Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas

Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas

Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas

Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas


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The ultimate question is no longer "who am I" or "why am I here." These questions were answered in the earliest civilizations by philosophers and priests. Today we live in an age of such rapid advances in technology and science that the ultimate question must be rephrased: what shall we be? This book investigates what may become of human civilization, who is setting the agenda for a trans-humanistic civilization, and why .

The modern Victor Frankenstein holds a high political office, carries diplomatic immunity, and is most likely funded by the largest corporations worldwide. His method is ancient: alchemy. His fraternities are well known and their secrets are well kept, but his goal of times past and present is the same; he dares to become as god, genetically manipulating the seeds of the earth, the beasts on the fields, and to claim legal ownership over humanity by re-creating it in his own image. This is no fairy tale, science fiction, or conspiracy theory … it simply is!

Transhumanism, a Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas by Dr.'s. Joseph P. Farrell and Scott D. de Hart lifts the veil from the macabre transhumanistic monster being assembled and exposes the hidden history and agenda that has set humanity on a collision course for the Apocalypse.

Joseph P. Farrell, PhD, is the author of the best-selling Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781936239443
Publisher: Feral House
Publication date: 10/30/2012
Pages: 340
Sales rank: 880,725
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.80(d)

About the Author

Scott D de Hart: Has been teaching for approximately 20 years. Holds a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) from Wycliffe Hall, the University of Oxford (England). Is a published author (books, journals, and newspapers) and recently co-authored several books with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell.

Table of Contents

Epigraph v

Dedication vii

Part 1 Towers and Topology: The Tower of Babel Moment, the Fall of Man, and the Revelation of an Agenda 3

Introduction: The Disconcerting Images and Agendas of Alchemy 5

A Alchemo-chimerical Man, Alchemo-Vegetable Man, Alchemosexual Man: Definitions and Preliminary Observations 7

B "Alchemosexuality" as a Metaphysical First Principle 11

C The Term "Alchemosexuality" and the Constellation of Concepts Embraced in it 13

D The Final Alchemo-Eschatology 15

1 The "Tower of Babel Moment of History": The Primordial Unity and High Knowledge of Man, and How it was Dealt With 19

A The Biblical Version of the Tower of Babel Moment

1 The Tower of Babel Story Itself 20

2 And the Fall 21

B The Mesopotamian Version: Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta 22

C The Mayan Popol Vuh

1 The Original Differentiation 25

2 The Primordial Masculine-Androgyny of Man, Mankind's Original High Knowledge, and the Fall as Fragmentation 27

D The Platonic Version 29

E The Vedic View of the Topological Metaphor and the Fall of Man

1 The Tree of Life in the Vedas 32

2 The Rig Vedas and the Origin of Sacrifice: A Metaphor Literally Practiced 34

3 The Trees of Life and Knowledge in Yahwism 39

F The Catalogue of Concepts Associated with the Tower of Babel Moment 41

2 The "Topological Metaphor" of the Medium and Its Revolutionary Inversion: The "First Event," the Four-Staged Descent of Man, and the Three Great Yahwisms 47

A The Metaphor and the First Event, or Primordial Differentiation

1 The Metaphor and Some of Its Cultural Expressions 48

a In Hinduism0

1 The Triune Vishnu0 49

2 The Bhagavad Gita: the Knower and the Field 52

b In Egypt

1 An Egyptologist Examines the Akhenaton Monotheist Revolution 54

2 An Esotericist Examines the Traditional Egyptian Cosmology 54

c In Mayan Culture 57

d In Neoplatonic Tradition 59

e The High Esoteric Tradition of the Metaphor: The Hermetica and the Image of Androgyny

1 God, Space, and Kosmos 60

2 Androgyny in the Hermetica 63

f Summary of the Metaphor as Examined, and Its Methodological Implications 64

B The Descent of Man

1 The Universe as the Body of God: Makanthropos, Entanglement, and the Bhagavad Gita 65

2 Man as Microcosm 66

3 Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Man 66

C The Esoteric Tradition of the Primordial Unity and Its Symbol in Androgynous Man 66

1 The Primordial "Androgyny" and the Primary Differentiation 67

2 Its Implications 69

3 The Inverted Implications: The Three Great Yahwisms and the Struggle Against the Prisca Theologia

a The Inversion of the Topological Metaphor to a Technique of Social Engineering and Construction Via Conflict 70

b Monotheism and the Resulting Social Dualism: The Convert-Enemy Paradigm of Social Interaction 73

c Nihilism as the Distinguishing Characteristic of Yahwism 76

d The Binary Logic of Yahwism Versus the Triadic Logic of the Metaphor and the Alchemical Eschatological Necessity

3 The Alchemical Agenda of the Apocalypse: Conclusions to Part One 83

Part 2 The New Frankensteins: The Alchemical Ascent to the Animal and the Vegetable: The Transgenic Transformation of Man 87

4 Old Homunculi and New Frankensteins: Genetics, Chimeras, and the Creation of "Alchemanimal" Man 89

A A Brief Overview of The Hermetic Basis of Modern Physics 89

1 Hermeticism in Copernicus and Kepler 90

2 In Newton 91

3 In Leibniz

a Leibniz's Characteristica Universalis and the Quest for a Universal Formal Language 94

B The Alchemical Basis of Modern Genetic Engineering

1 The Promethean Alchemists Ambition: The Creation of Life in the Homunculus 95

a The Dream of reanimation and Virtual Immortality 95

b The Androgyne at the End of the Age: The Alchemical Apocalypse and Final Transformation of Matter 97

c Paracelsus 99

2 Paracelsus on the "Techniques" of Engineering the Homunculus 101

C Conclusions thus Far 102

D Chimeras: Alchemanimal Man 103

5 Frankenfoods for the "Alchemo-vegetable" Frankenstein: the Seedless Seeds of the Androgyne's Food 113

A The Alchemical Background: the Rockefellers and Francis Bacon 114

B Esoteric Eugenics, Banksters, Seedless Seeds, and Alchemovegetable Man

1 A Babylonian Theme Revisited: Too Many People(?) 118

2 The Vipers of Venice Reiterate the Theme: Carrying Capacity 119

3 The Banksters Adopt the Babylonian Theme 119

4 The Rockefellers, the "Food Weapon," and the Alchemical Seedless Seeds

a A "World War, and the "Peace Studies Group" 121

b An Esoteric Connection? 122

c The "Food Weapon" and Other Techniques of Alchemical Social Engineering 122

d Argentina: The Alchemical Laboratory for the Seedless Seeds of Alchemy

1 The Historical Background: The Beginning: The Rockefellers, Nazis, and Perón 124

2 The Rockefellers and Argentina 125

C Genetically Modified Crops and The Patent Weapon: Patented Plants, Pigs, and, Maybe People?

1 Secret Meetings and "Substantial Equivalence" 127

6 The Transhumanist Techno-androgyny and the Alchemomineral Man 135

A DARPA's GRINs: A Brief Review of the Background of Transhumanist Technologies

1 The Keys to Creation 136

a A Form of Magical Reversal of the Tower of Babel Moment 137

b Man the Microcosm becomes Man the Macrocosm 138

c Downloading and Uploading Memories, and Direct Modification of Consciousness and Behavior 138

d The Group Consciousness? Or Roddenberry's "Borg"? 140

2 DARPA's Quest for the Transhumanist Supersoldier 141

a Longevity 142

b DARPA's and the Defense Science Office's Mission Briefs 143

c Back to Longevity 143

B The Scenarios of the Transhumanist Apocalypse Theater

1 The Three Scenarios 145

2 The Assumptions of the Scenarios of the Transhumanist Apocalypse Theater 145

C The Possibilities and Dangers of a Breakaway Civilization: "Enhanced" vs. "Normal" Humans 147

7 Recapitulation: Conclusions Thus Far 153

Part 3 The Androgynous God of Alchemy and the Alchemosexual Ascent 157

8 "Aquinas," Alchemosexuality and the Androgynous God: Transmutation, Transubstantiation, and Transitions 159

A Aquinas' Theology-Stopping Vision 160

B The Alchemosexual Vision of the Aurora Consurgens and Its Implications

1 Attributions and Authenticity of the Aurora Consurgens 162

2 The Style of the Aurora Consurgens, and a Problem 163

3 The Seventh Parable and the Alchemosexual Androgyny of God and Man 165

a The Twofold Movement 171

b The Implications 172

C Transubstantiation and the Topological Metaphor 173

An Introductory Interlude: Frankenstein's Alchemical Fiction: Shelley Unbound and The Picture of Oscar Wilde, An Introduction to Chapter 9 177

9 Monsters, Pictures, and Pits: Percy Bysshe Shelley, Oscar Wilde, Dante Alighieri and the Tower of Babel Moment

A Monsters and Myths 179

B The Monster within the Man 186

C Alchemy and Frankenstein's Meaning 193

D Shelley's Epipsychidion, Or, The Soul-less Creature 199

E The Picture of Oscar Wilde 202

F Autobiography of an Alchemist 204

G Dante's Pit and Climb out of Hell 213

10 The Esoteric Androgyny: Secret Societies and the Hidden Tradition of Alchemosexual Man 221

A Alchemosexuality in Masonic Initiation

1 The First Degree: Entered Apprentice 221

2 The Second Degree: Fellow Craft and the Gradual Revelation of the Primordial Alchemosexuality 224

3 The Master Mason and the Full Revelation of the Primordial Alchemosexuality in the Context of Geometry and the Topological Metaphor 227

B The Rosicrucians 230

C Joachlm of Fiore, the Hidden Androgynous God, and the Antinomian Kingdom of the Spirit: The Bridge to Alchemical Messianic Expectation 235

11 The Androgynous Apocalypse: Hermaphroditism, Uranians, Shamans, and Geneticists 243

A The Nineteenth Century Explosion of Hermaphroditism 246

1 "Gonadism" 248

2 Androgyny: Pathology? or Third Sex?

a Embryonic Androgyny 249

B The Uranianian-Darwinian Guess

1 Edward Carpenter, Uranianism, and the Topological Metaphor 251

2 Erasmus Darwin: "The Temple of Nature," and the Evolutionary Algorithms of Differentiation 258

C The Behavioir Genetics Confirmation, or Falsification? 262

D Shamans, Drugs, DNA, and Androgyny 265

E Objections: Religion and Yahwism Again 270

12 Epilogue is Prologue: Microcosm and Medium: The Anthropic Cosmological Principle in Physics 279

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