The Seven Chakra Personality Types: Discover the Energetic Forces That Shape Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your Place in the World (Chakra Healing)

The Seven Chakra Personality Types: Discover the Energetic Forces That Shape Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your Place in the World (Chakra Healing)

by Shai Tubali
The Seven Chakra Personality Types: Discover the Energetic Forces That Shape Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your Place in the World (Chakra Healing)

The Seven Chakra Personality Types: Discover the Energetic Forces That Shape Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your Place in the World (Chakra Healing)

by Shai Tubali


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Understand the Seven Chakra Personality Types and Discover Yourself

"This book is a wonderful invitation to experience yourself as an inspiring integration of a body, mind and soul." ―Dr. Itai Ivtzan, Associate Professor at Naropa University

#1 Bestseller in Chakras, Spiritualism, Yoga, Hinduism, Meditation, and Spiritual Self-Help

Each one of us has a chakra that is more dominant than others. This book breaks down the seven chakra personality types and helps you discover which one is your dominant chakra.

The role of chakras. Chakras are energy centers in our bodies through which we experience life. Each one holds a different meaning, and through examining the qualities they carry, we can use chakras as a tool for understanding ourselves.

Learn from an expert. Trained Yogi and author Shai Tubali is one of Europe's leading experts in the field of subtle bodies and, more specifically, the ancient chakra system. His knowledge and deep understanding is what makes this one of the most insightful seven chakra books published.

Understand yourself. By learning your combination of chakra personality types, you become better equipped to define your strengths and weaknesses on a path to spiritual healing.

Make the right decisions for your life. Chakras can help you to discover your life's purpose and direction. After determining your chakra personality type, use that information to help make the right decisions in many aspects of your life, from careers to relationships.


  • Learn how to use your chakras as a tool for understanding yourself
  • Gain insight into each of the seven chakra personality types
  • Find your specific chakra personality type
  • If you've read books such as Chakra Healing, The Ultimate Guide to Chakras, Chakras & Self-Care, or Essential Chakra Meditation, you'll find Shai Tubali's The Seven Chakra Personality Types to be an excellent source of insight into chakras and spiritual healing.

    Product Details

    ISBN-13: 9781573247368
    Publisher: TURNER PUB CO
    Publication date: 09/01/2018
    Pages: 288
    Sales rank: 635,003
    Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.80(d)

    About the Author

    Shai Tubali is the head of Chiro-Yoga, an alternative and holistic health center in Berlin, Germany. He is an international speaker and seminar leader in the fields of spiritual transformation and psychological development and has led workshops and retreats in Israel, Germany, and India. Shai's knowledge of the chakras and subtle anatomy derives from the Yogic Nityananda tradition through the American Yogi, Dr. Gabriel Cousens. Visit him at or https: //

    Read an Excerpt


    FIRST CHAKRA The Builders

    The Builders

    » Presence in world population: around 40 percent

    » Public domain: legal institutions, police, banks, cities, bureaucracy, health institutions, construction work, insurance companies

    » Typically found among: policemen, lawmakers, accountants, doctors, programmers, technicians, construction workers, cartographers, secretaries

    » Dosha constitution: kapha (water)

    » Dominated by: the instinctual center, survival instinct, the physical body

    » Shadow self: the frozen self

    » Time zone: cyclical time

    » Traditional animal: ant, elephant

    » Famous figures: the biblical Moses, Confucius, Hammurabi, Hippocrates, Phidias, Muhammad al-Idrisi, Amerigo Vespucci, Maimonides, Mimar Sinan, Samuel Johnson, Samuel Hahnemann, Fibonacci, Immanuel Kant, Emmy Noether, Kort Godel, Alan Turing, Qnarles Darwin, Jonas Salk, Katherine Johnson, Frank Lloyd Wright

    We start our journey into the seven personality types with the first chakra, whose type tends to be far more serious than the second type and far less ambitious than the third. Just like the foundational physical chakra they embody, first-chakra personalities constitute the solid base of world population. These people are Builders — lovers of detail and structure — and they are in charge of the material and earthly plane. Four out of every ten people are first-chakra types, and their impressive number reflects their fundamental role in human society. They tend to be the most "earthly" of the first group — the ones closest to the ground. However, this also means that — for better or worse — they are the closest to the laws of matter.


    The first chakra is located in the perineum. Its region of influence extends to the legs and the base of the spine. It holds within it the essence of cosmic order and structure. Structure is the very foundation of life. Without it, no life could ever be manifested and expressed. The most immediate example of this is the structure of the human form — subatomic particles form atoms; atoms form molecules; molecules form cells; cells form organs; and organs form the physical body that allows you to read this book. All of these structural components are the building blocks that contain and sustain the life that is you.

    On a far larger scale, the divine reality is, first of all, expressed as the cosmos's astounding order. Within infinite space, there are countless structures — galaxies, suns, planets, plants, and animals — that function as containers of the various forces and energies of life. We all know that, to hold water, we need a glass; in a similar way, to hold life, we need structures. To this end, the all-organizing hidden reality created forms and defined structures that could conduct energy and contain life. And for each system of matter and life, there is also a suitable set of laws that govern and operate it. Our bodies obey these laws, just as cosmic constellations obey their own laws. These laws, like those of gravity and relativity, keep everything in harmony.

    Try, for a moment, to connect to the sense that everything in the universe is comprised of and contained by structures, forms, and laws. Even this book required careful structuring and a logical framework. If I had written spontaneously, without restraining my creative impulse or containing my inspiration within a structure, it would most likely fail to convey my ideas properly.

    To build anything constructive in life, you must define a certain structure composed of a clear schedule, careful details, and small daily actions. Within this structure, you establish the flow of your days, weeks, months, and even years. In your home, you create a physical structure of floor and ceiling, walls, doors, and windows, in order to feel protected and to provide an environment in which you can live and express yourself. In fact, all of your material life is contained within structures.

    Complementing the structures that hold all material life is matter itself: substance, density, volume, and weight. Visible matter is mostly solid, not airy. It is, obviously, material enough to achieve substance. That is why yogis of the past associated the first chakra with the heavy and robust being of the elephant. Other beings on earth that reflect this essence are whales and massive, ancient trees like sequoias and redwoods.

    The first-chakra essence is also seen in the colonizing instincts of some organisms — for instance, ants, termites, and bees. These insects naturally form colonies composed of many physically connected, interdependent individuals. They combine their forces to work as one entity, busily and diligently dedicating all their energies to the greater good. Likewise, our bodies function as communities of atoms, molecules, and cells, with every particle contributing to the greater whole.

    These three components — order and structure, dense matter, and colonizing instincts — are all essential characteristics of a first-chakra type. Now try to imagine a human being rising out of this essence.


    Builders are proud representatives of the kapha (water) element of the dosha system. Indeed, for better or worse, they are its human manifestation. Kapha energy is heavy, solid, steady, slow, and sometimes even static. It is the element that bears the materials of the body and is responsible not only for the physical structure of the body — tissues, muscles, bones, marrow, and joints — but also for substances like the internal organs, blood, and fat.

    Think of Builders as the kapha element in human form. This type has quite an earthly appearance. They are generally grounded and heavy, with a solid constitution that tends to overweight. Their eyes are soft, and they are generally quiet and gentle people. They are also relatively slow, in movement and slow to react. This doesn't mean that they are inefficient, however. They just need to take their time in responding to people and events.

    As we know from the need for balance, each essence can also appear in excess in each type. In the case of first-chakra types, this tendency is even worse, because they are purely kapha without a balancing element. Thus, they may easily become overly grounded, tired, and even lethargic.

    Sphere of Influence

    Since this personality type originates in the world of cosmic order and law, they are most often found pursuing roles in legal institutions where laws are formed and enforced. With billions of people moving around in one shared space, regulation is needed to prevent general chaos. And this is where first-chakra types exert their influence. They work to clarify limits of movement, behavior, and action, and help to define each individual's expected contribution to the greater whole. They give shape to right relationships between people and between social and political entities. They restrain competing forces and ensure that everyone has a place in the public domain. Indeed, we owe the entire structure of society and culture to first-chakra types — the Builders.

    Builders constitute 40 percent of the world population. Though this is most certainly not an accurate statistical evaluation, it is fair to estimate that, among every ten people, four will be Builders. We should all be happy about that, because they hold the structures of the world together. We must never take these diligent creators of order for granted.

    We do tend to undervalue them, however. It is a great irony that the most fundamental chakra type is also the one we appreciate least. This is because they are the least "romantic," poetic, or colorful type. They are the caretakers of all the small details that may seem boring and gray. But without them, the entire material world would collapse. Like children who fail to appreciate their parents' hardships and efforts to provide for all their enjoyment and peace of mind, we tend to overlook the work of the Builders in structuring our world.

    Builders don't feel at all that what they do is boring, however. From their perspective, it appears quite fascinating. Indeed, a first-chakra type, in response to the accusation that their work is boring, would probably answer that that is not the worst trait someone could have. In their minds, there are far worse tendencies — like drifting through life and being so ungrounded that your entire well-being could, all of a sudden, become severely endangered.

    Everything we see around us and take for granted — our well-built houses and carefully tended gardens, the dishes and cutlery in our kitchens, the food that awaits us in abundance in the supermarkets, our well-crafted furniture, our carefully paved roads, the infrastructure of our cities, our hospitals and cathedrals, our financial system, and so much more — is the handiwork of silent, sometimes almost invisible Builders. We notice and appreciate artists, charismatic politicians, and ambitious billionaires. But the platforms on which they give their speeches or display their creations, and the active systems that manage their affairs, are all the work of Builders.

    The unusual insight that first-chakra types have into tools and machines of all kinds — from computers to cars — draws them to anything technical. This type is also found among those who gather data, like accountants, bankers, statisticians, cartographers, librarians, and secretaries. They take great joy in working with numbers and in sorting out streams of information, collecting all the elements that constitute the foundation of daily life. As lovers of all things earthly, they are also commonly found among farmers and those who work the land. They are particularly in tune with the land's predictable rhythms and cycles, and are happy to take care of something so reassuringly repetitive.

    Builders often partake in some form of lawmaking and so are present in all types of legal institutions. They may also be attracted to forms of law enforcement and often work as lawyers — not necessarily in showy courtroom proceedings, but rather in quiet, steady work that deals with the finest details and nuances of the law. They also work in the medical world as doctors and researchers who are fascinated with the many intricate laws of human anatomy and physiology. Since they love testing substances and their effects, they are drawn to study different types of medicines, pharmaceuticals, supplements, and foods to determine how the body reacts to them. Thus they often work as nutritionists and alternative-medicine therapists. Simply put, wherever Builders recognize an order they can follow or contribute to, they will be there.

    Builders don't like being eccentric or standing outside accepted structures. They are conformists, and usually place themselves in conventional frameworks of belonging and service. They feel much healthier when they affiliate themselves with established systems, because these systems have grown out of a long tradition of proven and tested wisdom. They are keen on supporting and perfecting the well-established foundations of society. That is why they often take a role in churches, parliaments, courtrooms, and banks. Their traditional bent attracts them to ancient lineages, so they often appear within religious traditions, where they are the ones who strive to preserve the original law.

    Role in Human History

    In a way, first-chakra types were the first humans on earth. Their first role was to inspect nature's elements, assess the threats of predators and natural disasters, and determine the best ways to tame a hostile environment. They were the ones who tried out different materials, foods, and housing options, searching for the most useful elements and the most livable environments. Indeed, our current pampered lifestyle is the result of countless first-chakra types who toiled tirelessly to improve the systems of human life.

    Builders paved the way to the brave new worlds that more inspired and daring types pushed to reveal. While they were not courageous visionaries who were willing to take risks and to live unsettling and insecure lives, they were most certainly the ones who confronted the new reality and quickly began to put everything in order: "Here we will put this and there we will put that." After organizing everything, they formulated laws to preserve their structures and regulate living to the smallest detail imaginable.

    Builders were the "elders" who came up with the concept of a lawful society. In any religious tradition, they were the ones who helped formulate the rules. In Judaism, for example, they were surely responsible for writing large parts of the Old Testament, with its tradition of commandments and laws — a catalog of dos and don'ts full of countless minor details. In later scriptures, these commandments were passionately discussed, commented on, and even expanded.


    First-chakra types see the world as a space in which to build. To them, there is no greater meaning in life than the one found in steady and persistent construction, improving the foundations and strengthening the roots of human society and culture. The material world and all its substances are here to be organized, arranged, and reshaped to form a harmonious and life-supporting environment.

    Builders are not interested in the abstract and, for the most part, are not intensely philosophical or insightful. They are lovers of the material and objective world, attracted to forms and shapes and anything that can become tangible and straightforward realities. They are fascinated by the deep intelligence of matter and the beauty of material patterns. As they survey their surroundings, they immediately spot any elements that can make its infrastructure even better. They are always drawn to ways to make everything more workable and livable.

    In many respects, the passion of the Builders to improve their environment is similar to the perseverance and persistence of billions of years of evolution, which works with a great yet steady force to improve physical forms. To build a fully functioning world requires this kind of persistence — a steady gathering of the unorganized mass of creation to bring it into an organized state. Thus we can think of first-chakra types as organizers who want to put everything in order. As organizers, they cannot stand discontinuity. In fact, they perceive chaos merely as a potential for a better order.

    Builders see everything as useful. Any material is an opportunity to bring more order out of chaos. That is why they can be deeply fascinated by technicalities. They are enthralled by the workings of machines. As children, they perhaps tried to dismantle TVs and clocks to understand their inner workings and to challenge themselves with the task of putting them back together again.

    First-chakra types are not really interested in the "why" of things. To them, this kind of thinking is an impractical contemplation that leads to no clear resolutions. Their enthusiasm, even if they are religious or spiritual, turns far less to questions of "why" than it does to questions of "how." They don't ask why the world was created, because they are far more interested in how the world works. What are its fundamental laws? And how can we improve them?

    Since this is a world of action, to get something done we cannot rely on the brightness of vision or the excitement of a sudden impulse. What we truly require is the establishment of constant patterns of behavior and action based on the qualities of steadiness, perseverance, and diligence. When we have our heads in the clouds, we accomplish nothing. In the material world, only a slow, persistent effort can affect reality. We need to wake up in the morning knowing exactly what we are meant to do and obediently follow a list of duties until, at a certain point, results begin to appear.

    Guided by the wish to see the world around them in order — and, to them, an orderly world is a beautiful world — Builders move forward steadily, step by step, taking into consideration the smallest details imaginable. After all, their entire worldview is made of these details; if any of them are overlooked, the whole structure might collapse. Think of accountants who go carefully through endless numbers, or contractors who know that a slight error in construction could cost lives. This kind of responsibility requires great care and constant checking and rechecking, because only this slow persistence allows for precision.

    Builders are drawn to long-term projects that demand taking a deep, deep breath. They trust this type of persistent action in the world and are very suspicious of anything that seems too fiery and thrilling. They firmly believe that only goals and aims that require stamina are worthwhile and count in the end.

    First-chakra personalities live with a sense of time as continuity — past, present, and future. They experience time as cyclical. To them, everything is measured by cycles: the passage of weeks or years, rites of passage, and repetitive celebrations and holy days. It feels so right to them that these occasions repeat themselves and that everyone gathers around for them. These rituals encourage a feeling that there is always something to which they can return.


    Excerpted from "The Seven Chakra Personality Types"
    by .
    Copyright © 2018 Shai Tubali.
    Excerpted by permission of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents

    Acknowledgments xi

    Preface xiii

    Introduction: Chakras and Personality 1

    Part I Material-Earthly Types 17

    Chapter 1 First Chakra-The Builders 19

    Chapter 2 Second Chakra-The Artists 47

    Chapter 3 Third Chakra-The Achievers 75

    Part II Emotional-Communicative Types 103

    Chapter 4 Fourth Chakra-The Caretakers 105

    Chapter 5 Fifth Chakra-The Speakers 131

    Part III Mental-Spiritual Types 161

    Chapter 6 Sixth Chakra-The Thinkers 163

    Chapter 7 Seventh Chakra-The Yogis 191

    Part IV Applying the System 223

    Chapter 8 Analyzing Your Three-Type Structure 225

    Chapter 9 Fulfilling Your Chakra Type 241

    Conclusion Chakras as a Path to Peace 257

    Bibliography 267

    What People are Saying About This

    From the Publisher

    "Life guidance as to 'why we are who we are'. Shai has made a great contribution to the vibrant living library of evolving human consciousness in a most integrated, readable and admirable way. His insights encourage the reader to understand the deep connections between Chakras, mind, body and spirit. A must read." ―Patricia Mercier, author of bestselling The Chakra Bible and The Little Book of Chakras

    "A magnificent way to understand yourself as a spiritual being having a physical experience. Highly recommended!" ―C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., author of Living Bliss: Major Discoveries Along the Holistic Path

    "In an era in which we frequently limit our perspective of ourselves to a body, mind, or soul, this book is a wonderful invitation to experience yourself as an inspiring integration of all three." ―Dr. Itai Ivtzan, Associate Professor, Naropa University and Mindfulness teacher and researcher

    "A new perspective of the chakras representing archetypal personalities. This integrative approach identifies and illuminates spiritual, mental and emotional patterns that give clarity toward soul essence and personal path.” ―Francesca McCartney, PhD, Academy of Intuition Medicine®

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