Praying With Fire: Change Your World With The Powerful Prayers Of The Apostles


The New Testament apostles did. They prayed with passion and power and turned their world upside down. We are not all called to be apostles, but we are called to be apostolic people and help establish the work of God in others by our prayers.

In this book, you will discover the principles that made them so effective in their prayer life: a heart perfected in love, a habit of devotion, a deep confidence in God and His Word, and a reliance upon the Holy Spirit. You will also learn how to pray the prayers they prayed the apostolic prayers of the New Testament. These are powerful prayers because they express, not only the hearts of the apostles, but the heart of God:

  • Ground-breaking evangelistic prayers that empower the work of the Gospel and prepare hearts to receive it.
  • Pastoral prayers that build up churches and establish Christians in the faith.
  • Benedictions that water God's people with the blessings of heaven
  • Prayers of thanksgiving that return praise to the "Lord of the Harvest" for what He is doing in His people.
  • Doxologies that praise God for who He is and declare His glory and goodness
Praying With Fire: Change Your World With The Powerful Prayers Of The Apostles


The New Testament apostles did. They prayed with passion and power and turned their world upside down. We are not all called to be apostles, but we are called to be apostolic people and help establish the work of God in others by our prayers.

In this book, you will discover the principles that made them so effective in their prayer life: a heart perfected in love, a habit of devotion, a deep confidence in God and His Word, and a reliance upon the Holy Spirit. You will also learn how to pray the prayers they prayed the apostolic prayers of the New Testament. These are powerful prayers because they express, not only the hearts of the apostles, but the heart of God:

  • Ground-breaking evangelistic prayers that empower the work of the Gospel and prepare hearts to receive it.
  • Pastoral prayers that build up churches and establish Christians in the faith.
  • Benedictions that water God's people with the blessings of heaven
  • Prayers of thanksgiving that return praise to the "Lord of the Harvest" for what He is doing in His people.
  • Doxologies that praise God for who He is and declare His glory and goodness
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Praying With Fire: Change Your World With The Powerful Prayers Of The Apostles

Praying With Fire: Change Your World With The Powerful Prayers Of The Apostles

by Jeff Doles
Praying With Fire: Change Your World With The Powerful Prayers Of The Apostles

Praying With Fire: Change Your World With The Powerful Prayers Of The Apostles

by Jeff Doles


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The New Testament apostles did. They prayed with passion and power and turned their world upside down. We are not all called to be apostles, but we are called to be apostolic people and help establish the work of God in others by our prayers.

In this book, you will discover the principles that made them so effective in their prayer life: a heart perfected in love, a habit of devotion, a deep confidence in God and His Word, and a reliance upon the Holy Spirit. You will also learn how to pray the prayers they prayed the apostolic prayers of the New Testament. These are powerful prayers because they express, not only the hearts of the apostles, but the heart of God:

  • Ground-breaking evangelistic prayers that empower the work of the Gospel and prepare hearts to receive it.
  • Pastoral prayers that build up churches and establish Christians in the faith.
  • Benedictions that water God's people with the blessings of heaven
  • Prayers of thanksgiving that return praise to the "Lord of the Harvest" for what He is doing in His people.
  • Doxologies that praise God for who He is and declare His glory and goodness

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780974474861
Publisher: Walking Barefoot Ministries
Publication date: 05/01/2004
Pages: 104
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 8.80(h) x 0.40(d)

About the Author

JEFF DOLES is a Christian writer and Bible teacher. His books include Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church, Healing Scriptures and Prayers and God's Word in Your Mouth: Changing Your World Through Faith. He and his wife Suzanne live near Tampa, FL and are the founders of Walking Barefoot Ministries

Table of Contents

Praying With Apostolic Passion
Evangelistic Prayers
Preaching with Boldness, Signs and Wonders
That Israel May Be Saved
Partnership in the Gospel
Divine Favor and Protection
Anointed Words and Holy Spirit Boldness
Opportunity and Clarity for the Gospel
Powerful Delivery and Favorable Reception of the Gospel
Preparing the Ground for Evangelism
Pastoral Prayers
Being Made Complete
Knowing God More Intimately
Dwelling in the Love of Christ
Growing in Love
A Life Worthy of the Lord
The Supply of What is Lacking
Fulfilling Every Good Purpose
Love Toward All the Saints
Prosperity in All Things
Come, Lord Jesus 
Endurance, Encouragement and Unity
Joy, Peace and Hope
Supply, Multiplication and Increase
The Blessing of the Trinity
Grace and Peace by the Will of God
Peace, Love, Faith and Grace
Overflowing Love and Strength
Kept Blameless by the Faithful One
Hope, Encouragement and Strength
God’s Love and Christ’s Perseverance
Peace at All Times, in Every Way
Complete in Every Good Work
Perfected, Established, Strengthened, Settled
Blessing from the Throne of God
For World-Changing Faith
For Being Greatly Enriched and Fully Equipped
For Victory Through Jesus
For the Triumphal Procession
For God’s Indescribable Gift
For Faith in Jesus and Love for His People
For Partnership in the Gospel
For Faith and Love Springing from Hope
For Active Faith, Diligent Love, Enduring Hope
For Receptivity to the Holy Spirit
For Joy in the Harvest
For Growing in Faith and Increasing in Love
For Being Loved, Chosen, Sanctified and Called
For the Abundance of Grace
For Relationship and Inheritance
To the God of Wisdom and Knowledge
To the God Who Establishes Us
To the God Who is More Than Able
To the King Eternal
To the Joyful Lord of All
To the God of All Grace
To Our Lord and Savior
To the God Who Preserves Us
To the God Who Loves Us
To the Lord God Almighty
To the Creator of All Things
To God and to the Lamb
To the God of Perfect Praise

What People are Saying About This

Audrey Ann Volz

"For those who desire to live and walk a victorious life by the authority that Jesus has given us, this book is for you. The Lord is on our side and is available to assist us to develop our potential and destiny for which we were created; but it can only be done through an intimate relationship with Him, and that means a disciplined, active prayer life. Need help in getting started? Praying With Fire, by Jeff Doles, will guide you into a deeper, passionate relationship with God that will result in aggressive "Kingdom Building"-a must for those who want to be about their Father’s business."
Founder & Director The Shepherd’s Lambs, Inc. A World Missions Organization

Rick C. Wilson

"Jeff Doles has hit another home run with his book Praying With Fire. Jeff has an extreme passion for prayer, worship and healing. This book has become a very practical tool in my life as an intercessor. I use the different chapters to target Scriptural prayers from the heart of God for my family, church, and me. His explanations of the Scriptural passages cause them to come to life. I highly recommend this book as a weapon to open the windows of Heaven to bring the will of God to earth as it is in Heaven."
Pastor Revival Outreach Center, Dover, FL Apostolic Director, International Apostolic Ministries


FOR THE CHRISTIAN WHO DESIRES TO ENTER INTO A dynamic and powerful life of prayer, the Bible is loaded with teachings and models. The Lord’s Prayer is probably the most well-known example, given directly from the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ as a pattern of prayer for His disciples. After that, the book of Psalms, prayer book and hymnal of the Old Testament, dominates the history and practice of prayer in the Church. There is another group of prayers, though, that is being recognized and restored in the worship and intercession movements of the new millennium. These are the powerful prayers offered up by the New Testament apostles.
Apostles are pioneers. They go before and pave the way. They break the ground, sow the seeds and lay the foundations for new churches, ministries and outreaches. They strategize for growth, build up believers, establish congregations and train leaders. Jim Goll identifies an apostle as "one called and sent by Christ to have the spiritual authority, character, gifts and abilities to reach and establish people in Kingdom truth and order, especially through founding and overseeing local churches."1
The word "apostle" comes from the Greek apostolos, and means "one sent forth." Apostles do not go out on their own but are sent forth by the Lord Jesus Christ with full authority to speak and act on His behalf:
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28.18-20)
The Apostle Paul gives us a very brief description of apostolic ministry in his letter to the Corinthians: "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow" (1 Corinthians 3.6). Here we find three aspects of apostolic ministry: planting, watering and growth. Apostles are responsible for planting and watering; God is responsible for making it grow.
Praying as an Apostolic People
We are not all called to be apostles, but we are called to be apostolic people. The mandate of the Great Commission is upon as just as much as it is upon them. Apostles cannot do this work by themselves. In fact, they are given by the Lord Jesus Christ to the Church in order to equip us for the work of the ministry.
It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4.11-13)
This is often called the "five-fold ministry." Someone has summed up very succinctly how it functions within the body of Christ: Apostles govern. Prophets guide. Evangelists gather. Pastors guard. Teachers ground. The express purpose of the fivefold ministry is to equip and prepare the people of God for the work of the ministry. The result is that the body of Christ is built up, until we all come to unity in the faith and full maturity in Christ. Apostolic people, equipped for service by the five-fold ministry, help establish the work of God in others.
Learning to Pray with Apostolic Power
The apostles of the New Testament pioneered many different prayers for us, as we discover in their epistles. I have sorted these into five main groups: evangelistic, pastoral, benediction, thanksgiving and doxology. These are powerful prayers because they express, not only the heart of the apostles, but the heart of God. They show His desire to light the world with the Gospel, bless and strengthen His people, and bring them to completeness in Christ.
*       Evangelistic prayers are ground-breaking prayers. They prepare the fields, and the laborers, for sowing the Gospel and for laying the foundations of local Christian fellowships.
*       Pastoral prayers are watering prayers. They help establish Christians in the faith, both as individuals and as congregations, to grow in grace and in intimate relationship with God, and become a servant community in partnership with the Lord Jesus Christ.
*       Benedictions are also watering prayers, pouring forth with the authority of heaven to bless and minister the promises of God to His people.
*       Prayers of thanksgiving return praise to the "Lord of the Harvest" for what He is doing in and through His people.
*       Doxologies are prayers that declare the praiseworthiness of God and give Him glory. The apostolic purpose is all about God from beginning to end, for He is both the One who sends and the One who gives the increase. Therefore, He deserves all praise and honor.
These prayers flow easily from the pens of the apostles, often spontaneously and with great passion. They come out of an intimate relationship with the Father and a constant reliance upon the Holy Spirit. The result is that the apostles turned their world upside down (or right side up!) in the name of Jesus.
How to use these prayers
These are prayers to learn by heart. By that, I do not mean that you should simply memorize them, although that can certainly be helpful. Memorization is learning them by your mind. Learning them by heart means to meditate upon them and begin praying them out for yourself, for your church, for your pastor, and for anyone else who needs a work of God in their life. In this way, these prayers will become a guide for you, and a springboard that launches you out into a prayer experience that is joyful and effective. To help you in this process, I have included a little commentary for each prayer, followed by some "action points" you can do.
When you begin praying, don’t be in a hurry. Take your time and pray slowly. As you do, you may find that you feel an inward desire to expand upon some particular point. That is the Holy Spirit prompting you, and if you listen carefully, He will give you words to pray back to the Father. Go with this as far as the Spirit leads you. When you come to the end, sit quietly and contemplate what the Spirit has given you. Then take up your prayer again, remaining sensitive to what the Lord is showing you. At the end of your prayer time, give thanks to the Lord for what He has done. Then go out in peace, enjoying His presence.
1 Jim Goll, Kneeling on the Promises (Grand Rapids: Chosen Books, 1999) p. 301.
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