The 7 Lost Senses: Developing Your Intuitive and Psychic Abilities

The 7 Lost Senses: Developing Your Intuitive and Psychic Abilities

by Alain Jean-Baptiste
The 7 Lost Senses: Developing Your Intuitive and Psychic Abilities

The 7 Lost Senses: Developing Your Intuitive and Psychic Abilities

by Alain Jean-Baptiste


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Have you ever experienced an intuitive flash about a person or situation? Did you act on this feeling, or did you dismiss it because you felt it wasn’t tied to reality? In this guide, author Alain Jean-Baptiste posits that this “knowing” likely came to your lost seven senses, which are hidden beyond the familiar five: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell...

Explaining how humans gather information using the basic five senses, Alain details how the cultivation of these lost senses will assist you in unlocking your intuitive abilities and how to discover your psychic abilities:

• The Sense of Imagination links the physical and the nonphysical senses

• Learn the 5 tricks for restoring the Sense of Balance to its state of equilibrium

• Discover 3 ways in which The Sense of Life can help you attune yourself to someones life force

• Recognize the 7 voices of your soul by using your Sense of Voice to better understand yourself

• The sense of Movement can help you better distinguish patterns and trends more precisely

• The Sense of Warmth can help you strengthen your relationships

• The Sense of Substance enables your mind to access information about objects at a distance

In this guide, author Alain Jean-Baptiste uses personal experience, case studies, examples, and exercises to help you not only see, but imagine and live in a world in which communicating with the other side, seeing the future, establishing rapport more spontaneously with others, predicting economic trends, and bringing medicine to a whole new level can be a reality.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781475972078
Publisher: iUniverse, Incorporated
Publication date: 01/29/2013
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
File size: 198 KB

Read an Excerpt

The 7 Lost Senses

Developing Your Intuitive and Psychic Abilities
By Alain Jean-Baptiste

iUniverse, Inc.

Copyright © 2013 Alain Jean-Baptiste
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4759-7205-4

Chapter One

The Sense of Imagination (The Sixth Sense)

Imagination: A mental faculty forming images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses. —Oxford English Dictionary

Everything begins in imagination, the sense that calibrates (or correlates) the information measured by the other 11 senses. Imagination links the physical and non-physical senses; it is a vehicle that allows you to access all of your senses. Imagination measures more than just distance. The sense of imagination bridges between this world and other dimensions, and it allows access to vast amounts of information in manageable chunks. It is imagination that allows you to tap into your future self and then calibrate your future in the present. Although the dictionary gives us the above definition of imagination, this book will explain to you a whole new powerful meaning of it and various new ways to use it.


When I was 15, a psychic told me that I would be working in the same field in my adult life. At that point in time, I had every intention of becoming an anti-terrorist, so I was sure he was wrong; it simply wasn't my reality at the time. Today, I use my psychic abilities constantly. The question is whether the future was fixed, or whether visiting the psychic made a potential outcome more likely. I later saw the same psychic when I was 23, and he told me once again that I would do great things and work in this field later on. That afternoon I left his office, went home to get my stuff to go to work and got into a car accident that paralysed me. That accident forced me to stop working. I had a glimpse of light just before being paralysed, and then I had to relearn how to walk and use my body, which was like being outside of it. I learned to consciously retrain my body to move; I was lucky there was no permanent damage. I used my imagination and started imagining myself walking again and then entering my body to move it, just like a robot. I first started imagining myself being able to walk. Then I started thinking of walking through walls and being able to go places in my mind that I could not go physically. That's how I first became aware of the power of imagination and how using it as a vehicle is what we already do unconsciously, and we take it for granted. Learning how to use all the information available to me has given me a life that is meaningful, filled with love and prosperity.

Human languages create specific resonances to organize and orient our minds and create our realities. Your sense of imagination can give you the ability to attune yourself to other realities. Your ability to see other realities is a bit like seeing a show on TV: if you're watching a favourite talk show, the stage set, the audience and various technicians are too big to fit into your living room, so only certain information is chosen by the cameras and microphones and beamed out to your television. Your sense of imagination can help you tap into and work in a space where your mind has that talk show inside of it. Your sense of imagination is the sense, or the remote control, that allows you to tap into the different channels, which are like television shows. You change the channel, the frequency, and you change what range and channels; you can start to download or simply watch. With practice, you'll eventually be able to move the cameras of your new senses to focus on the information you want to observe or use—information beyond what your physical senses bring to you. You'll have access to the bigger reality, the bigger picture.

Your imagination has its own language of symbols and imagery that communicates its rich depth and substance. As you become better at understanding this language, it is easier to apply it to "real world" people and situations. Crossing into the realm of imagination allows other entities to work with you; some are comfortable calling them angels or guides, but they may also be aspects of your future self. The sense of imagination, in conjunction with your sense of balance, can enable you to not only tap into that world but actually work within and out of it.

The more you use these seven lost senses to tap into the future, the easier it is to follow your destiny. As the saying goes, "As above so below," meaning the realm of imagination precedes this reality, and so the more you have access to it, the easier it gets to follow your true path. It also allows you to see the paths of other people, helping you to guide them in a way that helps them find their path or realign themselves to their true self's journey. As you will read from the sense of voice, your soul knows its call, its passion; its fire lies within the realm of imagination. Until you listen to it and its calling, you will never find your true voice. God/Goddess/All That Is always speaks with the language of imagination, which is the first ever language. Its dream for you lies within that realm, which can only be tapped into with the sense of imagination and balanced with the sense of balance, to bring it into this world in a harmonious and orderly fashion. Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson and Mozart—these geniuses have always known this and demonstrated it in the world.

Learning how to use your sense of imagination is very important to your personal and professional relationships. A traumatic episode in childhood or a bad relationship in early adulthood may set up an unconscious expectation that shadows your current and future relationships: because you expect a relationship to have a negative outcome, you go on to create that reality. But if you have the ability to tap into and better attune yourself to the future, you can see positive outcomes and actively work toward making them real. Yes, a relationship may not last forever, but did you learn as you went through it, noting the behaviours and actions that worked against your happiness? Or did you come out of it with no insight as to how to be different in the next one?

Most of us aren't aware of the significance of our actions. We are part of God/Goddess/All That Is, so we have access to aspects of the big picture, but only the director of the play of life knows the full outcome. For example, Jesus was an individual who was more aware of his destiny than most. Even though he knew his path would lead to a painful death, he chose to walk it gracefully, perhaps because he knew his message of peace would inspire future generations.

Throughout this book, I will ask you to keep in mind that the sense of imagination is different from imagination, which is the mind's language. The sense of imagination is a vehicle, an instrument that allows us to work between different dimensions. It allows us to perceive the many frequencies of vibration that make up all that is. If you like, think of the sense of imagination as a scope (sometimes a microscope, sometimes a telescope) that we use to look at the vast universe or tiny atoms. The atoms and the universe would represent imagination—in fact, they come from the imagination of God/Goddess/All That Is—and we use our sense of imagination to conceive and perceive them. When you think about it, physicists and mathematicians calibrated using their sense of imagination and sense of balance to attune to the possibility of the universe, the microverse, and quantum dimensions, including thoughts that live in the world of the imagination.

Einstein perceived the theory of relativity in his mind, through the sense of imagination. It was his vehicle to have access and understand the infinite intelligence and the language of the universe. The principles and physics of it were already there; he just needed to attune his sense of imagination to a realm in which imagination speaks in number and physics. Thomas Edison did the same as he tried, over and over again, to imagine a world where light was available with a safe, quick touch—and then he accessed it via the sense of imagination and brought that reality into this reality.

Want a simpler example? When you are reading a book, imagine that you can talk or even communicate telepathically with the author. When you feel that you can connect, it is an example of using the sense of imagination. You use imagination to think about talking to the author, but your sense of imagination is evoked when you can feel the conversation. Try it with different authors and notice how you feel different with each new writer; your mind reacts in the same fashion as when you talk to different people. You'll get a glimpse of what telepathy is like when you gain more experience at doing this exercise


There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. —Nelson Mandela

If you could look 50 years into the future, you would see that the actions you take today have a greater impact than you imagine. The physicist Werner Heisenberg and the anthropologist Margaret Meade both noted that the observer always affects that which is being observed. This same principal means that the more aware you become of your new senses, the better you become at calibrating to the future, and the more likely you are to change your reality. You see the world differently, and so it becomes different.

Albert Einstein created his theory of relativity by imagining that he flew on a beam of light. He used the sense of imagination to access knowledge that changed the world. At the same time he was doing this, many other scientists were creating atomic theory. The atom bomb was in the future, but it was close enough that those who were attuned to it could tap into the potential future and make it a reality. Matter was changed and vast amounts of energy were released. Similarly, your own actions also effect reality and release energy that can be constructive or destructive.

Forgiveness is like an atom bomb in that it releases so much energy previously tied up in anger, resentment, grief, fear and other negative feelings. If an atom is simply organized, oriented information, then know that forgiveness alters the direction of information and actually alters the material world. When Nelson Mandela was faced with a future of life imprisonment, he chose to leave behind his anger. Rather than brood over the injustice of being torn from his wife, children, friends and profession, he imagined a reality where forgiveness and justice defeated war and prejudice. He became part of creating this new world.

Nelson Mandela is an ordinary human being—a lawyer a husband and father, a good friend and even an amateur boxer—but he is also extraordinary because of his ability to see future realities and work toward making them real. Because of his leadership at a critical time, South Africa, while not without problems, is the most prosperous and stable country in Africa. In neighbouring Zimbabwe, leader Robert Mugabe chose to protect his personal power at all costs, turning a nation that was Africa's bread basket into a country of starvation and disease. Nelson Mandela calibrated his imagination to the greater good, whereas Robert Mugabe calibrated his to his negative ego that was only interested in greed and power. The future they created for the citizens of their respective nations is very different.

The sense of imagination is the most powerful sense we have. Although we use it in everything we do, we use it most consciously to calibrate the observations gathered by the other 11 senses. For example, you can use the sense of imagination to access information in the realm of imagination; this space, this dimension, contains all the information about all that is. You can get information about someone you haven't yet met, which can be very useful when deciding whether to enter into a personal or professional relationship. Lawyers and judges often couple the sense of imagination and the sense of balance to tap into both the events and personalities involved in a legal case. Those in the health profession use the sense of imagination in combinations with other senses to fine-tune diagnoses and to suggest better preventative treatments.


Like any ability, you strengthen the sense of imagination through learning (observation) and use (calibration). For example, judges can render a verdict because of their past experience as lawyers; they can balance the witnesses' stories, the material story of the evidence and the presentations of the lawyers with the law. They aren't perfect, but they will have a better perspective than those who have not studied or practiced law. They use their sense of imagination to tap into the realm of imagination, and they get the images, the situations or the events that people are talking about to get a better understanding or perspective on what actually went on. The better they get at using this vehicle to tap into the event, the better they will be at rendering a verdict.

Examples of more traumatic ways to develop the sense of imagination are people that have lived through intense trauma and have used the sense to such a degree that it actually causes them to develop multiple personalities that have phenomenal psychic and intuitive abilities. Individuals with multiple personality disorder (MPD) have been known to exhibit powerful psychic abilities due to their need for survival. Within the realm of imagination, they create other personalities to help them survive their experiences; these personalities step from the realm of the imagination into the physical world. Depending on which personality is in control, the physical reality of the individual is changed. For some, the use of the sense of imagination can be developed in quite a traumatic way. From my experience, many psychics usually develop their abilities after a traumatic event or a life-changing situation. In my case, I believe it was accelerated by the car accident when I was 23 years of age, which left me paralysed for a while. I had to imagine being able to get back inside my body and start making it move. I even used the analogy of the Terminator, in which the cyborg reprograms and fixes his arm, except I imagined reconnecting to my whole body. I used my mind to work with the sense of imagination to develop new ways to cope with my surroundings. Using that sense of imagination allowed me to tap into a future in which I knew I would not stay paralysed and would find something to get me back on my journey to create massive success for others and myself. You can learn to do the same now—without trauma.

Of course, focusing on undesirable potentials will also help bring them into reality. You constantly use the sense of imagination to be able to sense others around you. The information is always out there and available, whether or not you choose to access it through your sense of imagination. If you turn your TV off, it doesn't mean that the show you are watching stops existing. The waves that transmit it are still in the air; it is you who chooses not to access them. Many people find it more comfortable to deny their non-physical senses, choosing to filter out and ignore the information that is brought to them. This is a pity because it takes away powerful tools that can be used to tap into imagination and reframe perception. Everything is in front of you; all you need to do is tap into the right frequency to find the potential future and make it real. As Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21).


The sense of imagination acts as a vehicle which contains and Helps you access information beyond the space-time continuum. It is the sense that enables you to have access and work with the other six lost senses. It is has no boundaries and is the instrument geniuses use to tap into inventions in the future and allow those same inventions into this world by using the sense of balance to coordinate to attract and organize the resources to manifest that which the person using it desires. It can enable you to tap into frequencies from the future to create innovative ideas, products, concepts and information. It is the sense you use to access the information from the other senses you will be learning in the next chapters.


Excerpted from The 7 Lost Senses by Alain Jean-Baptiste Copyright © 2013 by Alain Jean-Baptiste. Excerpted by permission of iUniverse, Inc.. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Introduction: The 7 Lost Senses....................xvii
Chapter 1: The Sense of Imagination (The Sixth Sense)....................1
Chapter 2: The Sense of Balance (The Seventh Sense)....................11
Chapter 3: The Sense of Life (The Eighth Sense)....................43
Chapter 4: The Sense of Voice (The Ninth Sense)....................65
Chapter 5: The Sense of Movement (The Tenth Sense)....................99
Chapter 6: The Sense of Warmth (The Eleventh Sense)....................113
Chapter 7: The Sense of Substance (The Twelfth Sense)....................145
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