The Universe Loves a Happy Ending: Becoming Energy Guardians and Eco-Healers for the Planet, Organizations, and Ourselves

The Universe Loves a Happy Ending: Becoming Energy Guardians and Eco-Healers for the Planet, Organizations, and Ourselves

by Hans Andeweg
The Universe Loves a Happy Ending: Becoming Energy Guardians and Eco-Healers for the Planet, Organizations, and Ourselves

The Universe Loves a Happy Ending: Becoming Energy Guardians and Eco-Healers for the Planet, Organizations, and Ourselves

by Hans Andeweg


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The Universe Loves a Happy Ending is a new work from Hans Andeweg, the author of In Resonance with Nature. The earlier book became the basis of an instrument-based eco-healing method; this book describes a revolutionary paradigm for energetic healing called ECOintention, a technology-free way of healing life- and ecosystems from a distance.

Using his own journey of discovery as a backdrop, the author guides us through a complex weave of quantum mechanics, zero-point energy, near-death experiences, compassion, forgiveness, the Maya calendar and ancient wisdom from China and Hawaii. Gradually, we emerge into the light of the coherent theory of energetic healing that is ECOintention.

The first principle behind this work is that everything is energy and that everything is connected to everything else. But what does that mean for us personally — in our daily life, in our connections with our fellow humans and our work, and in our relationship with the earth as a whole?

The Universe Loves a Happy Ending answers these questions. It shows how the emerging connections between (quantum) science and universal spiritual laws give us new tools for working with life energy and consciousness as well as for influencing events.

The Universe Loves a Happy Ending summarizes the practical applications of this work in ten Principles of Energetic Guardianship. For those of us who act as custodians or guardians of life, whether we are managers or leaders, community activists or private individuals, regardless of whether we operate on a small or a large scale, these principles show us how to energetically charge, support and guide the life systems and ecosystems that are in our care.

Accessibly written and with numerous color illustrations, The Universe Loves a Happy Ending is an important book for anyone who acknowledges the importance of caring for the planet, the environment and life at every level.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780897936705
Publisher: Hunter House, Incorporated
Publication date: 04/05/2016
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 244
File size: 7 MB

About the Author

Hans Andeweg, MSc, is a Dutch biologist who has worked as a researcher in the field of bioorganic agriculture, gardening and forestry, and as a teacher and international organizational consultant. He has studied nature, quantum science, and spiritual wisdom traditions for over 20 years. In 2001, with his wife Rijk Bols, he founded the Centre for ECOtherapy in Waltrop, Germany. The centre gives four years of vocational training and vitalizes over one hundred projects a year in Europe. Andeweg lives in Marl, Germany.

Hans Andeweg, MSc, is a Dutch biologist who has worked as a researcher in the field of bioorganic agriculture, gardening and forestry, and as a teacher and international organizational consultant. He has studied nature, quantum science, and spiritual wisdom traditions for over 20 years. In 2001, with his wife Rijk Bols, he founded the Centre for ECOtherapy in Waltrop, Germany. The centre gives four years of vocational training and vitalizes over one hundred projects a year in Europe. Andeweg lives in Marl, Germany.

Read an Excerpt

From the Preface:
Michael Gorbachev and the Niznesvirsky Reserve

The Russian Niznesvirsky Reserve is on the banks of lake Ladago, two hundred kilometers north of St. Petersburg. It is a magnificent nature reserve with vast forests, alternated by lakes and moors. Elks and wolves can be found there, as well as bears according to the Russians, but I myself have never seen the latter. I did see huge swarms of migratory birds which use the reserve as a stopover on their long journeys from way up North to the warm South.

My first visit was in June 1994, in the company of some colleagues of the German Institute for Resonance Therapy, at that time my employer. Our visit had a special reason. We were invited by Michael Gorbachev. By way of his foundation he had let us know that he wanted to have a large Russian nature reserve treated energetically. He let us pick which one.

...In the end we chose the Niznesvirsky Reserve, where accessibility was good. It had problems with the vitality and the organization; besides, we had the feeling that there were a number of earth-acupuncture points there, which were important, not only for the reserve, but for everything for miles around. That last reason appealed to Gorbachev too....

Gut Feeling
Life energy and information combine to a form force. This form force is a constructing, center-seeking force that enhances the health and vitality of plants, trees, animals and all other organisms. You can see it as the feminine yin force. It is possible to explain how this force works and how to send energy through a map. Most of it can even be explained with the help of recent scientific discoveries and theories. The most important thing is that everybody can learn to do this himself.

It is interesting that many people—and often those at top level—don’t need an explanation, declaration or book to come to a decision. Apart from the fact that they usually don’t have the time to read books, “half a word” is enough for them. Gorbachev was like this. People like him trust their feelings and their intuition. They feel, they know that something is right and okay. A politician calls that instinct. A businessman calls it gut feeling....

Everyone Fought Everyone Else
During the first visit, the reserve and the staff gave a desolate impression.... Walking through the dense fir trees we literally and figuratively stumbled onto a battle field: we saw old foxholes and collapsed trenches everywhere, now and then covered in rusty barbed wire. In and among the trees were parts of what had once been a lorry or a tank....

When I wanted to take a look at one of the trenches [Vasili] said: “Go ahead, don’t be afraid. The landmines have already been taken care of by the elks and the wolves.” He and the other Russians remained at a distance when I inspected this scar of the war.

Later they told me that they didn’t dare to go near the trenches because of the haunted atmosphere. During lunch we heard that there were two old monasteries in the northern part of the reserve. They had been built a few hundred years before in honor of Alexander Svirsky. This special man had lived there in a small cabin, until his death. Many people had turned to him for inspiration and cure for their ailments. Healing powers were imputed to the well next to his cabin. The Vatican canonized him. The moment we heard this we were enthusiastic. One of the important earth-acupuncture points we were looking for could be here.

Many holy places, such as churches and monasteries, are on these points. Often several terrestrial energy veins come together there. They can be compared to the meridians of acupuncture in our bodies. They transport life energy, ch’i according to the Chinese. Therefore there is a strong compilation of terrestrial and cosmic energy in points like this. It is therefore called a point of force.

In the afternoon the last of the diesel fuel took us to the monasteries, where we met with the next disappointment. They were deserted and dilapidated. There was little left of the former splendor. One of the monasteries was in ruins but there was some activity left in the other one. As it turned out, the Russians used it as a psychiatric facility....

It Works
The energetic treatment of the Niznesvirsky Reserve started in the summer of 1994 and lasted till the autumn of 1997. On a daily basis, energy and information were sent to the area through the map from Germany. The effect was spectacular. Most of the problems in the area were solved. It started with the finances. This heart’s desire of the Russians was fulfilled in the spring of 1995.

Unexpectedly, the management heard that the Niznesvirsky Reserve would be the first Russian reserve to be subsidized by the World Wildlife Fund. The money was meant for salaries, new materials such as a jeep and the development of ecotourism.

When I re-visited the area in 1995, I found a totally different situation; the faces were more cheerful and there was activity everywhere. Among other things, a barracks was being built for guests. I was delighted.... Before I could ask anything Vasili and the researcher Marina came to me, smiling, and said:
“Hans, it works.”
“What works?” I asked surprised.
“Your treatment. All those dark and nasty energies in the forest have gone. We are not afraid to go past the trenches anymore and we even go into them. We also feel much better in the whole area.”...

Results of the Treatment from a Distance
At the end of 1995, Czech and Russian scientists of the research centers concluded that the vitality of the trees in the whole reserve had improved by 10 percent. We were on the right track and confidence in us got bigger. The people at the Niznesvirsky Reserve were more and more pleased with the energetic treatment due to the good results. They would tease me and say: “If your treatment really works, it would be nice if the monasteries would be renovated.” All I could reply was that wishes often come true if you focus and if you and your environment are well set in your energy. Phrase a goal that is clear. Conceive it. If you want, you can pray for it....

Resonance Therapy
I still often think of the Niznesvirsky Reserve. It is an unforgettable experience when the energy changes in 40,000 hectares of forest. The trees start to grow better, the mood changes for the better, everyone feels better. Luckily I was not the only one who felt this. The Russians agreed. Scientific research confirmed it. But there was more. The increase in energy of the reserve did not only have a positive effect on the health of the trees, but also on the organization and on the money flow. Besides, there were positive changes in the area, like with the monasteries. That was new.

Our treatments had always focused on the health of the forest. Now we had side-effects. Deeply felt wishes and goals of the custodians were fulfilled. Of course one can say that that is a coincidence. On the other had it was peculiar. Thus at the end of 1997 the thought arose for the first time that chance might not exist, but that we ourselves determine what befalls on us. We can make the future happen, and what comes toward us is what befalls us. In its turn that can be either wind-fall or down-fall....

From the Introduction: How It Started
One morning I woke up with a headache. Thoughts whizzed through my head. They were accompanied by strange, incoherent feelings and images. I could make head nor tail of them, but two sentences arose from this whirlpool. They forced themselves upon me powerfully:

“Life energy plus information gives a form force.”

“Form force plus matter gives a life form.”

Back then I performed as a singer-entertainer and during daytime dreamt of writing a hit some day. Apparently I dreamt of other things at night, because I couldn’t see myself being in the top ten with these lines. Almost every song is about love in a way. Where was the love in these words? This was not the inspiration I was looking for. Nevertheless I decided to write them down. To my great surprise everything inside me subsided. The night after that was restless again. In the morning I had a headache all over again. Confused thoughts tumbled through my mind and this time, two other lines emerged:

“Becoming conscious leads to a higher state of consciousness.”

“The way there is the goal.”

These lines too, I wrote down and immediately a deep silence fell upon me again.
I have written many songs afterwards, but these four lines have always kept me in their spell. From the moment I had written them down, I felt the urge to find out their deeper meaning.

The road was a long one. Step by step I started to understand the deep meaning of these words. Slowly all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. They form a fascinating and loving union/entirety.

From Chapter 1: Everything Is Energy, Everything Is One, Everything Is Possible:
Everything Is Energy

Everything is energy. Everything is connected to everything else. The water in the ocean and the wind in the air. The trees and the animals. You and I. We and the world around us. Everything comes from the same source and returns to it. Everything is one. Thoughts and feelings are energy as well. Thus everything you think and feel has influence on everything and everyone on this planet. In this way, we create our own reality, because mind rules over matter.

I often hear people saying this, but is it really true? If it is true it has a lot of consequences. You had best forget that you got out of bed on the wrong side immediately, because a bad start will cost you all day; and if you take the point of view that a glass is always half full instead of half empty, chance will more often be a windfall than a pitfall.

Is everything energy? Is everything united? If I look around, I see a laptop I’m writing this book on, a table, a window and behind that a garden with flowers, shrubs and trees. All individual forms and things.

Yes, everything is one, because everything consists of the same matter, but in this “solid” truth I rather see an incoherent number of phenomena than a big entirety. At school I learned that matter is built up of molecules. Molecules consist of atoms. Atoms consist of a nucleus of particles with electrons circling around it....

The solid reality turns out to be less solid than it appears. Science has proved matter to be void for 99.999999999999 percent.... If you enlarge the nucleus of an atom to the size of a pinhead, the first electron would be at a distance of 50 meters. In between, there is only empty space.

That means that the book you are reading now, the chair you sit on, the house you live in, the earth you live on, that so-called solid reality, consists of empty space for the greatest part by far. That applies to you as well. Sixty-five percent of the human body consists of water. Everyone for that matter has a hydrocephalus.

...According to the above, we all have even less than that; everyone walks around with an empty head. Even the most brainy ones. Everything and everyone consists of less than thin air....

Table of Contents

Michael Gorbachev and the Niznesvirsky Reserve
Gut Feeling
Everyone Fought Everyone Else
It Works
The Hour of Truth
Results of the Treatment from a Distance
Resonance Therapy
In Resonance with Nature
The Basics of Energetic Custody
Personal Questions
The Relation to the Great All
Creating Life
Thank you
How to Go On?
Introduction: How It Started
Chapter 1: Everything Is Energy, Everything Is One, Everything Is Possible
Everything Is Energy
The End of the Solid Parts
Zero Point Energy
The Energy with a Thousand Names
Zero Point Energy and Life Energy
Morphic Fields
Collective Memory
The Difference Between Energy and Information
Form Force
The Meaning of Consciousness
An Endless Amount of Possibilities and Firm Conviction
Chapter 2: Influencing Coincidence: The Power of Intention
Heads or Tails
Differences Between Men and Women
The Conductive Influence of Animals
The Effect of Intention and Expectation
Placebos—Convincing Fake Medicine
Communicating with Plants
Smart and Stupid Rats
The Influence of the Researcher
Free Conviction
Everything Is One
Like Inward, Like Outward
Different Worlds
The Beating of the Heart
A God at the Deepest of Your Thoughts
Chapter 3: To the Pivot of the Wheel: Forces in the Whole-All
In the Beginning
The Cosmic Egg Wu Ch’i
The Origin of the Wheel
The Cycle of Origin
The Cycle of Decay
Two Forces in the Wheel
The Law of Dynamic Balance
Mankind and His Wheels
The Flywheel
The Path to Your Destiny
The Labyrinth of Chartres
Having Lost It Completely
Chapter 4: Morphic Fields: Perceiving from a Distance
The Total Is More Than the Adding Up of the Components
How Habits Come into Existence
Stepping Out of the Groove
Holarchy Versus Hierarchy
An Explanation for the Cleansing Trick
The Past Is Always Present Everywhere
Learning Capability
Form Resonance in Business
Everything Is Present, Here and Now
Resonators and Antennae
Interpreting Intuitive Information
The Central Point of Focus
Finding the Right CRP
Colored Glasses
Family and Company Line—Ups of Hellinger
The Course of a Constellation
An Explanation for the Effect of a Constellation
Attention and Intention
Chapter 5: The Language of the Heart, the Power of Attention
Two Minutes of Full Attention
Confirmation Through Attention
The Heart Knows the Future
The Rhythm of the Heart
Open Your Heart
The Heart Heals the World
The Meaning of DNA
The DNA Emits Light
The Emotional Language of the Heart
Seek and You Will Find
Attention Plus Intention Give a Form Force
Dream On
Life Is a Push and Pull
Letting the Future Be a Windfall/Be Fortunate
A Burdened Past
Chapter 6: Attracting the Future with Affirmations
Affirming Together
Ego or Higher Goal?
The End Justifies the Means
Big Names/Reputations Have Big Dreams
The Spiral of Creation
Wishing and Imagining
Believe In It
Expressing and Researching
Deciding, Acting, and Perseverance
Appreciate and Relax
The Spiral of Creation and the Wheel
Belief, Perseverance, and Firm Conviction
The Mystery of Time
Chapter 7: Measuring Time and Making Time
Questions about Time
Coherence and Resonance
Coherent Music
The “Dutch National Anthem” Tango
The Dalai Lama as an Attractor
From Sun-Hours to Equal Hours
Middle and Standard Time
Static Time
Relative Time
Letting the Clock Tick More Slowly
Affirmation of Time by Grounding
External and Internal Time
The Five Basic Laws of the Internal Time
The Time Flies
Killing Time
Rise Above Time
Time to Spare
Putting Boundaries in Time and Space
Do More in Less Time
Modern Life
Looking for Natural Time
Chapter 8: The Natural Time and the Rhythm of Life
Turn, Turn, Turn
Days to Take Care
The Influence of the Full Moon
The Mayan Calendar
Maya Figures and the Origin of Natural Time
The End of Time
Other Dimensions
The Wave of Time
Torsion Fields
The Morphic Field and the Torsion Field: Together One
Linear and Cyclic Time
A Donut, a Torus and a Side View
Space-Time and the Circle of Life
Spirals and Paths of Time
Chapter 9: Spirals and Paths in the Time
The Series of Fibonacci and the Number Phi
The Golden Mean
Making a Golden Table
The Universal Measure for Space and Time
Time Is Money and Energy Is Time
The Time Code Calculator
An Open End or a Deadline?
The Elliott Wave Principle
Waves Up and Waves Down, According to Fibonacci
The Harmonic Factor
The Build-Up of Capital
Yin, Yang, and the Waves of Elliott
Inner and Outside Work
Surfing on the Waves of Time
The Time Is Right If You Are Ready
A Maximum of Thirteen Affirmations
The Cycle of Years with Large Scale Inside and Outside Work
1989–1994: Five Years of Inside Work
1994–1997: Three Years of Outside Work
1997–2002: Five Years of Inside Work
2002–2005: Three Years of Outside Work
2005–2010: Five Years of Inside Work
Life Is a Meaningful Entirety
Getting to a Higher Consciousness, Step by Step
Chapter 10: Everything Has Consciousness
The Brain as a Link
Consciousness Beyond Life
The Circle Has Been Rounded
Wheels Within Wheels
The Higher Consciousness and the Spirit of a Company
Perceiving Yourself
A Column with Spheres as Proto Phenomenon
Projective Geometry
The Point of Appearance and the Point of Disappearance
In Line
Back to the Wheel
Where Am I?
Chapter 11: Huna and the Whole Man, Truth Works
The Secrets of Huna
Three Conscious Selves
The Huna Image of Man and the Chakras
Always in the Present
Custody of Life Energy and Sexuality
Tantric Is Cool
Prayer and the Contact with the Higher Self
Clearing the Way
Ask All You Like
The Seven Principles of Huna
Huna in this Day and Age
Think Ahead and About
I Am the Middle Self
Gaia and the Underworld
Whole and Holy
Forgive, Forget, and Live On
Chapter 12: Live with Compassion
The Negative Spiral of Creation
Emotions Off and On
The Door to Enlightenment
Emotions Received Cordially
Emotions Direct You to the Future
The Difference Between Feeling and Emotion
Emotions Poison the Body
Happiness Is the Meaning to Life
Accepting Pain and Sorrow
Chapter 13: The Mystery of the Cross and Life after Death
The Actor
Work That Is Agreed On
Solving Puzzles
Acting True to Life
Upgrade of the Walk-Ons
The Consciousness of the Stage Master
The Biggest Puzzle of All
The Consequence of Consciousness Beyond Life
Near-Death Experiences
The Twelve Elements of a Near-Death Experience
The Overview
Account of a Life Overview
Without Judgment Everything Is Whole
The Enlightened Earth
Ennobling Matter
A Put-Up Job
The Symbolism of the Cross
The Puzzle of the Latin Cross
Rounding the Largest Circle
A Happy End
Chapter 14: The Basics of Energetic Management
Energetic Custody
Custodian or Manager?
The Role of the Custodian
Cut the Knots
Mutual Trust
Choose for Free Conviction
Being Caretaker and Custodian
Keep Each Other in High Esteem
Amplifying the Own Vibration
Energetic Custody by Charles IV
Attention and Intention
Basic Principles of Energetic Custody
About the Author
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