The Evolution of Galaxies: III - From Simple Approaches to Self-Consistent Models / Edition 1

The Evolution of Galaxies: III - From Simple Approaches to Self-Consistent Models / Edition 1

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Springer Netherlands
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Springer Netherlands
The Evolution of Galaxies: III - From Simple Approaches to Self-Consistent Models / Edition 1

The Evolution of Galaxies: III - From Simple Approaches to Self-Consistent Models / Edition 1

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Galaxies have a history. This has become clear from recent sky surveys which have shown that distant galaxies, formed early in the life of the Universe, differ from the nearby ones. New observational windows at ultraviolet, infrared and millimetric wavelengths (provided by ROSAT, IRAM, IUE, IRAS, ISO) have revealed that galaxies contain a wealth of components: very hot gas, atomic hydrogen, molecules, dust, dark matter... A significant advance is expected from the results of new instruments (VLT, FIRST, XMM) which will allow one to explore the most distant Universe.

Three Euroconferences were planned to punctuate this new epoch in galactic research, bringing together specialists in various fields of Astronomy. This book contains the proceedings of the third conference and presents the actual state-of-the-art of modelling galaxy evolution.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781402011825
Publisher: Springer Netherlands
Publication date: 07/31/2003
Edition description: Reprinted from ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 284:2, 2003
Pages: 686
Product dimensions: 6.40(w) x 9.60(h) x 1.40(d)

Table of Contents

Requirements for observations from chemodynamical models (Review)19
Formation and Early Evolution of Galaxies
Early formation and evolution of galaxies (Review)31
Non-standard structure formation scenarios41
Galaxy formation: Warm dark matter, missing satellites, and the angular momentum problem47
Numerical modeling of galaxy evolution51
The formation of the first luminous objects in the universe55
Tests and constraints on theories of galaxy formation and evolution59
Illuminating protogalaxies? The discovery of extended Lyman-[alpha] emission around a QSO at z = 4.563
Modeling the Ly[alpha] radiation of high-redshift galaxies67
Recombination emission from protoglobular clouds on high redshifts71
Galics: A direct link between theory and observations75
Predicting multi-wavelength properties of Lyman break galaxies with GalICS79
Clustering evolution between z = 1 and today83
Photometric redshifts for an optical/near-infrared catalogue in the Chandra Deep Field South87
The FORS Deep Field: the photometric catalog91
A survey searching for the epoch of assembling of Hubble types95
Large-scale structure in the NIR-selected MUNICS survey99
Clues on the Hubble sequence formation from self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations103
The mix of disky and boxy ellipticals107
Modelling the formation of individual galaxies: A morphology problem for CDM?111
Early-type galaxies at low z from self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations117
Pregalactic metal enrichment (Review)121
Chemical enrichment of the intra-cluster medium131
The evolution of cosmic star formation, metals and gas135
Dust formation in damped Ly-alpha systems139
Evidence for chemical evolution in spectra of high redshift galaxies143
Large-Scale and Environmental Effects
Scale interactions and galaxy evolution (Review)151
Hints on the energetics of ICM161
Environmental effects on galaxy properties165
Evolutionary synthesis models for galaxy transformation in clusters169
The gaseous Halo of the Virgo Cluster Galaxy NGC 4569173
Infrared galaxies in compact groups177
The influence of mergings on galaxy evolution181
Collisions and mergers of disk galaxies: Hydrodynamics of star forming gas185
On the nature of high luminosity ULIRGs189
Merging of low-mass systems and the origin of the fundamental plane193
Evolution and destruction of bars197
M51 revisited: A genetic algorithm approach of its interaction history201
The gigantic interacting galaxy NGC 6872205
Probing the physics of interacting galaxies209
I Zwicky 1: Decomposition and dynamics of the nearby QSO host213
The warped gas and dust lane in NGC 3718217
Dynamical evolution of galactic disks driven by interaction with a satellite221
The system of the Milky Way, LMC and SMC225
Outer bulge and in-plane bar of the milky way229
A new challenge: Bar formation and secular evolution in lenticular galaxies233
Bar dissolution in non-spherical halos237
What can biologists say about galaxy evolution?241
What determines galactic evolution? (Discussion)245
Galactic Centers
Formation and evolution of galactic nuclei, black holes (Review)257
How black holes turn cusps into cores267
Probing the nuclear activity with supermassive black holes271
The dynamical interaction of AGN with their galaxian environments275
Ground-based mid infra-red observations of nearby starburst and AGN galaxies279
Dwarf Galaxies
Dwarf galaxies: Important clues to galaxy formation (Review)285
Star formation histories of local group dwarf galaxies295
The extended structure of the Phoenix dwarf galaxy301
Kinematics and stellar populations of 17 dwarf early-type galaxies305
Kinematics of diffuse elliptical galaxies309
The dynamical structure of dwarf elliptical galaxies313
Spectrophotometric investigations of the blue compact dwarf galaxy Mrk 35317
New insights into the photometric structure of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies from a deep Near-Infrared study321
Photometric studies of very metal-deficient blue compact dwarf galaxies: the exponential ionized gas halo of I Zw 18325
The effect of star formation on the evolution of Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies329
X-ray emission from dwarf galaxies: IC 2574 revisited333
Low-mass cluster galaxies: A cornerstone of galaxy evolution337
H[alpha] regions in FCC046 and FCC207341
Optical and NIR investigation of a sample of tidal dwarf candidates345
[omega] Cen--An ultra compact dwarf galaxy?349
Searching for an intrinsic stellar population in compact high-velocity clouds353
Understanding dwarf galaxies as galactic building blocks (Discussion)357
Disk Galaxies
Formation and evolution of disk galaxies (Review)369
Disk galaxy evolution: from the Milky Way to high-redshift disks (Review)381
Local galactic evolution391
Scaling relations of field spirals at intermediate redshift396
X-ray, Ly[alpha] and H[alpha] emission from simulated disk galaxies399
The origin of the correlation between the spin parameter and the baryon fraction of galactic disks403
Tidal torques and galactic warps407
Kinematics of disc galaxies using photometrically calibrated N-body models413
Isolated and mildly interacting spiral galaxies: Rotation curves and metallicities417
The constraints on dark matter distribution in the isolated spiral NGC 4414421
Massive disks in low surface brightness galaxies425
The mass to light ratio and the initial mass function in galactic discs429
The SFR and IMF of the galactic disk433
On the evolution of the SFR in galactic disks437
Properties of star formation in the spiral arms of barred galaxies441
Application of the global modal approach to the spiral galaxies445
Investigation of colour gradients in non-active and active spiral galaxies449
Generation of warps by accretion flows453
Comparing peanut-shaped 'bulges' to N-body simulations and orbital calculations459
3D global simulations of galactic magnetic fields and gas flows463
Magnetic fields and radio polarization of barred galaxies467
Chemical Models
Galactic evolution along the hubble sequence473
CNO evolution: Milky way, dwarf galaxies and DLAs477
The bends in the slopes of radial abundance gradients in the disks of spiral galaxies--do they exist?481
Chemical enrichment in the early galaxy485
The chemical composition of the halo and evolutionary problems489
Galaxy evolution: Inhomogeneous halo collapse493
Inhomogeneous chemical evolution of dwarf spheroidal galaxies497
Search for and study of extremely metal-deficient galaxies501
Chemical evolution of Elliptical Galaxies and the ICM505
The ages and metallicities of ellipticals from continuum colors509
Gas-Phase Processes and Chemodynamical Models
Galaxies as complex systems (Review)515
Gas phase processes affecting galactic evolution (Review)525
Star formation in a multi-phase interstellar medium539
A comparison of chemical and chemodynamical models543
The chemo-dynamical evolution of a disk galaxy547
On the origin of high-eccentricity halo stars551
Chemical and dynamical evolution of spiral galaxies555
The origin of elliptical galaxies inferred from their metallicity gradients559
Feedback and late star formation in elliptical galaxies563
Chemodynamical gas flow cycles and their influence on the chemical evolution of dwarf irregular galaxies567
A multi-phase chemo-dynamical SPH code for galaxy evolution. Testing the code571
Star formation in a multi-phase ISM575
Expanding shells in low and high density environments579
Clues to starburst evolution: The tale of dense gas583
Between simple and chemodynamical models of galaxies (Discussion)587
Spectrum Synthesis Models
Chemically consistent evolutionary synthesis599
On the self-consistency of evolutionary synthesis models603
Star formation histories across hubble types607
Empirical population synthesis for 74 blue compact galaxies611
The resolved red giant branches of E/S0 galaxies615
From spirals to low surface brightness galaxies619
The properties of low surface brightness galaxies623
Photometric evolution of N-body + SPH + star formation simulations of isolated disc galaxies627
The stellar content of a prototype double barred galaxy631
UV and optical spectral properties in early-type galaxies635
High resolution spectra of galaxies639
Evolutionary synthesis modelling of young star clusters in merging galaxies643
Dust-enshrouded super star-clusters647
Observational Tasks
New aspects for new generation telescopes (Discussion)653
The next generation stellar population synthesis library663
Galaxies at the detection limits of deep X-ray surveys667
Towards a new galaxy template library for multi-colour classification671
Spectro-morphology of galaxies675
3D spectroscopy of z - 1 galaxies with Gemini679
Author Index683
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