The Tablets of Light: The Teachings of Thoth on Unity Consciousness

The Tablets of Light: The Teachings of Thoth on Unity Consciousness

by Danielle Rama Hoffman
The Tablets of Light: The Teachings of Thoth on Unity Consciousness

The Tablets of Light: The Teachings of Thoth on Unity Consciousness

by Danielle Rama Hoffman


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Divine transmissions of light codes to activate hidden keys to conscious evolution within your soul

• Transmitted to Danielle Rama Hoffman by Thoth, keeper of the Akashic Records and member of the Council of Light

• Contains teachings to awaken oracular vision, re-establish quantum consciousness, activate your Divine Light Body, access spiritual energy technologies, and rediscover the undiluted version of yourself and your soul’s purpose

• Includes exercises with breathing, hologram-inspired visualization, and unity consciousness

Within each of us resides a diamond light seed of Divine consciousness, waiting to be activated. Transmitted to Danielle Rama Hoffman by Thoth, keeper of the Akashic Records and member of the Council of Light, the teachings of the Emerald Tablets of Light enable each of us to reactivate the Divine consciousness that inhabits our souls and transition from separation consciousness into unity consciousness.

Engaging you in a multidimensional conversation directly with Thoth, each tablet transmission in this book includes embedded light codes of high vibrational energy and consciousness, which activate hidden keys to conscious evolution within your soul. Offering the opportunity to leave behind and evolve outdated ways of being, such as acting from fear, being restrained by self-consciousness, and hiding your brilliance, the teachings of the Tablets of Light enable you to awaken oracular vision, re-establish quantum consciousness, become vibrationally autonomous, and activate your Divine Light Body.

Including breathing exercises, hologram-inspired visualizations, and unity consciousness practices, the Tablets of Light allow you to create tangible results in your daily life as you move higher on the evolutionary scale of divine awakening and develop a divine partnership with Source. Guided by Thoth and his Tablets of Light, you will rediscover the undiluted version of yourself and your soul’s purpose, accept your Divine Light Mission as a Divine Incarnate, and set the stage to return in the next life as a fully resurrected Being of Light.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781591432814
Publisher: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
Publication date: 05/16/2017
Pages: 320
Sales rank: 533,290
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.80(h) x 0.80(d)

About the Author

Danielle Rama Hoffman is a channel, founder of the Ascended Mastery Lineage of Thoth, legacy-work coach, and a leader of the evolution in consciousness. The author of Magdalene Manifestation Cards, The Temples of Light, The Council of Light, and The Tablets of Light, she is the creator of Divine Transmissions, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy. Originally from Seattle, Washington, she lives in southern France.

Read an Excerpt

The Tablets of Light

The Teachings of Thoth on Unity Consciousness

By Danielle Rama Hoffman

Bear & Company

Copyright © 2017 Danielle Lynn Hoffman
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-59143-281-4


Oracular Vision

Access the Vision You Carry

Recognition of the Signature Energy of Thoth

This is Thoth, that is moving more into the forefront of this now moment to continue our conversation of The Tablets of Light. Infinite knowledge, scribing, astronomy, architecture, Akashic Records, energy readings, conscious evolution council, healing, art, writing, communication, magic, pattern recognition, soul themes, energy movement, Divine embodiment, hieroglyphic speaking, palm reading, Tarot, the Emerald Tablets, Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Milky Way, Keys of Enoch, Mercury, Hermes, Mercury the planet, blue heron, ibis, egret, ascended mastery, enlivener of dormant consciousness, unlocker of hidden treasures, Divine developer, maze pathfinder, teacher's teacher, healer's healer, aligner's aligner, are all energies, frequencies, and vibrations associated with me, Thoth.

They have been listed in this format to spark recognition within your system of our connection. This connection is one that's recognized within your connection to yourself. As you go within and tap into your inner awareness, your inner ibis, your inner sacred text, you recognize me, my signature energy. You recognize lifetimes that we have spent together. You recognize codes of energy that are vibrating within you.

Recognition is re-cognition in fluid form.

This recognition stream of consciousness has been activated; it will be your guiding light through The Tablets of Light. This guiding light is such that you are illuminating inner awareness within your own Divine origin. The keys of recognition, the keys of a remembering of oracular visioning are within your cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is within your Divine awareness.

These opening words have been heavily encoded on multidimensional levels and as they have been heavily encoded on multidimensional levels their purpose has been to create an energy vortex for this conversation to occur within. In a sense we have been painting through words the setting for this conversation to take place, the energy location for this conversation to take place. For it is a vibrational conversation and as such there are times that it is necessary for your vibration to be guided into a spectrum of consciousness in which you can tap into the true meaning underneath, around, and within the words.

Then we can converse in a way that becomes fluid, self-evident, and with an awareness that it is the conversation that you have been waiting to have for eons. We are saying "conversation" because "conversation" is what this is. It is an interplay, it is a dialogue, it is a back- and-forth. A conversation also is an oracular experience. This conversation through words, the oral tradition, activates the oracular wisdom consciousness — the laser frequencies of truth — and catalyzes the active remembering of you as a vision holder.

The Vision You Carry

As we have now moved into vibrational proximity with one another through these opening words it is time for you to connect to your true vision for this infinite experience of evolution as a light being. What vision are you holding? What vision are you holding? What vision are you holding as a Being of Light incarnate? A vision in this expanded sense is a way in which you are seeing the world through the lens of infinite possibilities. As we bring in the invitation to uncover what vision you are holding within the energy location that we are having this conversation in, you are able to drop the lens of that which may be a finite view that you have taken on of how you see the world, and instead to really be the vision that you have been carrying since the inception of the molecules of this incarnation and beyond. You have been carrying a vision, carrying a perspective, carrying a way of seeing, a holding of a dream, of a life, of a civilization that actually is outside of your experience in your Earth walk.

This is where it gets fun. This is where you realize that you have left The Tablets of Light for yourself to find, to revitalize and to breathe life into the vision you hold. Up until this point you haven't even known it is the vision that you hold. As such it is a time of deep remembering. It is a time of moving out of your ordinary way of being into your extraordinary way of being. It is the evolution of that which has always been there, streamed forth in your awake and aware consciousness.

As a point of light, as a star seed on the Earth plane, you have this vision that we have been speaking of that is in some ways the mission of this developmental stage of your time on Earth and of the larger evolution of consciousness on the Earth plane. This vision and your developmental stage in your evolution of consciousness calls you forth to step into the unknown, to step beyond the borders of what you think you are, of what you have experienced, and what you have catalogued as reality. Your vision cannot be experienced from anywhere but the rainbow-rose, golden glasses of high perspective, of infinite knowledge, of heart wisdom. Vibrational consciousness, such as your vision, must be spiraled into. It must be delicately approached; it must be loved into being. As it is spiraled and approached delicately and loved into being it is an artistry of oracular weaving of threads of awareness that are unique to you as a point of light.

Streams of Energy

There has been much awareness about an incarnation being an experience in which you travel through streams of energy, and that these streams of energy can have the impetus of remembering who it is that you are. They can also have the impetus of forgetting who it is that you are. It is truly optional which road you journey on in your incarnation. They are equal. It is a choice.

That you are within the temple of The Tablets of Light and having this conversation strikes the match that ignites the light of your choosing to have these streams of experiences of remembering. This is igniting your memory of who it is that you truly are: you are a vision holder. You are a Being of Light that has within you a hidden treasure. The way that this hidden treasure is found is by you recognizing you. You recognizing you. The ways that you recognize you are beyond just the color of your hair or the sound of your voice, and the activities that you do. It is the recognition of you as the wholeness of all that there is, of the divinity of you, of the infinite nature of you.

We have chosen this term, a hidden treasure, on purpose because it is a hunt that you are on, it is a stalking down, a tracking, a pattern recognition of molecules of consciousness, of drops of awareness, which resurrect the vision that you hold. The vision that you hold. The vision that you hold.

Now that we have transmitted more increments of consciousness, ask if it is your choice that the vision that you hold be remembered, be revealed to you, be re-accessed. This reconnection, this re-cognition of your awareness of the vision that you hold, can happen in an instant, can happen overnight, can happen over the span of a century. It can happen at a sacred site, it can happen within the pages of this text, it can happen anywhere and within any now moment contained within the multidimensional strings of now moments of time.

* * *

Conscious Choice Exercise

Choose to Recognize the Vision You Hold

This is not about, in this instant, going directly after the vision. It is quite the opposite. It is about choosing. It is about deciding to recognize the vision that you hold, the perspective that you carry, the wisdom of light that's within you, and to plant that seed. It's about lighting the match that sparks a remembering and to approach it delicately, to spiral into it, and to allow it to ripple out like water after a stone has been dropped into it.

Are you choosing to recognize the vision that you hold, that you carry? If you are, state out loud, "I choose to recognize the vision that I hold, that I carry." State this three times out loud with increasing levels of resonance and commitment. "I choose to recognize the vision that I hold, that I carry. I choose to recognize the vision that I hold, that I carry. I choose to recognize the vision that I hold, that I carry."

Oracular Vision as a Doorway

Oracular vision involves the way you hold awareness, energy, perspective, light, and consciousness to funnel in new ways of being. The oracle was sought after for his or her wisdom and knowledge of energy trends, of possible realities or outcomes. The vision that the oracle receives holds a possible reality. This is like opening a door that holds a pathway into another chamber or room in a house. The oracular vision is such that there is the reading of a possible reality that then is expressed in a way that increases its probability.

We are not speaking of telling the future, of reading a book that's already been decided upon — the book of someone's life, their destiny, and events. We are actually speaking about opening a road to a possible reality through a vision, through a line of sight, through a perspective.

As the light bearer, the way shower, the oracular vision holder, the carrier of infinite knowledge that you are, we are reminding you of a much acquired skill that you have had from past incarnations, which is actually quite powerful and potent at this time.

Holding a line of sight, a vision, increases the probability of that certain reality coming into form, coming into fruition, coming into light. It is important at this stage to open up to receive the full dimension of what's being transmitted and to let go of any expectations of where you think this conversation is headed. It is important to likewise drop any recognition of where you think it is that we are going or what A plus B equals or leads to because this book of Thoth's tablets is about creating, through ancient and innovative wisdom, that which has not existed before. It is about re-creation, the recreation of that which is new. It is a choice. It is a malleable weaving of strands of light in such a way that depending on who you are, and the way that you are choosing or not choosing to interact with this material, the possibility of the reality you are here to remember and create is increased, it is formed.

It is approached delicately because if you approach it as the person that you had been, it is unapproachable. It is almost as if the person that you had been is a magnet that is facing a possible reality that is also a magnet. When this happens, these magnets then face each other in such a way as to repel one another. Approaching this magnet from the perspective of who you had been, including the visions that you took on that aren't actually the visions that you hold, pushes the visions that you hold away. It pushes the possibility of something to be created — that had never been created — away. It creates this invisible force field in which that which you are actually choosing to access jumps into another dimension.

We are saying this not because there is anything wrong with who it is that you had been. It is only to say that who it is that you had been had created the world that you had existed in and therefore it cannot create the world of this possibility that this vision holds open. We are wanting to stay on one stream of consciousness and yet we could place a placeholder energetically here to recognize that this conversation is happening within a larger conversation that we haven't provided a context for. We are doing that on purpose because if we were to provide the larger conversational context, that then creates a limitation because it's held within a context.

To provide a context of the context, the more you can be without a context the better, for this invites you to scramble old ways of thinking, old ways of being, and old neural pathways. It invites you to recognize that what has gotten you to where you are will not get you to where it is that you are choosing to go through the pages of this book, through the days of your life, through this incarnation. It is through the forgetting that the remembering happens. It is through the awareness of the spiraling of who it is that you are that then allows you to be conducive, to walk down the line of sight of the vision that you're holding, to the reality that is yours to experience.

We did that outtake of sorts when we were beginning to speak about oracular vision, which is a light tool that you are remembering. For it's natural for you to want to categorize it to look like something else, to compare it to that which you think may be similar to what it is that we are describing. In that process, what we are actually describing gets overlooked. We have said that the oracular vision of the one that holds the vision creates an open doorway in which a probability of a new reality through a line of sight gets created. The interesting aspect of the one holding the vision is that it is being held from a position of absolute knowing of the vision. The absolute knowing of the vision.

This brings us into quicksand for the more we begin to play with this concept, the more we invite you to wrap your mind around it, the more stuck and farther away from the concept we actually get. If we don't name what it's not and how not to be, then it's almost impossible to transmit that which it actually is.

This is not deciding that you want to create a certain future and visualizing this future into being, and then that future increases the probability of actualizing it. That process is not what we're describing in oracular vision. It is not the process in which you take an energetic picture of somebody's life and what it is that they're holding, and then create a conclusion about what their future will be, and sharing that vision as what their future will be.

It is not reading the future, and again, it is not actualizing something that you would like by holding the vision of it. It is not receiving a vision from the spirit world in the form of a shamanic vision that is deciphered by your entering into an altered state and following a journey with your spirit guide and receiving certain images, sounds, or words, which then you hold and create.

We are not talking about these forms of visioning here. It is not the shamanic vision, it is not future telling, it is not visualizing what you decide you want and then affirming it into manifestation.

Rather, oracular vision is holding the vision of the reality that you know exists and the line of sight that you have on it that is unknown to anyone else. It is unknown to anyone else and it is unknown to you until it is known by you. The explorer, the leader, the way shower, the pioneer, the light bearer is out there in front finding a path that hasn't been traveled before and illuminating it into an open doorway that then creates a higher probability of a reality that didn't exist. As the oracular vision holder it is important to reactivate within you your capacity to see that which has always been there, which you hadn't seen before. You haven't seen it before and you can't see it in advance.

Let's circle back to an analogy about walking within chambers below the Earth and finding a pathway there. At times this can be like seeing through walls that seem to be solid but actually aren't. You are following a pathway that's already been laid out before. It is a process in which, if you are imagining it like a pathway that you are walking on within a cavern underground, you don't know what's coming. You only know the step that you took before and yet you don't even really know what has gone before. You know where it is that you are. Where it is that you are is where your oracular line of sight is seen from. Sometimes as you're walking forward you just know to walk forward. You just know to walk forward and then all of a sudden there's a crystal that sparkles out of the corner of your eye. It's above your line of sight and you're just drawn to it like a magnet and as you approach it and as you reach out to touch this crystal a secret passageway that wasn't obvious to anyone gets opened up.


What we are speaking about above is literally about finding a pathway. We are speaking about opening a door and holding a vision of that pathway creating a reality so that it becomes more inevitable. And yet what we are also speaking about is a way of being in your life that has absolutely been forgotten by 99.999 percent of the beings on this Earth plane. Here we are talking about presence, presence, presence. It is through your presence in the moment that you clearly see what, to many, appears to be invisible.

If you have never been on a path before you cannot anticipate that three hundred steps along the path it drops down into a waterfall. You only know that it drops into a waterfall as you approach it and you begin to hear running water. If you didn't know what a waterfall was you wouldn't even know that it was a waterfall. As you approach it, you take in information about it that you couldn't take in if somebody was trying to describe to you what a waterfall is if you've never seen one before. By experiencing it, by putting your hand in the water or dropping a leaf if you're at the top of the waterfall and watching it fall, you can see what you couldn't have seen any other way. You can experience what you hadn't been able to experience from any other vantage point.


Excerpted from The Tablets of Light by Danielle Rama Hoffman. Copyright © 2017 Danielle Lynn Hoffman. Excerpted by permission of Bear & Company.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Preface: Keys to Enter This Light-Conceived, Scribed Text

Being Matched: A Divine Partnership with Thoth

Part One

The Divine Awakened

Your Evolution into Unity Consciousness Resides Within

1 Oracular Vision—Access the Vision You Carry
Conscious Choice Exercise: Choose to Recognize the Vision You Hold

2 Evolution Hologram—The Sacred Architecture of Unity Consciousness Unity Consciousness Exercise: The Holographic Tablet of You Written Exercise: Evolve Repetitive Patterns

3 Cosmic Choice—Resurrect the Energy of Infinite Choice Written Exercise: Own Your Choices Conscious Choice Exercise: Remember Your Cosmic Choice to Incarnate with an Innovative Mission

4 Ring of Inclusion—A Path to You in Wholeness Unity Consciousness Exercise: Awareness of Ways You Take Yourself Out of the Game Conscious Choice Exercise: Invitation to Include Separation Beliefs into Wholeness

5 Vibrational Proximity—Divinity Codes to Access the Fullness of You Vibration Raising Exercise: Be the Undiluted Version of You

6 Vibrational Autonomy—A Return to the Uniqueness of You Unity Consciousness Exercise: Unwind Any Reason You Use to Separate from You Breathing Exercise: Be in Vibrational Proximity with Your Vibrational Autonomy

7 Source Light—Illuminate the Lightof Your Presence Unity Consciousness Exercise: Discover What You Left for Yourself to Find Vibration Raising Exercise: Focus on Your Capacity to Absorb

8 Source Light Embodied—Actualize Being the Divine Incarnate Unity Consciousness Exercise: Live Life Fully as Embodied Source Light

9 Light Sequence Decoded—Evolutionary Sequence of Divine Awakening Unity Consciousness Exercise: Decode the Divine Sequence WithinPart Two The Divine Incarnate Your Access Point to Embodying Source Consciousness Is Your Unique Essence

10 Source Cohesion—You Are the Access Point of Source Consciousness Unity Consciousness Exercise: Look for Cohesion Throughout Your Day

11 Consciousness of You—You Being You Evolves Everything Conscious Choice Exercise: Choose to Be Connected or Disconnected

12 Divine Union—Occupy Your Divine Access Point Unity Consciousness Exercise: Lift the Net of the Mass-Consciousness Grid

13 Infinite Energy—Ride the Wave of the Impulse of Creation Conscious Choice Exercise: Choose to Reclaim Yourself Vibration Raising Exercise: Connect with the Potency and Life Force Within

14 Quantum Consciousness—A Pivot in Consciousness Conscious Choice Exercise: Choose to Be a Vibrational Recognizer

15 Multidimensional Wholeness—Being Buoyed by Divine Light Vibration Raising Exercise: Claim Your Fully Resurrected Divine Light Body Vibration Raising Exercise: Spiral Multidimensional Wholeness into Everything

16 Multidimensional Awareness—Holographic Union with Divine Knowing Unity Consciousness Exercise: Awareness of Your Divine Access Points

17 Universal Divine Design—Creating through Light and Frequency Unity Consciousness Exercise: Awaken Universal Divine Design Codes and Connect to Your Divinity Conscious Choice Exercise: Choose to Create through Universal Divine Design of Frequency and Vibration

18 Divine Infusion—Being Re-Sourced in Your Divine Genius Conscious Choice Exercise: Choose to Be a Fully Resurrected Being of Light

19 Divine Calibration—Access Your Divine Design and Divine Light Mission Unity Consciousness Exercise: Access Your Divine Design and Divine Light Mission Vibration Raising Exercise: Be in the Environment of Your Actualized Divine Design Vibration Raising Exercise: Space to Integrate this Pivotal Experience

20 Signature Source Field—Living as the Divine Incarnate Breathing Exercise: Recalibrate Your Awareness to Being the Divine Incarnate

Conclusion: Embodied Divine

Resources: Divine Transmissions Offerings


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