The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People

The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People

The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People

The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People



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A hugely controversial work that exposes a series of scandals from Oliver North to the British royal family, The Secret War Against the Jews reveals as much about political corruption inside Western intelligence as it does about Israel.

Using thousands of formerly top-secret documents and numerous insider accounts, Loftus and Aarons expose the clandestine operations of Western countries such as the United States and Great Britain. Professed allies of Israel on the world stage, these countries are revealed to have repeatedly spied on Palestine and Israel for oil, multinational profits and geopolitical gains. The startling duplicity reaches as deep as the Orwellian manipulation of international covert policies and national security agendas.

This book transcends the realm of mere history, raising grave allegations that will be the subject of debate for years to come.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781250167262
Publisher: St. Martin's Publishing Group
Publication date: 05/16/2017
Sold by: Macmillan
Format: eBook
Pages: 672
Sales rank: 543,144
File size: 4 MB

About the Author

Attorney John Loftus is the author of several histories of intelligence operations and a consultant for CBS's 60 Minutes, ABC's Prime Time, and other programs. As a former prosecutor with the U.S. Justice Department's Nazi-hunting unit, he had unprecedented access to top-secret CIA and NATO archives. He wrote Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and Soviet Intelligence with his coauthor, Mark Aarons. An internationally award-winning investigative reporter and author of several books on intelligence-related issues, Mr. Aarons exposed Nazi war criminals "down under" and prompted changes to Australian federal law. He lives in Sydney, Australia, where he formerly worked for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Attorney John Loftus is the author of several histories of intelligence operations. As former prosecutor with the U.S. Justice Department's Nazi-hunting unit, he had unprecedented access to top-secret CIA and NATO archives. He lives in Florida. Mark Aarons and John Loftus are the co-authors of The Secret War Against the Jews and Unholy Trinity.
Mark Aarons is an international award-winning investigative reporter and the author of several books on intelligence-related issues. He exposed Nazi war criminals in Australia, where he lives, and prompted changes to Australian federal law.

Read an Excerpt

The Secret War Against The Jews

How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People

By John Loftus, Mark Aarons

St. Martin's Press

Copyright © 1994 Mark Aarons
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-250-16726-2



Three decades before the state of Israel was even born, there were British spies on the job, dedicated to the destruction of the Zionist dream. One made it his life's work. Harry St. John Bridger Philby was no ordinary spy but a professional nonconformist and dissembler. He manufactured so many contradictory sides to his character that even his real controllers were never sure where his true loyalties lay. A self-confessed fanatic, irascible and cantankerous, he was among the first, and most effective, of those who spied on the Zionists.

Remarkably, he has escaped the major attention devoted to his famous Communist double-agent son, Harold Adrian Russell Philby, or "Kim" as he was known. Certainly Kim was more notorious, particularly after his fellow double agents, Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean, fled to Moscow in 1951, and his own defection from British intelligence and flight behind the Iron Curtain in 1963. But in many ways, Kim was but a shadow of his father, St. John Philby — "Jack" to his friends.

Although there were earlier spies on the Zionists, none was more effective or more zealous than Jack Philby. He was the original inventor of the modern intelligence network that carried on the secret war against the Jews. It is now over three decades since he sat up in his bed in Beirut, muttered "I am bored" to his son, Kim, and died. But the anti-Semitic stranglehold he helped his close friend, Allen Dulles, put on U.S. policy in the Middle East endured right through to George Bush's White House in the 1990s.

Much of history is biography. This chapter examines the early life of Jack Philby, the secret founder of Saudi Arabia. The untold story of Philby's life is one of the biggest holes in the history of the Middle East. The allegations made by our sources in the intelligence community are as follows:

• Philby was dismissed from the British civil service and recruited by the British secret service, MI6, because of his sexual misconduct.

• Jack Philby used his intelligence assignment in the Middle East to take revenge on the British government and secretly joined forces with a fanatical Arab sect led by Ibn Saud, the man he helped make the king of Saudi Arabia.

• Philby proved his loyalty by passing Ibn Saud the intelligence information that ensured military victory for the House of Saud against Arab leaders supported by the British government.

• Jack Philby's sexual politics and example of betrayal had a formative impact on his son, Kim, who secretly became a Communist agent while at college.

• Kim Philby, who later became the most important Communist mole in the British secret service, was originally recruited by Moscow to spy on his father and Ibn Saud.

If these allegations are correct, they are indeed the missing links in the history of Middle Eastern espionage and explain how the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia succeeded in breaking British control of the area. None of this information has ever been reported before, and it is worthwhile to consider whether evidence exists to support our sources' allegations.

Jack was a child of England's empire, a minor civil servant in the espionage hothouse of India. He was born in Ceylon, now Sri Lanka, into a traditional Christian and politically conservative family. Like his son, Kim, after him, Jack left Trinity College, Cambridge, as a rebel, having discarded the family's establishment views. As he proclaimed in his autobiography, he became "something of a fanatic" and "the first Socialist to enter the Indian Civil Service." Before too long he had scandalized the establishment by becoming an anti-imperialist in the age of Rudyard Kipling. Like his well-known contemporary, T. E. Lawrence, Philby "went native."

Despite his own claims to have sided with the native colonials, most contemporary scholars have seen Jack as the typical British imperial agent in India and then later in the Middle East. He was also a noted Arabist, explorer, and gifted linguist, who spoke several Indian and Middle Eastern tongues fluently. According to the scholars, this gave Philby the opportunity to pose as an ally to the "natives" while actually subverting them.

Philby's job in the Indian civil service soon brought him into contact with the subterranean world of espionage. Kipling wrote of the "great game" between the Russian bear and the British lion, with Indian colonials as pawns. Philby was so caught up in the romance of espionage that he nicknamed his son after Kipling's spy character, Kim. But this prophetic sobriquet was not the origin of Kim's dislike of his father. Other sons have lived with worse names and survived. There was another special reason for Kim's hatred.

According to two British intelligence officers we spoke to, Jack had raped Kim's mother. Young Kim was a bastard. It was all hushed up, of course. A young British woman of good family did not admit that her virtue had been tarnished, even forcibly. However, when it was discovered that the woman was pregnant, a marriage was quickly arranged in September 1910. According to the rumors, Kim was born on January 1, 1911, not 1912, as officially recorded. With the help of Jack's colleagues in the civil service, an altered birth certificate was planted in the hospital files on the next New Year's day, when the regular staff members were drunk or off duty.

There is some circumstantial evidence to support our sources' account that a forced marriage had taken place. Junior officers in India were prohibited from marrying for three to five years, and Philby had been in the country for only a little more than eighteen months. Although one historian, perhaps inadvertently, listed Kim's birth date as 1911, the rape rumors have never been verified. One of the few people who must have known the truth was Bernard Montgomery, Philby's distant cousin and later deputy commander-in-chief of the Allied armies during World War II. "Monty" stood up for Jack at the wedding as best man and later, to his deep regret, vouched for young Kim for his first employment in British intelligence. On the other hand, Montgomery may have only felt sympathy for the boy. Philby was not the ideal father.

Whether Philby was a rapist or not, he had certainly blotted his copybook with the British authorities in India, who noted only that he mixed too much with the "native element." It should be recorded that Philby himself had dark features, and it was widely gossiped that his wife, Dora, had some "colored" or Indian blood. While at Cambridge, one of Jack's friends was Jawaharlal Nehru, later prime minister of India. Philby had hopes of a permanent career with the Indian civil service. It was not to be.

Shortly after his marriage, Philby was labeled an incompetent by the civil service and banned from further promotion. Nothing was ever written about the alleged rape. The official charge was that he had allowed a Moslem to be publicly handcuffed to a member of the untouchable Hindu caste. While officially Philby was only banned temporarily from holding certain positions in the bureaucracy, his Indian career was at an end, despite his success with the civil service language examinations.

It was at this point, in 1915, that our sources say that Philby switched from the civil service to the secret service. According to his own account, he received an appointment as head of the finance branch of the British administration in Baghdad during World War I. Others say he was actually in charge of the intelligence department's secret financial records. That would be interesting, if true, as it would indicate that Philby may have had access to the British list of paid Arab informants, a priceless asset to men such as Ibn Saud.

There is no doubt that Jack Philby was lying about his job with military finance. He was working for the secret service and was assigned to the army only for cover. Both British intelligence officers we interviewed on Jack Philby's remarkable career agree with the version of British historian Anthony Cave Brown. Jack Philby had been inducted into the secret world of British intelligence and became "a pendant of the British military intelligence service in Arabia, which was a term invented to conceal the existence of the secret service."

Jack Philby began a bizarre espionage career that was exceeded only by the strangeness of his personal life. According to a retired official from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Jack Philby was a sexual profligate, an adherent of the old Arab proverb: "For children, a woman; for pleasure, a boy; but for sheer ecstasy, a melon." Our sources suspect that, as a young man, Philby had had a number of bisexual adventures in the British public school system, which endeared him forever to the homosexual network within the aristocracy of the empire. Such youthful dalliances were widely tolerated, despite the public prudishness of post-Victorian England.

In fact, one of our sources, a U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) agent who went to school in England with several young men who later entered the British secret service, states that homosexuals were favored for recruitment by MI6. Before World War II, the upper ranks of the intelligence service were, he asserts, dominated by openly gay men. Bisexuality was seen as an asset for a British spy, as it offered unlimited opportunity for blackmail.

In contrast, the Americans were, at least officially, homophobic. Gay men and women were driven from the ranks of the intelligence and diplomatic services, regardless of their loyalty and probity. This may have had more to do with the fact that the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), J. Edgar Hoover, was himself filled with self-hatred and fear that his own homosexuality would be discovered.

During the 1950s it was Jack's son, Kim, who received most of the scrutiny, as he was suspected of being Guy Burgess's lover and of warning him to flee to Moscow to avoid arrest as a spy. However, when Kim fled to Moscow in 1963, Jack's sexual proclivities became the subject of security interest when intriguing similarities between father and son were discovered. Both British and American intelligence began to dig back into ancient history.

During the 1960s British intelligence tore itself apart as it tried to retrace the lovers' links that led Kim Philby and his friends to become Communist spies. The embarrassing debacle of the Cambridge spy ring revealed a homosexual network that seemed to stretch back for decades. The investigations uncovered the fact that earlier homosexual alliances had provided an easy entry for the young Red spies into the heart of the empire's intelligence services. Kim Philby was known to be a secret homosexual and Communist. Was the father one as well? The answer is yes, and no.

There are some indications that Philby, Sr., was a manic depressive, filled with wild bursts of genius and energy, followed by long periods of dark depression. Postmortem psychoanalysis employed by Western intelligence questioned whether Jack's divided nature began with his failure to resolve his bisexuality and ended with the betrayal of his country. In this sense, father and son were very much alike, although they came to different ends.

Jack liked sex well enough, with either gender, but was never a witting Communist agent. He did briefly embrace the Soviets at the height of the Cold War, but it was just another persona behind which to camouflage his real work of vengeance against the British. His closest friends did recognize that Philby was a supreme egotist, an adrenaline addict, and a chameleon. Even those who knew him best, though, had no idea what game he really was playing.

In order to unravel the knot of conflicting allegations, it is vital to retrace Jack Philby's espionage career from the beginning. If you want to know the son, study the father. In November 1915, when Jack transferred from India to the Middle East, he sent his wife and Kim off to live in England, as his father had done to his mother and him before. The parallels did not end there. Jack insisted that his son undertake exactly the same education as he had himself. Kim was packed off to Westminster and then Trinity College, Cambridge, just as Jack had been before him.

Alone in the Middle East, Philby, Sr., pursued his real love, the adventure of espionage. Before long he got "his first taste of the intrigue which went on in the bazaars of Baghdad." It also was his first taste of the powerful adrenaline that comes with spying. As one account of Philby's early spy work reported, he was even involved in plotting the capture and assassination of two of the most effective German agents in the Middle East.

There are unconfirmed reports that Philby also directed an agent network out of Baghdad, inside the Moslem territories of the Soviet Union. Another source stated that his first network was out of India into Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. Philby became infatuated with the world of secrets. He began to disguise himself as a native. Years later an experienced Arab intelligence agent noted that Philby could easily have passed as a bedouin, except that his by then hardened and blackened feet were still not dirty enough. His cover improved over the years, to the point that he was able to infiltrate a Comintern meeting.

In an age of gifted amateurs, Philby had chosen to become a professional spy. The problem was, he could not decide which side to work for. His first field controller was probably Gertrude Bell of the British Military Intelligence Department, who worked with Lawrence of Arabia (T. E. Lawrence). From Bell, Philby learned the finer points of the art of espionage. Before long, however, they were on different sides in the complex world of competing Arab rulers and pretenders. It did not really matter, since Philby's loyalty to the empire had already died.

Philby may have begun the process of "going native" in India, but he ended up transferring his loyalties to the Arabs. In a way, it did not matter which ethnic group he joined. If he had been assigned to Belfast, Philby would have joined the IRA. All that mattered was that his new allies were as different as possible from the stultifying British bureaucrats who had ended his career.

The Arabs were certainly different. For one thing, they were far more tolerant of sexual peccadilloes. Word began to reach the drawing rooms of London that Philby had abandoned his family and was becoming a bit of a rake. For appearances' sake, he would return to England from time to time, where he would impregnate Kim's mother even as he bragged to her about his Arab mistresses. Young Kim later admitted that his father treated his mother abominably. The more repulsively he was regarded by society, the more Philby turned to the Arabs. While Jack was becoming a legend as an Arabist, young Kim had developed a permanent stutter.

For Jack, the deciding issue behind his secret break with England was political, not sexual. After Iraq, Philby was assigned to promote Arab revolutions against Germany's Turkish ally in the Middle East. His resentment over the Indian experience apparently accompanied him, and he soon fell out with his superiors.

The trouble was that Philby believed in his intelligence assignment and could never forgive the duplicity of his own government. He thought that Britain had genuinely promised the Arabs independence in return for their support against the Germans and their Ottoman ally. As a result of such naïveté, British Military Intelligence agents such as Philby and Lawrence had promised their favored Arabs the sun and the moon. Unfortunately, the British government had little faith that the Arabs either would, or could, deliver on the field of battle.

Within a year after Philby's arrival in the Middle East, the British ignored the promises made to the Arabs that they would receive self-determination and political independence. Instead, the secret SykesPicot agreement of 1916 divided the Arab world into French and British spheres of influence. Even worse, that deal was altered the following year, when the British government issued a private letter to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the Jewish community in England.

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised that Palestine would be "a national home" for the Jews. Not the national home, only a national home. The absence of the definitive article left the British some wiggle-room on this promise as well, to say nothing of ambiguities about whether London intended that there should ever be a sovereign Jewish state throughout the entire territory of Palestine. They intended to let only a few Jews immigrate, few enough so that they would always be a powerless minority in an Arab state. Jack Philby thought that any Jews would be too many.

According to our source from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the only reason that the British even made the Balfour Declaration was for foreign propaganda purposes, not for domestic consumption. The bigots of British intelligence believed that the Jews controlled the American press and that gaining the support of American Jews was the key to obtaining the commitment of the U.S. government to send more than token forces after it entered World War I.


Excerpted from The Secret War Against The Jews by John Loftus, Mark Aarons. Copyright © 1994 Mark Aarons. Excerpted by permission of St. Martin's Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Title Page,
Copyright Notice,
Introduction: The Secret War Against the Jews,
Part I: The Age of Bigotry, 1920–1947,
Chapter 1 Philby of Arabia,
Chapter 2 The Sorcerer of Oil,
Chapter 3 The Pirates of Wall Street,
Chapter 4 The Mutineers,
Chapter 5 The Seeds of Blackmail,
Part II: The Age of Greed, 1948–1973,
Chapter 6 The Trap Is Sprung,
Chapter 7 "A Jewish-Communist Conspiracy",
Chapter 8 Spying on Zion,
Chapter 9 Robert Maxwell's Czech Guns,
Chapter 10 The Revolving Door,
Chapter 11 The Revenge of the Philbys,
Chapter 12 The Liberty Incident,
Chapter 13 The Final Solution Revisited,
Chapter 14 The Real Hero of Yom Kippur,
Part III: The Age of Stupidity, 1974–1992,
Chapter 15 The Disappearing Oil Mystery,
Chapter 16 The Mexican Connection,
Chapter 17 Rehearsal in Angola,
Chapter 18 The Iran-Contra Debacle,
Chapter 19 Bush's Inner Sanctum,
Chapter 20 Blackmailing the President?,
Chapter 21 The Victors and the Victims,
Selected Bibliography,
About the Authors,

Customer Reviews