The Children of Now . . . Evolution: How We Can Support the Fast-Forward Evolution of Our Children and Our Race

The Children of Now . . . Evolution: How We Can Support the Fast-Forward Evolution of Our Children and Our Race

by Meg Blackburn Losey PhD
The Children of Now . . . Evolution: How We Can Support the Fast-Forward Evolution of Our Children and Our Race

The Children of Now . . . Evolution: How We Can Support the Fast-Forward Evolution of Our Children and Our Race

by Meg Blackburn Losey PhD


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Humanity is in a fastforward stage of evolution. We saw this first with the Bridge Generation. For the past several decades, children are born into our world with various gifts and knowing - first introduced as Indigo Children and, as generations have passed, referred to as Crystalline Children, Star Children, and more.

In these times, we bear witness to how consciousness and the minds of the future of humanity are changing in spectacular ways. This is a phenomenon that should not be ignored. Who are these amazing beings and why are they here? What is happening that causes some kids to remember where they came from, who they were in past lives, that they are natural healers, and so sensitive that they can't keep still. How is it that they feel everything and can't distinguish what feelings belong to them and what belongs to others?

In this follow up to her bestselling book The Children of Now, Meg Losey revisits these spectacular children and discusses who they are becoming and how their growing influence is changing society for the better. The Children of Now Evolution addresses the following:

• What is the magic of these children who embody unconditional love and have the foresight to see a new future for our people and our planet?
• How do their minds work and why are they hypersensitive in some ways and desensitized in others?
• Is our DNA changing and taking us into a new or different physiology?
• What does autism, ADD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, Asperger's Syndrome have to do with Crystalline Children and Star Kids, if anything? Why are so many kids being drugged?
• Why are so many young adults falling off the edge into darker, more destructive thoughts and actions - from selfabuse with drugs to hurting themselves and worse?
• How are vaccines, GMO in our foods contributing to mutating human biology, particularly our DNA?
• How are we - society, parents, caregivers and guardians - failing to give these kids what they need? How can we? What will it take?
• How can we structure our schools to meet the needs of these kids? Instead of surviving their educations, how can we help them to thrive?

Losey offers concrete information for parents, schools, and others to understand what these kids need and how to help them function and flourish. Too often these children are mislabeled as ADD or ADHD or worse. She also addresses the metaphysical realities that these children (and others) perceive. There may not be monsters in the closet or under the bed, but these highlyevolved children may actually be "seeing" things that their parents or caregivers cannot. Finally, she paints a picture of what our world will look like when the "Children of Now" take over.

With new research and reports from the field The Children of Now Evolution is even more important to the families of today and tomorrow.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781578635658
Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
Publication date: 11/01/2014
Pages: 272
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.40(h) x 0.80(d)

About the Author

Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD, is the author of the recently released The Children of Now Evolution, the international bestseller The Children of Now along with several other books including Conversations with the Children of Now, The Art of Living Out Loud, The Secret History of Consciousness, and she is a contributor to What Wags the World. Dr. Meg is the creator of the Touching the Light Healing Modality and offers Certification courses. She is an international keynote speaker and lectures worldwide. Dr. Meg is a PhD of Holistic Life Coaching and holds a Doctoral Degree in Metaphysics and has served as a consultant to Good Morning America and 20/20.

Read an Excerpt

The Children of Now ... Evolution

How We Can Support the Fast-Forward Evolution of Our Children and All of Humanity

By Meg Blackburn Losey

Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC

Copyright © 2014 Meg Blackburn Losey
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-57863-565-8


The Children of Now: Who Are They and Why Are They Such a Big Deal?

Your children are not broken, they are simply differently abled. —Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD

So who are the Children of Now? What do we mean by this term and how do we know if a child is one?

The Children of Now is a term I dedicated to a new generation who have come into our world with different abilities and traits. These amazing souls recognize that our world needs certain changes if we as a people are to survive.

Does that sound crazy? You bet. There are children in our world who remember talking to God in person before they chose to be born. There are children who talk to their parents even before they are conceived or while they are in utero, often stating their names or their purpose for coming into the family or into our world. There are kids who remember who they were and what they did in past lives.

There are children who are empathic, intuitive, and have a great command of energy, healing, love, compassion, and sensitivity far beyond what most of us experience. Some of these children cannot or will not speak at all but are able to communicate telepathically. Some of these children feel everything everyone around them feels and can't tell the difference between what is theirs and what belongs to someone else. There are kids who command change socially by instigating events in their schools or their environments or children who don't react "normally" to what goes on around them. Some kids have unexplained seizures, fevers, and other medically unexplained issues. Some kids talk about love from the truest of hearts and can see the truth in everything, and some children understand the real motivation behind our actions even when we don't. Some of these kids feel to the deepest parts of their souls, who and what we are beyond the illusions we have set forth in order to feel comfortable, accepted, and safe in our world; they embody truth until we teach them something different. Given their openness to all this input and stimulation beyond our understanding, these are kids who need a framework and guidance if they are to survive at all. Some of them want to just be kids from the perspective of inner greatness that waits to bloom. Others have already brought out forward technologies or become CEOs of their own companies.

Our children have these abilities because they are energetically and therefore harmonically put together differently than previous generations. On the outside they look like everyone else, but other, less visible parts of them shine in new and exciting ways.

Why Is This Happening? Our Energy and the Evolution of Humanity

We are made entirely of energy. How that energy comes together as each of us determines the overall way we function in our known world and even outside of the reality that we know. The entirety of who we are spans many dimensions beyond our three-dimensional world. Our etheric anatomy is a stunningly beautiful array of layers of energy, grid systems, finely tuned subsets, and yes, even other bodies that function in tandem with our earthly bodies.

As we develop, not only do our cells evolve to become different parts of our bodies, our energy system grows complexities that literally hold us together, contribute to our clarity and functioning, and also become our system of harmonics, that is, for lack of better words, our personal symphony. Our individual symphony is unique in all of creation and determines the absolute perfection that is us in the scheme of a much greater reality.

Each of us is a complex field of this energy, which I have explained in depth in my book Touching the Light. Within that complexity, we have an external field that is like a huge bubble surrounding us and has several jobs: It literally holds us together. It acts like a translation station between finer frequencies of other less tangible realities and our human nature. It is also our first line of defense.

Have you ever said to someone "back up; you are in my space!"? That person got too close to you and interrupted the flow within your external field by compressing it. When the field became smooshed, it felt uncomfortable. Our external field is very fluid inside and carries information to all parts of the rest of our system. When it is compressed, interrupted, or becomes damaged, our internal communications break down as well. When we don't feel well, our external field may pull in and be smaller for a time to allow the resources contained in it to be optimally used. Later, when we feel better, our fields expand again.

Also in our external field are sets of very fine frequencies. They are spaced exactly evenly through the entire area. The frequency sets rotate and move or, more aptly put, pass along the internal energies and communications in our external field. The fluidity with which our energy flows is affected not only by our feelings and experiences, but also by our environment and those around us. For most of us of previous generations, our field structures tend to be very similar even though our harmonics are unique.

Our external fields adjust, respond, and react in very predictable ways. If we hold in our emotions, our fields may become blocked. If we are traumatized, the flow patterns might change, or the field may even be reshaped. When we have surgery, our external field picks up errors due to the electromagnetic emissions from the machines in the operating room. Those errors cause us to heal more slowly and can affect how we feel every day.

When we are happy, joyful, fulfilled, or excited, our fields expand, becoming larger and even more sensitive, reaching out for more of what is good. When we feel bad or are sick, our external fields become smaller, tighter, thicker, and even change colors and functionality. There are a myriad of changes that can occur in our external fields depending on infinite factors, but up through our generation, those responses and changes have been fairly predictable.

The external fields of the Children of Now are different. Because they have evolved very quickly, the way they look and the way they act and react are unusual, more accurate, and faster. They have a harmonic sensitivity to everything in and around them. It is as if the external fields of our new children have billions of feelers. The children sense everything. They can't help it. The difficulty comes when they experience the feelings of others and don't understand that those feelings aren't theirs and that they are not responsible for how another person feels.


In addition to the external field, each of us is made up of a set of harmonics. Our harmonics are comprised of layers and layers of specific sets each having specific jobs or groups of tasks, such as maintaining the health of our organs. As a whole, our harmonics have everything to do with who we are. There are no two sets of harmonics that are alike in all of creation. If there were, we would cancel each other out.

Our harmonics play a huge role in how sensitive we are to everything. The higher our frequencies, the more sensitive we are. When our harmonics reach a certain level, we become more able to utilize our seventh sense, as I call it, which is our intuitive nature. We are able to tap into what our consciousness is bringing to us 24/7. Our consciousness is aware of everything all of the time. It is not limited to time or space and flits around accessing data from eons. Most of us aren't even aware that this is happening.

The energy fields of our children are evolving at an unheard of rate of speed and development. For them, a normal day likely includes the wisdom of the ages intermingled with everything else they have going in. The Children of Now consider some degree of these abilities as second nature. They think nothing of these abilities because having them is an innate part of who they are. There isn't a separation between their divine and earthly natures. The Children of Now embody both in a balance most of us seek our entire lives.

Our harmonics are comprised of pure energy. Ultimately, when factored down to the very basis of all that we are, energy is the key player. It organizes, reflects its being as reality, and remembers everything it has encountered. In a way, even though we are organized in human form, our energy contains an infinite library of everything that has ever been, is now, and ever will be. That is because past, present, and future are happening all at the same time. In a sense, our universe is an encapsulation of everything that is, was, or might be. All of creation is in a constant state of evolution. Everything is fluid and nothing completely constant. On subtler levels, creation is in a constant state of change. From our dense human form, those changes don't seem so obvious, but they are there.

Generally, the evolution of humanity happens over millennia, but lately there has been a shift. Our world has changed, and our systems must keep up.

On the whole, we are far more intelligent than previous generations. We live in an information age where knowledge and news are passed around the world in real time all of the time. We are exposed to technologies that other ages would consider science fiction. Greater intelligence goes hand in hand with expanded consciousness and conscious awareness.

Before we evolved into the type of human beings we are now, we had very little brain activity outside of our need to survive. Because of that we were in tune with everything in and around us. There was no need to understand; it all just was. Now, our minds are full and extremely active dealing with issues that never mattered in our more primitive stages. As we have evolved, our connection with everything faded, and we forgot how to be so in tune.

We began to be surprised by life events and things that happened in our environments. We began to think our way through our experiences rather than to just act and react. All of that thinking caused our brains to work differently until the time came when we began to see ourselves as isolated from everything else. That sense of isolation came with a whole new set of perspectives including our egos that weigh everything based upon past experiences. We also began to take everything personally.

The brain and the ego developed deceptive practices to assure us of our successes and our safety as well as our self-images. We began to live differently, love differently, and approach life and everything in it from completely changed perspectives from what we had earlier in our evolution.


Creation has rules and laws that maintain the overall balance in all things. The truth is that humanity has evolved out of our truths and into self-induced illusion. We have become desensitized. We tend to look outside of ourselves for what we think we need or are missing. We deceive ourselves constantly in the name of feeling safe, accepted, even loved.

But creation demands truth. As the evolutionary process continues, we have begun to shift back to our truer nature. Such changes begin energetically first, then move into the physical plane later.

To embody these changes, our consciousness must realize its lack of limitations. Doing so means going back to an internal balance that is true. To evolve into a state of internal balance means that we will drop certain behaviors and certain other parts of us must wake back up. Our more divine nature, as we call it, is coming forward as a necessity for our survival. As luck (or creation) would have it, we are hardwired to seek our divinity. That information is stored both in our energy system and in our DNA.

All of these factors contribute to a true balance or equilibrium among all the aspects of each of us—our mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and even higher natures that we don't have names for yet. As all of these parts begin the balancing process, our frequencies change. We start to resonate at much higher frequencies than we ever have. Those higher frequencies vibrate faster and faster, and as a result, the changes wake up parts of us that have long been dormant. As these parts come alive, other parts activate, including our DNA, which is closely linked with our consciousness.

Consciousness is light. It is faster than the speed of light in its abilities to move through and beyond time and space. Our consciousness is, shall we say, online all of the time in such a way that it is aware of everything simultaneously. The problem is that our brains have not yet caught up. Our thinking nature and our need to know and understand everything in our experiences have blocked our consciousness from coming forward with the unlimited amounts of information it gleans.

Multidimensionality and Changing Consciousness

As a result of the current evolutionary fast-forward, some of the Children of Now experience different abilities with their expanded consciousness. One of those capabilities is being able to see beyond our local world.

Creation is made up of lots of areas called dimensions. We live in one, but there are a myriad of others too. (Remember, everything is made up of organized harmonics.) Depending upon the frequency arrangement, dimensions stack with the heaviest or lowest frequencies at the bottommost position and graduate higher and higher where the finest frequencies and upper dimensions reside. Altogether the array of organized dimensions looks like a giant honeycomb. (See Figure 1.)

The dimension that we live in is somewhere on the middle lower end. Our dimension allows for mass and density, or hard-formed reality, objects, and occupants, which we are.

Each dimension contains its own version of reality and sometimes otherworldly beings who inhabit it. Some of those realities—those that are closer to ours—are similar but perhaps on a somewhat different timeline of past or future. Most of us are not aware of other realities because we don't have the capability and awareness to travel consciously outside of our own. However, there are some people, especially the Children of Now, who are able to expand their consciousness into other places or dimensions and even interact with those who reside there. Plus, they can learn from the information stored there.

Every part of creation is filled with information stored as light energy. The information constantly changes as everything within creation (including us!) has experiences that alter reality. Think of it this way: When we use our telephone, we are taking advantage of fiber optic lines to convey our voices or perhaps the pure data of our faxes or other communications. We don't really know how it works, but it does. In creation, data is stored similarly, but there are no lines or predictable pathways such as wires. Instead, there is a fluid constant of energy.

In every given moment that constant is different because it is continually responding to the stimuli within it coming from each of us and everything else. The infinite array of energy is in constant motion. As it moves, it also stores information about everything that is happening with, to, and within it. Nothing happens outside of it because there is no outside. Once our consciousness is released from our earthly attention, it can blend and interact in the same form as the living energy that is creation. As it does, consciousness becomes information.

The Children of Now have the natural ability to access knowledge, intelligence, and even wisdom in this way. They can also see and experience living energy so that they may interact with spirits, people who have died but remain close to us. They can go to places and levels of reality that are outside of time and space. That means that they can reach into the past or the future and bring information back to now. Because of this, the Children of Now seem to know a lot more than we think a little kid ought to. Some of these kids seem to carry and expound the wisdom of the ages. This is because their consciousness readily travels and brings home information of all kinds.

What this means is that a child may understand or talk about things that don't fit our reality. He or she may seem to have wisdom beyond words. Energy and information gotten this way is what we call pure in form. It has no boundaries, no navigable path; it just is, and it is everywhere.

Have you ever given someone advice, and then later wondered what the heck you just said or how you knew what you said? During that time, you were so in the zone that you drew information from other planes of reality to help. In a greater, more complex sense, this is what the kids are doing. But just because they can do these things, it doesn't make them weird or mentally ill. What it means is that our children are coming into this world with a seventh sense that operates outside of our current time and space.


Excerpted from The Children of Now ... Evolution by Meg Blackburn Losey. Copyright © 2014 Meg Blackburn Losey. Excerpted by permission of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Note to Readers xiii

Gratitude xv

Introduction xvii

Chapter 1 The Children of Now: Who Are They and Why Are They Such a Big Deal? 1

Why Is This Happening? Our Energy and the Evolution of Humanity 3

Multidimensionality and Changing Consciousness 9

New Ways of Thinking and Processing Information 13

Chapter 2 Categories and Traits of the Children of Now 21

The Bridge Generation 22

The Indigo Children 25

The Crystalline Children 27

The Star Kids 34

Children of Light 36

The Transitional Children 37

Our Beautiful Silent Ones 40

Angels on Earth 44

Chapter 3 How Do We Know What's Real and What Is Imagination? 49

Chapter 4 Autism, ADD, ADHD, and More 61

ADD and ADHD 62

Why Autism Is a Spectrum 65

Asperger's 74

Some of the Symptoms of Asperger's 75

Chapter 5 The Drugging of the Innocent 79

Chapter 6 The Perfect Storm: How We Are Creating a Generation of Murderers and Sociopaths 85

Dangers of Disaffection 86

The Challenges of Modern Childhood 89

Chapter 7 GMOs, Our Environment, and Our Mutating World 103

GMOs 104

The Gluten Issue 111

Environmental Factors 121

Chapter 8 Vaccines 127

Chapter 9 What Can We Do for Our Children of Now? 145

As Individuals 145

As Families 149

As a Society 157

In Schools 162

Chapter 10 Future World 175

In Retrospect 185

Weston 185

Lorrin 188

Tristan 191

Nicholas 192

Resources 195

Other Books by Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD 195

Books: The Children of Now 196

Autism Books 197

Vaccine Books 199

Children of Now Websites 200

Autism and Asperger's Websites 201

Vaccine Websites 203

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