Title: Power of Words: Cultivating Words for the Supernatural, Anointing, Impartation, Mantle, Activation, Author: Dr. Eva S. Benevento
Title: God's Generals: Why They Succeeded and Why Some Fail (Spiritual Biographies of Smith Wigglesworth, Aimee Semple McPherson, William J. Seymour, and Kathryn Kuhlman), Author: Roberts Liardon
Title: God's Generals: Healing Evangelists (Spiritual Biographies, Including Oral Roberts, Lester Sumrall, Charles and Frances Hunter, George Geffreys, and F. F. Bosworth), Author: Roberts Liardon
Title: Finis Jennings Dake: His Life and Ministry, Author: Leon Bible
Title: David du Plessis and the Assemblies of God: The Struggle for the Soul of a Movement, Author: Joshua R. Ziefle
Title: Brother Tony's Boys / Edition 1, Author: Mike Echols
Title: About My Father's Business: The Life of Elder Michaux, Author: Lillian A. Webb