Prayers from the Heart
As the hype surrounding the year 2012 as the end of the world gains momentum, the future of mankind is being debated by believers and nonbelievers alike. Will it be Armageddon as many doomsday prophets claim, or does God have another, better plan? Either way, God is calling His people to Himself as never before. Perhaps this new conversation is His answer to raising our consciousness to a higher level of communion with Him. Poet Elizabeth Allan believes this to be true, and her thoughtful and timely poems reflect this understanding. Divided into two sections, "Prayers" and "Praise," Allen's poems combine rich imagery with rhythmic diversity. In "My Delight Is in You," Allen gives thanks for her blessings and looks to the Lord for her happiness. Allen seeks His spirit to rid her of selfish desires and help her develop a servant's heart in "Spirit Filled." Other poems celebrate grace, forgiveness, God's enduring love, and Christ's return. Prayers from the Heart offers thoughts of praise, worship, and a longing to know Him. But more importantly, they celebrate knowing what it is to be in Him. Take the time to start, renew, or strengthen your relationship with the Lord and be blessed today!
Prayers from the Heart
As the hype surrounding the year 2012 as the end of the world gains momentum, the future of mankind is being debated by believers and nonbelievers alike. Will it be Armageddon as many doomsday prophets claim, or does God have another, better plan? Either way, God is calling His people to Himself as never before. Perhaps this new conversation is His answer to raising our consciousness to a higher level of communion with Him. Poet Elizabeth Allan believes this to be true, and her thoughtful and timely poems reflect this understanding. Divided into two sections, "Prayers" and "Praise," Allen's poems combine rich imagery with rhythmic diversity. In "My Delight Is in You," Allen gives thanks for her blessings and looks to the Lord for her happiness. Allen seeks His spirit to rid her of selfish desires and help her develop a servant's heart in "Spirit Filled." Other poems celebrate grace, forgiveness, God's enduring love, and Christ's return. Prayers from the Heart offers thoughts of praise, worship, and a longing to know Him. But more importantly, they celebrate knowing what it is to be in Him. Take the time to start, renew, or strengthen your relationship with the Lord and be blessed today!
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Prayers from the Heart

Prayers from the Heart

by Elizabeth Allen
Prayers from the Heart

Prayers from the Heart

by Elizabeth Allen


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As the hype surrounding the year 2012 as the end of the world gains momentum, the future of mankind is being debated by believers and nonbelievers alike. Will it be Armageddon as many doomsday prophets claim, or does God have another, better plan? Either way, God is calling His people to Himself as never before. Perhaps this new conversation is His answer to raising our consciousness to a higher level of communion with Him. Poet Elizabeth Allan believes this to be true, and her thoughtful and timely poems reflect this understanding. Divided into two sections, "Prayers" and "Praise," Allen's poems combine rich imagery with rhythmic diversity. In "My Delight Is in You," Allen gives thanks for her blessings and looks to the Lord for her happiness. Allen seeks His spirit to rid her of selfish desires and help her develop a servant's heart in "Spirit Filled." Other poems celebrate grace, forgiveness, God's enduring love, and Christ's return. Prayers from the Heart offers thoughts of praise, worship, and a longing to know Him. But more importantly, they celebrate knowing what it is to be in Him. Take the time to start, renew, or strengthen your relationship with the Lord and be blessed today!

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781462025367
Publisher: iUniverse, Incorporated
Publication date: 06/08/2011
Pages: 56
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.13(d)

Read an Excerpt

Prayers from the Heart

By Elizabeth Allen

iUniverse, Inc.

Copyright © 2011 Elizabeth Allen
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4620-2536-7

Chapter One

My Delight is in You

You give the very air I breathe,
I thank you, Lord, for everything:
all my blessings, all my strife;
You get me through my darkest night

I praise you for your goodness,
and for all you do for me;
I praise you for what I am
and for what I hope to be

But mostly, Lord, I love You
for Your sacrifice,
and giving wayward man
an undeserved, abundant life

My delight is in You, Lord,
teach me how to live:
by placing others' needs before my own,
and being first in line to give

Your Strength Dwells Within

There is wisdom in listening,
and repentance in speech
You are my mentor;
I value what You teach

As my loving guide,
You show which way to go
with soft murmurings
and Your Word, so bold

You are also my comforter
when things do go astray
You bless me with a restful night,
and prepare me for my day

Thank You that Your strength, O' Lord
within me dwells,
and renewal is just a sip away
in Your refreshing well

My Savior

Help me in all the work I do,
and when at play, help me, too
It's so enlightening to be with You
You are my Savior

Help me when I am afraid
if at night or by day,
and save me from that beckoning grave
You are my Savior

Help me to live a joyous life
free from sin and little strife
Teach me to love with all my might
You are my Savior

Help me to stay far from Hell
When temptation calls, ring a bell
Your gift of salvation, I'll gladly tell
You are my Savior

Redeem Me

Into Your hands
I commit my spirit
redeem me, O' Lord
God of truth

For You are my glory
and my salvation;
I give all that I am
to You

But for You,
I wouldn't exist
Do with me
what You will

Redeem me, O' Lord
in Your righteousness,
so my purpose in You
will be filled

Honor to God

Sing to the Lord,
you saints of His
and praise His holy name

For the sacrifice
He gladly paid
to carry all your shame

Weeping may remain for a night,
but joy comes in the morn; so,
clap your hands, lift up your eyes
Give honor to the Lord

The Condition

You bless me coming and going
You bless me moving or still
You bless me in city or country
If I only obey Your will

You bless me awake or asleep
You bless me at work or at play
You bless me when I'm close to You
or even far away—if I fully obey

You bless me winning or losing
in the quiet, or thick of the fray
These are the things You do for me;
but, Your commands, I must obey

Psalm 33

Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous
It is fitting the upright praise Him
for the Word of the Lord is true;
honor Him in all that you do

He rules with justice and peace
He is full of unfailing love
rejoice in the Lord and be glad
for He is faithful in all that He does

Your Blood

When I'm right,
or when I'm wrong,
Your blood covers me
If I'm weak,
or if I'm strong,
Your blood covers me

I may be sad,
or singing a song,
Your blood covers me

Whether at night,
or day so long,
Your blood covers me

I Worship You

You are my heart
You are my life
You are my greatest delight
I worship You

You are my Master
You are my friend
My love for You will never end
I worship You

You are the answer
to my prayers,
and I will follow You anywhere
I worship You

All I can Be

The life for me is prosperity;
it's in the Bible, don't you see?
The Savior came and died for me:
crucified, on that horrible tree

He paid the debt that I once owed,
a covenant broken long ago
Just so in Heaven I could roam
My soul, one day, to be called Home

Thank You, Lord, for saving me
in Your goodness and mercy
Help me to be all I can be,
and count it as glory due to Thee

In Praise

The heavens declare the glory of God,
the skies proclaim the work of His hands;
So too, the fowls in the air, the beasts of the earth
but, what of sinful man?

We fall so short of Your glory, my King,
in what we say and in what we do
We lift up our hands, and in voices sing
And give all praise to You

All I Need

Whether I have a lot,
or if it's a little,
matters not to me
for You are all I need

If the sun is shining,
or down the rain pours,
You are all I need;
it's You that I adore

If I have everyone's favor,
or they turn their backs to me,
there is nothing that I lack
for You are all I need

My Blessings

Thank You for my blessings,
which mean so much to me
for if I didn't have them,
how sad my life would be

I thank You for my children
who are my greatest joys
There is nothing quite as wonderful
as little girls and little boys

I thank You for my family,
so steady and true
When I'm unsure what to do,
they direct me—to You!

I also thank You, Lord,
for friends, whose company I keep
because of my many blessings
my days are,
oh, so sweet

My Savior, my God

To You, O' Lord, I lift my soul
in You, do I trust
for You are my Savior, my God
whose verdict is always just

Show me Your ways
and teach me the truth
when I'm lost, remind me
To call on you

For You are my Savior, my God
You are my only King
In You, I have my life and soul
and my very being

Smooth Sailing

You are my joy,
my delight;
I look to You
to make things right

You smooth the edges,
You set the sail;
when I am with You, all is well
and smooth sailing

I will Wait

Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy,
for Your goodness, for Your grace
Thank You, that as Your child,
I will gaze upon Your face

Although I am impatient
for that day to come,
I will wait in the righteousness
of Your beloved Son

Forever Yours

You are a mighty fortress,
my haven, my delight
Your loving arms surround me;
I'm forever in Your sight

You keep the wicked far away,
with no help to be found
Enmeshed in his own making,
his eyes stay glued to the ground

But, I look to You, my father,
for Your peace in me to fill
Help me to bless my brothers
With joy and goodwill


I will sing to the Lord of His goodness
I will sing to the Lord of His might
I will sing to the Lord with gladness
each day and every night

I will sing to the Lord of His mercy
I will sing to the Lord of His grace
I will sing to the Lord of His promise:
the upright will behold His face

Will You?

Jesus died for your sins
Yes, this is true;
but that doesn't mean all is done,
some work is up to you

Search your heart and soul
for that one besetting sin
that keeps you held in bondage
and is so offensive to Him

You know what it is,
and He knows it, too
Will you lay it down,
or let it hinder you?

Psalm 9

I will praise You, O' Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of Your wonders, too
I will sing praise to Your name most high;
I will be glad and rejoice in You

You turn Your back to the wicked;
their cries You do ignore,
but the righteous call and You answer
You even out the score

For the needy will not be forgotten,
nor the hope of the afflicted perish;
Your judgment is always true,
and Your mighty name, I cherish

My God

The faith of Job,
please give to me
regardless what happens,
may I look to Thee

When troubles abound,
rough waters overtake
I will hold onto You,
until it abates

For You are my God;
what else can I do,
but lay it all down
and trust it to You?

His Name

The Lord lives!
Praise be to my rock!
Exalted be God, my Savior
It is He who avenges me,
In whom I have found favor

He saves me from my enemies,
and lifts me above my foes;
from violent men, he rescues me,
and which path to take
He shows

I will sing praise to His name,
and I will always keep Him near,
for in unfailing kindness,
He dries my every tear

The Walk

You made known to me
the path of life,
and filled me with joy
in Your presence
Distractions aside, I run for the prize:
envelop me in Your essence

Enemy of old, I am bold,
you will not tell me what to do
You're beaten,
the winner is me
You know what you can do?

Go straight to Hell!
Take your demons, as well;
it's the place designed just for you
With my Savior, I'll stay
and we'll walk day by day
Together, in triumph over you

I Come Seeking Peace

I come seeking peace,
and peace You give to me
not as the world gives,
which breaks so easily

Your burden is light;
I must only believe,
and trust in You daily
to meet all my needs

For everything on earth
belongs to You, dear Lord,
and sharing with Your children
brings You everlasting joy

Be My Strength

Be my strength in times of testing;
fill me with Your joy
Help me stand firm upon Your Word:
not timid, nor coy

Help me put Satan on the run,
and all his demons, too;
it's not me that he's fighting with,
but, in all Your glory—You!

Remind me the battle is over,
every fight, already won,
not by anything I ever did
except believing in Your Son

Lord, I Accept

Lord, I accept Your healing,
and I accept Your love;
Lord, I accept every blessing
You send me from above

Lord, I accept Your comfort,
and I accept Your strength;
Lord, I accept Your wisdom,
and I accept Your peace

Lord, I accept Your sacrifice,
and I accept Your grace;
Lord, I accept Your mercy,
and Your warm embrace

Today is Mine

Today is mine
to do with as I please
Blessings or curses,
which will it be?

I can grumble, complain,
and bring misery to all;
or, I can laugh, I can sing,
and be joyful for everything

Which will you choose?

God is Present

God is present in the company of the righteous;
God is present in the speaking of His name
God is present in songs of worship,
and He is present in words of praise

God is present in the midst of prayer,
but He is present in the silence, too
God is present when all hope is gone;
God is present and never leaves you

The Disciple

Lord, who may dwell in Your sanctuary?
Who may live on Your holy hill?

He whose walk is blameless;
he who does My will
Those who speak the truth
with no slander on their tongues
Who, when helping others,
leave nothing left undone

Lord, who may dwell in Your sanctuary?
Who may live on Your holy hill?

He who despises a vile man,
who honors and fears only Me
He who keeps my Word,
regardless how hard that be
One whose eyes are stayed on Me,
on whose loyalty I can depend
to stand up as one of my own
It is he, I welcome in


David was a man
after God's own heart;
although a humble shepherd boy,
he played a special part

When Saul turned a deaf ear
to the Lord's almighty voice,
God picked a new king,
and David was His choice

He was so full of God's grace,
Goliath, a giant, he did face
And except for his faith and a stone,
shepherd boy David was all alone

But, that was all it took
to ensure the victory
God, grant that Your name
be so glorified in me

Your Love

In my weakness, You love me
You gently pick me up,
and rather than stay empty,
I sip Your flowing cup

For nothing is as it seems
when looked through Your eyes
I lift my spirit to You
because I recognize
that You paid the price
for my victory,
and all things will work out well
if I wait patiently

My Prayer

Make me more like You, Lord
every single day
Mold me in Your image,
and show me the better way

In Your loving kindness,
keep me safe and warm
Surround me with goodness
far away from any harm

Help me to love my brother,
and forgive him of his sins
for the mercy You show to me
to him, let me extend

Keep me joyful, Lord
for strength is found there,
and give me confidence
You are handling every care

Mostly, Lord, help me to love
as You command me do,
check my heart daily, focus my mind
on You

You Hear Me

"If you love Me, you will obey Me,"
is what the Good Book says,
for every life has a plan
only God can see ahead

It all works by faith
We find what we must know
step by step, trusting Him
to lead as we follow

Saul was a king
who went his own way,
and God turned against him
on one fateful day

Saul called upon the Lord
in his hour of great need,
but God refused to answer
as His voice, Saul failed to heed

How wonderful to know
You will answer when I call
for Your loving arms enclose me
to catch me ere I fall


Excerpted from Prayers from the Heart by Elizabeth Allen Copyright © 2011 by Elizabeth Allen. Excerpted by permission of iUniverse, Inc.. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


1. My Delight is in You....................1
2. Your Strength Dwells Within....................2
3. My Savior....................3
4. Redeem Me....................4
5. Honor to God....................5
6. The Condition....................6
7. Psalm 33....................7
8. Your Blood....................8
9. I Worship You....................9
10. All I can Be....................10
11. In Praise....................11
12. All I Need....................12
13. My Blessings....................13
14. My Savior, my God....................14
15. Smooth Sailing....................15
16. I will Wait....................16
17. Forever Yours....................17
18. Sing....................18
19. Will You?....................19
20. Psalm 9....................20
21. My God....................21
22. His Name....................22
23. The Walk....................23
24. I Come Seeking Peace....................24
25. Be My Strength....................25
26. Lord, I Accept....................26
27. Today is Mine....................27
28. God is Present....................28
29. The Disciple....................29
30. Glorify....................30
31. Your Love....................31
32. My Prayer....................32
33. You Hear Me....................33
34. My Captain....................34
35. Watch Over Me....................35
36. The Judge....................36
37. Empower Me....................37
38. Forgive Me....................38
39. Let my Intentions be True....................39
40. Spirit Filled....................40
41. Give me Grace....................41
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