The Secret That's Holding You Back

The Secret That's Holding You Back

by Vincent Genna
The Secret That's Holding You Back

The Secret That's Holding You Back

by Vincent Genna


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Become Unstoppable. What’s Holding You Back?

If you’renot pursuing a rewarding career, if you’re not in loving relationships, if you’re not financially secure, if you’re not healthy and vital, if you aren’t fulfilling your purpose and passion—or don’t evenknow your purpose or passion—then you’re stopping yourself without even knowing it.

Psychic therapist Vincent Genna explains the mechanisms and processes at work—your brain has unconsciously created that block and even sabotages your efforts to create a meaningful life. The bottom line is you don’t believe what you think you believe!

After almost four decades of study, research, and experience in the fields of metaphysics, the paranormal, and psychology, Genna discovered unique divisions of the unconscious mind never before identified that the human brain developed through the processes of survival and protection to harbor most of our true belief systems. The secret inner workings of these heretofore unknown minds stop you from using your true divine gifts and abilities—or even knowing your life purpose and passions.

In this book, the secret is revealed. You will.

  • Learn how to develop the consciousness and practices to elevate your ability to live an authentically expressed life,
  • Discover the steps you need to manifest what you desire in this life. Put the Law of Attraction to work in your life now, and
  • Hear stories of how Genna’s psychic readings helped others release their passion and purpose.

Vincent Genna, a talented psychic therapist and medium, is a sought-after media guest nationally and internationally. He lives with his wife, Eileen, in North Carolina.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781722505691
Publisher: G&D Media
Publication date: 06/21/2022
Pages: 246
Sales rank: 632,355
Product dimensions: 4.90(w) x 7.90(h) x 0.60(d)

About the Author

As a young adult, Vincent Genna suddenly found himself blessed with keen psychic abilities—a gift that came with tremendous responsi­bility. Each time he works with clients, he never forgets that he holds their soul in his hands.

Beloved by the media, Vincent is a regular guest on major ABC, CBS, NBC, and affiliate network television and radio shows around the country as well as popular international television and radio shows. Everyone who experiences a Vincent Genna event or session goes home enlightened, energized, and empowered—emotionally prepared to unlock and release their passions and purposes, and possessing the key to achieving their life goals and fulfilling their dreams.

Read an Excerpt


The doorbell rang and my wife, Eileen, and I answered it together, giggling back at our living room full of guests like little school kids. Friends of ours had told us about a party they recently went to where a psychic was giving readings to the guests. They said everyone had a blast. I mean, what better innocent fun than a fortune­teller? We were a young couple as were our guests. 

Eileen and I were both skeptical, but having that assurance from our friends, we contacted the psychic and set a date for our own party.

We opened the door and after congenially introducing ourselves, the first thing the psychic said was, “Wow. There’s great energy coming from this home. The two of you have great energy.” She sneaked her head in, ­looking at the kitchen and continued, “Oh, wow. You have a female Indian spirit hanging around in your kitchen. She’s been letting you know she’s here, hasn’t she? Oh, I’m Doris.” 

That took Eileen and me by surprise because ever since we moved into that house we’d heard things banging around in the kitchen late at night. We chalked it up to old house sounds. Eileen and I were now intrigued.

One at a time, the guests went into the private room, laughing. “I can’t wait to hear what she’s going to say.” They came out in amazement, stunned, saying, “I can’t believe she just said that.” 

As each person exited the space, surprised and impressed about what Doris said, I was getting more excited because Doris seemed to be the real thing, and I knew she was going to tell me exciting news about my career. Eileen and I were the last two, and she wanted me to go before her. I made some tension-breaking joke before I walked in. 

I sat on the other side of the card table, facing Doris and smiling from feeling a little awkward about what she might say. She asked for my hands, and I placed them in hers, but as soon as she held them, she immediately let go as if she had just been burned. 

“Oh my God,” she stammered emotionally. “I can’t touch your hands. The soul of Jesus is around you and touching you. You’re a very special soul.” 

She was speaking quickly, and I was unable to utter a sound. “In seven years you’re going to become a great spiritual teacher, and Jesus is going to help you with the words to say all along the way.” She paused.

In total shock and amazement, all I could say was, “What? Jesus is what?”

“He’s touching your hands right now. I felt him on you. He’s going to help you become a great spiritual teacher, and you’re going to become very well known doing wonderful things for people and the world,” she continued with great confidence and a gentle smile. She looked at me as if she were looking at Jesus and not me.

“Wait,” I jammed in. “Do you see anything else about what I do now?” I didn’t want to become a spiritual teacher. I mean, I believed in Jesus, though not the way the church did, and was glad he might be hanging around, but that’s not what I wanted to hear. 

“Well,” she tried. “I see you’re very creative and talented. But you’re more than that. You’re also very intuitive and psychic yourself. You have great powers you will be discovering. You’re a performer of some kind now. I see you’re going to be on TV.”

Okay, now that’s what I wanted to hear. “Now she’s getting to the important stuff,” I thought. “I’m a singer and actor now,” I said.

“I see you have been on stage and in the movies. But I don’t think you’re going to keep doing that. You and your wife are very special souls and have been together in many past lifetimes. You will be traveling all around the world doing your work. And if you ever need help or guidance, call me.” She ended the reading.

On one hand, I felt my heart drop from disappointment hearing about my career. On the other hand, I felt intrigued by what she was saying. I mean, who wouldn’t when you’re told you’re powerful and Jesus is right by your side to help you? This was weird stuff. 

“So what did she say?” Eileen asked as she was walking into the room for her reading.

“We’ll talk about it when you come out, but apparently our lives will be changing like you can’t believe.” 

Up until that fateful encounter, I thought I was meant to be a professional singer, actor, and dancer. I even landed a contract to be in the movie Grease with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John at age twenty-­two. I didn’t do it conventionally though. It went more like this:

“Hello, Pat (the choreographer). I know you chose me as the alternate male dancer in case one doesn’t show up in Hollywood, but if I come out there on my own when rehearsal starts, would you get me on the set so I could be there if you need me for anything?” I boldly asked. 

“Well, I could get you on the set,” she said wearily, “but there’s no guarantee I will even need you. I couldn’t pay you anything, you know, and you could be wasting a lot of time waiting around,” she argued.

“I don’t care, Pat. It would be worth it to me to be there for you if you did need me. What do you say?”

“Okay, come to Hollywood, and I will have your name down at the Paramount Studio gate,” she said. “I can’t promise you anything.”

As providence would have it, when I arrived for rehearsal, the choreographer informed me that Lorenzo Lamas, the Hollywood personality playing the jock, had a prior agreement and could not start rehearsing for three weeks. Since he was a crucial part of the gym scene dance contest, they needed a stand-­in for him. And since I was already there, Pat asked if I would be willing to stand in, of course, without pay. I enthusiastically did.

Lorenzo arrived for the remaining rehearsals, so they no longer needed me. Once again, good fortune prevailed when Alan Carr, one of the producers, approached me one day while I was still there and offered me a role in the movie as a reward for my dedication and hard work. That led me to believe performing was my destiny, but six years later and my reading with psychic Doris completely transformed that belief.

Profound spiritual and supernatural events occurred directly after that evening, which changed my understanding of life, my attitudes, my persona, my beliefs, and, most of all, my purpose in life. I even discovered newly acquired psychic and mediumship skills to go along with all my other talents. My dreams and the passions shifted to those fueled by a compelling desire to be of help and service to others. Within the next two decades of my life, I became an internationally renowned psychic therapist, medium, and spiritual teacher. I fulfilled Doris’s prophecy.

I have developed advanced psychic and medium skills not only to commune with human souls and spirits but also to communicate with dogs, cats, donkeys, horses, and gorillas, with dead people, and extraterrestrials. For almost four decades now, with these skills I’ve helped thousands of people around the world heal, unlock, and release their passions and purpose, and transform their lives through my inspiring radio and television interviews, dynamic and loving keynote presentations, workshops and classes, and private sessions. I offer my audiences and clients the opportunity for deep emotional healing and radical spiritual awakenings. 

Everyone who experiences a Vincent Genna event or class goes home enlightened, energized, and empowered—emotionally prepared to unlock and release their passions and purposes and possessing the key to achieving their life goals and fulfilling their dreams.

This book is an accumulation of my years of study, research, and work in the fields of metaphysics, psychology, and spirituality, and my sixty-­six years of life experience that includes empowering thousands of people from all over the world and different cultural backgrounds through my psychic medium sessions, media interviews, and lectures, and hearing innumerable incredible personal stories from the commonplace to the most severe. 

I’ve combined the results of my studies and experience along with the knowledge and wisdom of past famous psychiatrists, psychologists, scientists, experts, spiritual leaders, authors, and luminaries to create a simple yet comprehensive understanding about how we stop ourselves from pursuing our passions and ­purposes, fulfilling our dreams, and creating the lives we desire and deserve unintentionally and intentionally all the time. 

If you’re not pursuing a rewarding career, if you’re not in loving relationships, if you’re not financially secure, if you’re not healthy and vital, if you aren’t fulfilling your purpose and passion, or don’t even know your purpose or passion, then you’re stopping yourself without even knowing it. There are mechanisms and processes at work in your psyche that your brain has unconsciously created that block and even sabotage your efforts to create a meaningful life. The bottom line is you don’t believe what you think you believe!

We all know how it feels to feel and be less than authentic, less than fully self-­expressed, less than feeling comfortable in our own skin. This book demonstrates how to develop the consciousness and practices to elevate your ability to live an authentically expressed life. 

Find out why it’s difficult to manifest what you desire in this life unless you follow the steps presented here. You may have the knowledge and information on how to use self-help, spiritual, and any other metaphysical principles, but there are specific psychological anomalies that you must become aware of to put any spiritual principles into working practice.

To illustrate the principles included in this book clearly, I’ve shared true stories of real clients and their real psychic and mediumship readings. Their names have been changed to maintain confidentiality. If someone reading this book has been to me for a reading, don’t worry. You’re not one of those stories . . . or are you?

Join the conversation and discover the secret on how you can become unstoppable!


chapter 1

You Know What You Don’t Know?

One of my first clients was a woman who appeared to be in her forties. She attended the traveling psychic fair I was involved with in New Jersey. She chose me over the other nine psychics and mediums. I noticed she was attractive, personable, and smiling as she approached my table. She sat comfortably and introduced herself.

“Hello, Vincent. I’m Angie,” she said pleasantly. “I chose you because something told me I needed to come to you. I’m very excited about this reading.”

And before I could even say hello and instruct her about my process, she quickly continued to tell me she wanted to know all about her career. I immediately stopped her.

“I’m sorry, but please don’t give me any personal details or information about you or your life. It’s my job to connect with your soul and psychically tune in to all of that.”

I also informed her that I would be telling her what she needed to hear, not what she wanted to hear. Angie agreed and sat back.

I shuffled my tarot deck, spread the cards across the table face down, had her choose ten random cards, and began her reading. (I used tarot cards in the beginning of my practice for both my client’s and my comfort.)

After I laid out the cards she chose face up, I began, saying, “This is going to be a powerful reading, Angie. I already see that what you came here to get from this reading isn’t as important as what you need to get. I’m considered the Big Leap psychic. I have an arrangement with the Universe to only bring to me those souls who are ready for big transformations, and since you’re sitting in front of me, I don’t care what inspired you to choose me, but apparently you’re ready for huge changes in your life. Are you okay with this?”

“I am,” she claimed. “Tell me everything you see.” 

That’s what most of my clients tell me during their readings, though many times they’re still shocked to hear what I have to say.

I had only twenty minutes to share with Angie all that I was seeing, so I went at it. 

“I’m seeing three major scars on your heart from the loss of the love of a male. Two are from partners, lovers, right? One was from a boyfriend who broke up with you, and another is happening now. Isn’t that right?”


“Wait, you’re married?”


“And you’re breaking up, getting a divorce?”

“We’re separated right now.”

“Well, that’s two losses. I’m not seeing the third as a partner. Ah, it was your father. Did he leave or wasn’t around while you were growing up?”

“No, he wasn’t. He had to work a lot.”

“Well, that’s the third scar.” 

“But I knew he loved me,” Angie interjected quickly.

“And as a child, how did you know that? When he was home, he didn’t share his emotions much, right?”

“No. Dad didn’t talk very much even when we saw him. And that wasn’t very much because of all the hours he worked,” she explained, and I let her continue since I had already tapped into that.

“I can tell you right now that as a child that bothered you, which is why I see it as a scar today. And Mom wasn’t any more loving than Dad. In fact, I keep hearing critical words being thrown at you when you were young. That was from your mother, right?”

“Yes. Mom wasn’t very nurturing, and she used to criticize everything I did. But I understood why because Dad wasn’t around a lot, and Mom had to do all the work at home and take care of me and my brother,” Angie defended.

“You’re saying that at five and six and seven you had the wherewithal to understand why Mom wasn’t giving you the love you were supposed to receive? Did you understand that about Dad too?” I asked. “Where was he when Mom was criticizing you? Did he protect you from her or give you any loving words to counter her negative ones?”

Angie thought about it for a moment and finally with a surprised, timid expression admitted, “No. I guess not.” 

“And that would have hurt you as a child, wouldn’t it have?” I asked so she could herself make that connection with her genuine beliefs and not with her defensive ones.

Again, Angie responded with surprise as if to acknowledge this for the first time, “Yes, it would.” 

“I thought everything in my life was great,” she said. “I thought I married a great man. I know he loved me and I love him. I don’t understand what happened. I thought we were both very happy.”

“None of what you just said is true,” I interjected, “and you know it! I feel you have a strong intuition, but you’re not listening to it. You knew when you first met your husband that he was not the right man, but you felt desperate for a companion, someone to fulfill your emotional needs, and as long as he gave you any positive attention, you married him. Isn’t that true? And you can’t lie to a psychic!”

“You’re right, but I thought he would get better in time,” she said. “And I was lonely.”

“You also never thought you were good enough for anyone else. Isn’t that correct too?” I added compassionately.

She nodded.

“With all of that going on in your life, you came here to ask me about your career?” 

She said nothing. 

“At least now your healing can begin.”

I spent the rest of Angie’s reading explaining how and why she harbored deep beliefs that she was unlovable and not good enough and that, because she is connected to a power, the Law of Attraction, those inner beliefs were manifesting her life outcomes, including her relationships and career. I presented Angie with the steps to completely transform her life. Though her reading was far deeper than she ever expected, she left feeling hopeful and most of all empowered with the knowledge of how to transform her life.

“Thank you so much. I never expected this. You’ve given me so much hope!” she gratefully expressed.

The Evolution of the Environment-Made Mind

Only 2 to 5 percent of the human mind is in conscious awareness.
That means 95 to 98 percent is in unawareness.
You have no idea what is going on in the majority of your mind.

After all the years I studied and researched the body, mind, and spirit, as a metaphysician and psychotherapist, I’ve concluded the mind is divided into more areas of consciousness than the psychiatrists and psychologists labeled as the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious. Sigmund Freud had much to do with the discoveries of the unconscious mind. He, along with other psychiatrists, concluded all human innate knowing comes from the unconscious mind. 

Carl Jung, one of Freud’s better students, went on to further describe the unconscious mind and to include the superconscious mind, which is connected to a collective unconscious where all knowledge is housed. He also referred to this mind as the mind of God. This is actually the part of the mind where the soul’s mind in connected. That’s my theory where all our knowing comes from.

Now, my conjecture is that these new sections of the mind, with their own specific characteristics and functions, didn’t develop until after we incarnated on Earth. When you’re born into this world, you forget who you are as an unlimited spiritual and divine being and who you were in your past lives just so you can create and live a whole new experience. You begin to grow up into a happy-go-lucky, innocent child filled with happiness and love, enjoying every moment, every taste, every color, every sound, every bug, every person, and wanting to share your melting ice cream cone with every stranger. And then, bam! Life happens to you, and you start to receive negative unconscious and conscious messages and influences from your environment. Those messages help to create your first set of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.

We start to receive unconscious negative messages about ourselves quite early in life—sometimes even in utero. John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, in an earlier book, What You Feel, You Can Heal, wrote that self-love breaks down from the moment we receive the first unconscious message that we shouldn’t appreciate ourselves. 

Think about that for a moment. The very first unconscious message you can absorb energetically could be while you’re still in your mommy’s belly. That’s true. There are plenty of studies that show playing calming or classical music during pregnancy can affect the infant positively while in utero and once born. If the fetus can be affected by positive external energy, can’t it also be affected by negative? While you were developing in the womb, what could you have been absorbing if your parents were arguing about you being an unwanted pregnancy or if you were a pregnancy from an act of sexual violence? Can’t that first unconscious negative message even come from Mom being disappointed that you turned out to be a boy instead of the girl she dreamed of having? 

When you receive your first negative messages from your parents, siblings, other family members, teachers, or your environment, what happens next is due to protective mechanisms in your brain. From what I’ve seen and experienced, I believe our negative stories fracture our three-sectioned minds, and the brain creates a fourth section.

Positive and negative thoughts and energy are like oil and vinegar; they don’t mix. That’s why they’re opposite sides of a magnet, so the brain splits the mind to create a container for those new negative thoughts and feelings. I call this new container the Environment-Made Mind or EMM. I believe all our maladaptive beliefs about who we are and our relationship to our environment and to our lives are formed and held here. 

As souls, we first come into the world with self-­love. We can’t help it. The Source we come from is made of love. However, the moment we receive our first negative message from our new world, there’s a conflict between what we should be experiencing and what we’re actually experiencing. For self-­preservation, the brain needs to resolve all conflicts. Because our immature and egocentric minds can’t reason, they can only come to one conclusion: “Something is wrong with me. They don’t love me.” Those are the first maladaptive beliefs we form. And it’s that first set of self-beliefs, along with others that develop with every negative message we receive, that are harbored in the EMM. 

I also refer to these beliefs as the I’m nots: “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not smart enough,” “I’m not beautiful enough,” “I’m not deserving enough,” “I’m not lovable,” “I’m not whatever enough.” It’s in this mind where most of our emotional pains originate. In my reading for Angie, she formed her beliefs that she was unlovable and not good enough, and her brain held them in the EMM.

The brain forms the Environment-­Made Mind for two primary reasons. First, because the unconscious or superconscious mind, as Carl Jung labeled it after Freud, houses the soul’s mind and only knows of all God-­given positive beliefs and feelings about us and the world. The soul’s mind connects us with our intuition and can’t coexist with negative beliefs and feelings. 

The second reason the brain forms another section is, ironically, out of the need for survival. The brain comes with built-­in protective mechanisms to assure our survival. The brain’s survival tactic, then, is to hold onto all experiences, good and bad, just in case it may need them to reference someday. 

Even though our maladaptive beliefs are destructive, the brain automatically keeps them. It would be so much easier to release those ridiculous beliefs and feelings if our brains didn’t do that. And since they can’t coexist with the soul’s mind in the superconscious, the brain fractions off another section to retain those destructive maladaptive beliefs. I call this section the Environment-­Made Mind because, when we are young, our minds are like sponges absorbing and taking everything in from our interactions with people and from the environment. Our youthful minds are just too underdeveloped to consciously create our own set of critical-­thinking beliefs, so the environment helps to influence our immature concrete beliefs. 

Then, the EMM holds all negative beliefs, while the superconscious and soul’s mind holds all positive beliefs. And the superconscious and soul’s mind are located below the EMM and deep within your psyche. Your EMM is now the closest mind to your subconscious, and therefore the major trainer of your subconscious mind’s automatic thoughts, reactions, and beliefs, and the closest to your conscious mind. That is one of the reasons it’s easier or faster to have a negative reaction and feeling before a positive one. Hypothetically, your superconscious and intuitive thoughts have further to travel considering the barrier of the Environment-Made Mind. 

Do you ever wonder why your inner child’s voice is so hard to quiet or forget, why you may have so many maladaptive beliefs about yourself, why you can’t “move past your past” as so many practitioners suggest, and why that voice is so ingrained that it still influences you even today? 

The negative messages we receive about ourselves start so early in our lives, and they don’t always come from blatant abuse. Sometimes they’re subtle, negative messages, and sometimes they’re loud and harsh. Either way, they’re the beliefs we start developing about ourselves because of the way our worlds treat us and respond to us. They can come from a teacher trying to make you a good student or a parent attempting to help you learn and grow up. But for the most part, our negative, maladaptive self-beliefs come from those who have a lot of their own negative and maladaptive self-beliefs.

Children translate the attention they receive or don’t receive as whether they’re lovable or not. Our lovability factor is primary to our existence as souls. We were created from love, we’re made of love, so love is all we know within our soul mind. And we use love to measure everything about our evolvement and growth as beings. Positive attention equals we are lovable, and negative, or lack of attention, means we’re not. That is the simplicity of children and what they need. Thus, it’s not always about the verbal messages you may receive from the adults in your life. How did they all attend or not attend to you? 

Maybe you’re convinced you had a Brady Bunch life (you’ll have to research that television show if you don’t know it), but I can assure you, because of the world we have been living in for hundreds of years, there’s no way you were unaffected by some family or environmental dysfunction or history. The reason the world is the way it is today is because of the domination of the Environment-­Made Mind over the reasoning and intellectual minds. And that domination was perpetuated and passed down from generation to generation. 

Don’t get me wrong, positive thoughts and soulful feelings of love can squeeze through and make it to your consciousness, which is why you can experience moments of happiness, joy, love, and even self-confidence. However, those moments may not last long because the size and negative contents of your EMM will soon strangle the positive moments. The more your EMM becomes filled, the more problematic your life will become. And since your beliefs manifest your life, which I’ll talk more about later, it becomes a never-­ending spiral of bad experiences. The bad experiences produce negative self-thoughts and beliefs, which attract more bad experiences that produce more bad beliefs, and the cycle continues until you can disrupt it some way. Worse, however, I believe the EMM gave way to yet another fracture as your immature mind developed for the same preservation reason. This new section turns out to be the most destructive of all.

What maladaptive beliefs do you think are in your Environment-Made Mind? What could be getting in your way of attracting the right partner or any healthy relationship into your life? As with Angie, she had two failed love interests, and her hidden unlovable and not good enough self-beliefs manifested them. What are your hidden beliefs?


Table of Contents

Introduction 7

Chapter 1 You Know What You Don't Know? 15

Chapter 2 Losing Our Keys 29

Chapter 5 Defense Has the Ball 39

Chapter 4 The Force Is with You 57

Chapter 5 The Crazy Things Kids Believe 77

Chapter 6 An Apple a Day Is Not Enough to Keep the Doctor Away 99

Chapter 7 No Pain, No Gain 127

Chapter 8 The Key 141

Chapter 9 All You Need Is Love 159

Chapter 10 The Trouble with Angels 177

Chapter 11 Turn on Your Heat and Bake Your Cake 189

Chapter 12 You Gotta Love Magic Tricks 209

Acknowledgments 233

About the Author 241

What People are Saying About This

From the Publisher

“Spiritual self-help book that aims to help readers overcome challenges and live abundant lives."Kirkus Reviews

"…He is earnest and vulnerable..." Kirkus Reviews

“A fascinating and intriguing read.  Using wisdom he’s gleaned from research and clinical practice, sprinkled with super-sized spirituality, Genna brings heart to the head games we all play that keep us moored in mediocrity. ‘The Secret’ is a GPS for people on a journey of self discovery who find themselves stuck at the starting line.” - Donna Gregory, Network and Local News Anchor and Correspondent

“Vincent Genna combines psychology, wisdom, and spiritual insight to help you to manifest what you want in your life. Using step-by step principles Vincent helps you to uncover what’s holding you back and uses that very principle to guide you forward.” Caroline Sutherland, Hay House author of The Body Knows book series

I always enjoy having Vincent Genna as a guest on The Paranormal Podcast and I've long been fascinated by the concept of The Law of Attraction. So, I was excited when I heard one of our most interesting guests was going to tackle this compelling topic. I recommend fellow seekers read The Secret That's Holding You Back. Vincent shares his insights from his decades of research and practice. I know you it will be a great addition to your spirituality library. —Jim Harold, Host of The Paranormal Podcast and Jim Harold's Campfire

Vincent Genna has an accurate and heartfelt way of communicating that will help you grow and expand. His passion for seeing the light shine in people’s eyes and wake up to their authentic life is behind everything he does. Vincent is the real deal! —Lisa Garr, Host of “The Aware Show”

“Wow! This is some of the most mind-blowing material I have ever read. Vincent Genna has surpassed all the conventional theories about the human mind and potential. In The Secret That’s Holding You Back he introduces powerful new understandings that will absolutely transform those seeking to change, improve, or heighten the quality of their lives. This book will take you beyond the limits you set for yourself.” ~George Noory, Host of Coast to Coast Radio

“I dream of a world in which we are all liberated to pursue our best lives and wildest dreams with abandon. The eye-opening stories Vincent Genna shares in The Secret That’s Holding You Back are a tool to inspire us to get out of our own way and stop stopping ourselves from creating the life the of our dreams. I recommend reading this book at bedtime to call on dreams to help us become truly unstoppable! Don’t hold back. Get this game-changing book now!” ~Kelly Sullivan Walden (aka Doctor Dream), Bestselling author of Luminous Humanness

“Vincent Genna has written a wonderful book that is both entertaining and illuminating. Read this book to discover what you’ve been missing!” - Randy Davila, President, Hampton Roads and Hierophant Publishing Companies

Vincent Genna's book, The Secret That's Holding You Back is a must-read! If you are ready to break through the pain and struggle of life and are open to claiming the love you deserve, you will love it. Offering a blend of science and spirituality, Vincent gives you a step-by-step plan to live the life you have only dared dream of. – Sunny Dawn Johnston, Psychic Medium and Best-Selling Author of Invoking the Archangels and The Love Never Ends

"Powerful and timely! Vincent Genna's book, The Secret That's Holding You Back offers a compelling new model for transforming the human condition of stress and suffering into an authentic  breakthrough of the next greatest version of yourself. In these pages are a step by step roadmap and tools for those who desire to do their inner work and thus awaken peak human potential. Vincent gives our mind a reason to accept what our heart intuitively knows . . . love is the great healer of life and the power to consciously move through life is an act of self-love. This book is a "must" for any library of science and healing for the 21st century!” — Dr. Darren R. Weissman, Best Selling Author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude, Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind, and The Heart of the Matter. Developer of "The LifeLine Technique"®

"I love this book! Heart opening, inspiring and insightful!" - Joe Vitale

"Brilliant! A masterpiece of self-discovery. If you're dissatisfied with any aspect of your life and want to know why, read this book. Honest, real, and relatable, the hard-earned wisdom Vincent Genna so capably shares in these pages gives you the tools to live a life beyond your dreams." - Suzanne Geisemann, spiritual teacher and author of Messages of Hope

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