Talons of Eagles

Talons of Eagles

by William W. Johnstone
Talons of Eagles

Talons of Eagles

by William W. Johnstone


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“Solid, page-turning entertainment featuring a larger-than-life hero in MacCallister” from the greatest Western writer of the 21st century (Booklist).
Divided they fall . . .
Raised by the Shawnee, Jamie Ian MacCallister fought his way to manhood on an odyssey that took him from the Alamo to Colorado to the goldfields of California. Now, the United States is divided against itself—North against South, brother against brother, father against son. With his own sons fighting on opposing sides, MacCallister leads his Confederate Marauders into battle from Georgia to Tennessee, from Bull Run to Shiloh.
When the guns of war finally fall silent, a vengeful enemy vows to add another chapter to the bloodstained pages of history . . . by hunting down the soldier named Jamie Ian MacCallister.
Praise for the Eagles series
“[A] rousing, two-fisted saga of the growing American frontier.”—Publishers Weekly

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780786037537
Publisher: Kensington
Publication date: 07/26/2016
Series: Eagles , #3
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 384
Sales rank: 240,956
File size: 453 KB

About the Author

William W. Johnstone is the #1 bestselling Western writer in America and the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of hundreds of books, with over 50 million copies sold. Born in southern Missouri, he was raised with strong moral and family values by his minister father and tutored by his schoolteacher mother. He left school at fifteen to work in a carnival and then as a deputy sheriff before serving in the army. He went on to become known as “the Greatest Western writer of the 21st Century.”

Read an Excerpt

Talons of Eagles

By William W. Johnstone


Copyright © 1995 William W. Johnstone
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-7860-3753-7


"You can't go meet the president of the United States looking like you just came off a buffalo hunt, Jamie," Kate told him.

"Why not?"

"Hold still!" Kate said, measuring him across the shoulders. "Your good black suit will fit you, but I've got to make you some shirts."

"What's wrong with buckskins?"

"Hush up and hold still."

Time had touched the couple with a very light hand. Their hair was still the color of wheat, with only a very gentle dusting of gray. Kate was still petite and beautiful, and Jamie was massive. The few suits he owned had to be tailor-made because of the size of his shoulders, chest, and arms. His hands were huge and his wrists thicker than the forearms of most men. Even at middle age, Jamie still truly did not know his own strength. He had killed more than one man with just a blow from his fist. But with Kate, the kids, and those he loved, Jamie was gentle.

"What did the letter from Falcon say?" Megan, one of the triplets, asked.

Kate stepped around Jamie and looked up at him, questions in her eyes.

Falcon, the youngest of the MacCallister children, had left home when scarcely in his teens and quickly made a reputation as a gambler and gunfighter. He did not cheat at cards, although he could; he just knew the odds and played expertly. He had his father's size but not his father's easy temperament. Falcon's temper was explosive, and he was almighty quick with a pistol.

Jamie said, "He joined up with some outfit in Texas. He was scout for that bunch who attacked Fort Bliss."

"Then the war is really happening, Pa?" Megan asked.


"I just can't believe that Falcon would fight for any side that believed in slavery," Ellen Kathleen said.

Kate looked at her oldest daughter. Like all MacCallister children and grandchildren, Kathleen's eyes were blue and her hair golden. It was difficult for Kate to believe that Kathleen was in her mid-thirties and had children of her own that were very nearly old enough to marry. "Falcon does not hold with slavery, Ellen Kathleen," the mother said. "I'm told the war is not really about slavery. It's about something called states' rights. Isn't that so, Jamie?"

"Damn foolishness is what it is," Jamie said. "And if Honest Abe thinks I'm going to get mixed up in it, he has another think coming."

"Don't speak of your president like that!" Kate said sharply. "You be respectful, now, you hear? Abe Lincoln is a fine man with a dreadful burden on his shoulders. If he needs your help, you're bound and obliged to help out — and you know it."

"I thought you said I was too old to be traipsin' about the country, Kate?" Jamie said, with a twinkle in his eyes. He let one big hand slip down from Kate's waist to her hip.

She slapped his hand away as those kids present howled with laughter.

"You mind your hands, Jamie MacCallister!" Kate snapped playfully at him. "Time and place for everything."

"I've got the time," Jamie said. "If you've got the place, old woman."

"Old woman!" Kate yelled. "Get on with you!" she said, amid the laughter of kids and grandkids. She shoved at him, and her shoes started slipping on the smooth board floor. It was like trying to move a boulder. "Get outside, Jamie! I've got to finish these shirts. Megan, you and Ellen Kathleen get your sewing kits and help me. We can't have your father going to Washington looking like something out of the rag barrel."

Joleen MacCallister MacKensie, who had married Pat MacKensie in 1851, came busting up onto the porch. "Pa! Will you come talk to your grandson Philip and tell him to stop bringin' home wolves. He's done it again! Now, damnit, Pa ..."

Kate pointed a finger at the young woman. "I'll set you down and wash your mouth out with soap, young lady. You mind that vulgar tongue, you hear me?"

Joleen settled down promptly. She knew her mother would do exactly what she threatened. "Yes, Ma. But somebody's got to talk to Philip. Last year he brought home a puma cub and like to have scared us all to death when the mother showed up!"

Jamie rattled the windows with laughter at the recalling of that incident. He clapped his big hands together and said, "I recollect that morning. Pat was on his way to the outhouse with his galluses hangin' down and come nose to snout with that angry cat. I never knew the boy could move that fast." Jamie wiped his eyes and chuckled. "He came out of his britches faster than eggs through a hen. If that puma hadn't a got all tangled up in Pat's britches and galluses, that would have been a tussle for sure. Pat never did find his pants, did he?"

It would be many a year before Pat MacKensie would live that down.

"Pa!" Joleen yelled, red in the face.

"All right, all right. I'll go talk to Philip. Calm down."

"Get your sewing kit, Joleen," Kate said. "We've got work to do. And bring what's left of those buttons I lent you."

"Yes, Ma."

Jamie stepped outside and looked up and down the street of the town. Two nearby towns, separated by only a low ridge of hills, were called Valley. Several hundred people now lived in the twin towns. They had a doctor, several churches, a block each of stores, and a large school house that served both towns.

Jamie thought about his upcoming trip east. He was to ride out in three days, crossing the prairies, then into Missouri, and then catch the train east to Washington. Jamie smiled. Tell the truth, he was sort of looking forward to it.

* * *

Jamie stayed to himself as much as possible during the train ride eastward, which was not easy since the coaches were filled with blue-uniformed soldiers of the Union army, all excited about the war. To a person, they were convinced the war would not last very long, and all were anxious to get in it before it was over — promotions came fast in a war.

Jamie was not so sure the war would be a short one. And he was even more baffled as to why the president of the United States wanted him to scout for the Union army. Jamie knew almost nothing about the country east of the Mississippi; everything had changed since he'd left that part of the country, more than thirty years ago.

Jamie looked at the fresh-faced young officers on his coach, and listened to them talk of the war, as the train whistled and clattered and rattled through the afternoon.

"Those damn ignorant hillbillies," one young second lieutenant said. "They really must be stupid if they think they can whip the Union army."

Those damn hillbillies, Jamie thought, can take their rifles and knock the eye out of a squirrel at three hundred yards, sonny-boy.

"The Army of Virginia is a joke," another lieutenant said. "And Lee is nothing more than a damn traitor."

Lee is no traitor, Jamie thought. He is a Virginian and a damn fine soldier. How could he turn his saber against the state that he loves?

"We'll whip those mush-mouthed Southerners in jig-time," another young officer boasted.

Don't be too sure of that, Jamie thought. He stood up and walked to the rear of the car, stepping out to breathe deeply of the late spring air. The conductor had said several hours before that they would be in Washington sometime during the night.

Jamie felt strangely torn, as a myriad of emotions cut through him. His family, like so many others, had roots in both the North and the South, although his mother's side of the family had settled in South Carolina many years before the MacCallister clan came to America. Jamie had been so young when his parents and baby sister were killed and the cabin burned, he did not know his mother's maiden name.

He sensed more than heard the door open behind him and cut his eyes. The man who was stepping out smiled at him. "Mind if I join you for a smoke?"

"Not at all," Jamie replied.

"Boastful young soldier boys in there," the man said.

"They'll soon learn about war."

"That they will, friend. That they will. Traveling far?"

Jamie smiled. "Not too far." Jamie's smile had been forced, for the man had a sneaky look about him that Jamie did not care for; he took almost an instant dislike for the fellow. Jamie had learned while only a boy to trust his finely honed instincts. They had saved his life many times during the long and sometimes violent years that lay behind him.

"A sorry thing this war," the man said, after lighting a cigar. "After the Union is successful in bringing those damned Southerners to their knees, we should put them all on reservations like we're doing with the Injuns and let the damned worthless trash die out."

"There is right and wrong on both sides in any war, friend," Jamie said.

A dangerous glint leaped into the man's eyes, and he moved his hand, hooking his right thumb inside his wide belt. "Not in this war, friend. No man has the right to hold another as slave."

"You're right," Jamie agreed, and the man seemed to relax somewhat. But his right hand stayed where it was. Hide-out gun or knife, Jamie thought. Or both. Jamie was carrying a gun and knife of his own. He carried a .36 caliber Colt Baby Dragoon in a shoulder holster, and a knife sheathed on his belt. "Slavery is wrong."

"Southerners are filthy trash," the man said. "You agree with that?"

The man is determined to force an argument, Jamie silently concluded. But why? And why with me? Jamie placed both hands on the iron railing and stared at the countryside as the train rolled on. Only a few minutes until dusk, Jamie noted, and the stranger's stance was aggressive. He's going to jump me! Jamie thought suddenly. But why? "No, mister. I don't agree with that."

"Can't straddle the fence in this conflict," the man said, a wild look in his eyes. "And now I know who you are."


"You're a damned filthy secessionist! Our intelligence was right."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jamie asked, irritation plain in his words.

The man's eyes were burning with a fanatical light. He moved his hand under his coat. "Long live the memory of John Brown!" he said, just as the train began moving through a shady glen. That, coupled with the fast-approaching dusk of evening, plunged the train into near darkness. The man whipped out a knife and lunged at Jamie.

But Jamie had anticipated trouble. He clamped one huge hand on the man's wrist and stopped the knife thrust. He hit the man a vicious blow to the jaw with his left fist, and the man's eyes glazed over. Jamie twisted the man's knife arm, and the pop of the bone breaking was loud even over the rumblings of the train. The assassin opened his mouth to scream in pain just as Jamie took a step backward for leverage and hurled the man from the platform of the coach. The man bounced and rolled beside the tracks and then lay still. Whether he was alive or dead, Jamie did not know, and did not care.

"Idiot," Jamie said. The train rolled on, and he quickly lost sight of the fanatical abolitionist.

Jamie, of course, had read of the exploits of John Brown, and considered the man to be a fool.

The car in which Jamie had been riding was the last one of the hookup, so it was doubtful that anyone else had seen the brief confrontation and the man being thrown from the platform — but there was always that chance. Jamie waited for some sort of outcry, but none came.

Jamie stood for several minutes on the platform, wary now of his surroundings, but still deep in thought.

Somebody has learned of my invitation to meet with the president and doesn't want me to attend. But why? I have not committed to either side in this war, and as it stands now, I probably won't. I have no interest in this war.

But if there are any more attempts on my life, I will develop a very personal interest in the conflict.

"And take appropriate action," he concluded aloud, just as the sun sank over the horizon and night covered the land.


"I am E.J. Allen," the short, stocky man said, with a definite Scottish burr to his words. "Welcome to Washington, D.C., Mister MacCallister."

The man's real name was Allan Pinkerton, owner and founder of the soon-to-be-famous Pinkerton Detective Agency. And a man who many say founded the United States Secret Service. During the early days of the Civil War, or the War Between the States, as many called it, Pinkerton often worked under the name of Major E.J. Allen.

"The carriage is this way, sir," Allen said.

Jamie picked up his bag and followed the man through the busy train station. Seated in the closed carriage, Allen asked, "Did you have a pleasant trip, sir?"

"Very pleasant," Jamie replied. He had made up his mind to say nothing about the attempt on his life. There were some things he wanted to sort out in his head.

E.J. Allen said not another word from the train station to the White House. Jamie could sense that the man either did not like him, or did not trust him, or a combination of the two. He also, for some reason, did not believe E.J. Allen was the man's real name.

At the rear entrance, Allen finally spoke. "I'll take your pistol and your knife, Mister MacCallister."

"If you get them, you'll take them," Jamie told him, then stepped from the carriage and walked up the steps.

"Sir!" Allen called.

A tall, almost emaciated appearing man stepped into the lamp-lit doorway. "Let him be," the man said in a deep, resonant voice. "And leave us alone, please."

Inside, Jamie was shown to a private room on the ground floor of the huge, three-story mansion and was served a hot meal by a Negro servant. As he was eating, Lincoln appeared and sat down across the table from him. A cup of coffee was placed in front of the president, and the servant left without saying a word, closing the door behind him.

Lincoln took a sip of coffee and smiled. "Your admirers said you were a large man, Mister MacCallister. But they did not do you justice. And you do not look your age, sir."

"Thank you, Mister President." Jamie laid down his knife and fork.

Lincoln waved a hand. "Eat, sir, eat. I know you must be ravenous after such a long and tiresome journey. You eat, I'll talk. Is the meal to your liking?"

"Yes, sir. It's very good."

"You're a very famous man, Mister MacCallister —"

"Jamie, sir. Please."

"Very well. Jamie, it is. Hero of the Alamo. Pioneer. Trailblazer and scout. Indian fighter. I've heard the songs about you, read the books and articles, and I saw the play about your life when it played in Springfield. How do you feel about this war that has started?"

"I don't hold with slavery, sir."

"It isn't about slavery ... although that does play a very minor part in the conflict. I have friends in Alabama and Georgia, and several other Southern states, who were talking about freeing their slaves long before the war talk started. It's about ... well, whether this nation survives whole, or tears itself apart and crumbles."

"Looks like to me the tear has already started, sir."

Lincoln shook his head. "The South can't win, Jamie. It is going to be a very long war, and a costly one in terms of human life, but the South cannot win. We have the factories, the man power, and the wherewithal to sustain for years. The South simply does not."

Jamie said nothing. He ate his beef and potatoes and green beans in silence.

"You could help bring this terrible tragedy to a sooner end, Jamie," the president spoke the words softly.

Jamie met the man's eyes, and in those eyes he could see what a burden the man carried. "You're asking me to fight against my own son, Mister President?"

Lincoln stood up, almost painfully, Jamie noted. Bad knees, probably. The president walked around the small meeting room. He sighed and faced Jamie. "I did not know you had a son fighting for the Confederacy."

"Falcon. My youngest. He's twenty-one. And my oldest boy, Jamie Ian, is talking about taking up arms for the Blue. Matt might go with the Blue, too. I don't know. But he's leaning that way. I hope they both stay in Colorado. But all you can give a child is roots and wings. They got to make up their own minds. Andrew is in Europe, and his ma and I wrote him and told him to stay there; stay out of it. My grandfather came from Scotland; my mother's people came from South Carolina, I think. Somewhere in the South. I'm just not sure. I know I feel a great pull toward the Confederacy."

Lincoln smiled very sadly and drained his coffee cup. He said, "Then you must go where your heart dictates, Jamie. I personally despise slavery. But if I could save the Union without freeing a single slave, I would do so."

On August 22, 1862, in a reply to Horace Greeley, Lincoln wrote: "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that."

"I want you to think about becoming my chief of scouts, Jamie MacCallister," Lincoln said. "It would be a great boon to the Union if you would accept the position. If you do not, I will understand."


Excerpted from Talons of Eagles by William W. Johnstone. Copyright © 1995 William W. Johnstone. Excerpted by permission of KENSINGTON PUBLISHING CORP..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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