The Girls' Guide to Friends: Straight Talk for Teens on Making Close Pals, Creating Lasting Ties, and Being an All-Around Great Friend

The Girls' Guide to Friends: Straight Talk for Teens on Making Close Pals, Creating Lasting Ties, and Being an All-Around Great Friend

by Julie Taylor
The Girls' Guide to Friends: Straight Talk for Teens on Making Close Pals, Creating Lasting Ties, and Being an All-Around Great Friend

The Girls' Guide to Friends: Straight Talk for Teens on Making Close Pals, Creating Lasting Ties, and Being an All-Around Great Friend

by Julie Taylor



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Hey, girlfriend! Would you just die if your best friend moved away? Or what if that guy chatting you up in science class turns out to have a crush on your pal and not you? Are you fighting with a friend because she is constantly breaking plans with you to hang with her “cooler” buddies? Do you wish you could come up with more creative ways to spend time with your friends that don’t involve shopping, or watching television? Well, if you are like most girls, your friends are the most important people in the world and you can’t imagine life without them—even when they are working your last nerve. In The Girls’ Guide to Friends, relationship expert Julie Taylor gives you the inside scoop on creating real friendships that will last.

Filled with the wisdom of a cool big sister who truly understands your feelings, The Girls’ Guide to Friends offers advice on making the most of the time you spend with your friends, and how to deal with tough issues, too. With a quiz at the end of every chapter, The Girls’ Guide to Friends will help you realize your true friend potential with insightful questions like:
* Are you a friend magnet or a push-away pal?
* Do you resort to the silent treatment or go ballistic when a friend makes you mad?
* Are you a wild child who loves a huge bash or do you prefer sleepovers with only your closest pals?

Celebrate the amazing power of friendship with The Girls’ Guide to Friends as your guide and become the best pal you can be.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780307528216
Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
Publication date: 05/12/2010
Sold by: Random House
Format: eBook
Pages: 224
File size: 2 MB
Age Range: 12 Years

About the Author

JULIE TAYLOR writes about issues and relationships for magazines such as Cosmo Girl and YM. She is the author of Girls’ Guide to Guys and the novel Franco American Dreams. She lives in Hollywood, California, with her husband and son.

Read an Excerpt

Just Your Type

Eek-you've got a major crisis! Who do you call? Depends what your problemo is, of course. If you can't decide what to wear on your hot date, you dial up your Fashion Diva friend. Desperate to find out the skinny on tonight's big bash? Your Party Pal is the one to call. Need help cramming for that killer algebra quiz? Ring up your Study Buddy pronto! See, friends are like shoes-different ones fit different occasions. Just like you'd never be caught dead wearing your Adidas to Prom, you'd probably never count on your Party Pal to give you any major life advice. Nope, that's your Best Bud's job. Figuring out what Friend Type your pals fall under will help you determine who you can count on . . . and who you can count out. This chapter tells you all-and I do mean all-you need to know about the top ten friend groups. Have fun figuring which category your own friends fall into!

Party Pal

She's the one you call for the buzz on the latest bash, since she gets invited to every single party in town. You have an absolute blast every time you're with her, and when she's around you never know what's going to happen next. Here's everything you need to know about the Party Pal:

favorite clothes:
Miniskirts, sparkly shirts, and anything with fur

dead giveaway:
Those directions she's holding are to the biggest party in town

favorite food:
Party grub, of course-chips and salsa, Chex Mix, anything with a toothpick in it

favorite phrase:
"Let's get this party started!"

what she'll be:
Party planner, publicist, cruise director

never misses:

totally looks up to:
Kate Hudson (the party queen from Almost Famous)

where you'll go together:
Parties, clubs, happening restaurants

what you talk about:
Who's there, who's hooking up with whom, and what everybody's wearing

call her when:
You're looking for something amazing to do on a Friday night

but ring up someone else when:
Your boyfriend just broke up with you and you need a shoulder to cry on

loves pals who are:
Outgoing, fearless, and ready for anything

loathes pals who are:
Homebodies, shy, and freaked to try new things

hang with her if:
She's fun to be around, cheers you up, and always includes you in the celebratory shenanigans

ditch her if:
She's a name-dropper, snobby, or makes you feel insecure

word to the wise:
Party Pals can be totally fun to be around, but if you're in dire need of some major advice and the Party Pal blows you off for her latest bash, RSVP right out of her life.

the last word :
"I have a ton of friends, but none of them are more fun than Katie is. There's never a dull moment with her around. We always manage to hit every single clambake in town. If it's happening, we're there! When I'm with her, I feel like I'm in a movie or something. She may not be my closest friend, but she's definitely the most fabulous." -Jamie, 16

Study Buddy

She's the girl with all the answers-literally. Together, you ace tests and breeze through homework, no problem! Here, the facts on the girl with all the facts: your Study Buddy.

favorite clothes:
Comfy clothes that are easy to think in-sweats, T-shirts, and tennis shoes

dead giveaway:
That stack of textbooks in her arms

favorite food:
Foods scientifically proven to make you smarter-fish, tofu, and peanuts

favorite phrase:
"Is that your final answer?"

what she'll be:
Scientist, professor, doctor

never misses:

totally looks up to:
Claire Danes (a true Ivy League celeb)

where you'll go together:
The library, the symphony, the bookstore

what you talk about:
Your latest test, quiz, or homework assignment

loves pals who are:
Focused, intelligent, and driven

loathes pals who are:
Lazy, air-headed, or absent-minded

hang with her if:
She helps you with your homework and inspires you to make better grades and reach your full potential

ditch her if:
She always wants to copy off your assignments or constantly tries to make you feel like she's smarter than you are

word to the wise:
It's a huge relief to have a Study Buddy around when you're cramming for finals or wrapping up that killer term paper. But if your Study Buddy expects you to do all the work or turns the grading system into a competition, tell her she flunked on friendship.

the last word:
"I don't know how I'd make it without my friend Jenni. She studies with me at least three days a week, and we quiz each other before every major test. Since I met her, I've gone from a 2.5 grade point average to a 3.5, and my confidence level has shot through the roof. We're a mean, lean test-taking team!" -Kari, 17

Plastic Pal

Everyone has at least one friend who's a little on the plastic side. She's not 100 percent fake exactly-but when she tells you that you look amazing when you're wearing leggings and a tank, you have to wonder if she's telling you the whole truth. Get ready for the fantastic-plastic facts:

favorite clothes:
Trendy clothes that look good but don't last-little minis, halters, and clunky sandals

dead giveaway:
That fake, saccharine-sweet smile that's always plastered on her face

favorite food:
Think no calories, no flavor-fat-free cheese, baked potato chips, imitation bacon bits

favorite phrase:
"You look sooooooooooo cute!"

what she'll be:
Politician, fashion stylist, public relations exec

never misses:
Politically Incorrect

totally looks up to:
Britney Spears (who has been accused of having a few plastic parts)

where you'll go together:
Places everyone else goes to-amusement parks, the pool, the mall

what you talk about:
How cute you look, how cute she looks, how cute everyone else thinks you look

call her when:
You need a quick compliment and an ego boost

but ring up someone else when:
You really want honest insight

loves pals who are:
Bubbly, flattering, and eager to please

loathes pals who are:
Brutally honest, confrontational, and controversial

hang with her if:
She's fun, upbeat, and makes you feel good about yourself

ditch her if:
She's mean-spirited, untrustworthy, or unreliable

word to the wise:
Plastic Pals are superficial, but they can be tolerable as long as you don't tell them anything you don't want everyone else to know. The second she spreads rumors about you or talks bad behind your back, however, it's time to kick her to the curb.

the last word:
"My friend Tina is kind of fake, but we have fun together. When I want to go dancing or have a good time, she's a great person to call. We'll never be best friends, but that's okay. Sometimes you just want to hang out with someone you can have fun around-even if she doesn't always tell it like it is." -Belinda, 14

Boy Bud

He's the guy you like but don't like like. You can tell him anything and always count on him to give you the "guy perspective." Here's all you need to know about the Boy Bud:

favorite clothes:
Jeans, Ts, baseball caps

dead giveaway:
The smile on his face after he cracks one of his infamous "guy" jokes

favorite food:
Anything and everything-buffalo wings, corn chips, Ding Dongs

favorite phrase:
"What do you see in that guy?"

what he'll be:
Coach, stockbroker, salesman

never misses:
The Drew Carey Show

totally looks up to:
Ben Affleck (Matt Damon's boy bud)

where you'll go together:
The game, the arcade, the driving range

what you talk about:
Why men are from Mars and women are from Venus

loves pals who are:
Fun, vivacious, and ready for anything

loathes pals who are:
Bossy, super-critical, or negative

hang with him if:
He's fun, supportive, and like the big bro you never had

ditch him if:
He's self-centered, stuck-up, or you think he's only being friends with you in hopes you'll want something more (Unless, that is, you start to develop feelings for him!)

word to the wise:
It's great to have a guy friend you can tell anything to. And he's a perfect standby when you need a guy to go somewhere with but don't want to deal with a date. But if you think he really wants something more, show him the door.

the last word:
"I've been great friends with Trevor since seventh grade. He helps me with my crushes and I help him with his. Plus, he never acts catty like some of my girlfriends do. He's always mellow and low-key, no matter what's going on around him. He's truly the best guy I know." -Mandy, 16

Old Friend

You've known this girl forever and a day. She's been there for everything-your first kiss, your first bra, even your first crush. Here's how to spot the Old Friend, a true oldie-but-goodie:

favorite clothes:
Fashion infused with history, like old concert Ts, retro low-riders, and vintage Adidases

dead giveaway:
That stack of old yearbooks she has in her room

favorite food:
Lunchbox faves-sandwiches, Rice Krispie treats, Lunchables

favorite phrase:
"Do you remember the time . . . ?"

what she'll be:
Historian, teacher, documentary filmmaker

never misses:
Wonder Years reruns

totally looks up to:
Drew Barrymore (the star we've seen grow up on screen)

where you'll go together:
The park, the movies, your old hangouts

what you talk about:
Times you've shared, people you've known, and anything else regarding the "good old days"

call her when:
You need advice from someone who truly knows you

but ring up someone else when:
You want to do something totally out of the norm

loves pals who are:
Loyal, reliable, and dependable

loathes pals who are:
Phony, inconsistent, and irresponsible

hang with her if:
She's supportive, understanding, and would do anything for you

ditch her if:
She's stuck in the past, judgmental, or doesn't like you to make new friends

word to the wise:
Old Friends are great because they know practically everything about you. When you say, "He's just like Chuck from three years ago," they actually know who Chuck is. You don't have to fill in the blanks. But if your Old Friend doesn't like you to make any new ones, it might be time to retire this ancient friendship.

the last word:
"I've known Kelly since kindergarten. She was there when I lost my first tooth and when I broke my elbow on the playground. I love being around her because she totally gets me. When my parents got divorced, I felt like everything in my world was changing. But when I was with Kelly, I felt okay again because she is a constant source of support and always has been. She's not going anywhere."

-Tamara, 13

The Clone

She likes you so much, she wants to be you. She dresses like you, walks like you, and talks like you. Is this flattering or just creepy? You be the judge after reading all about The Clone:

favorite clothes:
Whatever shirts, pants, and shoes you wear first

dead giveaway:
The outfit she's sporting, which is identical to the one you wore yesterday

favorite food:
Whatever you like, 'cause your faves are her faves

favorite phrase:
"Where did you get that?"

what she'll be:
Personal assistant, magician, celebrity impersonator

never misses:

totally looks up to:
Beyoncé from Destiny's Child (the coolest dress-alike band around)

where you'll go together:
Wherever you want to go, she'll follow

what you talk about:
Your likes, dislikes, and opinions on everything

call her when:
You feel like talking about yourself and want someone's total attention

but ring up someone else when:
You need someone to give you a reality check

loves pals who are:
Outgoing, dynamic, and larger-than-life

loathes pals who are:
Timid, quiet, and inconspicuous

hang with her if:
She makes you feel like you're the coolest girl in the whole, wide world

ditch her if:
She kisses your butt so bigtime, even you get sick of the royal treatment

word to the wise:
The Clone thinks you rule, so she's totally flattering to be around. But if she brown-noses you so much that even you're annoyed by the mere sight of her, it's time to ditch this groupie.

the last word:
"My friend Angie totally looks up to me. She had her hair cut like me and she dresses the exact same way I do. It's neat to have someone think I'm so cool. I like influencing her fashion sense, and she's a real boost to my ego." -Hannah, 14

Gossip Queen

She knows everything about everything and is dying to dish the latest dirt. She's so in the know, she finds out about breakups five minutes before they even happen. Get ready for all you need to know about the Gossip Queen:

favorite clothes:
Form-fitting fashions that attract attention-tiny tops paired with tight capris

dead giveaway:
That devilish smile she gets before she spills the scoop

favorite food:
Food that everybody is talking about but no one can pronounce-like bruschetta, couscous, or chai tea

favorite phrase:
"You'll never believe this!"

what she'll be:
Gossip columnist, spokesperson, novelist

never misses:
The E! True Hollywood Story

totally looks up to:
Melissa Rivers (because her gossipy rants on the red carpet crack her up)

where you'll go together: House parties, clubs, happening restaurants

what you talk about:
Who's dating who and who's dumping who

call her when:
You're dying to hear the latest

but ring up someone else when:
You need to confide a major secret

loves pals who are:
Outgoing, outspoken, and outlandish

loathes pals who are:
Introverted, guarded, and dignified

hang with her if:
You love how you never know what she'll say next

ditch her if:
She's malicious or likes to make your secrets front-page news

word to the wise:
Gossip Queens love to talk the talk, and they're a trip to be around. But if you're the subject of their latest gossip session, dump 'em and really give 'em something to talk about.

the last word:
"If you want to know something, ask Lori. She knows everything about what's going on-and I do mean everything. I can listen to the girl talk for hours! She is so hilarious and witty. I wouldn't want her gossiping about me, but I love hearing her gossip about everybody else. She knows it all."

-Kim, 17

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