Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose
Without purpose there can be no fulfillment?and although we can surely live without fulfillment, we will scarcely feel alive. Every one of us has a purpose in life and an array of life offices which we were destined to fulfill. Fulfillment, then, must come via the realization of our purpose and our designated offices. Therefore, seeing as we can not find fulfillment following any other course, D.L. Anderson has dedicated this leading composition within his ?Pinnacles of Life? book series to analyzing the ins and outs of purpose, and revealing how living a life of purpose is the first step in securing fulfillment and ultimately fulfilling our destiny. To assist each purpose seeker in this crucial endeavor, D.L. Anderson has formulated a progressive roadmap which he has labeled as, ?The Pinnacle of Purpose,? a series of 7 unique steps which have the power to progressively transform each purpose seeker into the man or a woman they were destined to be while living the life they?ve always imagined. Thus conclusively, if you are ready to walk the path dedicated to your purpose, you should know that this book was written with you in mind. As such, the pages within this composition will lead you to the place where you will find the fulfillment you seek.
Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose
Without purpose there can be no fulfillment?and although we can surely live without fulfillment, we will scarcely feel alive. Every one of us has a purpose in life and an array of life offices which we were destined to fulfill. Fulfillment, then, must come via the realization of our purpose and our designated offices. Therefore, seeing as we can not find fulfillment following any other course, D.L. Anderson has dedicated this leading composition within his ?Pinnacles of Life? book series to analyzing the ins and outs of purpose, and revealing how living a life of purpose is the first step in securing fulfillment and ultimately fulfilling our destiny. To assist each purpose seeker in this crucial endeavor, D.L. Anderson has formulated a progressive roadmap which he has labeled as, ?The Pinnacle of Purpose,? a series of 7 unique steps which have the power to progressively transform each purpose seeker into the man or a woman they were destined to be while living the life they?ve always imagined. Thus conclusively, if you are ready to walk the path dedicated to your purpose, you should know that this book was written with you in mind. As such, the pages within this composition will lead you to the place where you will find the fulfillment you seek.
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Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose

Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose

by D L Anderson
Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose

Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose

by D L Anderson


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Without purpose there can be no fulfillment?and although we can surely live without fulfillment, we will scarcely feel alive. Every one of us has a purpose in life and an array of life offices which we were destined to fulfill. Fulfillment, then, must come via the realization of our purpose and our designated offices. Therefore, seeing as we can not find fulfillment following any other course, D.L. Anderson has dedicated this leading composition within his ?Pinnacles of Life? book series to analyzing the ins and outs of purpose, and revealing how living a life of purpose is the first step in securing fulfillment and ultimately fulfilling our destiny. To assist each purpose seeker in this crucial endeavor, D.L. Anderson has formulated a progressive roadmap which he has labeled as, ?The Pinnacle of Purpose,? a series of 7 unique steps which have the power to progressively transform each purpose seeker into the man or a woman they were destined to be while living the life they?ve always imagined. Thus conclusively, if you are ready to walk the path dedicated to your purpose, you should know that this book was written with you in mind. As such, the pages within this composition will lead you to the place where you will find the fulfillment you seek.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781496931269
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 10/25/2014
Pages: 220
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.46(d)

Read an Excerpt

Unlocking the Mystery of You

The Pinnacle of Purpose

By D. L. Anderson


Copyright © 2014 D. L. Anderson
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4969-3126-9


For Once It's All About You

* * *

"I close my eyes and this I see, a perfect life where I am free; To be whatever I want to be, for those I love, yet more for me."


"I didn't do it on purpose" was one of my favorite sayings as a child. Why? It is because this confession had gotten me out of trouble on possibly 1,000 occasions, a minor exaggeration to be sure. In any event, these 6 words were priceless because they constituted my original "get out of jail free card" and saved me in several sticky situations.

Now this card didn't work all the time, mind you. After all, there were some things I did which I could neither honestly nor semi-honestly justify with my patented excuse, and I wasn't going to compromise the longevity of my lucky card for any incident which was clearly inexcusable. No sir; I was going to drink from this well until the water ran dry — which it did and much sooner than I would have liked. Alas, all good things must come to an end.

Fast-forward several years in time. Here you'll find me with a much different outlook on life and a new preferred saying. That would be, "I did it on purpose," a definitive statement which speaks to one of the most profound realities in life. As such, I will offer it as an interest point.

Classically this is where the rubber meets the road; for as everything we do is incontestably on purpose, our consistent actions reveal who we are with regards to our inner self as opposed to our personal face-value. Accordingly, it is our actions more so than our words which tell the tale of the man or woman we're trying to be.

Notwithstanding, this tale does not always reflect who we truly are. In this regard, some of us at face-value are pretenders who are trying to be someone they're not. This is why establishing our life upon a firm foundation of purpose is so vital, for the consistent inundation of purpose ensures our intentions and consequent actions are perfectly aligned with our destiny. Therefore, the first step in unlocking your personal mystery is dedicating yourself to being yourself and living a life of purpose.


Now if you're like me, you know very few people who consistently say what they mean and mean what they say. You know even fewer people who without fail practice what they preach. Why the inconsistency? For the most part it's because their lives are established on conflicting purposes; hence the irregularity.

Then again if you're like me, you may have noticed this contradictory trend a time or two in your own life. So what did you do? I'll tell you what I did — I set out on a personal journey to discover a path where everything I did was not only on purpose, but with purpose; specifically purposes which reflected "the real me."

Who am I referring to when I mention the real me? Definitively I am referring to the man I would turn out to be after I successfully established my purpose in life. That is the man I was destined to become before various conflicting factors set me off-course and led me down paths contrary to my destiny. Consequently, if there is a real me, there must be a version of me who is not as real.

I'll never forget the first time I heard someone teach on the concept of true north. It was during an astronomy lecture at Ball State University. I remember thinking to myself, "If there is a true north, then what is the regular north I've been learning since kindergarten?"

Of course everything made more sense at the end of the lecture. Without going into the details, there are multiple manifestations of the astronomical concept of north. However, only one of these manifestations is true north; that is the direction along the earth's surface towards the geographic North Pole. The other variations may at times be congruent and persistently similar. Yet they are not consistently the same as true north.

The same rule applies to all of us. See the majority of us exhibit multiple manifestations. The two prevailing manifestations are "you now" and "true you." You now is the person you are at this present moment. True you is the person you will become once all of your singular purposes are properly aligned and consequently coherent. Accordingly, the search for purpose in life is actually a search for the most authentic version of you. It's the elongated process in which you discover and are converted into true you.


The next question we must attend to is this — why is it important for us to be true to ourselves? Honestly I could provide over 100 reasons why this cause is beyond essential. However, I would like to focus on 1 in particular; that is diversity.

Certainly diversity is a prominent pillar of every progressive society. For an example consider a football team and ask yourself this question — how effective would a team be if everyone on the offense was a quarterback and everyone on the defense was a linebacker? Trust me; not only would this team be unsuccessful. They wouldn't be very enjoyable to watch (unless perhaps you were rooting for the opposing team).

Therefore, I would ask you to consider this follow-up question — if everyone in your society (e.g. business unit, family or organization) were a carbon copy of the person next to them, how successful would your society be? Think about it.

Here's the next point I would like to make — every progressive society is depicted by roles which are fulfilled by the successful administration of an over-arching, correlating assignment (which I will consciously refer to as an office throughout this composition). A principal key to the success of each society, then, is that each office is occupied by the person best suited to fulfill its corresponding roles. In every other case, the inclusive lack from a poor arrangement will prevent the society from reaching its full potential. As such, it would continually degenerate until corrective actions are taken.

Almost 10 years ago I was the Director of Consulting Services at one of the largest IT firms based out of Indiana. There I enjoyed managing one of my favorite and most successful teams. It was also one of my most diverse teams, a crucial factor which positioned us to incur awesome measures of success; more success than we would have achieved otherwise.

Upon understanding this development, I began actively looking for ways to increase the diversity of our team. Thus whenever I interviewed potential candidates to fill open positions, I first considered the members currently on the team. Then I not only looked for the candidate who exceeded my expectations; I also looked for someone who would add diversity to our group.

Masterfully my strategy proved correct every time the team grew. By gradually increasing the diversity of our team, we found ourselves consistently innovated with new ideas, processes, and ways of thinking in general.

Sure we had a pretty large group of seasoned professionals who possessed awesome talents and the ability to get a lot done. However, the greatest source of our strength was not our numbers or our expertise. It was our diversity and the awesome opportunities it presented us.


At the same time, I learned that managing and participating in a diverse group presents several challenges. In particular, it forces each team member to regularly rethink and often recalibrate their views. These actions (though very necessary) are sometimes difficult because many of us have a hard time considering or admitting when we are wrong or when our way of doing things is not necessarily the best way to get things done.

Fortunately there was no one in our group who was too terribly rigid that they couldn't see past their own methodologies. Hence this is not where I encountered most of my challenges. These unforeseen happenstances transpired as a result of the inverse scenario; explicitly some team members became discouraged when their ideas were not adopted by the group and began to withdraw.

Consensus is my preferred way to lead and always has been. So I recognized I was indirectly responsible for the withdrawal that was occurring. In consequence, I had to upgrade my management strategy to account for this unanticipated offshoot.

In time I came up with the perfect solution. I met individually with those who were withdrawn from the group and reassured them that they were critical to the team's success. More importantly I told them why. In doing so, I reminded them why I hired them and described future scenarios where I was confident their expertise and background would be crucial to the team's continued success.

The lesson I learned then was sure — there are peaks and valleys in everyone's life. For that reason, we can not allow for the valleys to cause us to lose sight of the value of our role as it pertains to the group's success. Neither can we allow the peaks to deceive us into believing we're "all that," for no one person will ever exceed the value and potential of a progressive group or society.

What it all comes down to is this — the world needs you. You don't have to take my word for it. Just consider all of your offices in life and ask yourself this question — who is better suited to fulfill each of my offices than me?

See I'm convinced the vast majority of us have at least one life office which no one can fulfill better than we can. For those of you who are unconvinced, this does not mean the world doesn't need you. Quite the contrary; what the world needs is for you to find a way to succeed in the offices you were called to and in the roles you were destined to fulfill.

Now the cause behind this need is certain and one which I hope you will never forget. Therefore I will offer it as an interest point.

This matter lends itself to why societies degenerate. It is because critical roles are not being fulfilled by the person best suited to fulfill them. Consequently, the correlating offices are either empty or occupied by someone less qualified — and alas, everyone involved will suffer the consequences in the end and after all.


"Everybody has an office," I declared to an adult group to whom I was delivering a spiritual lecture. "The problem," I told them, "is that many fail to recognize their purpose in life because they are fatally trying to be someone they're not."

Then I shared with them a profound statement which I will offer as another interest point.

Understandably death in this context is not literal. It is figurative. That is to say, the longer you try to be someone you're not, the farther you will migrate away from your true self.

Stay on this path long enough and you will be so far removed from your true self that he or she will be metaphorically deceased — and as it is scarcely possible, we all perceive the likelihood of raising someone from the dead (metaphorically or literally).

Now I was able to make this decisive declaration for one simple cause — I had been there. Admittedly, I knew what it was like to lose sight of my true self because I was too busy trying to be someone who I thought was better than me; namely someone who I thought the world would better appreciate.

That's when I realized I had effectually become a self-contradiction. By trying to be someone I was not, I was contradicting my own existence as well as decreasing my personal value.

While on this regressive road, I began to understand the nature of our world and found it to be similar to that of a spoiled child. You know the type. You've seen them throwing themselves out in grocery stores and acting unruly in restaurants all across the country. The $500 question is simply why?

Here's the answer — a spoiled child doesn't really know what they want. Consequently, the worst thing for them is a parent who constantly bends over backwards to meet their child's unrealistic and unfounded demands, for these actions only work to reinforce the deficits of the child. This is true even though the parent is merely trying to be appreciated by giving the child what they presume he or she wants.

What these parents fail to realize is tragically classic; that is the child does not know what he or she wants. This is precisely why they are often only able to appreciate one thing; that is a parent who will stop spoiling them and teach them the true meaning of appreciation.

Trust me; it's bad business when you have parents trying to befriend a child, for every parent should focus first and foremost on being a credible authority as this is the first step in effectively raising children. This is especially the case during their informative years.

How does this example relate to you and the world? Well I'll tell you. The world is like a spoiled child in that it is by default inappreciative. Consequently, it will never appreciate those who bend over backwards trying to be someone they presume everyone will accept. On the contrary, the only way the world will appreciate you is if you stop trying to be everyone's friend and start being yourself.

Again I ask you to trust me and faithfully consider the following statement — being yourself is the only thing you'll ever truly be good at. This truism speaks to another interest point.

On this wise, the one sure way to tell if you appreciate yourself is by determining how committed you are to being yourself. Or as the young people tell it, "Just do you."

Certainly this is the only way you will ever unlock your personal mystery because again, as the young people say, you are "keeping it real." In essence, you are being yourself in every situation. This allows people to know what to expect out of you regardless of the situation or circumstances you are in.

Markedly this is exactly when the world will begin to appreciate you, for you will have proven yourself to be reliable — and who doesn't appreciate someone who they can consistently count on?

All the same, as wonderful as this occasion is, enduring appreciation does not come painlessly. Neither does it come quickly. Contrasting, it comes tenderly and gradually. The same way a small child does not instantly appreciate the discipline of a wise parent, the world will not immediately appreciate the value of an authentic man or woman.

Do not be troubled by this reality, for in time this value will surely be realized. You just have to be committed to standing up for yourself even when you're standing alone — and there will be several instances when you are.


How does this all relate to living a life of purpose? Decisively everything we have discussed thus far is only possible if we have effectively established our unique purposes in life. In this regard, your life purposes (i.e. the distinct causes which collective constitute your purpose) are like tour guides. Their job is to guide you along the path which leads to your destiny.

As for me, I've walked this path in my life and have achieved awesome levels of fulfillment and success. From now, I want to share what I have learned by leaving behind breadcrumbs for others to follow. Therefore, the following pages of this book will speak to the aforementioned path of fulfillment and provide various life examples for both validation and understanding.

All things considered, everything in life is a choice (with the lone exception of physiological involuntary actions). Thus conclusively, if you choose to follow this path, I can make you the following guarantee — even though you will endure various seasons of grind and change, you will eventually acquire the greatest measures of fulfillment and success the world has to offer. That's my personal guarantee.

So if this pledge sounds like a good deal to you, keep reading this book. I'm going to show you how I got there and how you can get there too.

On the other hand, if you decide not to follow this path or some similar path, I can guarantee you the opposite. Regrettably you will fail to acquire the greatest measures of fulfillment and success while never realizing your true potential. Furthermore, you will still endure various seasons of grind and change.

Granted this is not the classic life-or-death scenario; not even close. However, the quality of your life is at stake. Thus the question of the hour is simply this — how much fulfillment and success are you prepared to leave on the table?


The majority of us will reach a point in our lives where we discover that we are not authentic reflections of the man or woman inside. As an ill-advised traveler, we've deviated from the beaten path and gotten lost.

All the same, course correction is not a difficult matter. All we need is a map. Enter: the Pinnacle of Purpose, a dedicated roadmap which provides purposeful direction along the path which leads to true you and concludes with the greatest allotment of fulfillment and success this life can afford.


Excerpted from Unlocking the Mystery of You by D. L. Anderson. Copyright © 2014 D. L. Anderson. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


INTRODUCTION The World's Greatest Mystery, xvii,
CHAPTER 1 For Once It's All About You, 1,
CHAPTER 2 Destiny and Fate, 13,
CHAPTER 3 Change, 23,
CHAPTER 4 Fulfillment and Success, 37,
CHAPTER 5 The Transition to Purpose, 47,
CHAPTER 6 Confidence, 65,
CHAPTER 7 Knowledge, 79,
CHAPTER 8 Judgment, 93,
CHAPTER 9 Work Ethic, 109,
CHAPTER 10 Focus, 129,
CHAPTER 11 Patience, 143,
CHAPTER 12 Peace, 167,

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