Title: Alexander Hamilton: The Making of America #1, Author: Teri Kanefield
Title: Building a New Nation: An Interactive American Revolution Adventure, Author: Allison Lassieur
Title: From Colonies to Country: 1735-1791 (A History of US Series #3), Author: Joy Hakim
Title: George Washington, Spymaster: How the Americans Outspied the British and Won the Revolutionary War, Author: Thomas B. Allen
Title: Give Me Liberty!: The Story of the Declaration of Independence, Author: Russell Freedman
Title: In the Shadow of Liberty: The Hidden History of Slavery, Four Presidents, and Five Black Lives, Author: Kenneth C. Davis
Title: King George: What Was His Problem?, Author: Steve Sheinkin
Title: Paul Revere's Ride, Author: Xavier W. Niz
Title: The Boston Massacre, Author: Michael Burgan
Title: The Boston Tea Party, Author: Matt Doeden
Title: The British Are Coming!: The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, Author: Nancy Golden
Title: The Colonists Revolt: An Interactive American Revolution Adventure, Author: Matt Doeden
Title: The Notorious Benedict Arnold: A True Story of Adventure, Heroism & Treachery, Author: Steve Sheinkin
Title: The Split History of the American Revolution (Perspectives Flip Book Series), Author: Michael Burgan