The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet: Lose Weight, Get Healthy and Feel Amazing
Joe Cross was fat, sick, and nearly dead until he harnessed the power of juice to reboot his diet—and his life.
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet: Lose Weight, Get Healthy and Feel Amazing
Joe Cross was fat, sick, and nearly dead until he harnessed the power of juice to reboot his diet—and his life.
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The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet: Lose Weight, Get Healthy and Feel Amazing

The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet: Lose Weight, Get Healthy and Feel Amazing

by Joe Cross
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet: Lose Weight, Get Healthy and Feel Amazing

The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet: Lose Weight, Get Healthy and Feel Amazing

by Joe Cross


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Joe Cross was fat, sick, and nearly dead until he harnessed the power of juice to reboot his diet—and his life.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781626340817
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press
Publication date: 02/04/2014
Pages: 280
Sales rank: 152,651
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.90(d)
Age Range: 3 Months to 18 Years

About the Author

About The Author
Joe Cross' personal story of transformation was chronicled in the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, which has been seen by more than 20 million people worldwide. The incredible response to screenings of the film inspired Joe to create Reboot with Joe, making the tools, information and support available to enable anyone to reclaim their wellbeing. His second film Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 charts the next stage of Joe's journey of health. He is the author of The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet and The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Recipe Book, and spends time between Australia and the US, always with a juice in hand.

Read an Excerpt

The Reboot with Joe JUICE DIET



Greenleaf Book Group Press

Copyright © 2014 Reboot Holdings Pty Ltd
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-62634-081-7



We're about to go on a journey together to Reboot your life, and I want to give you the information and tools that will make it as easy for you as possible. So let me share a few commonsense things that I learned from my own experience.

First: Keep it simple. Each one of us has the power to make our lives better. And by "better" I mean "happier"—after all, who doesn't want to be happy? If you've ever been sick, you'll agree with me that healthier is happier. So healthier equals happier. The ball is in our court to be healthier so that we can be happier. Got it?

Second: You're the boss. We're all in charge of our own health to some degree. I'm not a doctor, a scientist, or an expert—I'm just like you. But I learned that I am responsible for my own health. I'm the CEO, the head of marketing, the treasurer, and the clean-up crew. I do everything. Now, everyone gets sick sometimes—and many people become gravely ill without any rhyme or reason. What I want you to know is the staggering fact that I learned when I started on my journey: 70 percent of all the disease we suffer from in the modern world is a result of our lifestyle choices.

When I finally connected the dots and realized that the odds were pretty good that my ailments were related to my lifestyle, I was excited because I figured that I had a 70 percent chance of curing myself simply by changing my lifestyle.

Third: The solution is obvious (and not original!). I figured that the only way I could find out if I was in the 70 percent camp—the camp where we were doing it to ourselves—was by becoming a human guinea pig and radically changing my lifestyle. Having fewer drinks and getting out of the chair more wasn't going to cut it. I was going to consume nothing but what Mother Nature had to offer. Basically, rolling back the clock to a time when human beings ate things that grew out of the ground, nourished by sunlight, and not tweaked in a lab or dyed an unnatural color. After a lot of soul searching, exploring, talking, thinking, reading, and pulling faces in the corner, I decided to sentence myself to two years of what (at the time) seemed like hard labor, eating nothing but plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and seeds.

And I would begin with an extreme version—60 days of nothing but juicing fresh fruits and vegetables.

Fourth: Simple = powerful. It turns out, I didn't need to do the two years—it ended up being 60 days of juicing and 90 days of juicing and plant-based food. It's been seven years since then, and I haven't taken any medication at all for my illness. I rarely get sick, and I'm happy to admit that I was one of the leaders of the 70 percent camp.

Are you ready to join me? Let's Reboot!

what's wrong with the average western world diet?

In the spirit of keeping things simple, let's call everything you've ever eaten "energy" as opposed to "food." Well, almost anything ... When I was two years old, I learned the hard way that a button cannot be digested. So almost everything we can and do digest is energy. If we look at the average modern Western diet, that total energy consumption can be divided into three parts:

1. More than 60 percent of what we're eating for energy is in the form of processed foods, which are very low in nutrients.

2. About 30 percent of what we regularly consume is animal-based chicken, steak, milk, cheese, yogurt, and such—which do provide protein and other nutrients but are only one part of a healthy diet.

3. The remaining 10 percent is made up of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. But don't get too excited, because 3 percent of that figure is white potatoes, mostly in the form of french fries.

What's wrong with the average Western diet is the balance. The foods we need the most, those that are healthiest for us, we are eating the least of—by far. Instead of getting most of our calories from foods that provide our bodies with the fuel they need and the nutrients that promote healthy living (which really means plant-based foods in their natural form), we are loading up on high-calorie foods that are low in nutritive value. There is a reason that "junk" foods earned that name—they can easily lead to overconsumption of calories or energy, which leads to unwanted weight gain, plus their lack of nutritive value leaves our bodies overfed and undernourished. Many of these "foods" promote the opposite of health—inflammation, constipation, lethargy, heart disease, diabetes—and pave the way for sickness. And what's crazy is that most highly processed junk foods were designed both to be quickly digested and to make us crave more and more of them. In TV commercials, on supermarket shelves, via aromas that waft out of pizza parlors and hamburger stands, these foods seem just about irresistible.

I used to call this category of food the "fun part of town." Walk around the shopping mall or down the streets of any city and it's everywhere: doughy, salty pretzels; hot dogs smothered with ketchup; soft ice cream cones; slices of pizza with pepperoni; fried rice. I used to spend all day in the fun part of town. And when I did, my body paid the price.

Now, there's nothing wrong with spending a little time in the fun part of town. We're all human, and we crave the kind of pleasure we associate with these foods. But the problem is that one day you're a healthy ten-year-old with enough energy to drive your parents crazy, and the next day you're forty and you can't touch your toes—or even see them because your stomach's in the way. That's what over indulging in the fun part of town will do. But here's the good news: The fun part of town isn't off-limits forever. The solution is to flip the average diet around, spending the majority of your time in the "essential" part of town to give your body the foods it needs to operate at its best. Since processed foods are engineered so that your body will crave more and more of them, you will never feel satisfied, no matter how much you eat. When you replace junk foods that have become your regular diet with fresh fruit and vegetable juices, your body will naturally begin to readjust, to want more of the healthy foods you are giving it, instead of the unhealthy ones it has come to expect.

This is the great news: The more healthy food you eat, the more you'll want. So if your diet is mostly foods that are natural and plant-based, and low on junk, processed foods, and other ingredients that don't promote health and efficiency, it won't be the end of the world when you do decide to take a spin in the fun part of town—you and your system will be able to handle it.

By the way, for all the fruit and veggie lovers out there—and I hope there will be a lot more of you once you've finished reading this—I'm not saying that fruits and vegetables aren't fun. In fact, there are few things these days I like better. But because of the way our palates, senses, and appetites have been reengineered by cheap, processed foods, we've forgotten that fruits and vegetables should be fun. We've stopped craving them. So let me help you to regain your taste for them, just as I did. Starting to crave fruits and vegetables instead of that fast-food burger and fries makes it easier to break the junk-food cycle than trying to do it via sheer willpower. Believe me, because I tried white-knuckling it a dozen times and all it did was drive me back into the comforting arms of Sara Lee, Ben & Jerry, and Dr. Pepper.

Why a plant-based diet?

Complex food (that means real food, not junk food) can be divided into two major categories: macro (large) nutrients and micro (tiny) nutrients. Our bodies need both of these, but most people consume far too many macronutrients and not enough micronutrients.

Simply put, macronutrients consist of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, which are found in abundance in processed foods, dairy products, and red meat. Micronutrients, on the other hand, are all the vitamins, minerals, and phyto (plant) nutrients that help our bodies function effectively and therefore help ward off disease. In particular, phytonutrients have properties that help defend our bodies against toxicity. Plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, spices, herbs, and such, are rich in micronutrients. Thousands of phytonutrients have been identified in plants, including antioxidants, which are essential in fighting infection and disease by protecting cells. The orange is a good example. We all know oranges contain vitamin C, but they also have about 169 other phytonutrients, all of which work together to boost our immune systems. That's 170 reasons to have a fresh orange!

It's important to understand that even if we've been dealt a great hand by the gene pool and start out life healthy and hearty, we still need to maintain the machine (i.e., ensure all the body's various systems are being properly fed and fine-tuned) and back that up with healthy lifestyle habits, including diet. Healthy genes can only do so much. If we are addicted to sugar, caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, or salt, it won't be long before that addiction causes trouble. While there will still be short-term satisfaction in spending all our time in the fun part of town, we're going to start paying for all that fun by getting sick.

As soon as I was on my own, and until I was forty, I lived on a seesaw of gaining weight, feeling sicker and sicker and more and more depressed and anxious, then temporarily shedding a few pounds by going on a diet, only to put it all back on again. In hindsight, I had an unhealthy emotional connection to food. I was a healthy baby and a healthy kid, with well-educated parents who worked in the healthcare profession—my mother is a trained nurse and my father a prominent orthopedic surgeon. Our kitchen was filled with healthy food and some treats, and my parents made sure my siblings and I had access to great nutrition. But as soon as I was on my own, I squandered my good fortune by living an unhealthy life.

Even as a child, I used food for comfort, going all the way back to when I was in elementary school and was frequently a victim of bullying. We moved around a lot at that time, and it wasn't easy. I'd go home after school and would sneak a Coke and a big bowl of sugary cereal to feel better. Or an ice cream. Or a cheeseburger or slice of pizza. Fast forward about thirty years and about a zillion cheeseburgers and ice cream sundaes later, plus a lot of general "feasting" accompanied by lots of late-night drinking and cigarette smoking, and there I was—a guy who, despite success, was still hurting in mind, body, and soul.

For me, that was the darkness before the dawn. In that crisis I found my opportunity to change. By combining the principles of a fast with the simple healthfulness of a plant-based diet, and sustaining it for a period of time, my body began to recalibrate itself. And that's how Project Reboot happened. I rebooted my system, jump-starting it via a 60-day juice fast, and suddenly I was alive again—more alive than I'd ever been before. And that is what I'm going to help coach you through, if you're willing.

What is a Reboot?

A Reboot is different from simply counting calories or going on a diet. It's a powerful way to hydro-boost your system by drinking or eating 100 percent liquid sunshine or restorative plant-based energy. It's the nutrition found in plant food that provides us with energy and gives our bodies what they need to operate most efficiently because, ironically, while many of us are overeating, we are often still starved of real nourishment. It's easy to let months go by and to realize all you've eaten during that time is junk food. So a Reboot is not a diet—in fact it's an anti-diet. The premise is simple: If we've gone awhile without being on a food regime that includes a high percentage of plant food, temporarily going to the extreme of eating or drinking only plant foods will return our bodies to operating on the optimum level that Mother Nature started us out with. During your Reboot, ingesting only fruits, vegetables, and water—and I mean 100 percent—will get your internal systems back to running at peak condition. Believe me, you will get your mojo back! You'll feel how you should feel and know what it feels like to be well fed. You can then build on what you've learned, gradually figuring out what your new, normal diet should consist of so that you can retain and even improve on your newly healthy state. I say a Reboot is an anti-diet because just cutting back on calories isn't going to fix our problems. Instead of focusing exclusively on limiting calories, we need to focus on our intake of nutrients.

During the filming of Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, I drank only fresh juice for two full months. Afterward, for the next three months, I added solid plant food to my juice diet, which meant I was on a plant-only diet for five full months.

What I needed—and the reason I embarked on what, to my friends, seemed like a crazy plan—was a circuit breaker to help me reset my food habits. Most research shows diets rich in fruits and vegetables can decrease your risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even mental illness. One of the easiest ways to get a lot more plant food into your diet—particularly if you're not used to eating it regularly—is to juice it. And it's not a secret anymore that juicing is fun. It gives you something creative to do, combining various fruits and vegetables and finding the tastes you especially like. It can become a new, learned behavior that can help you supercharge your intake of nutrients by providing a quick way to access digestive enzymes that are typically locked away in the fiber of fruits and vegetables. You can flood your system with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, the plant compounds that keep you strong and healthy, and make you look fantastic too. And this is achieved without asking your digestive system to work overtime. The best part? A Reboot even rewires your taste buds, so continuing on this path just gets easier every day.

We are built to Reboot

For all of our time on the planet (and for Homo sapiens that's about 200,000 years) there have been three essential elements that have kept us alive: air, water, food. We can't live without air for more than five to ten minutes. We can't go more than a few days without water, depending on the conditions. But the picture is very different when it comes to how long we can go without eating. That all depends on how much energy is being carried on the body. For example, say two people miraculously survive a plane crash in the South Pacific and end up on a desert island. There is plenty of shelter and water but no food. One person is 500 pounds, the other is 100 pounds. Which one would you want to be? How long either individual would last, we don't know. But we do know that the person who is carrying more muscle and fat will last longer before their body starts to digest their organs, which is what happens when people die of starvation.

It was only fairly recently in our history that food became as readily available to most of us as it is now—in stores, restaurants, in our refrigerators, and on our tables. But before human beings took to agriculture, we spent most of our time having to hunt and gather food ourselves, which required a huge expenditure of time and energy. In the course of evolution, our bodies found a way of storing energy in the form of fat so that we didn't starve during times of famine. When we overeat now, our body stores that fat as if still preparing for a time when we won't have food to eat, a time that never comes. We keep gaining weight, and we're not expending the energy we once had to on foraging for food. It's a vicious cycle, a cycle a Reboot can break.

A Reboot works with your body's natural tendency to reset itself when something's not functioning properly. Because your body has become sluggish from eating too many foods that drag it down, it's often slow to reset itself the way it would if operating at peak capacity. And that's where the Reboot comes in. A juice Reboot enables you to continue to consume the daily calories you need, filling up on nutrient-dense, sunlight-nourished foods to help restore balance. On a Reboot, you increase your micronutrient intake all the way up to 100 percent. Once balance has been restored—and you're feeling alert, clear, energetic, and rested, perhaps for the first time in your adult life—you can gradually add in other types of foods, and see what triggers imbalance, and what doesn't.


Excerpted from The Reboot with Joe JUICE DIET by JOE CROSS. Copyright © 2014 Reboot Holdings Pty Ltd. Excerpted by permission of Greenleaf Book Group Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Foreword Joel Fuhrman MD xiii

Introduction 1

Chapter 1 A Way to Live, Not a Way to Diet 7

Chapter 2 Moving to the Next Phase 21

Chapter 3 Getting Started on a Reboot 33

Chapter 4 Reboot Step by Step 53

Chapter 5 The Plans 63

3-Day Quick-Start Juice-Only Reboot 65

5-Day Jump into Juicing Reboot 71

10-Day Reboot 75

15-Day Classic Reboot 84

15-Day 5-5-5 Reboot 95

30-Day Classic Reboot 96

Transitioning Out 103

Chapter 6 The Recipes 109

Juices 111

Breakfast 122

Salads 125

Soups 129

Vegetable Dishes 133

Transition Recipes 137

Chapter 7 Juicing Guide 155

How to make a juice 155

Tips for storing juice 156

Produce Preparation Guide 157

Substitution Guide for Juice Ingredients 165

Produce shopping and storing tips 168

Washing produce 170

Chapter 8 Reboot Essentials 173

Chapter 9 After the Reboot 203

Conclusion 219

Resources 221

Notes 231

Index 233

About the Author 251


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