Rise Above: A 90-Day Devotional
In Rise Above, a book of devotions, teen surfing star Bethany Hamilton
shares with young girls her courage and enthusiasm for God, inspiring them to face life headon and stand strong in their faith.
Rise Above: A 90-Day Devotional
In Rise Above, a book of devotions, teen surfing star Bethany Hamilton
shares with young girls her courage and enthusiasm for God, inspiring them to face life headon and stand strong in their faith.
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Rise Above: A 90-Day Devotional

Rise Above: A 90-Day Devotional

Rise Above: A 90-Day Devotional

Rise Above: A 90-Day Devotional



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In Rise Above, a book of devotions, teen surfing star Bethany Hamilton
shares with young girls her courage and enthusiasm for God, inspiring them to face life headon and stand strong in their faith.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780310725824
Publisher: Zonderkidz
Publication date: 03/08/2011
Series: Soul Surfer Series
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Format: eBook
Pages: 192
File size: 2 MB
Age Range: 9 - 12 Years

About the Author

Since losing her arm, Bethany Hamilton has been featured all over the media, both nationally and internationally. Her story has been told in dozens of newspapers, magazines, news shows, and talk shows. Bethany has chosen to use her experience to become an inspiration and help others to overcome adversity, no matter how great. 'People I don't even know come up to me. I guess they see me as a symbol of courage and inspiration. One thing hasn't changed---and that's how I feel when I'm riding a wave.'

Doris Rikkers is a freelance writer and editor who has written many bestselling children's books and Bibles. Although she loves the ocean, she lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, surrounded by her books, her flower gardens, and her family and friends.

Read an Excerpt

Rise Above

A 90-Day Devotional
By Bethany Hamilton Doris Rikkers


Copyright © 2007 Bethany Hamilton
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-310-71226-8

Chapter One

Devotion 1 Big Plans Ahead

On that October morning of the shark attack, everyone around me (including me!) feared that my plans for being a professional surfer were over. Who had ever heard of a surfer with one arm? How would I paddle out? How would I get up on the board? How would I balance? All the hopes and dreams about surfing that I'd had since I was little seemed to be gone.

But you know what? God had plans for me. He had bigger plans than I could have ever imagined. Before the attack, I might have become a surfer and been well-known in the surfing crowd. I might have had my picture on several surfing magazines. But now God is able to use me in a different way, above and beyond all that I could ever ask or think. He's doing things in my life that I could never have dreamed of before the attack. He's helping me to rise above it all.

God has big plans for your life too. The purpose he has for your life is different than the one he has for mine. But he's got plans. Big plans. You need to be willing to be used by him. Trust him. Follow him. Ask him to start preparing your heart for his purpose.

God's Words Inspire

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11

Chatting with God

Dear God, thank you for having a plan for me. Help me to trust that your plan for my future is the best for me. Give me patience and help me to prepare for what you have in store for me. In Jesus' name, amen.

Did You Know?

Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favorite Bible verses. My youth counselor, Sarah, was inspired by God to think of it the morning she heard about the attack. It's been a great support for me, my family, and my friends ever since.

Chapter Two

Devotion 2 Rock Solid Foundation

I've spent my whole life enjoying the ocean, the surf, and the sand on the beach. I know all about sand castles and the surf. I've seen how one wave can just wipe out a sand castle in a second. Houses, castles, dreams, or plans only last if they are built on a solid foundation. God is the rock in my life - my foundation. I keep my relationship with him strong.

It's good to have dreams. I hope you have lots of dreams to do spectacular things. But you have to put your hope and faith into something that can't suddenly disappear. You need a strong foundation, a hard rock platform to build your dreams and future plans upon. Anything less than that will be a total wipeout.

Popularity can be lost with one round of gossip. Money can be easily taken away or lost. Clothes go out of style. Nothing really lasts except God's love. If you build your hopes and dreams and your life on him, you'll always be on solid ground and able to survive life's challenges.

God's Words Inspire

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. -Matthew 7:24-5

Chatting with God

Jesus, help me to put my faith in you. Help me build my life upon you, my Rock, so I will be strong and secure in you. In Jesus' name, amen.

Did You Know?

Have you ever picked up a handful of sand and tried to count the grains? Have you noticed all the different color variations and seen how it sparkles when the sun shines on it? It's made from the earth's elements of the area it's in: coral, shells, rock, sandstone, quartz, etc. There are even beaches with all black sand from volcanic rock. How precious are God's thoughts toward us that they are more in number than the grains of sand on the beach (Psalm 139:17-18).

Chapter Three

Devotion 3 Faithful Friends

One of the greatest gifts God has given me is my friends. One of my dearest friends is Alana, my surfing buddy. Alana was surfing with me when I got attacked by the shark. She stayed with me through the whole thing. She's awesome!

I have a big ohana of friends too: friends from my church, friends from the community, and friends from the surfi ng world. Then there's my tight group of personal friends. These are the friends who will love me no matter what. They loved me with two arms, and they love me now with one arm. My friends have been the greatest to help me through the tough times. They've made me laugh and feel normal again.

God wants us to be Christlike in our relationships with our friends. He wants us to be a friend others can trust and receive encouragement from - not condemnation or criticism. Jesus is the best friend you could ever have. He wants only what is best for us. He gives us guidance in his Word for our safety and protection. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. Real friends are like Jesus. They shine with Jesus' love. I hope you will be a friend like that.

God's Words Inspire

A friend loves at all times. -Proverbs 17:17

Chatting with God

Dear Jesus, thank you for being my very best friend. Thank you for the friends I have in my life right now. Help me to be a faithful friend whom others can trust. Help me to be a friend who forgives, encourages, loves, and laughs with others. In Jesus' name, amen.

Did You Know?

Ohana is a Hawaiian word that means "family unit or close group."

Chapter Four

Devotion 4 Who? Me?

There's a story in the Old Testament about God calling Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. Moses can't believe that God would call him for the job. He gives God all kinds of excuses: Who, me? What if they don't believe you sent me? I don't know what to say (Exodus 3-4). I get where Moses was at. Since the attack, loads of people want to interview me, take my picture, or write another article about the shark attack.

Before the attack, I had been asking God to use me to glorify him. I realized pretty early on that this was a chance for me to be God's voice. I still get nervous when I hear that: God's voice. Who, me? That's crazy! What if I blow it? And I do sometimes, especially if I can't think of what to say-I call it mind blank. But then, I just pray and ask God for help.

This is what God wants me to do for him right now. So I use every chance I get to tell others about God's goodness, peace, and love. I don't mind being in the spotlight so much when I get to give God all the glory! God is calling you too. He may want you to be his voice. He may want you to be his hands, helping a neighbor. God can use you in small ways and big ways. The important thing is that you are ready to answer, "Here I am. Use me."

God's Words Inspire

Moses said to the Lord, "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue." The Lord said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." -Exodus 4:10-12

Chatting with God

Lord Jesus, thank you for every opportunity you've given me to talk about you! I want to be used by you today somehow. Show me what I can do to share your love, and give me the ability to go and do it. In Jesus' name, amen.

Did You Know?

I've been able to talk about God on Inside Edition, The Early Show, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Oprah, 20/20, MTV's TRL, and at the Teen Choice Awards (to name a few). Thank God for those opportunities!

Chapter Five

Devotion 5 No Fear

What are you afraid of? What makes you freeze up with fear? What gives you that creepy, shivery feeling all over?

Slithering snakes?

Big hairy spiders? (I think those are creepy!)

Booming thunderstorms?

A growling dog?

Speaking in front of the class?

Wearing a bathing suit?

Whenever I speak about how I lost my arm, people always ask how I'm not afraid of the water or sharks. To tell you the truth, I am afraid of sharks. I get spooked when I think I see a shadow under the water. But my passion for surfing outweighs my fears of unseen danger. I'm not so afraid that I would never go surfing again.

Most of the time, though, I don't focus on fear. I choose to concentrate on the good things and put my trust in God's care. I'm not really afraid, because I have a very big God by my side. Even though bad things may happen to you, God is still there with you and can use that bad thing for a good purpose. If you have God by your side, you don't have to be afraid either. God will give you the strength to face whatever scares you.

God's Words Inspire

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. -Joshua 1:9

Chatting with God

Oh God, help me to remember that you are always by my side, no matter what I have to face. Keep me strong and courageous as I trust in you. In Jesus' name, amen.

Did You Know?

It is very rare for a shark to attack a person. There's a better chance that a strange dog on the street will bite you than that a shark will attack you.


Excerpted from Rise Above by Bethany Hamilton Doris Rikkers Copyright © 2007 by Bethany Hamilton. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


About Bethany....................9
1 Big Plans Ahead....................10
2 Rock Solid Foundation....................12
3 Faithful Friends....................14
4 Who? Me?....................16
5 No Fear....................18
6 Close to Paradise....................20
7 Being Creative....................22
8 Music to My Ears....................24
9 Caring for Others....................26
10 Winning and Losing....................28
11 A Prayer for Help....................30
12 Passion Fruit....................32
13 Morning Wake Up....................34
14 Waiting for My Prince....................36
15 Walking on Water....................38
16 Never Too Young....................40
17 Keep Focused....................42
18 God's Beautiful Creation....................44
19 Talent Show....................46
20 What Should I Wear?....................48
21 Keep Smiling!....................50
22 What's Your Story?....................52
23 Every Place Is an Adventure....................54
24 Taking the Blame....................56
25 A Winning Prayer....................58
26 Twisting the Facts....................60
27 Doing the Impossible....................62
28 I Believe....................64
29 Mirror Images....................66
30 Outpouring of Aloha....................68
31 Lasting Happiness....................70
32 God Tired? Not!....................72
33 Ser vice Center....................74
34 What a Thrill!....................76
35 For This I'm Thankful....................78
36 Our Own Personal Cheerleader....................80
37 We've GotTrouble....................82
38 Dream a Little Dream....................84
39 Getting an A for Attitude....................86
40 Raindrops Keep Falling....................88
41 How Strong Is God?....................90
42 Popularity Isn't All That....................92
43 Shine On....................94
44 And You Are?....................96
45 Take Time for God....................98
46 Why Me?....................100
47 Teeming Millions....................102
48 Lots of Little Presents....................104
49 Lots of Courage....................106
50 Don't Just Believe It ... Do It!....................108
51 Jesus Is My Every Day....................110
52 Don't Stress Out!....................112
53 Running from God....................114
54 Looking at the Inside....................116
55 Oh, Yes You Can....................118
56 The Best of Friends....................120
57 Being a Winner....................122
58 Living Temples....................124
59 Speak Up....................126
60 It's a Bummer....................128
61 Sweet Sleeping....................130
62 Good to the Finish....................132
63 Something to Brag About....................134
64 The Problem Fixer....................136
65 Brain Food: No Junk Allowed....................138
66 The Guilt Dumpster....................140
67 Laugh a Lot....................142
68 The Body Machine....................144
69 A Day to Rejoice....................146
70 Obeying Parents....................148
71 A Special Kind of Kindness....................150
72 Being Responsible....................152
73 Faith for Now....................154
74 Willing Worship....................156
75 Like Talking to a Friend....................158
76 Giving Back to God....................160
77 No More Pity Party....................162
78 Stuff Happens....................164
79 Extra Helpers....................166
80 Everything Sings Praise....................168
81 Super Joy....................170
82 Mouth Checkup....................172
83 A Rainbow of Promises....................174
84 Mixed Messages....................176
85 Sticking Out....................178
86 Let's Be Honest....................180
87 We've Got the Power....................182
88 Armor of God....................184
89 Getting to Know You....................186
90 Into the Future....................188
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