The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine: Memoirs of a Medical Intuitive

The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine: Memoirs of a Medical Intuitive

The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine: Memoirs of a Medical Intuitive

The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine: Memoirs of a Medical Intuitive


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In this book, Shannon McRae, a gifted clairvoyant and healer, weaves case stories with cutting-edge science to describe her remarkable work with clients at the cellular level, from healing a headache and repairing an eardrum to removing cancer and alleviating depression.

Working in the tradition of Dora Kunz and Delores Krieger, cofounders of Therapeutic Touch, McRae emphasizes the importance in healing of positive thought, forgiveness, and the patient's letting go of emotional pain and resistance to health. Each of her examples is instructive, and each gives hope, no matter what the physical or mental condition might be. The epilogue shares Shannon's insights about life after death and the realm of unseen helpers.

This first-person account of a renowned medical intuitive describing her experiences in helping people heal is aimed at anyone interested in alternative health in general and energy medicine in particular.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780835609302
Publisher: Quest Books
Publication date: 09/01/2015
Pages: 264
Sales rank: 661,636
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.70(d)

About the Author

Shannon McRae, PhD has a graduate degree and a long background in psychology as well as a doctorate in holistic nutrition from American Holistic College of Nutrition. She has an ongoing feature column about intuitive medicine and energy healing in the Well Being Journal.

Scott Miners was editor of The American Theosophist (Quest) magazine from 1977-1984, where he worked with Dora van Gelder Kunz and learned the principles of Therapeutic Touch. He founded the Well Being Journal in 1991, which he continues to publish as executive editor.

Read an Excerpt

The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine

Memoirs of a Medical Intuitive

By Shannon McRae, Scott E. Miners

Theosophical Publishing House

Copyright © 2015 Shannon McRae and Scott E. Miners
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-8356-0930-2


Cellular Healing, Quantum Things, and Our Organizational DNA

Meditation — all by itself — may offer more to the health of [a person] than all the pharmaceutical remedies put together.

— ROBERT DOZOR, The Heart of Healing

Energy medicine seems to work very well, and many case histories in the chapters that follow show how effective it can be. First, though, it is useful to lay a foundation as the basis of the most effective healings. Let us look at why so many have been healed outside the realm of conventional medicine's offerings of drugs and surgery. Why does energy medicine work so well? Why does spontaneous healing take place? These are questions that have multilayered answers, but our first clue is in what is said to be the smallest particles of our physical bodies, from which we have a viewpoint that can throw light on the answers. Thanks to scientific discoveries of the last century, the microview of the human body is a remarkably effective perspective from which to consider the possibilities of healing that can take place far more easily than many have believed, because truly, our bodies are not as solid as they seem.

Let us look at quantum energy, which is the source for the physical body. Quantum physicists assert that a quantum is the tiniest amount of physical existence involved in interactions with other things. It is unusual to think of something smaller than molecules in your cells or genes in your DNA; even so, quantum energy plays a major role in the health of your body. Here I discuss how anyone can use this energy to change a physical illness by starting with cells anywhere in the body. This is what I do on a daily basis.

First, we will look at some descriptions of this microworld as it relates to our bodies. Quanta are considered to be packets of matter with energy stored in them. Quantum physicists see quanta sometimes as waves, such as light waves — which are the building materials of our physical bodies — and sometimes as particles, such as photons; it depends on the way you observe them. Scientists argue that quanta alone can not only change their forms but also do so when under human observation. This ability of the tiniest particles in our bodies to change form is important to remember in the context of intentional healing. In her book The Quantum Self, Dana Zohar refers to this phenomenon when she writes, "Something about the act of observation (or measurement) [changes] the quantum wave function" of the energy being observed.


Biophysicist Joyce Whiteley Hawkes attests to the energetic nature of the tiniest particles in the cells in our bodies. She describes the underlying reason that the intentional focusing of intent to heal is so effective: "Within each cell there are trillions of molecules composed of trillions more atoms. Like the spaces between stars, which contain huge amounts of energy, the ultrasmall nano-spaces inside of the atoms teem with energy to constantly manifest new creation." It is actually at this ultra-small level that I do my healing visualizations, which involve building trillions of new, healthy cells in a microcosmic way; recent scientific observations give me the terminology to describe what I do. Let us look at how thought creates the quantum field that is at the basis for healing. To see how thought influences cells in the body, let us look at the highly sensitive cellular components in the context of thought.

Hawkes' description of the cellular environment is important to understand because it substantiates the workings of energy medicine at the microlevel. For example, she avows, "In this microworld of the inner composition of your cells, energy and matter interface in ultrafast blips of time: nano- or pico-seconds. When an event occurs in these swift pulses of 10-9 or 10-12 seconds, the cells enter a type of quantum reality — no longer linear and no longer predictable." We can create a nonlinear (outside time) quantum field of healing reality through thought. I create this field through my thought when I am doing healing or practicing energy medicine (and you can too); I have been doing it as my profession for over forty years, so I am very practiced at it.

To do this, I create an intentional thought of healing, a field of healing, and work within it. When I generate a field of healing, it involves every part of the body, from the tiniest to the largest parts. Once I have created the healing thought field, I begin visualizing new, healthy cell regeneration. You can be assured that this energetic imprint is having an effect on the cells, which, at the building-block level, is not confined to linear time or space. Hawkes's scientific findings, as one example, point to this ability of cells to respond to any thought/quantum field. She writes, "The cell is the interface between ordinary and nonordinary reality; possibilities exist here that we have barely begun to understand or develop. ... Yet we can influence them with our consciousness."

Why does this kind of energy healing work? Quantum physicists have proved that human observation has an effect on the tiniest of things. Physicist Amit Goswami refers to the effect of our observation in this way: "Quantum physics in the form of its famous observer effect (how an observer's looking transforms quantum possibilities into actual experiences in the observer's consciousness) is forcing us to a paradigm shift from a primacy-of-matter paradigm to a primacy-of-consciousness paradigm." It is especially clear to me that consciousness is primary. I do my work at this tiniest of energetic levels as well as with the whole system of the body, thoughts, emotions, and their fields. All of my clients who can align consciously with this kind of healing have had remarkable results.

Scientists need laboratory equipment such as electron microscopes to view subatomic particles, but I can see these tiniest of cellular particles in my intuitive perception. I can say that it truly is as if this quantum energy in our cells has a consciousness and responds to the observer. Goswami asserts that we have to look at the observer effect, "how our measurement or observation changes ... possibility into actuality." Knowing this, it is even more important to monitor our own thoughts and emotional energy — our attitudes — because we each observe the world continuously such that our bodies, our cells, and our DNA and genes can carefully align with healthy thought. It is advisable to think the best of all we observe. Our observations and thoughts change possibilities into actualities. The healthy, overall consciousness of well-being, or Source energy, is always there, ever possible to draw from, but we have to align with it, allow it, and stop resisting it in order consistently to have the flow of complete health. Basically, we have to think more like Source and refrain from judging anything or anyone, including ourselves.

Thought is an epigenetic factor that affects DNA, so it is important to align your thought to well-being (feeling good). (Throughout this book, I refer to well-being as meaning "Source energy," which is the basis of all life in the universe.) It is necessary to make observations of a positive nature in order to feel good. There was a Beach Boys song in the 1960s about good vibrations, and now it is known through science that thoughts create vibrations in the body and field. Pure thoughts such as unconditional love and appreciation are of high vibratory frequency. Being in love makes you feel high. Negative thoughts, such as judgment, shame, anger, and criticism, are lower vibratory energies. Our DNA interacts with thought and, to a certain extent, is negatively affected and compromised, or loses energy in the context of negative thinking. Chronic negative thinking leads to illnesses.

In healing work of any kind, it is important to remember that the cells are based in light, are made of light waves, and are therefore always in flux, always affected by the vibrations of the fields made with thought and feeling, and thus cells can be replicated in a healthy way. Examples of positive observations that align with the flow of well-being and healthy energy for our cells are: "My body is an extension of well-being, and my cells can vibrate as a match to well-being when I relax and allow the flow; I allow this vibration; I feel this vibration; I surrender to this vibration of well-being no matter where I am or what I am doing; I cease thinking any thought or doing any action that causes a feeling other than well-being; I forgive myself when I catch myself thinking negative thoughts; I observe myself as an extension of Source and feel the vibration of well-being in all my cells. I surrender and relax, trusting in my intuition and always aiming to choose the path that makes me feel good, positive, and loved."


My perspective in intuitive medicine and healing work is that the DNA in our cells are three-dimensional outposts for information from the overall field of well-being. DNA interacts with other multidimensional fields, including the many different thoughts and feelings that either block or harmonize with the natural flow of well-being energy. Incidents, self-criticism, and judgments that have not been forgiven become blockages to the flow of well-being. A negative thought creates a field that then feeds information to the DNA, which is listening to every thought. Thinkers — you and I — create energies from thoughts; we create what might have been merely a passing possibility into reality in our DNA and cells by our focused and repeated thoughts. You just have to practice thoughts that feel good and let go of all those that do not in order to serve the health of your body; by practicing with consistency, even unwanted conditions that have been with you a long time will disappear.

Let us look more at how the ultra-small DNA can respond to possibilities of healing and can positively affect our cells. Recent scientific findings indicate that our DNA organizes light waves, the very light waves that quantum physics show us are changed by our observation. It can be said that DNA is listening to each thought for its instructions and organizing light waves in accordance; the finding that DNA organizes light waves into various patterns is another example of how DNA uses energetic information such as our thoughts and attitudes to replicate our cells in healthy or unhealthy ways. This fact of the power of thoughts and attitudes helps explain the stories of cancer cures, remissions, and healing of other diseases that defy conventional medical explanation. Individuals let go of their stressful thoughts and emotions, and heal.

Unmanaged stress negatively affects the DNA, adversely affecting the way it organizes the light waves that play such a central role in cellular replication, whereas peace positively affects DNA. Being peaceful and simple, appreciating the moment, stopping judgment, and being happy in the ever-present now all support the precise replication of healthy cells. The positive vibration of well-being is in the ever-present now, and since this positive vibration is the collective and individual source field of all that is (which I think is the same as the unified field described by Einstein), all you need to do is stop resisting it with all those stressful, negative thoughts. Meditation, rest, relaxation, movement, being at ease, and finding something to appreciate — nature, flowers, birds, the sky, the sun, bodies of water, and anything about anyone around you — all help immeasurably to redirect the flow of negative thinking.

As quantum science has shown, by observing what you want to change, you affect it. So let us look at how this might work in a healing interaction. The healing exchange between the healer and the client involves surrender to the possibilities of complete health. Through consciousness and intent, I (or any healer) can create a new individual field, a quantum possibility, by intending to help someone change a disease condition. This can be as simple as, for example, seeing what the healthy condition was intended to be prior to the condition of disease (which is the piling of cells in the body that occurs in a disease process). The diseased cells are not the same as the original healthy DNA blueprint. They have been altered by either stress or circumstances such as limited belief systems, judgments, and negative thinking in general. For example, suppose a person had been told something might occur to her because a parent had a certain condition. The consistent thought of the negative condition actually energizes the nonpreferred condition. DNA has many possibilities. As people, each of us has unlimited choices about what we think, but we must focus on what we want and limit thoughts about what we do not want in order to stay aligned as much as possible with the flow of well-being. Even identical twins have unique health profiles, and research is showing this is because of epigenetic factors such as attitudes and lifestyle as well as the fact that DNA is multidimensional.

It is important to look at all these things in healing. I perceive multidimensional levels of reality. I close my eyes during the healing process because doing so helps me focus and see the organizing light coming from the healing fields that are fed by and provide well-being. Visualizing in this way helps me to cocreate with my client a specifically intended and individual healing field that encompasses and adds energy to my client. This creates a field of intentional consciousness, where healing takes place with more energy. It places the client, and thus all the client's cells, in a space of quantum reality, where time and space do not exist. It is true, as Hawkes writes, that "the cells enter a type of quantum reality — no longer linear and no longer predictable."

The possibility and probability of healing become reality when intent, belief, and desire are all in harmony for the healing to occur. A healing reality space occurs for me, too, when I am working. When I am on the phone with clients, I am only aware of them and the healing space around them. I am not aware of anything in the physical room around me. This is how I have come to understand what scientists call the quantum field of possibility. As I work, my clients feel different things: a sense of uplifting, a tingling, a lightness of being. This is the best way I can describe the feelings that come from the field of the benevolent healing space that we create with our mutual intent for the client to be healed.


If you have been blocking well-being by your stress or negative thoughts, you have to enter a different reality in consciousness to go into the healing space. You could call this space a vortex where well-being always exists. It is always there, it always provides health, and it is in all the dimensions of our DNA. You can change any physical condition. When I enter the healing space for a session, my words get garbled because I am in a different reality where words are not so useful or necessary. Conversation with clients during a healing session is not necessarily helpful, because if a client speaks while I am working, answering can sometimes take me out of the healing field, so I prefer the silent presence of clients. Working on the phone allows me to be more focused in that healing space.

Because every one of my clients has given permission for healing, not only are they open to the field of healing energy we create through thought, but also the degree of openness to the vortex of well-being, which is always there to feed us, is greater. Clients stop resisting the flow, and then it naturally becomes a stronger force. Because clients have asked for energy healing to be used, they are able to surrender to the healing process, which gains them entry into the special focus of healing space we cocreate — which in turn helps facilitate the healing from the overall field. Their entry to the healing space shifts everything. It is as if the healer's intent along with the client's adds force to the well-being from the many dimensions that exist within and outside of our cellular DNA.


Excerpted from The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine by Shannon McRae, Scott E. Miners. Copyright © 2015 Shannon McRae and Scott E. Miners. Excerpted by permission of Theosophical Publishing House.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Foreword by Bernie Siegel, MD,
Prologue by Scott E. Miners,
Introduction: The Girl Who Could See What Others Could Not,
1 Cellular Healing, Quantum Things, and Our Organizational DNA,
2 Healing an Arterial Tear, Genetic Potential, and Removing Cancer Cells,
3 Healing Cells and Repairing an Eardrum,
4 Presence, Prayer, and Healing a Headache,
5 Unconditional Desire and Healing a Wound,
6 Self-Worth, Thoughts, Beliefs, and Stress,
7 A Case Demonstrating the Reversal of Cellular Stress: The Importance of Positive Thought and Emotion,
8 Old Beliefs, Emotions, and Intuitional Perception for Healing,
9 The Importance of Letting Go of Unwanted Conditions,
10 The Healing Power of Forgiveness,
11 Anxiety, Depression, and the Power of Talk Therapy with Energy Medicine,
12 Beyond Ego, Forgiveness, and the Power of Ease,
13 Our Bodies and the Profound Health Effects of Appreciation,
14 Healing Cancer with Energy Medicine,
15 Being Unconditionally Present as Part of the Healing Process,
16 Healing by Letting Go of Emotional Pain,
17 The Energies of Emotions and Their Effects on the Body,
18 Coherence and Unexpected Healing,
19 Intent, Focus, and Healing over a Long Distance: Positive Thought, Presence, and a Case of Healing the Lungs,
20 Hepatitis C, Energy Medicine, and Turning a Challenge into a Success Story,
21 Healing Emotional Conditions,
22 The Importance of Alignment with Healing,
23 Resolving Conflicting Beliefs,
24 Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior and How Feeling Good Enough Opens the Doors to Healing,
25 Resilience and Forgiveness: Keys to Health,
26 A Case of Sinus Pain and Infections,
27 Boundaries, Allowing, and Complete Health,
Epilogue: Life after Life and Unseen Helpers,
About the Author,

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