minutes when I heard and saw Erik come out of his room. At first, he didn't see me as he put another log on the fire, he was only wearing a wrap. After he stoked the fire, he turned toward the window as if looking at the slopes, and there he saw me He didn't appear startled.

"Can't sleep?" he asked.

"No, I needed a little help, especially since I saw it begin to snow."

"Mind if I sit with you? I'm not sleepy either."

"Not at all, be my guest", I said smiling.

"Your guest," he remarked, "I'd rather be more than that."

His words echoed in my mind for what seemed like several minutes.

Talk about head spinning how do I follow that, I felt strangely flattered and very attracted to him, suddenly, it felt right. Within those few seconds, I searched my mind, I did feel something there. I'll go with my feelings. He had said this could be fate.

He came and sat next to me, took my now empty glass, put it down on the table and took my hand. We got up and he led me to the sofa in front of the fireplace. I was now the one doing the staring into those two beautiful blue eyes. He very slowly and tenderly put his arms around me and ever so gently pulled me towards him.

He kissed me softly and warm, but long and passionately, I felt time stopped or hoped it would. My hands caressed his bare shoulders and broad chest as his strong arms held me, I didn't want him to let go, nor did he want to. I made no effort to free myself from his firm grasp. I felt myself give freely to the passion in his kiss, he was so gentle. Warm shivers drifted down my spine. When our lips briefly parted he spoke.

"I hope I haven't offended you, I couldn't control my desire for you, I've wanted to hold you since I first saw you stranded out there."

While he spoke, I melted more into his arms. I had no desire to break the embrace, he never loosened his grasp. I felt his warm breath in my ear as he whispered, "you can stop me there, I'll understand."

I felt my pulse throb with excitement as I whispered in his ear, "be my guest."


Excerpted from "Our Promise" by Helena Allard Copyright © 2012 by Helena Allard. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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