Title: The 272: The Families Who Were Enslaved and Sold to Build the American Catholic Church, Author: Rachel L. Swarns
Title: In Rome We Trust: The Rise of Catholics in American Political Life, Author: Manlio Graziano
Title: A Liberalism Safe for Catholicism?: Perspectives from the Review of Politics, Author: Daniel Philpott
Title: Recovering American Catholic Inculturation: John England's Jacksonian Populism and Romanticist Adaptation, Author: Lou F. McNeil
Title: Catholics in America: A History / Edition 1, Author: Patrick W. Carey
Title: Transformation of American Catholicism: The Pittsburgh Laity and the Second Vatican Council, 1950-1972, Author: Timothy Kelly
Title: Many Tongues, One Faith: A History of Franciscan Parish Life in the United States, Author: David J. Endres
Title: Roman Sources for the History of American Catholicism, 1763-1939, Author: Matteo Binasco
Title: Horizons of the Sacred: Mexican Traditions in U.S. Catholicism, Author: Timothy Matovina
Title: Fathers on the Frontier: French Missionaries and the Roman Catholic Priesthood in the United States, 1789-1870, Author: Michael Pasquier
Title: American Catholic History: A Documentary Reader, Author: Mark  Massa
Title: The Catholic Experience in America, Author: Joseph A. Varacalli
Title: Catholic Revivalism: The American Experience, 1830-1900, Author: Jay P. Dolan