Tapping Into Wealth: How Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Can Help You Clear the Path to Making More Money

Tapping Into Wealth: How Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Can Help You Clear the Path to Making More Money

Tapping Into Wealth: How Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Can Help You Clear the Path to Making More Money

Tapping Into Wealth: How Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Can Help You Clear the Path to Making More Money


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Following in the footsteps of New York Times bestseller The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner, this book from renowned Tapping expert Margaret Lynch teaches us how to use Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to clear the blocks to achieving greater wealth.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as Tapping, have become a popular tool for realizing personal goals. For many of us, increasing our wealth is one of our greatest ambitions, but also an area where we feel the most stuck because we have limiting fears and beliefs that sabotage our success. EFT uses the fingertips to tap on acupuncture points while emotionally tuning in to negative attitudes and past experiences, thereby clearing the inner blocks to attracting and managing wealth.

Tapping Into Wealth includes QR codes that link to video demonstrations of Tapping techniques. Discover how Tapping can help you release your old views of money and open the door to more wealth than you ever imagined.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780399168826
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Publication date: 12/26/2014
Pages: 256
Sales rank: 417,448
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.80(d)
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

Margaret M. Lynch is a success coach and a leading expert in Tapping. Unlike many well-known mind/body practitioners, Lynch’s foundation is in business. She’s had eighteen-plus years of management and executive sales experience at Fortune 500 companies.

Daylle Deanna Schwartz is an author, speaker, self-empowerment counselor, and music business consultant.

Read an Excerpt




In 2004, burdened by debt, tired of the roller-coaster ride of boom periods and bust periods, and unsatisfied with my daily work, I found myself looking for another answer. I knew that what I had been doing simply wasn’t working, and it wasn’t for lack of effort. I read the self-help books, I studied the financial courses, I strived to improve myself and my financial reality, but nothing seemed to “click.”

It wasn’t until I discovered EFT Tapping that everything changed for me. It was at that moment that I began to realize that what I had always thought was an “outer game”—working harder, getting lucky breaks, the economy—was really much more of an “inner game,” as were my perceptions, decisions, belief systems, traumas, and more.

That awareness is a fantastic first step toward changing, but the question then remains, “How do I actually change? I know I’ve got some bad patterns, belief systems, and traumas, but what do I do about it?” This is where Tapping comes to the rescue, in extraordinary ways.

When I began Tapping in 2004, it helped me to clear out that old junk and create a new reality for myself. The documentary film about EFT—The Tapping Solution, now also a New York Times–bestselling book—which I set off to make in 2007, was a project inspired by a new way of being, a new reality, that said all things are possible, that I could make my dreams come true, and that I not only could provide incredible value and contributions to the world but could also be financially rewarded for them.

After I began Tapping to change my financial reality, the last six years of my life have been simply extraordinary. And I credit the success to the time I spent taking a close hard look at my financial beliefs and using Tapping to change them. This simple, scientifically validated process has made all the difference in my life, and it can do the same for you.

So I can guarantee you that there is no more powerful tool in the world to actualize change than Tapping. But there are times when the tool isn’t enough, when you need the guidance, care, and nurturing of a powerful mentor who can pinpoint exactly where you need to go, what you need to explore, in order to get the fastest results possible.

And this is where my friend Margaret Lynch and this amazing book come in. Sure, you can learn the Tapping basics and use the process on your own. But it’s likely to take longer, be more difficult, and generate results that are less powerful than what you will achieve with the laser-focused guidance of an expert like Margaret Lynch.

I met Margaret in 2008, at the dawn of both of our EFT “careers.” Her bright smile and engaging personality instantly attracted me to her, and after spending time with her, I quickly learned that not only did Margaret exude success and confidence but she also had a deep understanding of money, finances, goal-setting, and all the key elements to creating lasting success.

I’ve watched Margaret during the past several years as she’s continued to innovate on EFT, bringing a new and profound sense of clarity and enthusiasm, as well as impressive results, to this work. And with this book, she’s taken all of that to the next level.

You hold in your hands the opportunity to be personally mentored by one of the smartest ladies I know. (She’s coached me personally one-on-one on many occasions.) Her insights and her understanding of the material are unparalleled and can help you to quickly and efficiently change your financial reality.

So sit back, relax, get comfy, start Tapping, and begin the journey to finally unleashing your creative potential, following your dreams and passions, and creating a life of success and abundance!


Why don’t I have more money? I hear that over and over from people who are frustrated about feeling stuck in an income bracket, despite their strong desire and best efforts to have a lot more. Many work harder, yet don’t reap the rewards of it. Others use the popular New Age idea of the Law of Attraction to create more wealth by consciously focusing their thoughts on it (more on this in chapter 1), but wonder why this doesn’t end up working for them. Most feel frustrated, disappointed, and down on themselves for their inability to generate a larger income. Then the blame and excuses begin:

These negative messages and emotions reinforce what you don’t want. It’s time to change the dynamics between you and money! I wrote this book to help you overcome the main factors that block financial freedom by using powerful techniques. The power to change your money situation is in your hands, or more specifically, in your mind. It doesn’t matter what’s in your bank account or what your current income is. If you’re willing to explore how past experiences create your current view of money, and release them, you can open the door to more money than you can imagine having. I personally built my current career using the strategies in this book. You can too! Once you understand what I teach you, the power to take charge of and greatly increase how much wealth you create and amass will be yours. I want you to be rich!

Unlike many well-known coaches using mind/body approaches, I come from a science and business background. I earned a bachelor of science in chemical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts and approach mind/body techniques with the practical mind-set of an engineer. After eighteen-plus years of management and executive sales experience at Fortune 500 companies, I decided to change my career path to become a success coach and had to deal with my own blocks against money and wealth.

My engineering background drew me to the new science of energy medicine, and I became a certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner. EFT, which is also known as Tapping (more on this in chapter 2), requires using fingertips to tap on a specific series of acupuncture points while emotionally tuning in to limiting beliefs or negative experiences, and expressing feelings about them as you tap on these points. This mind/body technique lets you access your subconscious mind and physically release blocks. I started using EFT for myself and experienced major shifts in my attitudes, actions, and confidence.

When I began my business, New England Success Coaching, I had great expectations of success, especially because I was armed with this powerful technique. But as the months went by, I experienced fear, frustration, shame, and sadness about never quite making enough. I operated in survival mode—trying to make enough to pay my bills and survive, genuinely surprised at how difficult it was to earn a good living. Many smart, hardworking, well-intentioned individuals came to me for help. They were also stressed over their money situations—struggling simultaneously to make ends meet, enjoy life, and expand their business, talents, and lifestyle. They wanted to work with me on their confidence or public speaking and eliminate their stress, anxiety, or upsetting memories from the past. I observed how well they hid their private financial hell that in many cases was the source of their constant fear, pressure, and insecurity.

Many of these people were open-minded and had done lots of personal development work, but were still limited by money in their personal lives and businesses. This kept them stressed, stuck in fear, and held them back from enjoying life and making more of an effort to use their unique gifts and talents. The limitations in their wealth picture rippled out into all aspects of their lives, affecting their health, family, and career. It became clear that the common denominator in all my clients was struggle and limitation related to money, which meant that specific blocks to money were playing a significant role.

These blocks and limiting beliefs about money completely dictated their entire wealth picture—income, savings, the goals they set, and even how much debt they had. Many of these people were some of the greatest, most passionate, and talented people I’d ever met, which contributed to how much it bothered me. It just seemed wrong and unfair that such smart, positive, and willing people would struggle so much with money. It also hit very close to home, as I was experiencing similar struggles in my new business.

This frustration drove me to go deeper and figure out how to uncover and release blocks very specific to money and wealth. It pushed me to delve into my own internal blocks and into every teaching I could find about the subject. I discovered that at the core of limiting beliefs, struggles, and self-sabotage in relation to money are negative vows made unconsciously around money and wealth. Most originated long ago, usually in childhood, and have long since been forgotten on a conscious level. I studied patterns that I observed of how people handled their money and their attitudes to having money in general, and discovered how easy it is to recognize money blocks once you know where to look.

Tapping, combined with my research that specifically focused on money and wealth, made the clearing of money blocks a phenomenal success for me and for my clients. “Aha” moments gave people insight as they looked back at their lives and finally understood why they made mistakes related to money and success. This understanding allowed them to clear their specific blocks and limiting attitudes toward money so they could manifest more money and success with true freedom of choice. From that enlightenment, I created programs packed with tools to clear every block that limits and sabotages wealth. And it worked! Within a few years I rose to the top of my profession as a leading worldwide expert in EFT/Tapping for money.

In today’s economic climate, a mind/body approach to money is more essential than ever! As you look at the world, you’ve seen the financial systems across the globe break down. Like old buildings, their structures are collapsing and need to be rebuilt, since most are based on a foundation of rules, beliefs, and ways of operating that are outdated, rarely questioned, and in many cases corrupt. And here’s the real kicker: you reflect them. Imagine that you have an inner financial system like a city of old structures. Until now, your entire personal financial picture was built on these structures—a foundation of rules, beliefs, and ways of operating that are outdated, and often corrupted by shame, self-doubt, fear, and other negative emotions.

These inner tenets are as solid, rigid, and real as steel girders and cement foundations. Like a city of old buildings, they must be deconstructed to build a new wealth reality that supports your real life purpose. You can do it! While some doors close, huge new doors of opportunities are opening when you’re ready to step through. I stepped through one when I left corporate America and became free of the zombie-job and fear of layoffs. But in order to succeed, I needed to do two key things:

How huge is the step up you’re willing to take to make more money? It will have to match the size of your goals for your mission and wealth. When I first started my business, I had an outrageous vision, so my steps had to be big and bold—and they were, once I got rid of the weight of my resistance to success. A key question to ask yourself is, “Have I reached my tipping point of pain yet, or does my life path still seem okay?” Are you frustrated about your financial situation or closer to outrage? Or are you just plain sick of it? If you have any or all of these emotions, or are just at a point where you’re ready to have more money, read on! I’m thrilled to be able to help you open your own doors to increased wealth.

Throughout the book, I explain how to recognize where your blocks come from. First, I’ll introduce you to the mind/body connection to money and how it affects your finances. I’ll explain what Tapping is and how you can do it on your own. Then I’ll present experiential exercises you can do that will help reveal your real beliefs and emotions about money and why you need to get serious about having a lot more. We’ll examine hidden fears about the downsides of having a lot of money and how you might sabotage your ability to increase wealth by overspending, making bad investments, not managing bill payments, and the like. I’ll also include guidance for resetting your wealth set point by shifting your subconscious beliefs about the limit of how much money you should have, which keeps you stuck. By the end of the book, you’ll know why you don’t have more money, and how you can shift that. Then you’ll be ready to take the real steps to change.

I’ve helped thousands of people identify their resistance to getting lots of money, and use Tapping to clear blocks. Now I want to help you answer the question “Why don’t I have more money?” so you can find and clear your own blocks and make a lot more money! Most chapters have specific exercises to help you get clarity about each lesson, as well as sample scripts to guide you as you use Tapping to clear blocks. I want to help you step out of what might seem a hopeless financial hell and open the door to a new wealth reality. You can do it! Let the following chapters guide you.

Each chapter also has a video with additional tips, excercises, and Tapping to supercharge your progress. You can find the video by following the QR Code or URL provided at the end of each chapter.


The mind/body connection has gotten lots of exposure in the last decade, most commonly related to health. Dr. John Sarno’s best-selling books, including Mind Over Back Pain, and Louise L. Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life discuss a mind/body connection between negative emotions and illness and how to use it to ease or let go of health problems. I use the same principles for increasing wealth.

If you want to greatly increase your wealth, it’s important to recognize that money has a mind/body component. You can harness this to take control of and increase how much you have. But using it isn’t as effortless as it may sound. It requires you to look within for answers, and face old memories or limiting beliefs that could be painful. Finding your personal mind/body connection to money can be the hardest part of this journey, but when you do find it, the rewards can reflect enormously in your bank account.

Isn’t Using the Law of Attraction Enough?

When Oprah featured people from the DVD for The Secret on her show, people rushed to manifest their desires, using what was explained about the Law of Attraction. But they found it wasn’t nearly as easy as it was portrayed on the show. Some of the most important factors for using the Law of Attraction properly weren’t discussed.

The Law of Attraction works on the basic principle that you’ll literally draw to you—attract, create, and receive—more of whatever you consciously focus on with intent. So the idea of using the Law of Attraction means you can purposely put your attention on what you’d like to have, or have more of, and it will show up. There are two major challenges with that. The first is that a majority of people mainly use their conscious thoughts as the key to receiving their desires, or they just visualize what they want and ignore the rest of their vibes. But you’re way more than just those thoughts! Your vibration—your strongest emotions—about a desire is the sum of your positive and negative feelings about it.

In addition, your emotions, programmed limitations related to getting what you deserve or are capable of earning, and expectations about your desire that took root from childhood on also strongly affect what you get. That’s why understanding the mind/body connection is so critical. For example, you can visualize having a million dollars every day. But your subconscious may believe things like:

The Law of Attraction picks up on the vibes behind those thoughts, even if you don’t consciously acknowledge having them. Those kinds of beliefs can turn your overall vibe about your vision into one of disempowerment, disbelief, and guilt. If you actually create a goal to earn a million dollars, it would likely trigger negative emotions like anxiety or fear of failure. This mind/body reaction is also known as the “stress response” and is directly connected to money.

All of this changes the entire chain reaction of how you interact with everyone and everything. This overall vibe keeps you from being open to inspiration and creative ideas that lead to creating wealth. It’s hard to take enthusiastic action toward earning a large amount of money if your negative beliefs and emotions fight your desire. Without a clear positive vibration about the money you want, you won’t be inspired to share your vision with others who might give you ideas, invest in your visions, or support you. According to medical literature, the stress response is a physiological state in which your actual ability to think creatively and expansively is greatly reduced because your brain is focused on being in survival mode, which I’ll talk about more in chapter 4.

For the Law of Attraction to work in your favor, you need to be passionately positive enough to generate a positive vibration about money, visualize your dreams becoming real, and believe that big goals can be achieved. How can you do that if you’re only focused on paying bills and having just enough to get by? How can you feel good about your big goals if they seem almost impossible? At that point, the emotions that money triggers are too powerful at the wrong end of the spectrum for manifesting. Negative emotions, often unconscious, block your ability to attract a positive outcome.

You can’t just think about what you desire to manifest it. Your entire vibe must match your desire. If you have doubt, fear, feelings of not deserving, and so on about what you say you want, you probably won’t get it. Instead, you’ll attract people and situations that align with those feelings and reinforce the idea that you don’t deserve it or that it’s impossible. It’s important to recognize that the Law of Attraction picks up on both conscious thoughts and those below the tip of your thinking and visualizing, where there’s a huge iceberg of resistance to getting what you say you desire.

A second challenge for using the Law of Attraction to increase wealth is that you must be specific about what you want. When asked what they’d like to manifest most, a majority of people say, “More money!” If you’re reading this book, you probably agree. But the strange thing is that most people who try to use the Law of Attraction, or who simply make an effort to better their lives with personal development work, are unwilling to get clear about their specific money desire. They avoid stating specific money and wealth goals with actual dollar signs next to them, in favor of the much more fun “winning the hundred-million-dollar lottery” dreams or just wanting “more,” which doesn’t make the desire clear.

Why the lack of definite goals? With all the negative associations you may have related to money and wealth, focusing directly on a precise amount will start to create stress, anxiety, guilt, fear of failure, and often negative self-talk. It can be painful, so avoiding thoughts of specific money goals can become an unconscious reflex to keep from triggering negative feelings. Yet those feelings are there. That’s why so many people get frustrated when they find that the Law of Attraction doesn’t attract more money for them. If all it took to get what you want were to desire it, we’d all have financial security. While you may repeat affirmations, set intentions, and do all the other work recommended by leading experts, you won’t attract the level of money you have the potential to get until you:

Understanding Blocks/Resistance

If you’ve read about the Law of Attraction, you know the importance of clearing resistance in order to use it to your advantage. It may sound simple—just clear the resistance and you’ll get what you want—but most people don’t know where to begin. Resistance to achieving goals is created by all the blocks you’ve accumulated since childhood. They come in many sizes and flavors. Even though you may consciously feel you want something badly, just below the surface there’s a collection of beliefs, emotions, and programming that directly refuse it.

Everyone has his or her own individual blocks. Each bad memory, everything that scares you, all the doubts that became ingrained as you experienced disappointment, deceit, being let down by someone you trusted, all the unworthiness you felt when someone criticized you, failing at an endeavor you believed in, or not doing well in school—all the negative experiences, beliefs, and observations—add up to resistance to having more money. For example, you may say you’d love to be rich, but if your subconscious absolutely refuses to be rich or even try, it won’t happen. This part of your subconscious is an accumulation of all of your programmed beliefs and emotions related to money that have become your absolute truth. It’s not based on logic or reason.

Unfortunately, a large part of how you operate stems from your subconscious mind. You’re usually not aware of these negative blocks, but they strongly influence your behavior. This subconscious resistance may motivate you to make excuses for not applying for a better job, to overspend, to invest in something risky, to procrastinate doing things that could improve your financial picture, and to behave in a million other ways that might be responsible for your not having the level of wealth you’d like. If you become aware of your blocks, it can be hard to figure out how to clear them. Even when life takes a very positive turn, negative blocks have a much more powerful effect on how you behave and can change your circumstances quickly.

A study at Vanderbilt University found that pain has a stronger effect on you than pleasure has. Other studies show that negative emotions often have much stronger sticking power and longevity than positive ones, which tend to dissipate more easily. Fear, doubt, guilt, and the like lock into your subconscious. Good feelings from positives may dissolve soon after your situation changes. Negative emotions linger as reminders of what to avoid later on. You may feel excited if a friend shares his plan to start a business and wants you to join him. You go home eager to take the plunge. This is your chance to leave a job that’s going nowhere, and do something you’ve dreamed of doing! But by morning, old memories of your dad failing when he tried to start a business, leaving your family struggling to pay bills, can stop you from doing it. Even if your new opportunity is much better than the business your dad had and chances of the business succeeding are good, the fire you felt initially will probably be doused by negative memories.

Or, you feel revved up when given a big pep talk about how talented you are and why you should pursue opportunities to use your gifts for more rewarding work. That praise feels great and you can’t wait to start. It’s what you always wanted to do. But those feelings can be overshadowed quickly by subconscious memories of being told you’d never amount to anything and shouldn’t bother pursuing your dreams. Doubts and fear of failure can wipe out all those positive feelings, no matter how badly you want to run with all the joy you felt. So you just wait for opportunities to come to you instead of going after a lucrative career. Then you wonder if you’ll ever have a more satisfying career.

Since most people have had negative experiences related to money, whether at home as a child or in adulthood, money is probably the hardest thing to manifest with the Law of Attraction. The more emotional baggage you have in relation to money, the more likely you can’t get or keep the amount you’d like to have, no matter what you do. So the answer to “Why don’t I have more money?” lies in your subconscious.

Neuroscience says that only about 15 percent of your mind is conscious. Your subconscious is 85 percent of your mind and holds all your habits, beliefs, and memories. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., author of The Biology of Belief, describes it this way: “The subconscious mind is running programs that are a million times more powerful than the processing abilities of the conscious mind.” Why don’t you have more money? Your conscious, positive thoughts about making more money compete with the programming contained in your much more powerful subconscious, which resists your desires. This makes it tricky to be both aware of and get rid of blocks that interfere with your efforts and desire to have more.

This inner conflict between what people say or think they want and their blocks is what leaves them scratching their heads about why they behave as they do. It makes them wonder why they procrastinate on the very actions that would make them more money, or totally avoid setting goals. Or, they puzzle over why the thought of asking for a raise or increasing their fees or getting paid for talent they give away fills them with fear and anxiety. These inner blocks are the culprits when brilliant financial experts like CPAs make disastrous choices in their personal finances or when someone rises in success and income only to lose everything.

Jen came to me after hearing me speak and identified herself as a joke of an accountant. She’d done well in school, and her clients thought she was smart about money. Yet she struggled with her own finances and was frustrated and puzzled about why. During my talk, she thought about how her mother always used to say that women weren’t supposed to be smart about money, and men were intimidated by women who were. It was ironic that she became an accountant, but she realized that in her personal life, she had become the helpless female that her mother had taught her to be. It was a pivotal moment for her, and she was able to clear the block and greatly improve her finances.

You may set a very clear intention for what you want and wonder why it’s not working. Chances are, subconscious blocks cancel it out. They lead you to set the bar low and not ask for as much as you could, and should. It can get frustrating when you sabotage your money intention and don’t know why. Subconscious emotions hijack your freedom of choice and you become bound by invisible chains. When it comes to money, you’re up against very specific blocks. As you do the exercises in later chapters, you’ll begin to recognize them. You deserve the freedom to choose what to do and have in your life! I’ll help you achieve that in your financial picture.

Throughout the book I’ll explain the different kinds of blocks people have so you can identify your own. They can be hard to find, especially if they’re painful, but finding them helps you understand why you don’t have more money. Your mind may try to keep your blocks hidden to protect you. It’s your job to uncover them. Once you do, you can start lowering your resistance by clearing the blocks, one by one. Releasing them is truly the key to your freedom and wealth!

The Secret Story and Power of Your Subconscious Mind: Get a deeper understanding of how your subconscious mind operates, why people really self-sabotage, and how shifting this part of your mind results in a quantum leap forward.



I want you to stop asking “Why don’t I have more money?” and do something to change your financial situation. In the Introduction, I referred to the use of Tapping to clear blocks that keep you from having more money. Once you learn how to do it—it’s very simple—and recognize blocks that create resistance to having more money, your power to clear resistance will be strong. If you’ve never heard of Tapping, get ready for something that may seem weird and outside the box. Tapping is a mind-set technique used to overcome limiting beliefs, fears, self-esteem issues, and even things like post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety.

Tapping is one of the most powerful and effective mind/body techniques for clearing emotional blocks that keep you from achieving what you want. While the idea of it may seem unpromising, or even ridiculous, when I first explain it, you’ll change your mind quickly when you see results. And there’s science behind it, with more than forty clinical trials attesting to the efficacy of Tapping for PTSD, anxiety, and even phobias! Because it lets you access your subconscious mind, Tapping can clear blocks that subconsciously hold you back from what you want, including having more money. It gives you freedom to get more by dissolving resistance that keeps the Law of Attraction from working for you at full capacity. The biggest proof is found in trying it!

Why Tap?

Tapping is a technique used to heal emotions. It’s also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), which was brought to people’s attention throughout the 1980s and 1990s by Gary Craig. Tapping is also called TFT, based on the original technique developed by Roger Callahan. It was initially created to treat phobias and severe post-traumatic stress disorder because you can effectively turn off some of the memories with Tapping. It’s being used successfully to help veterans and victims of mass genocide ease their PTSD. When you use Tapping, it frees you from negative emotions tied to limiting beliefs, fears, and old memories that unconsciously block your desires. Once you clear these with Tapping, the blocks are released and you have the emotional freedom to make good things happen.

Tapping has been reported as successful in many thousands of cases for a wide range of issues. It often gets results for problems and situations that nothing else does. My specialty is using Tapping for success-focused people who want to break free of specific blocks that prevent them from growing their business, stepping into their mission, and amassing more money. Many people are surprised that I use Tapping with business professionals and entrepreneurs. But this technique is needed for these areas because people do not act logically when it comes to their money. You can get incredibly emotional, even if you’re not aware of it.

Tapping was developed around the principles of acupuncture, which has been used to clear energy blocks and heal health issues for thousands of years in Chinese medicine. It was then found that if you use acupressure in the form of tapping lightly with your fingertips on acupuncture points, you can make a shift in unconscious beliefs and negative emotions that block you from getting what you want. Medical doctors now recognize that our bodies have a kind of electrical system that flows through it. In Eastern philosophy, this is called the “meridian system,” and the energy is called “chi.” If the chi flows as it should along the meridian, it keeps your body in a natural state of well-being. Using acupuncture stimulates points along the meridians that help clear energy blocks and get chi flowing in ways that help restore your well-being. The popularity of acupuncture continues to increase because of this.

In Western medicine, this electrical system has been associated with the fight-or-flight autonomic system, the sympathetic nervous system in the body. When you start Tapping on specific acupuncture points, you can actually flip a switch—an electrical circuit disconnect—and turn off reaction to something you’re thinking about, which could be a memory, something that scares you, your bills, or something that makes you angry or sad. It can also flip the switch related to feelings about having to face your boss about a stressful issue or to deal with someone you dislike. Tapping disconnects the thought from the autonomic nervous reaction in the body, which means all the negative emotions dissipate and get calmer. At a physiological level, it calms the sympathetic nervous system responsible for the stress response and turns on the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for the relaxation response.

You have many emotions about all kinds of areas related to money. I even work with people who deal well with other people’s money for a living—CPAs, financial planners, and other money experts. They help their clients manage their money effectively. But when it comes to their own finances, they become emotional, and all their limiting beliefs show up. Tapping is the best technique to quickly shift emotional states, limiting beliefs, and old memories and traumas that people have connected to their money and success.


If you’ve never tried Tapping, you may wonder if you should bother to use it, especially if you’ve never tried any alternative or energy treatments and don’t believe it can work. My answer is always a big resounding “Yes!” You don’t need to believe it can help. Just do it and see for yourself how well it works. I admit, Tapping looks strange. But it has been clinically proven effective multiple times and is used by some of the top people in the personal development and success fields, including Jack Canfield, Anthony “Tony” Robbins, and T. Harv Eker, because it’s so effective for moving forward with goals.

Tapping has been endorsed by Deepak Chopra. Whoopi Goldberg used it to eliminate her fear of flying. Richard Branson has incorporated Tapping into the Virgin Atlantic “Flying Without Fear” program. Some reasons to learn Tapping are:


Excerpted from "Tapping Into Wealth"
by .
Copyright © 2014 Margaret M. Lynch.
Excerpted by permission of Penguin Publishing Group.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 The Mind/Body Money Connection
Chapter 2 The Basics of Tapping
Chapter 3 The Five Categories of Money
Chapter 4 How Do You Really Feel about Money? (Not Abundance—Money!)
Chapter 5 Your Earliest View of Money Paradigm
Chapter 6 Financial Trauma
Chapter 7 How Debt Keeps You Stuck
Chapter 8 Your Hidden Agendas
Chapter 9 Resistance to Setting Big Goals
Chapter 10 Setting Outrageous Goals
Chapter 11 Goal Trauma
Chapter 12 “I Don’t Deserve More Money”
Chapter 13 Breaking the Cycle of Always Striving But Never Arriving
Chapter 14 Feeling Invisible
Chapter 15 Becoming a Great Receiver
Chapter 16 I Refuse to Be Rich!
Chapter 17 The Five Disciplines to Creating a New Vibration about Money

What People are Saying About This

From the Publisher

"There is no more powerful tool in the world to actualize change than Tapping. But there are times when the tool isn't enough, when you need the guidance, care, and nurturing of a powerful mentor who can pinpoint exactly where you need to go, what you need to explore, in order to get the fastest results possible. And this is where my friend Margaret Lynch and this amazing book come in."
—from the foreword by Nick Ortner, New York Times-bestselling author of The Tapping Solution

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