The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State
In an age of government imposed austerity, and after 30 years of neoliberal restructuring, the future of the welfare state looks increasingly uncertain. Asbjorn Wahl offers an accessible analysis of the situation across Europe, identifies the most important challenges and presents practical proposals for combating the assault on welfare.

Wahl argues that the welfare state should be seen as the result of a class compromise forged in the 20th century, which means that it cannot easily be exported internationally. He considers the enormous shifts in power relations and the profound internal changes to the welfare state which have occurred during the neoliberal era, pointing to the paradigm shift that the welfare state is going through. This is illustrated by the shift from welfare to workfare and increased top down control.

As well as being a fascinating study in its own right that will appeal to students of economics and politics, The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State also points to an alternative way forward for the trade union movement based on concrete examples of struggles and alliance-building.
The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State
In an age of government imposed austerity, and after 30 years of neoliberal restructuring, the future of the welfare state looks increasingly uncertain. Asbjorn Wahl offers an accessible analysis of the situation across Europe, identifies the most important challenges and presents practical proposals for combating the assault on welfare.

Wahl argues that the welfare state should be seen as the result of a class compromise forged in the 20th century, which means that it cannot easily be exported internationally. He considers the enormous shifts in power relations and the profound internal changes to the welfare state which have occurred during the neoliberal era, pointing to the paradigm shift that the welfare state is going through. This is illustrated by the shift from welfare to workfare and increased top down control.

As well as being a fascinating study in its own right that will appeal to students of economics and politics, The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State also points to an alternative way forward for the trade union movement based on concrete examples of struggles and alliance-building.
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The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State

The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State

by Asbjørn Wahl
The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State

The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State

by Asbjørn Wahl



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In an age of government imposed austerity, and after 30 years of neoliberal restructuring, the future of the welfare state looks increasingly uncertain. Asbjorn Wahl offers an accessible analysis of the situation across Europe, identifies the most important challenges and presents practical proposals for combating the assault on welfare.

Wahl argues that the welfare state should be seen as the result of a class compromise forged in the 20th century, which means that it cannot easily be exported internationally. He considers the enormous shifts in power relations and the profound internal changes to the welfare state which have occurred during the neoliberal era, pointing to the paradigm shift that the welfare state is going through. This is illustrated by the shift from welfare to workfare and increased top down control.

As well as being a fascinating study in its own right that will appeal to students of economics and politics, The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State also points to an alternative way forward for the trade union movement based on concrete examples of struggles and alliance-building.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781783711024
Publisher: Pluto Press
Publication date: 11/07/2011
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 256
Sales rank: 817,598
File size: 947 KB

About the Author

Asbjorn Wahl is Director of the broad Campaign for the Welfare State in Norway and Adviser to the Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees. He is also Chair of the ITF Working Group on Climate Change and the author of The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State (Pluto, 2011).

Read an Excerpt



Jane is 49 years old and lives in a medium-sized Norwegian town called Moss. She is on an 80 per cent disability pension. She was awarded this in September 2007, after just over three and a half years of being tossed back and forth in the system. The story she has to tell me over a cup of coffee is not a happy one. The problem is that I have heard a good many other similar stories in recent years. They are the stories of people who struggle with their health, then their self-confidence and their self-image, and finally have to face the toughest fight of all – the machinery of the welfare state.

Jane was employed for 30 years. She started early, as a welding apprentice at the legendary shipyard Nyland Vest in Oslo. After three years, her back gave out. She had a long period of illness and had to quit her job. The doctor even advised her to apply for a disability pension, but she declined. Jane wanted to be back at work.

After almost a year, she managed to get a job on the Norwegian State Railways (NSB) as a station inspector at Lillestrøm station. She stayed with the railways for 25 years, at various locations and in various functions – lastly as a head of transport in the freight transport company CargoNet. Throughout, she liked her job, liked her colleagues, and liked the solidarity and the environment of which she was a part.

However, her health never fully recovered after her back injury at the shipyard. Jane has been in a lot of pain, but she has learned to live with it, as she says. In 1985, her doctor diagnosed ankylosing spondylitis, since when she has gone to physiotherapy once or twice a week. This enabled her to muster the necessary strength to go on working for so many years.

From around 2000, however, her absences owing to illness steadily increased – and for longer and longer periods. In 2004, it all came to an end. Jane contacted the Social Security Office. She would have preferred to go on working, in a 50 per cent job and with a half-pension. This was impossible, according to the National Insurance Service – 'You can forget about all that,' she was told. First of all, she had to try rehabilitation. She was transferred to the Norwegian Employment Service. The story after that is too full of details for it to be retold here. The main content is as follows.

Jane filled in great numbers of forms, and the same forms a great number of times. Again and again she had to obtain doctors' certificates. Cooperation between the various public services was nonexistent. Her ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis was rejected. She never met those medically responsible at the National Insurance Service during the three and a half years the process took. Despite this, she was given a new diagnosis, fibromyalgia, without any examination. Nor did she ever meet her caseworker at the National Insurance Service.

'I was well received at the insurance service. They were helpful, friendly and supportive. My health situation, though, declined. I got a 20 per cent job in Moss that was extremely flexible and things went fine. The service finally recommended me to apply for a disability pension for the remaining 80 per cent. Then the company I was working for closed down,' Jane relates.

That left her out of a job, and the rehabilitation money dried up. She asked the insurance office what she should do. They told her she could get financial advice at her bank, and she was to contact the social security office for subsistence. She did not do so.

'I thought it was just a matter of a couple of months, so my old man and I agreed that we could try and get by with our savings and his income. We also knew that a demand would come from the Social Security Office to sell off what we had. Furthermore, like most other people, I've got a block about going there.'

It turned out to be much longer than Jane imagined, for at the National Insurance Office they still doubted her diagnosis – first spondylitis and then fibromyalgia – because the diagnosis was so diffuse. She went through another round of rehabilitation, a stay at a spa which only made things worse, and a final battle to get the National Insurance Service to revive her application for a disability pension, which they had shelved without her approval. After a further five months, she had her 80 per cent disability status approved – in September 2007.

'It feels bad to be treated like that. The worst thing is that you are under suspicion the whole time. That makes you feel small,' Jane says. 'They succeeded in making me start to doubt myself. It was as if their job is not to help but to uncover things and work against people. They are dealing with vulnerable people. We need help, support and consolation. The mere fact that I never ever met my caseworker one single time....

'The illness is tough going. My body is stiff. My bones and muscles ache. My joints swell up. I am in pain 24 hours a day. It's often difficult to get up in the morning. In addition to all that, you have to face the defeat of not being able to work any longer. If you don't have a job, you're nothing. You get isolated. In many people's eyes, living on a disability pension is the same as sponging on the state. You soon get to notice that.

'I regard myself as having plenty of resources. Even so, I've had to work hard to keep myself afloat mentally during this period. I often wonder how people with fewer resources than I have managed to cope with all this. If people think it's easy to get a disability pension, they've got another think coming. It's not easy to get through that eye of the needle. It can finish off anybody.'

Finish off anybody? Aren't we talking about the Norwegian welfare state? Well, Jane got her 80 per cent disability pension – after a battle of just over three and a half years. That is precisely why the welfare state's income guarantee exists, to help you when you have problems. But shouldn't welfare be about something more than cool, economic rationality, and something other than suspecting people? Hasn't it got to do with values, solidarity, care and quality of life – especially for those who need it most?

I talked more with Jane, about what can possibly have created this situation. Is it the people who work at these offices, is it the bureaucratic impersonality – or can we glimpse some underlying policy? She felt it was probably a combination. There is a skewed power relation between the system and the individual as a client. People are forced to be positive, humble and submissive. They have to do as the officials say, otherwise they risk losing their benefit.

'There are some people there who ought not to be there,' says Jane. 'But I have also noticed there are discussions going on and political proposals that want absence and disability pensions reduced. As if you can decide that there is to be less illness and infirmity. From that angle, the situation also reflects a form of political pressure.'


Does Jane's story, and her final remark, mean that there is political pressure to weaken the welfare state? How is it done, in that case – and why? That is what I want to examine closely in this book. For the discussion to be meaningful, however, we have to delve deeper into the material. We have to take a closer look at what the welfare state is, how it emerged, its content, development and present-day situation. What various interests are we able to identify, linked to the struggle for the development of the welfare state?

The debate has already been going on for a long time. Countless works have been written about the welfare state, or about the various welfare models – for the welfare state has several variants. They can be categorized in different ways. In the European Union, they talk about the European social model, while the focus in Scandinavia is often on the Nordic model, which is regarded worldwide as being the most advanced version of this social model. Both, however, are generalized common terms for social models that developed in Western Europe and the Nordic countries respectively, especially after the Second World War. As we will see later, there are also more fine-meshed categorizations.

In actual fact, we are looking at a number of various models that developed within the framework of strong nation states. They were nationally rather than European or Nordic-based – with their differing traditions, specific characteristics and power relations. In Spain and Portugal, even fascism survived until well into the 1970s. On the other hand, the different welfare models also displayed many similarities when it came to history, global power relations and cultural traits. The western European welfare states were the result of a quite specific historical development, one in which a comprehensive shift in the balance of power between labour and capital formed the basis of a redistribution of power and wealth in society.

Since the power analysis is fundamental to an understanding of the welfare state in this book, I do not intend to focus all that much on the distinctive national characteristics, but rather to concentrate on the power-political common features. Since my own anchorage is in the Nordic model, this will be a central point of reference, although developments and experiences from other European welfare states (which also have strong similarities with developments in countries such as New Zealand and Australia) will also be included. With the often elevated role the Nordic model has acquired, especially within the trade union and labour movements, it will be of special interest to see how this model has fared in its encounter with the neoliberal offensive and the large-scale changes of power relations that resulted from this.

The welfare state is an issue which creates an ideological divide, mainly between the Right and Left in politics. So let us take a quick look at this major schism – and at the problems with arguments on both sides.

Historically, the welfare state represented great progress in people's general living and working conditions, one unrivalled in human history. People's health, life expectancy and social security developed enormously in a relatively short space of time as the welfare state emerged during the twentieth century. And what is perhaps even more important, it made it possible for people to hold their heads high. As humiliating charity was gradually replaced by universal social rights, people no longer had to stand cap in hand when hit by accidents, illness or unemployment. Individual risk was made collective – with a degree of economic and a social security that no previous generation had experienced. For that reason, the welfare state achieved unusually strong support from ordinary people.

Liberals often claim that personal freedom and collective security are diametrically opposed. They see the individual as being opposed to the collective, freedom as being opposed to equality, in meaningless ideological constructions. For the struggling labour movement, freedom and equality were one and the same thing, bound together by mutual solidarity. Freedom, security and solidarity constituted one organic whole. Via the dearly bought historical experiences of the labour movement, it has also become obvious that there is no freedom without security, and no security without freedom. Without solidarity we could not achieve either of them. The insecure, anxious individual cannot be free.

It is beyond my comprehension that the enormous concentration of power in the hands of a small group of capitalists is unproblematic for liberals, whereas the organization and collective struggle of workers to resist this concentration of power is seen as a threat to freedom. As far as I can see, nothing during the past century has contributed so much to individual freedom as the labour movement's collective struggle. Poverty, need and misery are the anti-poles of freedom, just as much as political, cultural and other forms of suppression. The labour movement fought a battle on both fronts.

Modern neoliberals have become less overtly ideological. Over the past couple of decades, they have focused more on efficiency and so-called economic rationality. High public expenditure and generous welfare arrangements sap economic growth and innovation, they claim. They talk about sewing cushions under people's arms, removing the incentives people need if they are to do their best, needing more competition and more market, but less tax, a smaller public sector and greater income differences. The poor must become poorer to be motivated to make an effort. The rich, we are told, need the opposite.

Let us test out these neoliberal myths regarding the negative effects of the welfare state by taking a look at statistics. A Canadian research institute (the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives) published a report in 2006 that compared high-tax and low-tax countries on the basis of social and economic indicators (Brooks and Hwong 2006). Table 4.2 in Chapter 4 has been taken from this report. It shows how various Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries are grouped regarding their levels of taxation. In particular, the report compares those groups of countries that lie at opposing ends of the spectrum. The main conclusion is clear:

Findings from this study show that high-tax countries have been more successful in achieving their social objectives than low-tax countries. Interestingly, they have done so with no economic penalty.

(Brooks and Hwong, 2006, p. 7)

Assertions from the neoliberal camp that high public expenditure saps economic growth and innovation have no scientific basis, then. From other sources as well – including various UN bodies – reports and measurements have been published in recent years which confirm that the Nordic high-tax countries score well, when it comes to both social and economic criteria.

The authors of the Canadian report looked at 50 different criteria for social development. The Nordic high-tax countries scored considerably higher than the Anglo-American on 29 of them, as well as somewhat better on a further 13. The low-tax countries only scored higher on seven criteria, and here the differences were insignificant. Compared with the low-tax countries, the results showed that the Nordic high-tax countries scored better within such areas as these:

• The proportion of poor people was considerably lower.

• The elderly had considerably higher pensions.

• Income was distributed significantly more equally.

• Economic security was considerably better.

• Infant mortality was considerably lower.

• Life expectancy was considerably higher.

• Trust between people was considerably greater.

• Trust in public institutions was considerably greater.

• People had considerably more leisure time.

Many critics also admit that the Nordic countries, or high-tax countries, have better social security and economic equalization, but claim that we pay a high price for this because of lower economic growth and a lesser capacity for innovation and renewal. The Canadian survey, based on comprehensive and recognized international statistics, did not confirm such a tendency. Of the 33 economic indicators investigated, the Nordic countries scored highest on 19, and the Anglo-American on 14.

Over the 15 years to 2006, for example, economic growth was slightly higher in the Anglo-American countries than in the Nordic countries, but the differences were small and restricted in time-span. In addition, the Anglo-American countries had a slightly higher total production during the same period and considerably more growth in employment. On the other hand, the Nordic countries scored slightly higher when it comes to

• gross national product (GNP) per inhabitant

• GNP per hour worked (i.e. productivity)

• total labour participation rate

• creativity and innovation (measured using international indexes).

Neoliberal myths about the welfare state, about taxation and the inefficiency of the public sector, thus have little basis in the real world. In general, it is not the arguments that are the most problematic thing about the right-wingers and liberals in this area – these are relatively easy to refute. The problem is the economic and political power they represent, something that enables them to get their view across even when their point of view does not hold water. At the same time, they promote their version by increasingly dominating commercial media and by using their well-paid spin-doctors – as well as by buying 'research-based' conclusions from neoliberal think tanks.

When the welfare state has been under pressure and subject to massive attacks in country after country in the past decades, it is not, in other words, because it has been unable to deliver. There are admittedly weaknesses and problems to do with the welfare state. This does not, however, weaken the fact that those countries that have developed the most advanced forms of welfare state (the Nordic countries) score best on both social and economic criteria. This should indicate that there are other reasons than intentions to create 'the good society' that account for the attacks. More than anything else, this shows that the welfare state comes into existence and finds its form and its content through the fundamental class struggle in society. An important task will therefore be to identify how the different class interests are expressed in the welfare state as a social model.


Excerpted from "The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State"
by .
Copyright © 2011 Asbjørn Wahl.
Excerpted by permission of Pluto Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

1. The Power Base
2. The Turning Point
3. The Shift in the Balance of Power
4. The Attacks
5. The Brutalisation of Work
6. The Misery of Symbol Politics
7. Challenges and Alternatives
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