The Beast on the East River: The U.N. Threat to America's Sovereignty and Security

The Beast on the East River: The U.N. Threat to America's Sovereignty and Security

by Nathan Tabor
The Beast on the East River: The U.N. Threat to America's Sovereignty and Security

The Beast on the East River: The U.N. Threat to America's Sovereignty and Security

by Nathan Tabor


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A call to arms for Americans to assert and preserve our national sovereignty by stopping the globalist agenda of the United Nations.

Is the United Nations the benign force for good that so many proclaim? Or is there a darker agenda at work behind the scenes? Nathan Tabor reveals the sinister plan behind the glossy image of world cooperation painted by the UN and its defenders.

The Beast on the East River includes original research into key policy areas, including population control, education, and the international criminal court. And it offers practical steps that concerned American citizens can take before it’s too late.

In his debut book, rising conservative voice Nathan Tabor offers a frightening exposé of the United Nations’ global power grab and its ruthless attempt to control US education, law, gun ownership, taxation, and reproductive rights.

“We are already very nearly at the point of no return,” says Tabor, “and most Americans aren’t even aware of the impending danger. This book is a call to immediate action—read its contents very carefully. What you will discover may surprise and anger you.”

“His book provides a measured intellectual argument against allowing the corrupt collectivist internationalists of the UN, and its many metastasized affiliates, to undermine and eventually steal one of America’s most precious possessions: its sovereignty.” —Henry Mark Holzer, CBN (The Christian Broadcasting Network)

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781418551865
Publisher: HarperCollins Christian Publishing
Publication date: 03/21/2023
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 332
File size: 951 KB

Read an Excerpt


The UN Threat to America's Sovereignty and Security
By Nathan Tabor


Copyright © 2007 Nathan Tabor
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-59555-053-8

Chapter One


At its core, the United Nations today is in the education business. Its army of social change agents is working night and day to reshape the thinking of every person on the planet and to bring their mental attitudes into line with its global standards of political correctness, conformity, and obedience. They do this under the seemingly innocuous guise of "building peace in the minds of men."

The UN's greatest challenge has been to overcome the deep-seated attitudes of self-reliance, individualism, and independence that have permeated American thought and culture for generations. Many Europeans, considering themselves more refined and civilized than their transatlantic neighbors, tend to derisively dismiss all Americans as "cowboys" who are stubbornly clinging to an anachronistic frontier mentality. It is this perceived American attitude of antisocial isolationism and independence that the UN global planners are determined to change.

Americans, however, generally do believe in the value and benefits of education, and they like to think of themselves as being more knowledgeable than many of the less fortunate folks in the poorer nations of the world. Higher education has traditionally been seen as a trustworthy pathway to upward social mobility and success in life. Most parents want their children to learn and achieve more than they did, so they encourage them to study hard, excel in school, and seek more specialized training.

But most of these well-meaning American parents would probably be shocked to find out that, rather than learning to master the basic "Three Rs," their children are being indoctrinated from an early age in a set of values and beliefs far different from those of previous generations of Americans. Since its founding sixty years ago, the UN and its supporters have had the opportunity to influence the thinking of three generations of American school children, and the results of their efforts are sadly evident in the degraded culture that has evolved in our country over that same period of time.

Parents might be even more outraged to discover that, despite the massive amounts of tax money now being spent on the public education system in America, their children are in fact being sent out into the fiercely competitive global marketplace armed with an inferior education. To add insult to injury, it may be asserted that American school children are intentionally being dumbed-down.

Think about it. What if this academic mediocrity is not merely the sad result of bureaucratic inefficiency and teacher incompetence, but rather is actually a carefully crafted plot promoted by the United Nations to advance its globalist agenda of world government? The person leveling such an outrageous charge would probably be dismissed by most Americans as just another crackpot. Unfortunately-and as much as we all would like for it to be otherwise-an objective analysis of the facts supports just such a radical conclusion.

One primary goal of the UN is the re-education and indoctrination of American school children, conditioning them to think of themselves as global citizens rather than as nationalistic patriots. Does this serious charge sound implausible to you? Then consider the following statement from an official UN publication:

As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only rather precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor jingoism.

It was exactly this kind of anti-American rhetoric emanating from the UN that prompted the popular conservative radio newscaster Paul Harvey to warn his listeners: "Through UNESCO, American children are influenced away from their national allegiance. American children are being indoctrinated with world government."

The sad fact is that politically correct thinking has become an outcome valued more highly than individualism, creative independent thought, or academic achievement. There is an ever-growing emphasis on multiculturalism and a nonnegotiable demand that everyone display sensitivity and tolerance for diversity, which often covers a multitude of morally ambiguous situations that may be at odds with most Americans' opinions. In reality, these buzzwords are merely components in the so-called "gay rights movement" and have been pounded into our nation's psyche at the expense of the nuclear family and traditional family values.

The UN also promotes the specious secular humanist concept of "values clarification," where the moral emphasis is on relativistic situational ethics rather than any absolute standard of right and wrong. Homeschooling is seen as a threat, and parents all too often are viewed as subversive influences by the UN education establishment.

But before we begin to discuss the UN's global educational agenda in greater detail, it will be helpful for us to take a brief look at its labyrinthine, sometimes confusing, and often overlapping organizational structure.

Parsing the UN's Organizational Structure

The UN structure consists of six main divisions, or principal organs, and beneath these are literally dozens of other separate and specialized organizational entities.

Most people have heard of the UN Secretary-General, the Security Council, and the General Assembly, and are vaguely familiar with their respective functions, so we will discuss them only briefly at this point. The following are the main organs of the United Nations and a brief description of their functions and responsibilities.

The Secretariat is the administrative bureaucracy that runs the day-to-day affairs of the UN from the organization's headquarters in New York City. Headed by the secretary-general and his extensive staff, the Secretariat presents the public face of the United Nations to the world at large. The secretary-general is appointed to a five-year renewable term by the General Assembly, with the approval of the Security Council. The operations of the Secretariat are carried out by numerous departments and offices.

The UN Security Council is the world's GloboCop: a permanent body responsible for dealing with breaches of the peace and acts of aggression worldwide. It is composed of five permanent member nations: the United States, Great Britain, France, Russia, and China. Each of these five permanent members has veto power over any proposed resolution for military intervention by the UN, as well as amendments to the UN Charter and applications for membership. The Security Council also contains ten nonpermanent members that are selected for two-year terms by the General Assembly, but these do not exercise veto power. The Security Council controls several subsidiary bodies, including the Military Staff Committee.

The General Assembly is the UN's version of a world parliament in which all member nations are represented equally. Its regular session in New York City convenes every year on the third Tuesday in September. The General Assembly is generally viewed as a worldwide public forum to facilitate discussion and make decisions on important political, social, or economic policy matters affecting the international community. Every member nation has one vote, and ordinary matters are decided by a simple majority vote. Important matters, such as budgetary issues, require a two-thirds majority. The General Assembly controls numerous subsidiary bodies, programs and funds, research and training institutes, and other entities within the UN.

While these three highly visible administrative and parliamentary institutions are of great importance, the real work of advancing the UN's long-term goals is carried out by other, less well-known but quite distinct branches of the organization, as established by the original UN Charter.

The Trusteeship Council, which operates under the supervision of the General Assembly, was established in 1945 to supersede the old mandate system of the League of Nations in administering the affairs of non-self-governing territories after the demise of European colonialism. Most of the trust territories once controlled by the Trusteeship Council have since become independent nations or merged with others. As a result, the Trusteeship Council has suspended its activities since November 1994. But there is a move recently afoot to reactivate the council to oversee the so-called common areas of the earth, such as the oceans, the arctic poles, and the atmosphere and space.

The International Court of Justice, a UN tribunal that meets at The Hague in the Netherlands, is composed of fifteen judges who are selected by the General Assembly and the Security Council. All UN member nations are considered to be members of the court, but at present its jurisdiction applies only to cases voluntarily submitted to it for resolution. The court normally addresses disputes between nations involving treaties, international law and obligations, and reparations, although it sometimes delivers advisory legal opinions to the various branches of the United Nations. Its activities and influence will be discussed in more detail later on.

Human Rights and Millennium Goals

In addition to the aforementioned UN bodies, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is also a distinct division, or what the UN calls a principal organ, whose functions are defined and authorized by Chapters 9 and 10 of the UN Charter. Operating under the authority of the General Assembly, the council investigates a wide range of international economic and social problems and reports its recommendations for solutions to the General Assembly.

The Economic and Social Council's specific mandate-"with a view to the creation of conditions of stability and well-being which are necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples"-is to promote:

Higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development

Solutions of international economic, social, health, and related problems; and international cultural and educational cooperation

Universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion

In furtherance of these lofty goals, since its inception, the Economic and Social Council has established a plethora of special commissions to study a wide variety of issues, ranging from narcotics to women's rights to statistics to sustainable development.

Thus, among the principal organs of the UN, the real radical change agent at work behind the scenes internationally is the Economic and Social Council.

In cooperation with more than three hundred non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the council schedules frequent conferences all over the world to discuss specific topics and to formulate policy recommendations. Much of the long-term agenda of the United Nations is contained in the plans, policies, and reports that result from these numerous UN conferences. Several of these very important contemporary issues will be the focus of analysis later in this book.

If, historically, the Economic and Social Council has one specific claim to fame, it would be the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that was adopted by the General Assembly in 1948. This widely misunderstood document is what the UN cites to justify its ostensible moral authority around the world. Since 1967, ECOSOC's own Commission on Human Rights has been authorized to monitor and investigate alleged human rights abuses worldwide, even among the more developed nations.

In addition to the functional and regional commissions that are under its direct control, the Economic and Social Council also works in close conjunction and shares overlapping authority with a variety of specialized agencies and permanent programs and funds inside the United Nations.

Within the UN's Byzantine organizational structure, a number of separate entities often are working simultaneously to accomplish the same goals, and knowing exactly where the authority of one entity ends and that of another begins can be a complex and challenging task, even for a seasoned UN observer. Keeping track of all the ongoing conferences, reports, and plans of action simultaneously being produced by these various organs, departments, and agencies would be a full-time job.

Currently, the UN's major international policy initiative, one that is being pursued by a plethora of UN agencies and commissions, is an ambitious set of eight Millennium Development Goals, which include long-term plans to eradicate poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability, and advance a global partnership for development.

The Millennium Declaration, which was issued in 2000 at the conclusion of the Millennium Summit in New York City, defines and articulates the UN's Millennium Development Goals. Because every one of the 191 UN member states has pledged to meet these goals by the year 2015, Kofi Annan has called the Millennium Declaration "a seminal event in the history of the United Nations."

According to Annan, the Millennium Goals "have unprecedented political support, embraced at the highest levels by developed and developing countries, civil society and major development institutions alike."

We will look more closely at these Millennium Goals later. But for now we will turn our attention to what is perhaps the most controversial specialized agency within the United Nations organization-and one that is working closely with the Economic and Social Council to implement the Millennium Goals program.

UNESCO: Building Peace in the Minds of Men?

In the aftermath of World War II, world attention was focused on the daunting tasks of rebuilding our civilization in the wake of the war's widespread destruction, controlling the proliferation of atomic weapons, and setting up some kind of international oversight body that could guarantee the continuing peace.

Given those pressing priorities, the quaint notion of establishing a specialized agency within the UN that was to be solely devoted to sharing culture, encouraging education, and promoting international cooperation was probably seen by most as being maybe a good idea but not really a big news item.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded in 1945 in London at the behest of a group of academics who wanted to preserve and expand the literature and scientific knowledge of the developed world, and to share it with newly developing countries where education and literacy rates were abysmally low. But what started out as a seemingly inconsequential conclave of scholars and bureaucrats has today become the driving force behind the UN's long-term global education agenda.

Based permanently in Paris, France, UNESCO initially worked closely with the old International Board of Education (IBE), an educational research organization that had been founded by teachers in 1925 as part of the League of Nations. UNESCO and IBE co-hosted worldwide conferences on a variety of education-related topics until 1962, when the UNESCO General Conference established the Institute for International Educational Planning (IIEP). In 1969, IBE merged with UNESCO.

The stated goal of UNESCO is "to build peace in the minds of men" by encouraging education, promoting international cooperation, and facilitating shared culture among the nations of the world. Certainly it would be hard to find fault with such a noble-sounding sentiment; thus UNESCO met with warm initial support.

The preamble to the UNESCO constitution contains two corollary concepts that are at the heart of the Special Agency's mission:

1. Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.

2. Ignorance of each other's ways and lives has been a common cause, throughout history, of that suspicion and mistrust between the peoples of the world through which their differences have all too often broken into war.


Excerpted from THE BEAST ON THE EAST RIVER by Nathan Tabor Copyright © 2007 by Nathan Tabor. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Introduction: The Globe Is the Goal....................vii
1. Global Education Agenda....................1
2. Global Land Use Regulation and Sustainable Development....................25
3. Global Warming and Global Environmental Control....................45
4. Global Population Control....................69
5. World Trade and Global Taxing Authority....................89
6. Global Justice and the International Criminal Court....................115
7. Global Gun Control and a Standing World Army....................147
8. The UN's Goal Really Is World Government....................181
9. Saving American Sovereignty in the 21st Century....................211
Selected Bibliography....................231
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