The Secret Language of Spirit: Understanding Spirit Communication in Our Everyday Lives
The Secret Language of Spirit is the culmination of award-winning author and psychic medium William Stillman's wisdom and insights in a fascinating exploration of the sometimes blatant, sometimes hidden spiritual symbolism in our everyday lives. With accessible language, easy-to-understand explanations, and fascinating anecdotes, Stillman introduces to the open-minded layperson an alternate lens through which to view daily interactions with Spirit.

Topics unique to this compelling new work include:
  • A thorough explanation of Heaven's inner workings.
  • Recognizing Spirit-speak—the silent but ever-present signs and signals that surround us.
  • Decoding symbolic patterns found in nature, dreams, our names, and the manifestation of "threes."
  • Associative links in memory that correlate spiritually to music and scents.

    Stillman's most powerful observations may be found in the chapter that correlates spiritual sensitivity with persons with autism, mental illness, and dementia—individuals whose "gibberish" is often dismissed as pathology but may actually provide glimpses into another realm.

    The Secret Language of Spirit concludes with an empowering chapter that addresses the concepts of abundance and achieving authenticity with Love's Foot Rule—12 fundamental tenets. Stillman also introduces the principles of passion, pursuit, and prosperity, and how to manifest them in concert with Spirit.
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    The Secret Language of Spirit: Understanding Spirit Communication in Our Everyday Lives
    The Secret Language of Spirit is the culmination of award-winning author and psychic medium William Stillman's wisdom and insights in a fascinating exploration of the sometimes blatant, sometimes hidden spiritual symbolism in our everyday lives. With accessible language, easy-to-understand explanations, and fascinating anecdotes, Stillman introduces to the open-minded layperson an alternate lens through which to view daily interactions with Spirit.

    Topics unique to this compelling new work include:
  • A thorough explanation of Heaven's inner workings.
  • Recognizing Spirit-speak—the silent but ever-present signs and signals that surround us.
  • Decoding symbolic patterns found in nature, dreams, our names, and the manifestation of "threes."
  • Associative links in memory that correlate spiritually to music and scents.

    Stillman's most powerful observations may be found in the chapter that correlates spiritual sensitivity with persons with autism, mental illness, and dementia—individuals whose "gibberish" is often dismissed as pathology but may actually provide glimpses into another realm.

    The Secret Language of Spirit concludes with an empowering chapter that addresses the concepts of abundance and achieving authenticity with Love's Foot Rule—12 fundamental tenets. Stillman also introduces the principles of passion, pursuit, and prosperity, and how to manifest them in concert with Spirit.
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    The Secret Language of Spirit: Understanding Spirit Communication in Our Everyday Lives

    The Secret Language of Spirit: Understanding Spirit Communication in Our Everyday Lives

    by William Stillman
    The Secret Language of Spirit: Understanding Spirit Communication in Our Everyday Lives

    The Secret Language of Spirit: Understanding Spirit Communication in Our Everyday Lives

    by William Stillman

    Paperback(First Edition)

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    The Secret Language of Spirit is the culmination of award-winning author and psychic medium William Stillman's wisdom and insights in a fascinating exploration of the sometimes blatant, sometimes hidden spiritual symbolism in our everyday lives. With accessible language, easy-to-understand explanations, and fascinating anecdotes, Stillman introduces to the open-minded layperson an alternate lens through which to view daily interactions with Spirit.

    Topics unique to this compelling new work include:
  • A thorough explanation of Heaven's inner workings.
  • Recognizing Spirit-speak—the silent but ever-present signs and signals that surround us.
  • Decoding symbolic patterns found in nature, dreams, our names, and the manifestation of "threes."
  • Associative links in memory that correlate spiritually to music and scents.

    Stillman's most powerful observations may be found in the chapter that correlates spiritual sensitivity with persons with autism, mental illness, and dementia—individuals whose "gibberish" is often dismissed as pathology but may actually provide glimpses into another realm.

    The Secret Language of Spirit concludes with an empowering chapter that addresses the concepts of abundance and achieving authenticity with Love's Foot Rule—12 fundamental tenets. Stillman also introduces the principles of passion, pursuit, and prosperity, and how to manifest them in concert with Spirit.

  • Product Details

    ISBN-13: 9781632651228
    Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
    Publication date: 11/20/2017
    Edition description: First Edition
    Pages: 192
    Sales rank: 865,538
    Product dimensions: 5.25(w) x 8.25(h) x (d)

    About the Author

    William Stillman is the author of the groundbreaking book Autism and the God Connection, the first study of the profound spiritual, mystical, and metaphysical gifts of some individuals with autism. His other books include The Autism Answer Book, The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Asperger's Syndrome, and Demystifying the Autistic Experience. Stillman also writes columns for The Autism Perspective and Children of the New Earth magazines. As an adult with Asperger's Syndrome, a mild "cousin" of autism, Stillman endeavors to highlight the exquisite sensitivities of our most valuable, wise, and loving "teachers."

    Read an Excerpt


    Understanding Heaven

    In order to grasp the concept of celestial charades, one must first understand the culture from which the communication originates. I have been privileged to experience vivid glimpses of what I can only deduce to be the Heavenly realm. It is an infinite space that well exceeds the stereotype of cherubs languishing on clouds. Instead, the Heaven I have perceived is quite the busy place with unlimited possibilities to feed one's mind and educate one's soul. Thus, we do not lose our identity as we advance to a new way of being. In soul form, we retain the wisdom of earthly lessons learned as well as the best aspects of our personhood. This transition holds promise for becoming an improved version of our old self. In short, I believe wholeheartedly that our consciousness outlives our physical form. You don't need a body to exist. Rest assured: You will still be you.

    It's fascinating to reflect on the traits that distinguish us from one another. Our fingerprints, birthmarks, genetics, and facial characteristics may be wholly unique. Modern science gives credence to our individuality as spiritual beings having a human experience. The discovery of DNA has expanded the universe of human distinction as if to underscore the intelligence of our design. The same may be said for the composition of our very soul. It may be likened to the invisible equivalent of musical DNA. We are each assigned a note, or vibration, on a musical scale. Each of us is entitled to the space we occupy on that scale. Though the composition is dynamic as we each evolve, it would be incomplete in our absence. Not only is our soul energy unique, it is also indestructible and inextinguishable.

    Most interesting to understand is that the Universe is not static; it is dynamic and imperfect! The Universe is in a state of constant evolution because every emotion, every experience, and every way of being contributes to its edification, including your own soul's contributions. As you read this, the Universe is expanding to accommodate tomorrow's thoughts and actions. There exists a perpetual cycle of shifting energy; in and out, coming and going. Ever notice that newborns and the elderly require extensive amounts of sleep? Both babies and elders are in transition mode: The former group is acclimating to this new world and the latter group is preparing to return to the Heavenly realm. This is not to suggest that the gap in between is vacant or absent of communicative connection.

    When anyone on Earth mentions or reminisces about a lost loved one, the emotion of the thought gets transmitted directly to the soul energy of the dearly departed. Think of it like this: When you post an old photo on Facebook, and mention a friend who appears in the picture, there's the option to create a link that notifies him or her of your post. Once apprised of the link, the friend has the option to comment or react in order to acknowledge their awareness and strengthen the memory. When this scenario occurs spiritually, the loved one's soul energy also has the choice to "comment" if it is deemed timely and appropriate, although it may occur when least expected. How the comment gets communicated is the basis for this book.

    In my work as a psychic medium, the most frequent question I am asked about a deceased loved one is, "Are they at peace?" My first reaction to those mourning is encouragement to rely upon their own faith for reassurance that this is so. Clients also tend to feel worried that the loved one harbors resentment or disdain. There may be anxious concern about dissatisfaction with the memorial service or the dispersal of personal property. I can state unequivocally that these matters are of absolutely no concern to Spirit. On the matter of property dispersal, a woman's deceased husband once communicated through me in no uncertain terms: "I don't give a f*ck what you do with my sh*t." I was greatly relieved when she laughed and cried and explained that such a sentiment was putting it mildly coming from him!

    Do you recall the first time you returned to your childhood neighborhood as an adult and were struck by how small everything appeared? Our soul evolves similarly, in the way we all outgrew clothing as our body changed and matured. If our loved ones have transitioned successfully, they now possess 360-degree vision. They have shed old ways of thinking and see clearly the grand scheme of the bigger picture. From their vantage point, they have released human holds and are granted unfettered perspective. It is like the satisfaction of finally completing a picturesque jigsaw puzzle; any disconnected fragments now make total sense. Oftentimes, this knowledge is borne of a consciousness accrued over many life cycles.

    I can't say that we all most definitely live successive lives. As much as we are blessed with free will in human form, I strongly suspect that reincarnation is a highly personalized decision. However, I can't believe that the infant surviving only several hours after its birth is allotted such a restricted opportunity to know our world. Nor do I believe that human souls "come back" as creatures less than human, such as a cat. It doesn't seem rational to me that someone who has gotten so far as being human would regress to an animal form. But, I could always be wrong.

    Some people require more process time to become acclimated to living in human form. They are called "late bloomers." They may be free spirits that march to the beat of a different drummer, shunning social conventions and manifesting brilliance in myriad forms. These individuals are better accustomed to existing as other beings in other worlds or operating on a level more conducive to the Heavenly realm.

    Young souls tend to behave in ways that are narcissistic and reckless. These are often people who are greedy and manipulative. Young souls tend to be repeat offenders, making identical mistakes via variations on a theme, such as being incarcerated for the same infractions. They haven't yet learned to divorce themselves from the temptations of ego and are essentially the adolescents of the Spirit world. I have seen that young souls in Heaven require especial patience from their teachers. They are given role-playing exercises in an effort to educate them about altruism and sacrifice. Anyone on the earth plane who openly proclaims to be an "old soul" is in fact a very young soul that has yet to understand humility.

    Old souls are those who sign up for struggles and challenging existences. They are often found in abusive, stifling, and oppressive environments, and may have impoverished and short-term lives. But being in the world serves a purpose, as their early demise often contributes to raising awareness or remediating issues that affect many on a global scale. A very old soul may be the person with Down syndrome who has limited speech ability but smiles at everyone he greets, the gay teen whose suicide affects his community at large, or the ill baby born into squalor with poor access to resources. I once saw a news segment on television that featured the medical trials of a family's young daughter. She was born with significant physical health issues including pronounced facial deformities. My first thought was that she was an old soul and that before incarnating she struck a deal to take on a very difficult life, but only if she had parents that absolutely adored her (which they did). A very old soul understands the beauty of sacrifice for the beneficial ripple effect it causes.

    So what is Heaven really like? I think there is a consistent structure and a fundamental order about which personal perception may grant a measure of flexibility. This stems from how we were raised, what we were taught to accept, and any adjustments we made as we matured. If you've long held the belief that you arrive at the pearly gates, or you stand before your maker awaiting your spiritual scores, you will likely experience it in some semblance. Likewise, if you believe in a vengeful, wrathful, and punitive Creator, you may find your beliefs challenged. If the credo of one's spiritual belief system is "live to love" and "harm none," then it stands to reason that there is room for countless variations in perception.

    For example, one core principle — for those who believe — is that when we die, we go to Heaven. But how we get there may widely vary from person to person. It may be that a loved one in Spirit arrives to escort us there. Or it may be that we go it alone as we travel down the proverbial tunnel of light. Some of us may be old hat at the transition process, knowing exactly where to go, like a little minnow instinctively making its way downstream. Others may be uncertain or disoriented, requiring a more mindful transition. In this case, a loving spiritual presence may gently persuade the newly returning soul to come along by safely escorting them to the other side.

    Another essential belief about Heaven is that we are instantly reunited with our loved ones, perhaps even our pets. This can also occur courtesy of our personal filter. On a number of occasions in my meditations, dreams, and psychic work, I have seen an intermediary environment. This is an in-between place bridging our world with the next, being on the outskirts of Heaven. Here, there is a great meadow sprinkled with wildflowers, vibrant with perpetual springtime. The climate is warm, sunny, and comfortable. One's senses are heightened beyond anything we have experienced on Earth. It is like breathing fully after being congested by a cold or seeing clearly after the fog lifts from a steamy bathroom mirror. On the occasion I fortuitously gained a glimpse of this place, I vividly recall feeling as one with a waterfall just by observing it with admiration. I was joyful for the exhilaration I experienced as my essence danced with the cascading water.

    I have come to understand that other intuitive individuals are also aware of this environment. It is commonly called Summerland. Its function serves as a gentle way to gradually acclimate an incoming soul to the transition process in a relatable setting. We have spent our lifetimes in human form, so it seems only natural that, for some, there is a reverse process to reacquaint returning to soul energy. After all, who could resist such a scenic vista with a forest of evergreens just beyond the meadow and the fragrant scent of pine in the air? I have seen people's dogs come bounding across the field to greet them, sometimes followed by one or two loved ones. So ecstatic is the reunion, that it only makes sense to continue the journey across the meadow without hesitancy or regret.

    Elsewhere, in hospice settings, I have seen deceased loved ones slowly make their presence known to an individual preparing to transition. An alternate reality may crystalize in a new normal as the individual speaks directly to their deceased loved ones in the days or hours prior to their passing. It is a loving and compassionate accommodation that serves to soothe and comfort the individual. They may speak of readying to "catch" the train or taxi, and may seem relaxed, contented, and peaceful. The visiting spirits appear in an instantly recognizable form, though they look much younger. Once the transition to Heaven is complete, and the incoming soul becomes reacquainted, it is no longer necessary for a soul to project itself as human in appearance. Thereafter, recognition is discerned by the uniqueness of one's vibrational frequency, as was previously described. No one's identity is at risk of loss; it is every bit as familiar as recalling someone's face.

    It is also generally agreed that we each have the chance to reflect on our human existence upon our arrival in Heaven. This is called a life review. But how this occurs may be individualized, as documented by researchers of life between lives. Some people report undergoing their life review privately, or in the presence of one or more spiritual allies. Others tell of viewing selections from their life simultaneously, or separately, on "movie screens." Some may be able to pause, fast-forward, or rewind these scenes, whereas others can manipulate the imagery to watch multiple variations on a theme, such as experiencing a momentous event from another's point of view. No matter the means, the outcome is intended to be efficacious and edifying, not humiliating or punitive.

    The return to our origins coincides with a reunion of soulmates. A soulmate appears in our life in human form to support our purpose and advancement. This is a pact of pre-destiny made prior to birth. We tend to think of soulmates in a purely romantic sense; our core chemistry may feel interconnected with that of a partner or spouse. We may spontaneously laugh at the same thing or know what the other is thinking before it is spoken. We may feel as though we have known one another much longer than is possible. That person may indeed be a soulmate, but the soulmate association can extend well beyond its traditionally romantic connotations. In fact, we can have more than one soulmate.

    A soulmate could be your sibling, your next-door neighbor, or a parent. Closely bonded friendships have coined the phrase "brother from another mother," though both persons are biologically unrelated. Think about old married couples and even some siblings that have spent their entire lives together and die days or even hours apart, sometimes in separate locations. Consider that in 2016, actress Debbie Reynolds passed away within 24 hours after her daughter Carrie Fisher.

    I strongly suspect that we can have a history of previous lifetimes with a soulmate. I recall a psychic consultation with a client who couldn't seem to release an old boyfriend, even though she was in another relationship. I saw that, in a previous life, she was the old boyfriend's mother and he was her eldest son. He enlisted in World War II and was killed shortly thereafter. Thus, her inability to get over him in real time is fueled by guilt and grief that has seeped over from the prior era. Curiously, she affirmed that her old boyfriend is a huge war buff and he has compared her to his mother.

    Your soulmate could also be your worst enemy. It's all about the intent gleaned from one to another in the relationship. I was bullied throughout my school career, especially by one boy in particular. He made life miserable to the point that I became suicidal. For reasons that still remain a mystery to me, he tortured me on a daily basis for many years. Decades afterward, I had a significant dream in which I was in a classroom as an adult. My bully was there, too, except he wasn't much older than I remembered him. I observed that his mother was cold, harsh, and inattentive, and I realized he must have felt he had good reasons for tormenting me. I was able to finally make peace with the situation. So, although I have forgiven him, I have also reconciled the probability of a soulmate dynamic between us.

    As a psychic medium, I am often asked if we reconnect with deceased pets on the other side. I can only respond by relaying what I have been shown in my meditations and through my private readings. When we lose a pet as children, our family may console us by saying, "He's in doggie Heaven now." Curiously, this aligns with my personal visions about dogs, cats, birds, horses, reptiles, and a wide variety of other beloved creatures. That is, at the moment of physical death, their energy transmutes into soul form — yes, they possess souls — and transitions to the Heavenly realm, same as us. But what I have also been shown is that there's not a lot of commingling in Heaven between human souls and animal souls. I think we can reunite if we wish in order to re-experience the emotion and affection associated with a pet/pet owner relationship. But I think as a general rule, "doggie Heaven" means just that: a separate domain for animal energy. Take heart, however, if you are an avid animal devotee. I have also been shown human souls serving as shepherds and gatekeepers of that animal domain.

    The interesting thing about animals, I have learned, is that they do not think in terms of the finality between life and death. They think in terms of an ongoing cycle of evolution. In essence, they understand the "big picture" better than most people. They are grounded in a perpetual meditation for existing in silence, and are readily connected to the Source. On several occasions, dogs have "told" me they were dying well before their owners knew. This was communicated telepathically in a way I would understand: They showed me a gorgeous orange-and-coral-hued sky with a gradually setting sun. This visual informed me that they were aware their time in physical form was limited, and that they were preparing to transition in a slow fade-out.

    Their comprehension of how the Universe operates grants them great insight. This is why a dog that is in pain and dying, or is about to be put down, will look up at us with those big brown eyes and wag its tail — he already knows where he's going and is more concerned with comforting us! Deciding to have a pet euthanized can be an agonizing decision. But, of all the dog and cat souls I've connected with, not one has ever been in disagreement with his owner's decision. I can only surmise that the same holds true for other living creatures, great and small.


    Excerpted from "The Secret Language of Spirit"
    by .
    Copyright © 2018 William Stillman.
    Excerpted by permission of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction 9

    Chapter 1 Understanding Heaven 13

    Chapter 2 Ethereal Alignments 33

    Chapter 3 Spirit-speak 51

    Chapter 4 The Significance of Three 65

    Chapter 5 Aromatic Sensitivity and Musical Attunement 81

    Chapter 6 What Becomes a Name? 95

    Chapter 7 The Nature of Patterns 111

    Chapter 8 Dreamland 127

    Chapter 9 Autism, Dementia, and Mental Illness 147

    Chapter 10 Abundance and Authenticity 165

    Bibliography 183

    Index 185

    About the Author 189

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