The Book of Flower Spells

The Book of Flower Spells

by Cheralyn Darcey
The Book of Flower Spells

The Book of Flower Spells

by Cheralyn Darcey


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Beautiful to behold and sacred throughout time, flowers hold powerful nature magick, entwined with the rhythms of the Earth. Work with flowers to create your own powerful and divine spells for the change, support and inspiration you seek in life, love and happiness.

Along with 60 sacred flower spells from Cheralyn Darcey’s personal nature grimoire, The Book of Flower Spells includes spellcasting and spellcrafting basics, information on magickal gardening and supply sourcing and includes dedicated lessons on how to write and cast your own spells. To complete your treasury of flower nature magick, a beautifully illustrated personal grimoire journal section is provided to keep your own bespoke flower spells.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781925682250
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing
Publication date: 09/01/2018
Series: Spellbook Series
Pages: 200
Sales rank: 1,105,802
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 7.30(h) x 0.90(d)

About the Author

Cheralyn Darcey is an ethnobotanist, botanical history author, and environmental artist who has had a lifelong connection with the spiritual and healing properties of plants. Cheralyn has written eighteen internationally published botanical and gardening titles and lives on the Central Coast of NSW. She is the Community Garden Curator at SWAMP (Sustainable Wetlands Agricultural Makers Project) in NSW where she designs and delivers garden systems and educational opportunities for community groups. Cheralyn also produces and hosts a live weekly two-hour gardening radio show At Home with the Gardening Gang on COASTFM963 and writes the weekly Down in the Garden page for Central Coast Newspapers: Coast News, The Coast Chronicle and Newcastle's Novo News.

Read an Excerpt


A spell is a combination of ingredients, tools, actions and focus, which come together energetically to create change. Timings (when you cast your spell) can also be observed to ensure added power. These timings can be Moon or astrological phases, seasonal times and also correspondences that connect with days of the week or hours of the day or night.


These are the times that you put spells together and cast them. They add an energetic boost to your spells by bringing alignment to what you are doing in the space you are creating the spell. I'm sharing simple timings here for you, but you can also explore deeper, seasonal timings – ones associated with traditional pagan celebrations and observances and ones that are unique to your area and people as well as being open to other peoples.

Moon Phases

» Waxing: new projects, beginnings, growth

» Full: empowerment, healing, attainment

» Waning: banishing, cleansing, letting go

» New: divination, revelations

Day of the Week

» Monday: home, family, dreams, emotions, female energies, gardens, medicine, psychic development, travel

» Tuesday: courage, strength, politics, conflict, lust, endurance, competition, surgical procedures, sports, masculine energies

» Wednesday: communication, divination, self-improvement, teaching, inspiration, study, learning

» Thursday: luck, finances, legal matters, desires, honour, accomplishments, prosperity, material gain

» Friday: friendship, pleasure, art, music, social activities, comfort, sensuality, romance

» Saturday: life, protection, self-discipline, freedom, wisdom, goals, reincarnation

» Sunday: spirituality, power, healing, individuality, hope, healing, professional success, business

Time of the Day

» Dawn: beginnings, awakening, cleansing, new ideas, change, love

» Morning: growth, home, gardening, finances, harmony, generosity

» Midday: health, willpower, physical energy, intellect

» Afternoon: communication, business, clarity

» Dusk/Twilight: reduction, change, receptiveness

» Night: pleasure, joy, socialising, gatherings, play

» Midnight: endings, release, recuperation


The ingredients you gather to create the spell will have correspondences to your intention. In a way, they illustrate what it is that you want to happen. They will support the things you wish to happen because they have similar meanings and energies. These meanings and energies may also assist you in removing something. These correspondences are important because they also help us find substitute ingredients for our spells when what is prescribed is not available. I will give you my suggestions with each spell.


Tools are additional items that you can use to help you create your spell. These are just a few examples of tools used in spellcrafting and casting:

» cloths to set your spell up on (usually in colours which align with the energy of the spell)

» wands and staffs to direct and enhance energies

» divination tools such as tarot and oracle cards, crystal balls, pendulums and runes to provide clarity

» drums and bells (musical instruments and music express your intentions)

» practical items such as glasses, cups, vases, bowls and cutting tools.

The way you put a spell together, the words you may recite, the things you actually do to cast your spell are the actions that bring it all together. These focus your intention, put you squarely in the path of the outcome and strengthen the relationship between the energies of the ingredients and the tools you are using. The combination of all these things raise the energy for magick to happen.


Not many things in life work all the time. External factors influence them; maybe they are not put together properly; sometimes it is just not meant to be. I'm sitting here writing my book for you on my laptop. I love my little computer, but it's rather clunky at times and has had its moments. It closes down for no apparent reason, loses files, can't be bothered accepting my Airdrops and decides I need to look at all the files with a certain keyword except the one I want. It appears to have a mind of its own.

You cannot change another person's free will and this is also why spells do not work at times. Perhaps the consequence of the spell will adversely affect another or counter their stronger will, which you might not even be aware of. Another reason a spell may not work is because other energies have greater strength at that moment or they may in fact be leading you to a better eventual outcome.

Spells work because the person creating and casting them fully believes in what they are doing and has a strong, focused intention with a good connection to the energies of their spell and the outcome. While perhaps changing things for personal benefit, the outcome is still generally in keeping with a good outcome for all involved without forcibly changing anyone's free will.


When you are using the spells in this book, please ensure you do so safely – and by this I don't just mean keeping burning candles attended to. Working with energies to create magick requires you to take responsibility for what you are doing, for yourself and the world you live in. There are many ways you can do this, just as there are many ways of life and beliefs with their own rituals, which ensure safety and power in spellcasting.

Most safety measures include a way to protect yourself and those around you. A way to mark the beginning of the spell or opening the space comes next. There will be words, meditation, music, chants or actions, which will help you focus on the task at hand, and then there will be a way to release the energy, perhaps give thanks and to close the space.

This is a simple and safe way to cast a spell.

Protect and Open

Before you can begin it's important to establish protection from negative energies. There are various ways you can achieve this, but whatever way you use make sure you always protect yourself before casting. You may wish to use a smudging method, by burning sage or other plants, or by spraying the room with a smudging mist. You can also visualise or draw a circle around you and your spell with your finger in the air, then fill your circle with white light.

If you are aligned with certain deities, elementals or guides, you may wish to ask for their assistance in providing protection. A very simple and effective protection method is to light a white candle while visualising the light cleansing, clearing and protecting you.

Focus Intention

Sit or stand still for a long moment and imagine your outcome. Really see it in your mind and complete your picture with exact times, places and events. You may like, at this time before you cast your spell, to write down your intention and say it out loud to get yourself fully focused and your energy aligned with what it is you are about to create.

Cast Spell

In each of the flower spells I have shared with you, I have set out very specific steps to create your spell and I have explained why I've used these steps. In the final section, I've provided instruction on creating your own spells. Casting your spell is simply what you do to make the spell happen. While casting your spell, you must maintain your focus on your intention.

Release, Close and Ground

Once you have completed your spell, you will need to release the power you have raised in creating it. I will provide a way to release the spell for each spell I share with you, but you can also simply say: 'I release the power I have raised' or 'It is done' or by putting out your white candle if lit.

Grounding is the way you bring yourself back from your spellcasting time. Clapping you hands, ringing a bell or placing your bare feet or hands on the earth are all ways to ground yourself.


You can use colour in cloth, candles, flowers, additional ingredients and other tools, to set your spell upon.

» Red: passion, power, strength, courage, renewal, health, motivation, self-esteem, confrontation, ambition, challenge, purchases

» Pink: healing, calming, emotions, harmony, compassion, self-love, romance, relaxation, new beginnings, partnerships

» Orange: opportunities, legal matters, obstacles, abundance, gain, power, happiness

» Yellow: friendship, returns, productivity, creativity, education, healing

» Green: wellness, new beginnings, marriage, home, planning, peace, harmony, birth, rebirth, fertility, affection, luck, change, creativity, socialising

» Blue: self-improvement, opportunity, charity, study, growth, travel, insight, patience, meditation, sports, religion, social standing, expansion, higher education, wisdom

» Brown: focus, lost items, grounding, harvest, security, generosity, endurance

» Violet: psychic growth, divination, spiritual development, self-improvement

» Purple: spirit, ambition, protection, healing, intuition, business, occultism

» White: protection, safety, transformation, enlightenment, connection to higher self, becoming more outgoing, relieving shyness, the cycle of life, freedom, health, initiation

» Black: divination, rebirth, material gain, discoveries, truth, sacrifice, protection, creation, death, karma, absorbing energies, binding, neutralising, debts, separation.


The addition of whole pieces of crystal, tumble stones, balls and jewellery can add specific energies to your spells. Not all crystals are suitable for all types of spells – some are not safe when they come in contact with items you use for consumption, or topically.

You will need to check the properties of the crystals before you create your spells. A reliable, specialised crystal-usage resource is advisable. Below is a basic summary of crystals and their properties:

» Agate: courage, longevity, love, protection, healing, self-confidence

» Agate, Black: success, courage

» Agate, Black and White: physical protection

» Agate, Blue Lace: peace, consciousness, trust, self-expression

» Agate, Green Moss: healing, longevity, gardening, harmony, abundance

» Amazonite: creativity, unity, success, thought process

» Amber: protection, luck, health, calming, humour, spell breaker, manifestation

» Amethyst: peace, love, protection, courage, happiness, psychic protection

» Apache Tear: protection from negative energies, grief, danger, forgiveness

» Apatite: control, communication, coordination

» Aquamarine: calm, strength, control, fears, tension relief, thought processes

» Aventurine: independence, money, career, sight, intellect, sport, leadership

» Azurite: divination, healing, illusions, communication, psychic development

» Bloodstone: healing, business, strength, power, legal matters, obstacles

» Calcite: purification, money, energy, spirituality, happiness

» Carnelian: courage, sexual energy, fear, sorrow release, action, motivation

» Chalcedony: emotions, honesty, optimism

» Chrysocolla: creativity, female energies, communication, wisdom

» Citrine: detox, abundance, regeneration, cleansing, clarity, initiative

» Dioptase: love attracter, prosperity, health, relaxation

» Emerald: wealth, protection, intellect, artistic talent, tranquility, memory

» Epidote: emotional healing, spirituality

» Fluorite: study, intellect, comprehension, balance, concentration

» Garnet: protection, strength, movement, confidence, devotion

» Gold: power, success, healing, purification, honour, masculine energy

» Hematite: divination, common sense, grounding, reasoning, relationships

» Herkimer Diamond: tensionsoothing, sleep, rest, power-booster

» Iolite: soul connection, visions, discord release

» Jade: justice, wisdom, courage, modesty, charity, dreams, harmony

» Jasper: healing, health, beauty, nurturing, travel

» Jet: finances, antinightmares, divination, health, luck, calms fears

» Kunzite: addiction, maturity, security, divinity

» Kyanite: dreams, creativity, vocalisation, clarity, serenity, channelling

» Labradorite: destiny, elements

» Lapis Lazuli: love, fidelity, joy, healing, psychic development, inner truth

» Larimar: confidence, depression, serenity, energy balance

» Malachite: money, sleep, travel, protection, business

» Moldavite: changes, transformation, life purpose

» Moonstone: youth, habits, divination, love, protection, friends

» Obsidian: grounding, production, peace, divination

» Onyx: stress, grief, marriage, antinightmares, self-control

» Opal: beauty, luck, power, money, astral projection

» Pearl: faith, integrity, innocence, sincerity, luck, money, love

» Peridot: wealth, stress, fear, guilt, personal growth, health

» Prehnite: chakras, relationships

» Pyrite: memory, focus, divination, luck

» Quartz, Clear: protection, healing, power, psychic power

» Quartz, Rose: love, peace, happiness, companionship

» Quartz, Smokey: depression, negativity, tension, purification

» Rhodochrosite: new love, peace, energy, mental powers, trauma-healing

» Ruby: wealth, mental balance, joy, power, contentment, intuition

» Sapphire: meditation, protection, power, love, money, wisdom, hope

» Sardonyx: progression, finances, self-protection

» Selenite: decisions, reconciliation, flexibility, clarity

» Silver: stress, travel, invocation, dreams, peace, protection, energy

» Sodalite: wisdom, prophetic dreams, dissipates confusion

» Sugilite: physical healing, heart, wisdom, spirituality

» Sunstone: sexual healing, energy, protection, health

» Tanzanite: magick, insight, awareness

» Tiger's Eye: courage, money, protection, divination, energy, luck

» Topaz: love, money, sleep, prosperity, commitment, calm

» Tourmaline: friendship, business, health, astral projection

» Tourmaline, Black: grounding, protection,

» Tourmaline, Blue: peace, stress relief, clear speech

» Tourmaline, Green: success, creativity, goals, connection with nature

» Tourmaline, Pink: friendship, love, creativity

» Tourmaline, Red: projection, courage, energy

» Turquoise: protection, communication, socialising, health, creative solutions


In this book, I will be focusing on getting you to experience magick as easily as possible with everyday items. I will also share with you substitutions for any items that may be a little hard to obtain, especially flowers that may be out of season.

Tools and magickal ingredients can be obtained from bricks-and-mortar stores and online, but always be guided by your feelings when making purchases from these sellers. Make sure you feel comfortable and positive about these businesses because their energies will transfer. Make sure that anything that comes into your space to use for spell work has no doubt passed through various other hands and should be magickally cleansed. I would do this by placing the items under running water, smudging with smoke or placing them underground in suitable wrapping or a container for a night.

As this is a book of flower spells, you will need to find a way to obtain the flowers. Of course the very best way would be to grow them. In the following chapter I will share some ideas and tips on how to do this, but I know it is not possible for everyone to garden, nor is it possible to grow everything in every place all the time.

When purchasing fresh flowers, try and support your local florist and growers. Try your local markets or farmers' markets and look out for local signage. I used to live in a very built-up city area where a lovely lady grew and sold flowers from her suburban backyard.

Selecting fresh flowers should be done with care. Make sure you are purchasing flowers that look and feel energetic and positive and make sure you take them home swiftly and look after them. Remove excess foliage that may turn water brown. Snip stems at an angle to remove dried ends and enable them to easily take a long fresh drink. Place in water with a little sugar or feeder. Change water completely every two to three days and snip stems as required.

One solution to purchasing fresh flowers is to keep dried flowers – something I've been doing successfully for decades and a practice that enables me to have supplies all year round. You easily can dry most flowers by tying in loose bundles and hanging in a cool, dry space. Single blossoms can also be dried on racks or pressed, and for those particularly dedicated there are various food dehydrators on the market that work very well. Another popular flower drying method is the use of silica gel. Flowers are placed in containers layered with the gel in bead form and this dries out flowers over a number of weeks.

Once dry, keep your flowers in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight in airtight jars. Label by flower type. You may also like to add place, time or season in which the flower was harvested. Ensure that your flowers are completely dry before bottling or they will grow mould.

Am I Killing the Flower if I Use it in a Spell?

Flowers are part of the lifecycle of plants, which we harvest and enjoy and regrow throughout the year – just like the vegetables you had in your last salad, which may have included parts of plants and maybe also flowers and what could have been flowers taken too soon (put that artichoke down!). You are not killing a flower; you are using a part of a plant at the end of its own lifecycle. To use flowers in spells, be respectful. Don't over harvest, don't uproot whole plants unnecessarily and try to observe the tips I have given above.


A garden, a magickal garden, can be anything from a vast estate to a pot plant. The most important thing is that you grow your flowers organically and with a positive intention. I try and use what I already have and love reusing old containers for pot plants. I'm also a very keen seed swapper and cutting collector.


Excerpted from "The Book of Flower Spells"
by .
Copyright © 2018 Cheralyn Darcey.
Excerpted by permission of Rockpool Publishing Pty Ltd.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Welcome, Blossom,
How To Use This Book,
SECTION ONE: What Is A Spell and How Does It Work?,
SECTION TWO: A Collection of Flower Spells,
Relationships and Love,
Happiness and Harmony,
Success and Prosperity,
Protection and Clearing,
Health and Healing,
Transition and Change,
SECTION THREE: How to Create Your Own Spells,
Flower Spell Journal,
Flower Meanings,
Image Credits,

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