The Black Muslim Manifesto II: A Luta Continua

The Black Muslim Manifesto II: A Luta Continua

by Lukman
The Black Muslim Manifesto II: A Luta Continua

The Black Muslim Manifesto II: A Luta Continua

by Lukman


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The compilation of a decade of essays and online ideological struggle with members of Lukman's e-mail chat group formed the basis for "The Black Muslim Manifesto: From Inside the Belly of the Beast". The continuation of that process has called "The Black Muslim Manifesto II: A Luta Continua" into existence. Since the publication of the first "Manifesto", Lukman has continued his analysis of the unfolding global dynamic. Additionally, time has born witness to the accuracy of some of the "Manifesto's" prognostications. For example, we no longer have to speculate about what Obama will do once he's in the WHITE House. Lukman is proud, but not happy, to say that he was one of the few who was NEVER deceived by the "Obama Ploy".

Lukman felt compelled to rush "A Luta Continua" to print because much of his analysis, in "Manifesto II", has already proven to be prescient. Events are moving forward at such a rapid pace that many of his predictions have become history. Lukman didn't want to be accused of that for which he condemns our "rearguard leadership"; namely, "Monday Morning Quarterbacking".

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781468568530
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 05/11/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 194
File size: 270 KB

Read an Excerpt

The Black Muslim Manifesto II

A Luta Continua
By Lukman


Copyright © 2012 Lukman
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4685-6855-4

Chapter One

Lessons of Gaza: Cowboys and Indians Redux

The following is a reprint of an essay which first appeared in "The Black Muslim Manifesto I". I have included it here in order to provide context for the critique of this essay which appears in the subsequent chapter in this volume: - Lukman

If we wish to properly understand the Zionist "state of Israel" and it's most recent atrocity, Gaza, we must first acquire a proper understanding of a political construct called "settler colonialism". According to the Encarta Dictionary, "colonialism" is a policy in which a country rules other nations and develops trade for its own benefit. In the early 1900's, "European Colonialism" (i.e. White Supremacy) became the dominant manifestation of the colonial arrangement. In other words, European nations were able, through force of arms and deceit, to divide the countries of Afrika, Asia and Latin Amerika among themselves like diners at a Thanksgiving meal (i.e. Congress of Berlin 1884, Open Door Policy in China etc.). Euphemisms aside, World Wars I and II were simply intra colonial power rivalries over the global prize. At the end of World War II, the U.S. and USSR emerged as the worlds dominant powers; each with its own spheres of influence.

An unintended consequence of World War II was the opening of the floodgates of "Revolutionary Nationalism". Revolutionary Nationalism was the natural reaction to colonialism. In other words, colonial subject people started rising up all over the world to take back their land and resources. "National Liberation Movements" (i.e. China under Mao, Viet Nam under Ho Chi Minh, the Mau Mau's under Kenyatta etc.) sprung up throughout what was called the "Third World". These National Liberation Movements took on two distinct forms. Some were strictly "narrow" nationalistic in nature (i.e. India under Nehru), while others fought under the banner of "Socialism" (i.e. China, Viet Nam, Cuba etc.). When I speak of "Narrow Nationalism", I am referring to those movements whose sole objective was running the colonial power out of the country without making a break with global capitalist economic relations.

The National Liberation Movements were successful to the extent that they made "direct" colonial rule untenable for the colonial powers. However, not to be outdone, the colonial powers reached into their bag of tricks and pulled out "Neo-Colonialism". Neo-colonialism is the technique by which the white supremacy forces relinquished political control over their former colonies but maintained economic control through indigenous elites. The result was the emergence of a host of thugs and dictators and their cronies (i.e. Batista, Somoza, Duvalier, Mobutu, Marcos etc.) who siphoned off the wealth of their nation in an ungodly alliance with the global white supremacy system. A foreign flag may no longer be planted on your soil but that is merely symbolic because the masses are still languishing in poverty and ignorance while a few natives wax rich in collusion with their foreign masters.

I know that you probably think that I have forgotten about "Settler Colonialism", the zionist "state of Israel and Gaza. I haven't forgotten. I've been merely providing the backdrop.

"Settler Colonialism" has been one of the most pernicious manifestations of white supremacy. Settler colonialism is not merely the planting of a foreign flag on native soil and then ruling from afar (i.e. France in Algeria, Britain in India, Italy in Libya, Portugal in Brazil etc.). Settler colonialism is the actual displacement of a people (i.e. ethnic cleansing) from their ancestral homes and their physical replacement by colonial settlers (i.e. Cowboys and Indians).

Sometimes the indigenous people are totally eliminated (i.e. genocide). This is the case in most of the islands of the Caribbean where the indigenous Red people (i.e. Taino) were whipped out and, to add to the tragedy, were replaced with imported Afrikan slaves. In other instances, the natives are brought to the brink of total annihilation and the remnants that survive are consigned to "reservations" on their own land (i.e. Canada, Australia, the United States etc.). In other instances, the system of settler colonialism was defeated and then replaced with either the new paradigm of Neo-colonialism (i.e. South Afrika) or strangled from without through sanctions (i.e. Zimbabwe) or imposed Civil War (i.e. Angola and Mozambique). And, in the last instance, the system of settler colonialism and the process of ethnic cleansing and genocide is underway (i.e. the zionist "state of Israel).

I believe, at this point, a brief synopsis of zionism is in order. Zionism is, indeed, a political movement. Zionism is an outgrowth of the ideological debate among European "Jewry" over how to resolve the "Jewish Question". By "Jewish Question", I am referring to the historical persecution suffered by European "Jews" at the hands of their Gentile brethren. Examples being the expulsion of "Jews" from Spain after the defeat of the Moors, the pogroms of Eastern Europe and, of course, the "Jewish" Holocaust under the Nazis. As a result of this persecution, two dominant schools of thought emerged as how best to deal with this situation; in short, assimilation/integration into European society or separation into a state or territory of their own. The dominant proponent of the latter solution (i.e. separation) was Theodore Herzl, who came to be known as the "Father of Zionism".

Theodore Herzl, although an atheist, believed that the only way to unite "Jews" around the banner of separation was to play the religion card. In other words, "Jews" should return to Zion (Mt. Zion in Palestine), thus "Zionism". The Jewish Holocaust made the ideological success of Zionism among European "Jews" a fait accompli. That coupled with the fact that the far-sighted powers of the West saw the utility of having a pro-Western bulwark in the vital "middle east" region.

You may have noticed my liberal use of quotation marks in the previous paragraphs whenever referring to "Jews". I did this because part of the Zionist ploy is to deliberately conflate terms such as Hebrew, Jew, Semite, Zionist etc., in order to confuse. We also need to be clear on issues of ethnicity and religion, in order to properly understand this dynamic.

First of all, if you look at a map of the world, you will see that Palestine (so-called israel) and, indeed, the entire so-called "middle east" is nothing but northeast Afrika. The only separation from the continent proper is an artificial man-made ditch called the Suez Canal. And, like the rest of Afrika, the indigenous (original) inhabitants are Black People. Another glance at the map will also reveal that this northeast Afrika region is also the greatest point of proximity between the three major continents of Europe, Asia and Afrika. This is why the people of this region are referred to as "semitic" (the root being "semi"); because they are a mixture of the three ethnic types.

Throughout the world, there are many people, of all nationalities/ ethnicities, who have adopted the religious/historical/cultural tradition of this part of the earth and call themselves "Jews". However, one thing is certain; there is not one European/Caucasian on earth that can make a legitimate historical claim to that land. Only the Original Man can do that.

In short, European Zionists, calling themselves "Jews", with the help of the western powers, seized control of the land of Palestine, opened the doors (offering citizenship) to "Jews" from around the world, displaced the indigenous population, while at all times maintaining the dominance of the white European minority.

The preceding historical analysis lies to rest the use of the term "anti- Semite" as a synonym for "anti-Jew". Indeed, not all Semites (i.e. Palestinians) are Jews and not all so-called Jews are Semitic. The simple truth is the "anti-semitic" label is a bludgeon used by Zionists to beat down legitimate criticism of Zionism and errant "Jewish" behavior.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let's bring this up to date. With the collapse of the Soviet system, the United States has emerged as the worlds "Lone Superpower". Since there are few checks on amerikan hegemony (i.e. Pax Americana), the global order has been reduced to the law of the jungle, namely, "might makes right". That is why George Bush Sr. could declare triumphantly, during Gulf War I "the world has got to learn that what we say goes". And Madeleine Albright can state "we will act multilaterally when we can and unilaterally when we must". In other words, international "law" and opinion can go to hell. It is what Fukiyama meant when he referred to this as "The End of History". It is also what Margaret Thatcher meant when she used the expression TINA (There is No Alternative).

Fascism and Nazism were defeated militarily during World War II. Revolutionary Socialism and Revolutionary Nationalism have retreated from the physical battlefield in the face of the New World Order onslaught. In spite of its meager physical resources, there is only one ideology that has had the effrontery to declare war on the New World Order and that is Revolutionary Islam.

The struggle in Palestine has been a microcosm of this global dynamic. After the defeat of the Nazis, Britain emerged as colonial master over Palestine. In 1948, the colonial powers allowed the establishment of the zionist state and then proceeded to transform it into the preeminent outpost for white supremacy in the so-called "Middle East". Amerikan taxpayers provide billions of dollars annually toward that project. RevolutionaryNationalismcollapsedunderfirst,thePalestineLiberation Organization (PLO) and later, the Palestinian Authority (PA), in the face of the zionist onslaught. And, Revolutionary Socialism, under the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), collapsed as well. Into that vacuum, emerged Revolutionary Islam, under HAMAS.

I may use the generic term, Revolutionary Islam, however, we should be clear that Revolutionary Islam is no more monolithic than any other ideology. There is an ideological divide even within that portion of the Muslim community (Ummah). Both Hezbollah and HAMAS represent a nationalistic strain. Their specific goals should not be conflated with those of Al Qaeda. Hezbollah was birthed into existence as an Islamic movement of resistance to the israeli invasion and occupation of Lebanon. HAMAS was born as an Islamic response to the zionist occupation of historic Palestine (i.e. pre 1948). Both movements have meticulously avoided taking their respective struggles outside the confines of their national boundaries. Hezbollah bombed the amerikan and French barracks inside Lebanon, during their first war with israel, only after those two countries intervened militarily on the side of the zionists. Al Qaeda, on the other hand, has assumed the ideological posture that the only solution to the zionist state, the corrupt rulers of the Arab and Muslim world and the hegemonic power of the West is unity, irrespective of national borders, under the banner of Islam, with the understanding that this is an existential struggle between the New World Order and Islam. You be the judge.

Highlighting the ideological difference, Al Qaeda contends that the issue of Palestine is not exclusively a Palestinian issue but rather it is an Islamic issue. According to Al Qaeda, Palestine belongs to the Ummah and no one, not even the Palestinian people, has the right to give away one grain of its sand.

Al Qaeda also criticized HAMAS for its participation in the "democratic" elections against FATAH which swept HAMAS into "power" after they won the elections. The thanks that HAMAS received for its participation in the "democratic process" were the transformation of the Gaza strip into the world's largest open air prison through an israeli embargo. The plan was to strangle the people of Gaza so they would eventually turn against HAMAS. This tactic is not new. When the heroic people of Haiti defeated France, England and Spain, the West imposed sanctions. Now Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. When the Sandinistas overthrew Somoza, amerika mined their harbors and funded the Contras. Of course, there is the ongoing embargo of Cuba. I really could go on and on.

International agencies were referring to the zionist closure of Gaza as a humanitarian crisis even before this latest debacle. If it was a crisis then, what should we call it now?

I am a student of history so I understand the arrogance of power. I am sure that the current world rulers cannot imagine the backbone of their power broken. Rulers never do. However, the irony of history is their power is always broken and, typically, in ways and from sources they never imagined.

Lessons of Gaza: A Critique

The following is an exchange, between a member of the chat group and me, prompted by the essay "Lessons of Gaza: Cowboys and Indians Redux" from "The Black Muslim Manifesto I". That essay proffered an understanding of the Zionist "state of Israel's" 2008/2009 offensive in Gaza, through an in depth analysis of the political construct called "settler colonialism". I pointed to the history of European Colonialism/ White Supremacy and the conquest of continental North America as providing the paradigm for Zionist policy in the "Middle East".

- Lukman

Robert wrote:

Having spent the time to read this, I reserve the right to reply. While it is true that perhaps the Zionists moved in to a land they had no stake in, the fact remains that the nation of Israel is what it is. The ongoing conversation has been directed at assessing the current situation in which Hamas-led Gaza is under ruthless attack by Israel. If the example of colonialist overthrow of the ruler state is applied to this situation, then the end of Israel as we understand it is the logical outcome. If a two-state solution is to be advanced, then any group seeking the destruction of the State of Israel is simply not invited to the party.

I'm not sure what the intent of the article was, other than to declare the history as if we didn't already know. The implication it left me is that the solution lies in the defeat and destruction of Zionist Israel, which, I have said before, is the same thing promoted by Iran and it's puppet


Excerpted from The Black Muslim Manifesto II by Lukman Copyright © 2012 by Lukman. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Lessons of Gaza: Cowboys and Indians Redux....................1
Lessons of Gaza: A Critique....................7
Thus the Hatred....................13
An Exchange between Generations....................40
Prophetic? Written 10/20/2006....................51
Prairie Fire....................52
Homey don't play that!....................53
Wake Up Call....................55
The Obama Ploy (OOPS!)....................58
Obamaism: Neo-Colonialism's Last Gasp....................61
Who Do We Fear?....................69
Explain This (Part II)....................71
A Parody: The Sound of Silence....................79
Egypt's Palace Coup....................83
Operation Geronimo....................85
Operation Geronimo (Tafsir)....................87
"Arab" Nationalism versus "Revolutionary" Islam....................89
Fact Check....................97
The Death of Gadhafi....................99
Bill Cosby and His Ilk....................105
Contented Slaves....................111
House Negroes: Then and Now....................115
Farrakhan vs. Lukman....................123
Closing the Gap?....................128
A Plain Warner....................134
World War II as Gang Warfare....................143
If you don't know, learn; if you do know, teach(dedicated to the memory of Una Mulzac, founder ofThe Liberation Bookstore in Harlem)....................149
The Science of Revolution....................163
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