Title: Writing London: The Trace of the Urban Text from Blake to Dickens, Author: J. Wolfreys
Title: William Blake on Self and Soul, Author: Laura Quinney
Title: Rural Life in Eighteenth-Century English Poetry, Author: John Goodridge
Title: Newton Demands the Muse: Newton's Opticks and the Eighteenth Century Poets, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: Blake and Modern Literature, Author: E. Larrissy
Title: Poetry And The Feminine From Behn To Cowper, Author: Jennifer Keith
Title: The Reception of Ossian in Europe, Author: Howard Gaskill
Title: Visionary Materialism in the Early Works of William Blake: The Intersection of Enthusiasm and Empiricism, Author: M. Green
Title: Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry, Author: Noel Jackson
Title: William Blake and the Daughters of Albion, Author: H. Bruder
Title: Blake and Homosexuality, Author: C. Hobson
Title: Ideology and Utopia in the Poetry of William Blake, Author: Nicholas M. Williams
Title: Essays on Pope, Author: Pat Rogers
Title: Strange Fits of Passion: Epistemologies of Emotion, Hume to Austen, Author: Adela Pinch
Title: The Alternative Trinity: Gnostic Heresy in Marlowe, Milton, and Blake, Author: A. D. Nuttall
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Title: Reading, Writing, and Romanticism: The Anxiety of Reception, Author: Lucy Newlyn
Title: The Apocalypse in England: Revelation Unravelling, 1700-1834, Author: C. Burdon
Title: The Muses of Resistance: Laboring-Class Women's Poetry in Britain, 1739-1796, Author: Donna Landry
Title: Conversing with Antiquity: English Poets and the Classics, from Shakespeare to Pope, Author: David Hopkins

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