The New Old: How the Boomers Are Changing Everything . . . Again

The New Old: How the Boomers Are Changing Everything . . . Again

by David Cravit
The New Old: How the Boomers Are Changing Everything . . . Again

The New Old: How the Boomers Are Changing Everything . . . Again

by David Cravit


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The oldest Baby Boomers have turned 60 so everybody’s starting to talk about the “aging of the population.”But most of the talk is about numbers: what percentage of the population will be how old in what year, what it will mean for welfare rates or health-care costs, etc. But what’s missing is the qualitative story. It’s not there are more “older people” out there. It’s that they are not the same as the older people of any previous generation.This book will explore how the Baby Boomer generation is permanently destroying the previous meanings of: Aging, Retirement, Seniors, And even…maybe… Death.The New Old shows how the Boomers’ simple act of refusing to age is creating a revolution — in everything from education to employment to housing to health and beauty and, of course, to sex.The book is be backed up with solid statistical support, but it is not primarily about numbers — it’s about people. It’s about new ground being broken, new ways of thinking, new kinds of social and work relationships, new products that can reduce or even eliminate the effects of aging. It will offer a sneak preview of an entirely new society that is coming — a society in which getting your gold watch at the age of 65 will simply mean the first half of your life is over.The book will also lay out specific strategies organizations must follow to take advantage of the opportunities — and avoid being rendered irrelevant and uncompetitive in the new order.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781550228434
Publisher: ECW Press
Publication date: 10/01/2008
Pages: 200
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.60(d)

About the Author

David Cravit has over 30 years’ experience in advertising, marketing, and consulting in both Canada and the USA. He has participated at the most senior levels in the creation and placement of over $5 billion worth of media advertising. He is Senior Vice President, Marketing, for Fifty-Plus.Net Inc., which operates the largest Internet portal for Boomers and seniors.

Read an Excerpt


How the Boomers Are Changing Everything ... Again



Copyright © 2008 David Cravit
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-55490-211-8


The Big Picture

In 1952, the first year of Queen Elizabeth's reign, she sent a congratulatory letter to 255 people on the occasion of their 100th birthday. She also sent congratulatory letters to 2,745 couples celebrating their diamond (60th) wedding anniversary.

In 2005, the Queen congratulated 6,914 people for hitting the century mark, and a further 24,304 couples celebrating 60 years of marriage. She also sent congratulations to 576 people for reaching the age of 105 — more than double the number of people who had reached a measly 100 when the Queen first got going.

Here's a graph of the Queen's trendline:


I offer this as my version of the proof that the population is aging.

But you already know that, don't you?

You can't pick up a newspaper or business magazine these days without reading about it. From marketers to think tank gurus, from politicians to statisticians, from journalists to social workers, everyone has "suddenly" discovered Boomers and seniors.

People are living longer, obviously, so "older people" represent an ever-increasing percentage of the population. This is expected to put huge burdens on existing pension programs, health care systems and other social agencies. Most of what's being written about the aging of the population focuses on numbers — the number of people hitting retirement age, the dollar extent to which they're underfunded (and are they ever), the costs of future medical care, pensions and other entitlement programs, percentages up and down, a glut of statistics.

True, there are plenty of articles about Baby Boomers and seniors as a market (still largely ignored by the media and advertising industries), and their wealth and purchasing power. And there have been a few books about the impact of Boomers on society — individualism, diversity, tolerance, fanatic work ethic, shameless self-absorption.

But for the most part, the aging of the population is seen largely as a matter of arithmetic — more old people, and therefore more problems associated with being old.

Do we really need another book on that theme?

If not, what's my angle? Why should you pay attention?

I believe the big story isn't how many "older people" there are. It's who they are.

An astonishing process is underway today. It's just starting to take shape, and its influence will be felt for centuries — maybe forever. The process is being carried out by the demographic segment that has been poked, prodded, analyzed, loved and hated more than any other group in history — the Baby Boomers.

What the Boomers are doing is, quite simply, destroying our entire concept of aging. The Boomers are, in effect, de-aging. And, since the Boomers gleefully "own" whatever it is they're doing at any point in time, we can readily make their name a part of the label — I call it BoomerAging.

And the differences between "aging" and "BoomerAging" aren't subtle, either. As we'll see, by the time the Boomers get done, all of our age-related ideas and norms will be replaced:

• The definition of "aging" and "old age"

• The "expected" patterns of behavior that have always been attached to aging

• The concept of retirement and employment

• The nature, structure and timeline of education

• Product development, marketing and communication

• The health care system

• Sex

• Money

• And just about all government policy (hint: they're already missing the boat)

These changes will be permanent, too. As a result of what the Boomers are pioneering, being "old" will never mean the same thing again. Thus, the title of this book: the new old.

In the world of The New Old ...

• The idea of being "older" will start much later than ever before.

• It will be characterized by attitudes, behaviors and patterns of spending that we have never seen before.

• It will shatter the assumptions, structures and conducts of business of virtually every industry and every area of government responsibility.

It's not exactly a modest assertion that I'm making.

So before we get started, let's clean up a few details so as to lay the proper groundwork.

What makes me such an expert?

In the first place, I'm a Baby Boomer myself. I'm living through all of the phenomena I'm about to lay out for you.

As Executive Vice-President of ZoomerMedia, I'm in charge of sales and marketing for Canada's largest media company specializing in ...


There's the first wrinkle.

When I first wrote this manuscript I wrote "... specializing in Baby Boomers and seniors."

That phrase was perfectly OK with my publisher, and it duly made it into the first version of the typeset layout.

Then the President of my company, Moses Znaimer — easily Canada's foremost media genius – popularized the term "Zoomers" to describe this audience. He started with the idea of "Boomers with Zip" but it quickly expanded to include the entire population of Baby Boomers and everyone older. Within barely a month, the term had spread like wildfire and was eagerly being embraced by the media as well as by virtually everyone who had previously been described as "senior," "elderly," "mature," "Golden Age" and other equally depressing terms. In the next chapter, I'll go into a lot more detail about what Moses did and how and why it's taking off so dramatically. For now, let me just note that we specialize in this market – it's our only business. (They were all babies when, in 1948, Gerber adopted as its ad slogan, "Babies are our business ... our only business" – but of course you'd have to be a Zoomer to remember that!) Our multiple web sites and electronic newsletters generate over a million page views a month. You can find out all about us, and link to our various media properties, at

We also handle communications and marketing for CARP, Canada's largest association for ...

Ah. Again a need to define this audience.

CARP originally stood for Canada's Association for Retired Persons. Then they changed it to Canada's Association for the 50-Plus. Then along came Moses Znaimer and the magic term, Zoomers. So CARP is now Canada's Association for Zoomers.

We own and publish CARP's magazine – rebranded as ZOOMER magazine in October 2008 – and CARP's website and electronic newsletter. We also manage CARP's member benefits program.

Since CARP is the Canadian affiliate of the AARP Global Network, we also work closely with AARP in the USA, and dialogue frequently with 50-plus and "seniors" associations around the world.

So I deal exclusively with this market – and I bring more than 30 years of prior experience in advertising and marketing, in both Canada and the USA, to the topic.

Because such a big part of our business is online, we can track exactly what our audience is reading. We know what topics interest them, and what topics don't. We know exactly how much time they spend exploring which subjects, where they land and where they click to go next, what questions they're asking, what information they're searching for. We also conduct extensive research, both online and offline, giving us valuable additional insights into what makes this age group tick.

You may not agree with everything I have to say.

But I will back it up. And at the very minimum, I'll provide you with some fresh and (hopefully) provocative challenges to the assumptions you and your organization are currently working with.

If you think you've figured out "the aging of the population," I intend to show you that it's a much bigger issue, with much more far-reaching implications, than you may have imagined. Whether you work in the private sector or public sector, whether your goal is to make money or provide social services, what the Boomers are doing to the process of aging today will call for a profound re-thinking of everything you're doing.

Who are we talking about, exactly?

Everybody has a sense of what we mean when we say "Boomers" or "Baby Boomers" — people born after World War II, when there was a dramatic increase in the birth rate in Canada, the USA and the UK.

But there's no uniform agreement, among demographers, as to the precise start and end dates of the phenomenon. How big a drop in the birth rate had to occur before you could officially declare that the "boom" was over? What if there was a rebound? In the UK, for example, there was a huge population surge in 1946, 1947 and 1948, followed by a drop, then another surge in the early 1960s. Was the second surge part of the "original" Baby Boom or a whole new group?

To see how complicated it can get, take a look at this table. It's far from being an exhaustive summary of the state of play; it's simply meant to serve as a quick overview of how much variation is possible if you want to slice and dice the statistics finely enough.

And we could keep on going ...

We have to settle somewhere. So in this book, we'll define Boomers two ways:

(a) By dates

We'll use "post-World War II until the early 1960s" as an adequate definition.

(b) By landmark events and icons

I find this a more interesting (if statistically less rigorous) approach, because it allows for "spillover" influence on people slightly older or slightly younger, but who nevertheless were defined by the Baby Boomer experience and mindset. Using this approach, if you were in your early 20s by the time the following had happened, you're a Boomer:

• Assassination of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King

• Walk on the moon

• Vietnam War

• Woodstock

• Rock 'n' roll

• The Beatles

• Watergate

• "Make love, not war"

• Pierre Elliott Trudeau

• "Tune in, turn on, drop out"

• "I'd like to buy the world a Coke"

Or we can come at it from the direction of Boomer personalities. If you're roughly the same age as any of the following, you're a Boomer:

• Bill Clinton

• George Bush

• Tony Blair

• Osama bin Laden

• Vladimir Putin

• Prince Charles

• Stephen Harper

• Richard Branson

• Elton John

• David Bowie

• John Travolta

• Stephen Spielberg

• Bill Gates

• Emmy Lou Harris

• Madonna

• Oprah Winfrey

• Françoise Hardy

• Jerry Seinfeld

• Bruce Springsteen

• Ozzy Osbourne

• Tom Hanks

I think you get the idea.

Under either (a) or (b), we wind up with approximately ...

• 8 million Canadians

• 75 million Americans

• 17 million Brits

That's 100 million people, give or take, or about 25% of the total population of the three countries combined.

Culturally or attitudinally, I think we could add those born during World War II — they are certainly being influenced in their own attitudes and behavior by what the Boomers are doing. So this might push us to about a third of the population of the USA, Canada and the UK.

But surely they don't all behave the same way?

True — and a very fair point.

But this is a book about the trendsetters. The leading edge. The people who are breaking the mold.

I can certainly demonstrate that, statistically, there are more than enough of them to be wielding the huge influence I'm assigning to them. You'll be satisfied that we're not talking about a handful of oddballs or zealots here. That said, this is not an attempt to drown you in statistics in order to "prove" a set of numbers.

Are there millions of Baby Boomers who are not breaking new ground, and are instead behaving like "old people" of previous generations behaved? Absolutely.

Are there millions of Boomers who are too poor, or too sick, or otherwise unable to participate fully in this re-definition aging? No question about it.

But my case doesn't depend on piling up numbers to arrive at some magic moment of "Aha!" where I show that 51% (or any other arbitrary percentage) of Boomers fit my thesis. There simply have to be enough of them to be an irresistible force for change — to have certain attitudes and expectations, to live a certain way, so as to open up entirely new possibilities of what it means to age and to impose those new possibilities on the process of aging today, as well as for all future generations. And I'll offer more than enough evidence to convince you of that.

So here we go with the Baby Boomers again. Isn't it just a matter of their self-absorption, their massive narcissism, making them pretend they're not really getting old? Aren't you building this up to way more than it really is?

Another perfectly fair question — and one that we'll circle back to, more than once, in the course of this book.

The Boomers were the original "Me" generation. They were raised by parents who had suffered through the Great Depression and World War II, and who, for the most part, didn't want to see their darlings undergo the same hardships. They were also lucky enough to be born into decades of peace and prosperity (though with the underlying nervousness of the Cold War and the possibilities of a nuclear holocaust at any time). They were pampered, no question about it, and conditioned to believe there was nothing they couldn't have.

Not surprisingly, this has provoked some strong hostility. Here's Paul Begala, who worked as a consultant to the ultimate Baby Boomer, President Bill Clinton:

I've spent my whole life swimming behind that garbage barge of a generation. They ruined everything they've passed through and left me in their wake.... At the risk of feeding their narcissism, I believe it's time someone stated the simple truth: The Baby Boomers are the most self-centered, self-seeking, self-interested, self-absorbed, self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing generation in American history. I hate the Boomers.

So, yes, it would be easy to argue that I'm going way too far when I claim the Boomers are doing anything as profound as re-inventing, for God's sake, the entire concept of aging.

Maybe, knowing the Boomers, it's shallower than that. Maybe the poor babies simply can't accept the fact that they're now twice as old as the age they once disdained when they declared, "Never trust anyone over 30."

Yikes! Can it finally be happening? To them? Aren't they supposed to be immune from that ... that ... ugliness, that helplessness? Can they really be on the verge, after all those decades of being the hot shots, of getting that dreaded gold watch? Settling into that rocking chair to play cribbage and doze off in the afternoon, just like their parents and grandparents did, waiting for the Big Sleep?

No! No! It can't be!

So they pretend it away.

Isn't that what's really happening?

Well, yes, you could make that case. It's not a bad argument — but it's wrong.

And I want to deal with why it's wrong — right here at the beginning — because it enables me lay out a sort of Grand Theory of the whole ball game, a context in which you can place everything that follows.

What we're seeing is a lot more than the simple application of Boomer vanity to a new stage of life. We're seeing the confluence of many other forces. No one of them, on its own — not even the awful Boomer self-aggrandizement that drives Paul Begala nuts — would be strong enough to drive a process as big, and as lasting, as the one I'm describing. But put them all together, and the effect is irresistible. BoomerAging is happening because all of these forces are operating at the same time, in more or less the same place.

We can express it in a very simple diagram, as seen on the opposite page.

As the diagram shows, some of the forces are concrete — advances in medicine and technology, demography — and some of the forces are cultural or attitudinal. It is certainly possible to draw other versions of the diagram, and to list other forces. But I think the diagram does capture the essentials of what's going on. Let's take a quick look at each factor.

1. Boomer attitudes

It makes sense that the "Me" generation is going to resist — as strongly as possible — letting old age turn them into a generation of quiet, passive, helpless "seniors." Boomers grew up determined to experience new things, break new ground, get what they wanted. They see no reason to let their chronological age determine their mental or emotional age.


Excerpted from THE NEW OLD by DAVID CRAVIT. Copyright © 2008 David Cravit. Excerpted by permission of ECW PRESS.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


CHAPTER 1: The Big Picture,
CHAPTER 2: Is Mick Jagger a senior citizen?,
CHAPTER 3: Back to Methuselah,
CHAPTER 4: Why is this man smiling?,
CHAPTER 5: The SKIers,
CHAPTER 6: I'm gonna spend forever,
CHAPTER 7: Sex: it's never over,
CHAPTER 8: "They're only gonna buy one more car before they die",
CHAPTER 9: Boomer politics: there are none,
CHAPTER 10: Look in the mirror,
CHAPTER 11: Shoot the messenger,
POSTSCRIPT: Stay tuned,

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