Walking the Believers Through to Be a Success in What They Ask from God
This book contains explanations and instructions that will successfully grant the believers to secure their asking from the Lord. It is specifically designed to provide and show to its readers that we must meet God's standards to be compensated for what we petition from him. The amplification found in this book's contents are meant to point toward the vital necessity of preparing those who are seeking God's providence and offer guidance through God's order so that the believer can richly review and embrace the evidence of what is desired from the Lord. If we will follow God's instructions written in this book, you will observe what you requested from God and the manifestation of it from the Lord along with the fulfilling of God's promised word found in Philippians 4:19, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Walking the Believers Through to Be a Success in What They Ask from God
This book contains explanations and instructions that will successfully grant the believers to secure their asking from the Lord. It is specifically designed to provide and show to its readers that we must meet God's standards to be compensated for what we petition from him. The amplification found in this book's contents are meant to point toward the vital necessity of preparing those who are seeking God's providence and offer guidance through God's order so that the believer can richly review and embrace the evidence of what is desired from the Lord. If we will follow God's instructions written in this book, you will observe what you requested from God and the manifestation of it from the Lord along with the fulfilling of God's promised word found in Philippians 4:19, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
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Walking the Believers Through to Be a Success in What They Ask from God

Walking the Believers Through to Be a Success in What They Ask from God

by Donnie McLeod
Walking the Believers Through to Be a Success in What They Ask from God

Walking the Believers Through to Be a Success in What They Ask from God

by Donnie McLeod


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This book contains explanations and instructions that will successfully grant the believers to secure their asking from the Lord. It is specifically designed to provide and show to its readers that we must meet God's standards to be compensated for what we petition from him. The amplification found in this book's contents are meant to point toward the vital necessity of preparing those who are seeking God's providence and offer guidance through God's order so that the believer can richly review and embrace the evidence of what is desired from the Lord. If we will follow God's instructions written in this book, you will observe what you requested from God and the manifestation of it from the Lord along with the fulfilling of God's promised word found in Philippians 4:19, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781466963917
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Publication date: 10/23/2012
Pages: 100
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.38(d)

Read an Excerpt


By Bishop Donnie McLeod

Trafford Publishing

Copyright © 2012 Dr. Bishop Donnie McLeod
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4669-6392-4

Chapter One

God's Demands for a Response When Making a Request

God has always demanded from those who trust in him that "thine WILL be done on Earth as it's in the heavens." This means that when we are seeking God to fulfill our desires, we should recall to our attention that God has a formula, and if followed, it'll bring us into covenant with God's divine will (God's desired purpose for us). And if God's WILL means "God's desired purpose for his people," then it'll produce the reality of our desirers and what we ask from him. It's not wrong for the believers to crave for prosperity, because the Bible says in 3 John 1:2: "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." Here we see God's desired WILL for the believers is first to be prosperous, in the things that concern his Kingdom (your duties and obligations unto God). Then we see another desired nature of God in John 3:2, where it says: "That thou Mayes prosper and be in good health." This desire of God is concerning some of the materialistic possessions on earth for his people. But when asking God to bring into existence our requisitions, we must understand that God has a divine plan and it's his desired nature that the believers acknowledge his plan and comply with it, applying it when asking God for the material things and making decisions and setting their goals in the world. The truth is, as God's embody mortals living on the earth. We fail to receive some of our petitions from God, and, in addition, we don't achieve our goals in life because we fail to follow God's directions to accomplish success on earth.

Proverbs 3:5, 6 gives to the believers a good example of God's desired will for their prosperity on earth: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thane own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shell direct thy paths." Following God's plan may be difficult for some of the believers, because we have gotten accustomed to traditions and book knowledge that we feel has prepared us to have the intellectual abilities to make our own decisions and set our own goals in life and reach them. This type of attitude of believers can result in failures, thus blocking them from receiving their desirers from God. I suppose that the "reality check" of the believers' rejection by God, of the ratification of their WILL (desires) and reaching their purposes on the earth, is that we don't incorporate our physical desires with God's principles, therefore failing to successfully attain the objectives in our life. God doesn't delight in denying his children their propositions, neither does he pleasure in his people's unsuccessfulness on earth. And this is why Jesus left directions based on his principles, directions that were meant to steer his people into the right directions when requesting God to provide our unmet needs and to be prosperous in the land. We need to be steered in the right directions based upon God's standards when asking God to supply to us the materialistic things according to his WILL. We should first associate our substantial will (desire) with God's principles, that is, God's will for his children. The bringing together of the believers' will and connecting it with God's Word puts the man or woman of God in covenant with him and prepares them, to adjust to God's laws based on his declarations while applying his values to satisfy the natural pleasures of this life. It will result in prosperity for God's people living on the earth. The following scripture from Psalm 37:3-5 will aid the believers, when requesting from God to provide for them the necessities in the land. "Trust in the Lord, and do good so shall thou dwell in the land and verily thou shall be fed. Delight thyself also in the lord and he, shall give thee the desirers of thane heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him and he will bring it to pass." Relating these scriptures will serve as a guide in helping the believers to a rich and prosperous life on earth, if God's WILL is to be ratified for his people based on: "Thy WILL be done on Earth, as it's in the Heavens." What procedures are to be undertaken and presented between our earthly desires and God's desired WILL for us on earth? A good solution for the believers' question stated above, in regards to their natural will merging with God's heavenly WILL so that the reality of what they ask from God will be revealed on earth ... is that the implementation of God's tools and following God's instructions based on his standards, will justify the realism of God's children's asking, because using the tools of God's, based on his standards, merely indicates, that the believer who will interact with God's word and cooperating it, when we are seeking God to respond to whatever our needs might be. Complying with God's principles and putting them into action will bring forth the results of what we proposed God for, because God delights in responding to those who acknowledge his standards. The true definition to the word respond in a righteous sense is getting God to react and meet our physical needs on earth based on his WILL for us. God's WILL for his people is for them to allow him to guide them so that they might access his resources by using the following instruments: faith, trust, confidence, hope. The believers who exercise these four personalities of God will quickly be convinced that they are the activating forces that move God to respond and grant his people's substantial requirements. Why are these characteristics of God so vital? Attributes such as faith, trust, confidence, and hope are the sparks that ignite a reply from God. Let's look at the definitions and discuss the facts as to why these four attributes are so commanding while networking with God to make available the material things from his resources. 1. God's Word points out to the believers in Romans 4:2 that the believer of God can only receive his providence by acting upon faith. Hebrew 11:1 also reminds us to have faith when petitioning God to provide for us the resources on the earth: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." 2. Trust which has the same meaning as faith, and when believers are seeking him for his availabilities, then trust should be a support to faith as: "The reliance on the intention and ability of one to comply with his promise, to provide us with the assets of his possessions." To confirm, why Trust should be an assistance for our Faith, on the basics of the dependence, on the purpose and capacity of God, to act in accordance with his agreement, and to supply us with the means of his benefits. Philippians 4:19 says, "But my God shall supply all your need accordingly to his riches in glory, by Christ Jesus." But God will not furnish the materialistic possessions for his people if they don't allow themselves to escort reliance as a backup to their faith. 3. Confidence, which means, to be sure of receiving what you are asking and trusting God for. 4. Hope: I view hope as a severing factor for faith, trust, and confidence, putting a seal on them and empowering them to withstand the disappointments and negativities that Satan inflicts upon the people of God while waiting on God to endorse them their request. Hope is sited as being indestructible to the impute of Satan's uncertainty and discouragement against our applications to God. HOPE keeps the believers' focus on the invisible availabilities of God becoming a reality. A summary of faith, trust, confidence, and hope and the role they play in getting a reaction from God, when petitioning him for his providence, is based on my own personal experience. Suddenly, I was stricken with a fatal sickness and hospitalized. At one point, it appeared that I wouldn't survive my illness. I had to be attended to and cared for 24/7. I was in such severe pain, and I realized that if I was going to recover from this illness, then my petition to God for my healing must be accompanied with faith, trust, confidence, and hope. I put these four qualities of God to the test. In this order, I approached the resources of God and asked him for the healing of my body and to restore my original physical condition that was stolen from me by Satan. Following my plea unto God, I included faith as the substance of my hope, trust as acknowledging God that he would justify my proposal presented before him, confidence to serve as a total verification for my faith, and hope for a sustaining strength so that I would focus on the invisible things to become a reality. By using these tools of God and properly associating them for a support to my proposition before him, I am now healed from that fatal sickness and have regained my strength completely.

The Believers' Spiritual Warfare against the Demonic Forces of Evil So That Their Petition to God Will be Approved on Earth.

For the believers to reach their full potential for the ratification of their proposal from God, I feel that it's very crucial for the author to help guide the believers in getting to the point in reference to what to expect from Satan and what ingredients to be implemented into the people of God's application. When asking God to meet our mortal needs, the man or woman of God should understand that along with our requests there automatically emerge multidimensional demonic forces of evil. Let us review Job 1:6: "Now there was a day when the sons of God's came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them." We should consider very carefully the word in present in Job 1:6. When we look at the word present and its natural definition, it means to offer up something for consideration. Here, in Job 1:6, too it means for the believer in a spiritual sense, such that when the sons of God came to present themselves before God with the intentions of offering up their appeals to him, for God to fulfill their physical needs, they encountered the evil forces of darkness. To get more information on the subject of demonic forces and their awkwardness to the believers' proposals unto God, it'll be necessary for the readers to follow me on an ancient biblical tour. We'll begin with the origin and find out as to why Satan confronts the people of God and fights against them when they ask of God's providence. This was simply the fact, that, cost Satan (Lucifer) and the angels that he had deceived (lied to) to form and bring into existence a Dualism between him and God. This dualism (twofold) that Satan developed among himself and God was born out of deception and envy, because God possessed the ability and power to pleasure his angels who honored and worshipped him. The Bible says in Isaiah 14:13-14: "For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation, in the sides of the North. I will ascend above the heights of the world. I will be like the Most High."

But God knew Satan's deceitful scheme against him. God defeated him and the angels that followed him, and threw them out of his kingdom, thus winning over Satan. Satan now wants to retaliate and reimburse God through his earthly individuals. And one of the many ways that Satan attempts to even the score with God is to oppose the believers' petitions when presented unto God. So it's very crucial for the people of God to be briefed accordingly of the techniques that Satan will use to prevent the manifestations of God's promises to come to pass in their lives. This is why according to 1 Peter 5:8, "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." Knowing the way Satan operates when we present our proposals to God will prepare the man or woman of God to arm themselves against Satan's strategy and win the battle against him thus receiving from God their offered-up proposal. To further the readers' knowledge and to better establish my case against Satan and how he purposes to resist the individuals of God's petitions, we'll investigate some biblical records of God's people who encountered Satan and his demonic forces and their resistance to the God's people's requests, for his heavenly resources, to be awarded on earth. We'll begin by looking into the files of our High Priest, Jesus Christ our Lord. Matthew 4:1-10 says, "Jesus was led into the wilderness by the spirit, to be tested by the devil." Since Satan totally understood the actuality of the promises of Jesus to materialize, he presented Jesus with three consistently false propositions. But Jesus, being entirely aware of Satan's method, armed himself with the written Word to serve as a powerful weapon, even to the pulling down of the stronghold of the devil. Jesus allowed himself to be examined by Satan to prove the fact that he was God Almighty dwelling in the human form. But being God, existing in the nature body, God had given him power to sustain his physical appearance, to deny Satan's deceptive proposition and fulfill the prophecy of old, and to accompany the will of his father by paying the ultimate price out on Calvary for the sins of the world. We, as the children of God, have every right to receive from God our petitions, that which are agreeable to his will. I believe that the secret things belong to God, but his assets in heaven belong to his people and their children forever.

But one thing is for certain: the people are to interact with God, through prayers and supplications, for God's possessions to be transformed in the material form. This fact is established and should be taking into consideration, by the believers, that we're engaged in a spiritual warfare against a vast army of demonic angels who evidently exercised their free will and chose to resist their God and Creator. And that army of falling demonic angels who war with the believers has one master over them, and John Devine refers to him in the book of Revelation 12:13-17 as the Great Dragon ... the Serpent of old, the devil and Satan.

Chapter Two

The Purpose of Satan's Contrariness and Opposition to Defeat the Believers' Application to God

"Satan desired to sit on God's throne but was overpowered by God because of his deception and envy against God. This created a rift between God and Satan. Adam was created by God and out of Adam's ribs was created the woman; they were then both placed in the Garden of Eden. God gave them principles that weren't to be violated. This set the stage for the original sin, for Satan's unwise revenge, for God's triumph over him; this was Satan's deceiving plan to rule over the heavens and earth. Satan began his deceiving plan to repay God by presenting his evil plan to Eve, in turn causing Adam to fall short of God's standards. This resulted in the fall of Adam and Eve, thus bringing sin into the world. Those who would accept Jesus would have to spiritually compete against Satan and his army of multidimensional demonic forces" in order to possess God's promises that God desires his people to receive. Satan continued his fight against God through humanity; he presented his second conceivable plan to Cain. Genesis 4:3-5 says, "And in the process of time, it came to pass, that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground, to the Lord, and Abel, brought also, of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering. But he didn't respect Cain, and his offering, and Cain was very angry and his countenance fell."

Here, we see Satan in his full envy, embodying Cain to oppose his brother Abel's offering unto God. Let's analyze Satan's trickery that moved Cain to resent Abel's offering and killed him. First, Satan services Cain to compete with his brother's offering (Gen. 4:3-4), then Satan deceived Cain to express a jealousy toward Abel's offering unto God and Cain, being enticed by the devil. Cain warred against his brother, Abel, and murdered him. Genesis 3:8 at, this point, we see an offering that was offered up to God, out of obedience, and for the purpose of God's heavenly resources and its favorite on earth. We, as a people of God, need to understand that when we ask God for something, Satan starts devised plans to oppose us or hinder God's plans. To confirm this, we need an insight to Satan's techniques. When we petition God for an earthly providence, we engage ourselves into a spiritual warfare against Satan and his demonic forces of evil. Allow us to review what God said in Proverbs 4:5: "Get wisdom, get understanding forget it not, neither decline from the words of my mouth."


Excerpted from WALKING THE BELIEVERS THROUGH TO BE A SUCCESS IN WHAT THEY ASK FROM GOD by Bishop Donnie McLeod Copyright © 2012 by Dr. Bishop Donnie McLeod. Excerpted by permission of Trafford Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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