Title: Other Worlds: Notions of Self and Emotion among the Lohorung Rai, Author: Charlotte Hardman
Title: Warrior Gentlemen: 'Gurkhas' in the Western Imagination, Author: Lionel Caplan
Title: Haunted by the Archaic Shaman: Himalayan Jhakris and the Discourse on Shamanism, Author: H. Sidky
Title: In the Circle of the Dance: Notes of an Outsider in Nepal, Author: Katharine Bjork Guneratne
Title: Moral Knowing in a Hindu Sacred City: An Exploration of Mind, Emotion, and Self, Author: Steven Parish
Title: Handling Death: The Dynamics of Death Rituals and Ancestor Rituals Among the Newars of Bhaktapur, Nepal, Author: Niels Gutschow