Virus Bomb: A Novel

Virus Bomb: A Novel

by D. Greg Scott
Virus Bomb: A Novel

Virus Bomb: A Novel

by D. Greg Scott


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An IT contractor stumbles upon a massive terror plot—and must come out from behind his keyboard to stop it.
Jerry Barkley has never worked for the government. An IT contractor from Minnesota, he knows nothing about international espionage. But now he’s on the front lines of the largest cyberattack in history—and nobody believes his warnings that an enemy is gathering data to plan a series of bombings and an act of biological warfare.
To make things worse, the FBI suspects he’s the attacker. Hundreds have already died in bombings and thousands more could be next—first from Ebola and then, potentially, from war with the wrong enemy. Facing willful ignorance and a hostile law-enforcement bureaucracy, Jerry is forced to take action. He has no choice but to leave his comfort zone, armed with nothing but his tech skills and his quick wits, and go face-to-face with elite foreign agents to shut the attack down.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781642791655
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
Publication date: 09/10/2019
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 272
Sales rank: 833,895
File size: 2 MB

About the Author

D. Greg Scott is a veteran of the tumultuous IT industry. Scott graduated from Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Indiana, with a double major of math and speech and earned an MBA from the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis. He started Scott Consulting and Infrasupport Corporation with a laser focus on infrastructure and security. He currently works for an enterprise software company and holds several IT industry certifications, including CISSP number 358671. Scott lives in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area with his wife, daughter, and two grandchildren.

Read an Excerpt



Rare Earth Metals open pit mine, near Ely, Minnesota, 4:07 p.m.

He tapped the send button and watched through binoculars from a safe distance. Nobody heard the cell phone at the top of the load in the explosives delivery truck vibrate. Nobody noticed the two wires attached to the vibrator, connected to a smaller wire to create a short circuit with each vibration cycle. And nobody within three hundred yards survived the detonation. The blast wave washed over him as he terminated the call. It was glorious.



Near Minneapolis, Minnesota, three months earlier:

Jerry Barkley pounded the conference room table. A few people in the row of office cubicles outside looked up. "I brought you guys into this deal for help-desk support. You wouldn't even be part of this if I hadn't called."

John Watson, POM Solutions sales manager, leaned back in his chair. "But now that we're involved, it was decided we'd be a better fit to take on the prime contractor role." He shifted forward. "But we need a technical resource, and you could fill that role."

Jerry leaned back. "And how would that work?"

"We'll sell the equipment and handle setup and day-to-day management. When we get into a situation we're unable to resolve, our escalation team will engage you."

"So, I'd be a subcontractor to you guys."

"Yes, but a valued one."

"And they'd buy all the equipment from you, not from me?"

"We can get better pricing. And you don't want the warranty hassles."

Jerry shifted forward and smacked his hands on the table. "That's a load of crap, and you know it."

John leaned back and interlocked his fingers behind his head. "Jerry, think about it. You're one guy who works out of his basement. You don't know anything about proposals and contracts. You can't take on a project this big. Nobody cares about your better mousetrap; they only want peace of mind. Which we offer."

Jerry rolled his eyes.

John put his hands in his lap. "They have truck terminals in, what, thirty-some states? And some in Canada? How would you deal with warranty issues? We have offices across the country, and we're a platinum reseller partner for everyone who's anyone in the IT industry."

"I architected it all out. Warranty issues and local presence isn't a big deal."

John shook his head. "Yes, it is. What happens when, say, Denver can't dispatch trucks because this box of yours is dead or their internet connection drops? What's your plan to get them back up and running? They want an SLA with a one-hour recovery."

"I covered all that. All I need is a help desk."

"You didn't cover any of it. Our techs laughed at your proposal draft." John looked at his watch.

"Got a hot date?"

John chuckled. "We recognize you worked hard bringing it this far. That's why we're offering to keep you on. Who knows, maybe our guys can teach you a few things. You know how many people would kill to be in your shoes?"

"You know how many outfits I could have brought in for help-desk support? I picked you guys, and you stab me in the back."

"Bottom line, we're bidding on this project. You can join our team or not. It's up to you." John interlocked his fingers behind his head again.

Jerry looked down and snickered. "Huh." He pushed himself out of his chair and walked away.

John swiveled. "Think about it, Jerry. As smart as you are, you're only one guy. How will you feed your family?"

Jerry stopped in the main office area and turned. "Same as always."

"You'll change your mind."

Jerry opened his mouth, and then grinned and shook his head. He turned and walked out of the office.

* * *

"How did your meeting go?" The tone in Lynn's voice said it all. Always the worrier. Jerry would cure her one day. But not tonight at dinner.

"They stabbed me in the back."

"How?" asked Lynn and Jerry's daughter, Anne. Anne and her two sons, Alex and Aaron, lived with Lynn and Jerry. Three generations under one roof.

"They want to cut me out of the deal and bid on it themselves."

"That sucks. Can't you sue 'em?"

"Even if I could, we'd be dead after all the time and legal fees. Oh. And here's the best part. They offered to use me for second-level support. They said I'm a good technical resource."

"You mean, like a real job?" Lynn asked.

"No, as a subcontractor. They dangled that carrot to smooth everything over. They'll call me to handle the tough issues. Which means they'll never call because they'd have to pay for my time."

Lynn put her fork down. "What are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna kick their butts."


"They'll do a conventional bid. Name-brand routers, dedicated telecom circuits, the whole works. They want to sell a bunch of expensive equipment. I'll use redundant Barkley firewalls and encrypted tunnels over the public internet. And automated monitoring and failover if anything breaks."

"Nice geek-speak, Dad. What's it mean in English?"

"It means my initial project cost will be about half everyone else's because it's all open source. I have redundancy everywhere and automation watching all of it. And my ongoing cost will be about twenty percent less than anyone else's. I'll cost a lot less than everyone else and do a better job."

"But you're just one person," Lynn said. "How do you compete with a company that big?"

"Same as always. By offering something better."

"Wouldn't it be easier to just get a real job?"

"I have a real job."

"You know what I mean. Alex and Aaron depend on us."

Alex poked his tongue through the new gap in his smile and handed a tooth to his grandpa. "It finally came out today."

"And Aaron tried to put it in his mouth," Anne said. "We're with you, Dad."

"Thanks. I might need your help."

"Put me on the help desk. How does this sound?" She put her hand to her ear, imitating a telephone conversation. "Reboot it. That should fix your problem."

Jerry laughed. Lynn looked down and scowled.



Brian Cox hurried past the sea of lockers lining the hallway at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Jefferson High School on his way to first-hour math, enduring daily taunts from jocks and farm boys in this forsaken wasteland. Every day, he endured a vulgar play on words relating his name to a forbidden act of perversion. And more torment.

"Yo, Muzzie, loosen up that dress shirt."

He clenched his fists.

"Hey, Cox, polish your shoes."

A few students laughed. Why did these beer-drinking jocks keep doing this, day after day? A few students entered the math classroom ahead.

Cheryl Samuels met him at the door, wearing her usual tight blue jeans and skimpy blouse. "Hey, Brian, that skull cap is a turn-on."

Brian stopped to let her through first. She started and then turned to face him, blocking his way.

More students gathered in the hall behind them.

Brian stared at her, unsure what to do, unsure where to focus his gaze. He couldn't talk to her like this. Why wouldn't she move? Father had told him to blend in and honor the Prophet. How was he supposed to do that with temptation like this?

After a few seconds, she ran her finger along Brian's ear and down to his chin. Brian's heart raced. Her perfume filled his mind and triggered thoughts he was not supposed to think. These feelings were forbidden. Several boys wearing JHS letter jackets laughed.

Brian turned away.

"Your loss," Cheryl said. She sashayed to her seat.

Hands shaking, heart pounding, Brian entered the classroom behind her. Other students followed.

"Hey, Muzzie," one of the letter jackets said, "she's talking to you."

Mr. Pedersen entered the classroom. "Take your seats, ladies and gentlemen. We have a lot to cover today."

"I have my eye on you," letter jacket said.

Brian tried to concentrate on today's calculus lesson and put Cheryl Samuels out of his mind.

* * *

"Work on chapter eleven, problems eight through ten," Mr. Pedersen said at the end of class. "And I'll see you tomorrow."

Brian stayed in his seat as the rest of the class filed through the door.

"Brian, you looked distracted this morning," Mr. Pedersen said after the last student left. "Everything okay?"

"I hate it here."

"I keep telling you, give it a chance. It might grow on you."

"It won't. Everyone in this school hates me. And I hate them."

"They don't hate you. You just look different than they do."

"Is that why they jeer at me in the hallway every day? Is that why they steal my books and write Muzzie on my locker?"

"No, they do that because they're stupid. You can be bigger than they are."

"And look what Cheryl Samuels does to me. My religion forbids me to talk to girls that way. I hate her most of all because of the way she flaunts herself at me."

"Can I let you in in a secret?"


"She puts a spell on every boy in here. It's not just you."

"How do you know?"

"I used to be eighteen."

"I wish my father never got that job out here. New York had everything."

"Didn't you say your dad got a promotion to move here?"

"He uprooted our whole family. Am I the only Muslim in this entire state? Back in New York, I had friends, and we could hang out at the mosque. Here — I don't have anybody."

"You've got me."

"You're not Muslim."

"No, I'm not. You and I are different. Doesn't matter to me. I told you last year after I met your parents that I'd help you get used to life in the Midwest."

"Why do you care?"

"You have a gift for math. That's why you're in my class. You could go a long way in this world. I like watching my students succeed."

Brian looked down.

"How's your email server coming along?"

"I found somebody online named Jerry who's helping me set it up. We've had a few chat sessions."

"You're the only student I ever met who took on building his own email server. You've got talent."

"It helps me stay in touch with my friends back in New York. I don't know what I'd do without them."

"There, see, you have friends everywhere."

"I guess so."

"This is your study hall period, right?"


"Okay. Here's a problem to help tame your hormones. It's trigonometry, not calculus, but you'll enjoy it."

"Okay ..."

"Reproduce how President Garfield proved the Pythagorean Theorem. Play around with that, and I'll give you extra credit for it."

* * *

It worked. After searching for "Garfield Pythagorean Theorem" with his cell phone, Brian spent the rest of his study hall period filling several sheets with trapezoids, equations, and right triangles connected point to point. As he marveled at the creativity behind this clever proof, Cheryl Samuels and her temptations faded away.

At least until the next class period.

"Hey, Cox, I heard Cheryl Samuels wants you," somebody in the school hallway said.

Another said, "Leave her alone, Muzzie, or I'll knock that cap right off your head."

On the way to his fourth period class, somebody knocked Brian's books out of his arms. A few students laughed while Brian picked up his books and papers from the floor.

Just look straight ahead. Ignore them. That's what Father told him every day. But how could he continue ignoring this daily torment? He would finish working on that Garfield proof during lunch.

Sitting alone at lunch, he took out his papers and worked on reproducing the proof. He drew the perpendicular triangles again, connected the vertices to form a trapezoid, and began writing the equations. It was marvelous.

Until somebody walked by and upturned Brian's milk container all over his papers. The jerk laughed and high fived his buddy.

Brian stood and shouted at their backs.

"What's wrong with you?"

The boy turned.

"Put your butt back in that chair, Muzzie, or I'll do it for ya."

"Just leave me alone."

"Last warning, Cox."

Brian sat. He fought back tears. Father said crying was a sign of weakness. He mouthed a silent prayer: "Allah, please protect me from these, these, infidels." Yes, that's what they were. They were infidels. They needed help. That was their problem. "Thank you, Allah."

The rest of the day was a blur as Garfield and history and English competed with Cheryl Samuels and hallway taunting. She didn't really want him. But maybe she did. But what about her letter-jacket boyfriends? What would they do if he responded to her? But no — those feelings were forbidden. Responding to her would violate too many teachings from the holy Quran. But she was teasing, trying to torture him by igniting these feelings. No. It was real. No. She was teasing. Even if it was real, such displays of affection are prohibited. She was a slut. She wasn't worth his time. But such a girl's body! The things he would do with her body. No. These thoughts, these feelings are forbidden.

The closing bell rang. Brian gathered his homework from his locker and walked outside toward the line of waiting buses. The spring air smelled sweet. Winter snowbanks were a fading memory and grass and trees were turning green again. He would only have to endure a few minutes sitting alone on the school bus and then freedom for the weekend.

"Hey, Muzzie!" shouted one of the letter jackets. "Is it time to kneel down on your magic carpet yet? Tell yer buddy Mohammed Ali I said to kiss off!"

Brian stopped and squeezed his eyes shut. Maybe if he squeezed his eyes hard enough, it would all go away. No. They went too far. They insulted the Prophet.

Somebody laughed, behind and to his left. He opened his eyes and turned. The whole world narrowed to letter-jacket's laughing face. Brian's heart raced. He closed his fists and swung wildly. Again. And again. And again. He swung his fists as fast as he could, lashing out at anything and everything. He made contact with something. It was soft.

A sharp pain exploded in his right ear. Something smashed his nose. He tasted blood. Now his right eye. And another blow landed on his chin. He stumbled backward. Arms grabbed him and pushed him forward. More blows to the face. Laughter, delirious laughter. Stumbling backward. More arms pushing him forward.

Brian mouthed a silent prayer: "Allah, help me win this battle for your honor!"

A blow to the stomach. He doubled over. Something sharp in the face. He stumbled backward. Now a blow to the back of his head. He pitched forward. The world turned vertical. The ground rushed up to meet him.

He floated in a black tunnel. Something felt cool and soft on his face. "What's going on here?" Sounds were muffled, far away. Grass, in his eyes, his mouth, and up his nose. He needed to breathe. He rolled onto his right side.

Vision came back. The world came into focus. Sounds were sharp again. He was alone. Kids ran in every direction, away from Mr. Pedersen who was walking toward him. Brian's right eye was tender and swollen. Blood streamed from his nose and pooled on the ground under his face. A wave of nausea swept through his guts.

"Let me help you up."

Brian staggered to his feet, shaking off the assistance. "I don't need help!" The world spun as he turned and threw up. The ground rushed to his head again and sticky school lunch remains pressed into his face. The smell was overpowering. He lifted his head and heaved again, this time soaking his pants.

"At least let's get you to the nurse's office and cleaned up," Mr. Pedersen said. "I'll get you a ride home."

"No!" shouted Brian.

"Who did this?"


"Kuffar, who is that?"

"They are all kuffar!"

"What does kuffar mean?" Mr. Pedersen asked.

"I'm not done with you, Muzzie!" shouted letter jacket from the student parking lot.

"You and I have an appointment with the principal tomorrow," Mr. Pedersen said to the bully. "What's wrong with you?"

Letter jacket climbed in his car and started the motor. "Up yours!" Tires screeched as his car rounded a corner, out of the parking lot, and down the school driveway. As he passed the bus area, he extended his arm and raised his middle finger. "You're mine, Muzzie!" The car roared down the school driveway.

"Brian, I am so sorry for what those jerks do to you," Mr. Pedersen said. "Not everyone here is like that. I'm going to make sure they feel consequences for this."

"They're all kuffar!" shouted Brian. He staggered to his feet and lurched toward his bus, blood still dripping from his nose. Tears mixed with the mud, blood, and vomit on his face. His white shirt was grass and mud and vomit stained. His pants were torn.

More than five hundred faces watched from school bus windows as Brian found his bus and climbed aboard. He rode home in silence.

"America calls itself the land of the free and the home of the brave," wrote Brian in a blog post later that night. "But it is really the land of the sluts and home of the bullies. Why do these farm boys always attack me? I only wish to live cleanly and worship Allah. America claims everyone has freedom of religion, but they persecute me at every turn."

Brian stopped writing and looked at himself in a mirror. After studying his thin arms, swollen and tender right eye, and torn clothes, he realized his mistake. He should never have taken that first swing. That was stupid. Farm boys who threw hay bales and letter jackets who threw tackles would always be physically stronger. He would beat them with his mind.

"I will have my revenge," he wrote. "My mind is stronger than their muscles. They will pay a thousand-fold for this day."

One day, Allah would have his revenge on all this rabble. And maybe, just maybe, Allah might see fit to allow Brian to help in this noble purpose. After all, does not Surah 5:45 of the holy book say: "And We ordained therein for them: 'Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal'"?


Excerpted from "Virus Bomb"
by .
Copyright © 2019 D. Greg Scott.
Excerpted by permission of Morgan James Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Sioux Falls Bullies,
Minister Meeting,
Bidders' Conference,
Evin Prison,
Making Connections,
Russian Roulette,
Allah on the Prairie,
Yet Another Rejection,
West Africa,
Spear Phishing,
Ebola in the Heartland,
A Fifty-Four-Hour Workday,
Digging Deeper,
The Teacher,
Summer Job,
Internet Virology,
Missing Truck,
For the Family,
MOA Recon,
Onion Layers,
To a Long and Healthy Life,
Red Tape Sunrise,
Mall of America,
Little Chicken Little,
Blood Sample,
Small World,
About the Author,

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